Shattered Heart (14 page)

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Authors: Carol May

BOOK: Shattered Heart
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Chapter 26

It’s been a little over two weeks since I officially moved into Houston’s penthouse. I’ve been there most nights for months, well the months he was in town, but now the penthouse at Dade 303 is my home, our home. I really can’t describe what those two words do to me, our home. How they make me feel. There was a time when, I thought I would never be able to live on my own again, much less share a home with someone. When I think of Houston Donovan as being my someone I get a warm feeling all over. I still haven’t researched him. There is nothing floating around out in cyber space that I want to know. Smiling, I pull my necklace out from under my silk blouse and toy with the heart pendant. What I know is right here in my heart, my beating heart. I know that he has been running Highland Diversified from his Miami office for the past couple of weeks. He has been here for me since what I have come to refer to as “the attack of the vultures” but I know that can’t last much longer. I dread the time that is quickly coming when he will fly off to visit another of his major corporate offices. The last couple of days, I’ve picked up on some very subtle hints about me going with him. Just the thought of that causes my pulse to race. My comprehension of the accident is still lacking. How can I make him understand, I can’t go with him because of something that happen ten years ago? That’s a conversation for another day. Leaning back in my new office chair that Lana and Joan surprised me with this morning, I must admit it is good to be back at Supreme Corporate Travel. No matter how connected I stayed during my work from home it wasn’t the same. All the video chatting, working in real time on with Lana or retrieving info from the cloud is just not the same as sitting behind my desk in my office. It is good to sit at my desk and to actually feel a part of the SCT family. Well, as much as you can feel a family when you are a family of three. I know how that feels both in my real family and my work family, to be part of a trio. Strange number for me to associate with families, three.  Hmm, Is my family really three or is H a part of it? Then it is four. I wonder what he would say if I ask him, “Do you consider us family?” Smiling, I can hear him in my head, “Baby, what the hell? Of course we’re family. Then he would pull me into his arms.

I was lost in thinking about what we would be doing with our bodies when I hear a noise. Glancing over at the door, Lana is standing there just looking at me. “Lana did you just clear your throat to get my attention?” Shaking her head at me. “Girl, you got it bad. Yes. I came in here to see if you are about ready for lunch? What I find is you staring off into space with that goofy smile that I recognize.”

“Ok smarty, what goofy smile are you talking about?”

“It’s that smile you get when you are in love. It also tells me you weren’t focusing on that open folder right in front of you. Course if I had what you have waiting for you tonight then I’d have that smile too.  Hey, I want us to zip over to a little sandwich shop on Ocean that I found last week. I didn’t tell you about it did I?” Pushing back from my desk, I say, “No. You’ve been holding out on me.” “Just wait till you try one of their Specials piled high with… What in the world is that playing? Is that your phone?”

“Don’t roll your eyes at me Lana. Yes, that’s my phone it’s Houston’s text tone. I’ll check it in a minute. That place on Ocean Drive sounds good to me.” Turning to walk out of my office, I hear her say “Sure, you’ll check it in a minute. Yeah, that minute is about up.”

How’s ur day?


U’ve worked some?

Yes, accomplished lots, actually.


Working toward world domination

Lucky worl

Going out for lunch?

I knew it! You’re checking on me. Yes going with Lana somewhere on Ocean.

Kirk is out front. He’ll drive you. No discussion.

Alright. Did u notice, no discussion.

Good girl.

I don’t like being a good. Remember?

Stop. I have work I must do.

I could come to you and be bad.

Missing my mid-day “feast of u”

Baby! UR Killing me.              

Finding a good stopping place, we head to lunch. Lana turns to head to the front but stops when I say, “Kirk is out back waiting.” Predictable as ever, Lana rolls her eyes saying “Kirk?” just about the time she raises her hand in some weird questioning gesture. Joan says, “Ah, actually he is in the spare office we’re using for storage. I believe he is on his laptop or something like that.”

Lana being Lana making a smart remark, “You’ve heard of the old movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, well we’ve got Invasion of Houston’s Men right here in our office.  He must have heard us because Kirk stepped out of the spare room, “Mam.” Acknowledging him I say “Kirk, we want to eat at a sandwich place over on Ocean.”

“Yes Mam.” Walking to the back door, he hesitates before he opens it and says, “Give me a couple of minutes to check things and get her started.” Smiling, I nod. “Ok.”

Lana looks at me with big eyes, she says “Mother of Mercy! Get her started? Did he just really say that? Ah, he can start me anytime! Charli, Is the requirement to work for Houston that all his men must be hotter than sin?” Laughing as we walk out the back door, H’s signature navy blue Mercedes rolls to a stop. Kirk gets out as Lana reaches for the door but I stop her. Leaning over to her I whisper, “I’ve learned one thing, they don’t like it when I open the door. I think it’s a male thing. Just wait.” Quickly enclosed in the back of the car, we speed off to lunch. I’m sure he used some navigation system but Kirk took us to Lana’s shop on Ocean without one wrong turn. It’s good to be with Lana, be out in the city and enjoying my freedom. We’re joking about the way several tourist are dressed when Houston sends me another text. Lana just looks at me and laughs when my ring tone plays.

Your kisses lift me higher, Like the sweet song of a choir
You light my morning sky, With burning love.

“Whaaat? It’s Houston. It’s a joke between us.”

Giving me a you’ve got it bad look all she said was, “Joke, right. It better be Houston. That’s all I’ve got to say.”

“Who else in the world would it be?”             

We sat in silence enjoying our sub sandwiches.

“Just one more question, Charli. Then I promise not to say anything else.”

“OK, what?”

Did you have to select
Burning Love

Almost choking on my drink, I looked at Lana, “How do you know this song? It is old.”

Yep, it’s old alright. I learned it from my Grandmother. She used to play it all the time when I would stay with her. We would dance around her living room and sing it at the top of our lungs. Apparently, it was hers and my Grandfather’s song.”

“Well, just goes to show you, I’ve got good taste.”

“Yeah, have you seen that man you are living with? What was it, liquid gold? liquid sex? No, maybe it was liquid gold sex? Hