Shattered Circle (5 page)

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Authors: Linda Robertson

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Urban, #Contemporary, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Shattered Circle
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I moved to step around her.

She blocked me.

“I have to go, Ivanka. I’ll come straight back afterward.”

“Return to your quarters.”

Setting my stance and unlocking my knees, I said,
“Make me, if you dare.” I lifted one hand and wiggled my fingers. “But be warned: I set the Domn Lup of the wærewolves on his ass with my hands. I defeated Liyliy with my hands. You”—I looked her up and down—“don’t stand a chance. Not even with a gun.”

Her mouth opened, then shut.

“Move aside.”

She retreated one step, out of reach, but angled into my path. “I wish to not lose rank.”

“You won’t.” I brushed past her. She wisely didn’t try to stop me. As I climbed the steps and headed for the entrance, however, she was right behind me.

“I go with you, to ensure your return.”

“Not necessary.”

“I go anyway.”

I stopped and spun. “No. This is private.”

“Menessos would not want you outside of haven unprotected.”

I wiggled my fingers at her again. “I’ll be okay.”

Being assertive like this was a double checkmark in the plus column. One, because it made me feel good about myself. Two, because affirming my power to someone else reinforced it to me.

As I rounded the turn near the old ticket booth across the lobby from the entrance, an older man with a cane rammed through the plywood-covered door.

Beau. His eyes locked on me and he barreled right toward me. This Bindspoken witch was the owner of Wolfsbane and Absinthe, the local pagan supply shop. He wore his trademark plaid flannel with the sleeves rolled up to expose the white thermal underwear beneath. The cigar perched at the corner of his mouth was also
typical of him. However, his hurried, irritated gait and the lowered position of his bushy white eyebrows weren’t.

He pointed at me. “It’s all your fault!”

The anger in his accusation hit me like a slap. “What’s my fault?”

He stomped faster in my direction, but was still slow because of his prosthetic leg.

Even so, I had to fight the instinct to back up. “What’s wrong?”

He shouted, “William is catatonic!”

William was his son, and also a wærewolf. Somehow, he’d gotten too close to a witch doing magic and it caused him to go into a partial shift. He’d been stuck that way for a long time, housed and cared for in the upper floors of the local pack’s den. When I’d done the forced-change spell for Johnny and his men, Beau had asked that William be included.

Since Beau had given me a powerful charm that had saved my life, I owed him a favor. I’d agreed to have William in the spell. Someone from the den had sedated the wild, half-formed creature in order to move him and keep him still during the spell. He’d transformed fully into a wolf like everyone else. The fact that he had been drugged beforehand meant that when he did not regain consciousness after the transformation, I wasn’t alarmed.

“I thought that spell was supposed to give them their man-minds,” Beau growled, still advancing, “but somehow it took his away!” He wasn’t slowing down to just verbally confront me. He was a freight train about to run me over.

Suddenly, Ivanka shot forward, grabbed his arm, and thumped her cast across his chest in restraint. “Keep back.”

“The man-mind doesn’t come until the next regular cyclical change,” I explained. That was how it worked with the others. But then the others hadn’t been mindless beasts for years prior to the spell.

Beau struggled with Ivanka and drew his cane up as if to cudgel her. Even with a broken arm, she was dangerous.

Both were distracted.

I made for the front doors and the last thing I heard as I pushed through them was Beau shouting, “You’ll pay for this, Persephone Alcmedi!”

My escape revealed, I sprinted away.

Living in a haven is like living in a movie theater; sometimes when you emerge, the brightness of the world is stunning. Sure, it was presently an average afternoon in late November, but the waning light on the buildings opposite pierced my retinas like high beams. I nearly ran over an elderly black woman. Shouting back my apologies, I ran east on Euclid Avenue, squinting and sometimes pushing my way along the sporadically crowded sidewalk.

If the complaints rising from behind me were any indication, Ivanka was pursuing me with more intent than was socially acceptable. So, I jumped in the nearest cab and gave the driver the address of the coffee shop.

Out the back window I saw Ivanka stop on the sidewalk, her cheeks flushed in anger, and she shouted something in Russian I didn’t understand.

Settling into my seat, I tried to take in Beau’s news.

William is catatonic.

The spell could not have taken his mind, but then it
after that spell that Johnny had tried to kill me. I thought back, recalling my wording, considering the placement of the candles, the stones. I analyzed every detail but could not identify a misspoken phrase or anything that was obviously out of place. I could look at the charts, compare planetary positions of the first spell to the second, but I doubted that would make this kind of difference.

That was the only plan I had when I arrived at the coffee shop. Since I’d taken a cab instead of walking, I was early and there was time to talk to the girls before Johnny arrived.

Inside, Mandy looked up from the netbook she had behind the counter and grinned. “Hey, Seph! What are you doing downtown?”

“Meeting a friend here. How’ve you been?”

She flashed her name badge at me.

“Manager? You got promoted!”

“Yeah. Just last week. Like a show, the business must go on.”

The witch who formerly owned this shop had abruptly disappeared. I knew more about that situation than I ever wanted anyone to know, so I meekly nodded and said, “Congratulations.” Besides working here, Mandy was an apprentice witch who gave some of her free time to Venefica Covenstead as a volunteer secretary. She was a good kid, a college freshman, and she deserved the advancement.

“So what can we get you?”

“Spiced cider.” While she rang me up on the register another girl stepped away to make my drink.

Mandy handed me my change.

I leaned in closer. “Can you get astrological charts online on your computer?”

“Of course!”

“Could I possibly compare a couple dates?”

“Sure.” She started typing. “I’ll log into the astrology subscription the Covenstead maintains. What date did you want to look at?”

Goddess, she talked so fast it was easy to think she must have been drinking double shots of espresso. I told her the two dates in question.

She typed and handed over the little netbook before the cider was finished. “You can take this to your seat and check it out. I have to fill out an inventory list anyway. The first tab is the first date, the second tab is the second date. Who are you meeting?” The last question was accompanied by a sly little smile.

“Thanks. Oh, Johnny. He should be here in a bit.”

Her eyes widened. “I thought it might be him. Wow! The Domn Lup in my shop? He’s
handsome, you’re so lucky, you know that? Oh hey, will he have an entourage? You know, like the president?”

My head spun at the speed of her questions. “I hope not.” That hadn’t even crossed my mind.
Were his closest people now his secret service, listening in on his conversations with me?

“Don’t make a fuss over him, okay?”

The other girl handed me the cider.

Mandy said, “Oh. Sure. Wærewolf King of the World, local rock star, and boyfriend of the Lustrata. Of course I’ll treat him like he’s a regular guy.”


t three forty-six in the afternoon, Johnny pulled up to the parking garage of the Cleveland Cold Storage (CCS) building. Before losing cell phone reception he’d texted Red to let her know he’d be ten minutes late. Sunday traffic had been light and he’d made good time returning from upstate New York, but he still had a few things to do before he saw her. Getting a shower was on the top of that list.

The huge old building, formerly an ice house, now served as the den of the Cleveland-area wærewolves. He had a parking spot near the elevator, but with the sense of urgency he currently felt, he steered the Maserati right in front of the lift and threw it into park.

He retrieved his gym bag from the trunk and got on the elevator to the ninth floor, where an apartment for esteemed guests was located. He could clean up there before heading to the coffee shop.

With a quiet
the lift halted and the doors rolled back. He stepped into the hallway, but the sound of footfalls in the stairwell made him hesitate. Someone was hurrying up the steps. Someone wearing heels.

In seconds, Aurelia’s gorgeous and leggy self burst into view. Having managed the climb in inappropriate shoes, she was surprisingly not out of breath. However, her short skirt had ridden up and Johnny couldn’t help noting the muscular flex of her thighs. As he forced his
gaze upward, over her low V-neck blouse and onto the perfection of her face, she flicked her long blond hair behind her shoulder and smiled, altering her walk to a more seductive gait. “That must have been some drive,” she said sweetly. “You couldn’t even answer your phone.” She’d been calling him every fifteen minutes for the last several hours.

“You could have left a message.”

She drew close. “You and I were supposed to celebrate.” The way she articulated the last word left no doubt that she meant a celebration of the naked and sweaty kind.

He said nothing, but repeated silently,
Remember, you’re on your way to talk to Red.

“Were you even going to stop in your office, sire?”

“No. I have to—”

“Are you avoiding me?”

“I have to get a shower and—”

“Oh.” Her smile broadened. “Would you like someone to scrub your back?”

You’re in a hurry to see Red.
“I’ll manage.”

She pouted. It was entirely, adorably sexual. “Are you sure?”

Johnny turned on his heel.
Cold shower. Cold, cold, cold shower.

Behind him he heard a frustrated sigh. “So . . . where have you been?” Her tone was on the verge of demanding.

Let her be pissed. What she wants she can’t have.
He kept walking and gave her a flat-toned answer. “Away.”

“Yes, we all noticed the newly announced Domn Lup drove an old woman home and didn’t come back.” Her
scornful sarcasm was not hidden. When he didn’t respond she instructed, “Bathe fast. The
will be here in twenty minutes.”

In pack hierarchy, the
was a pack leader, the
was an area bean counter who kept tabs on the
, and a
was the region’s next step up, serving a function that was part outreach, part campaign manager, part lawyer, and part CEO. They had an incredible amount of authority where local packs and politics were concerned.

Johnny spun back. “The

Aurelia nodded.

After negotiations went south between the pack and the Ohio Department of Transportation, or ODOT, who wanted to buy and tear down the den building for their new I-90 project, a dossier had been sent to the
requesting intervention.

Johnny had opted out of the recent meetings, leaving the dilemma to Todd, who would become the pack’s
after Johnny’s coronation. They had all believed the issue would be resolved after the new year. “I thought he wasn’t coming until January?”

“ODOT and the mayor are very serious about their new compensation package.” She advanced on him again. “They demanded mediation to obtain an immediate decision, and demanded it directly of the
leaving us out of the loop.”

“Bastards. Did the
’s office contact us?”

only learned of this a few hours ago.” She crossed her arms, enhancing the bulge of her cleavage. “Seems they didn’t want to overwhelm you prior to or during your official announcement. According to them, the mediation
was scheduled for next week, but ODOT called them with the change at one thirty. The
immediately chartered a plane, which . . . ” Her words trailed off as she checked her watch. “ . . . should have landed by now.”

Johnny turned back toward the apartment. “Get Todd in here. He has to handle it.”

“You’re the Domn Lup.”

Stopping, Johnny squared his shoulders before facing her again. “And I have another meeting scheduled—one I don’t intend to miss. Besides, this will be Todd’s pack in a few weeks, so let him handle it how he wants.”

expects you.”

Of course he did. The Domn Lup was a power title. Johnny knew that his attendance at the meeting would give the wæres more credibility, more leverage.

This was part of the reason why he didn’t want to be Domn Lup. It wasn’t solely about grown-up choices and people looking to him for answers he wasn’t sure he had. This song and dance was about politics and etiquette. Every meeting would be tainted with a false spotlight meant to illuminate the idea that those involved were important, and that important people made decisions that were good for all. However, the agreements politicians reached were never brought to bear by the politicians themselves. Not getting their hands dirty with the real work meant the ruling class was out of touch with the reality of the decrees they made. Johnny wanted to change that. He wanted to shake things up and bring some rock-and-roll irreverence into play.

“Fuck him,” he said, and walked away. Talking about a problem didn’t fix it, work did. They would get his presence and full support when they were ready to

He was three steps from the door when Aurelia’s voice sliced down the hall like a razor. “This is how you intend to lead? Ignoring one of the six U.S.
when he’s come to negotiate for your pack’s den?”

Again, he stopped, but this time he didn’t turn. All he wanted to do was go and make things right with Red and tell her about Evan. But that was his heart talking. His mind knew he couldn’t abandon the pack like this. It was their
. If they lost it because he’d skipped out on them . . .

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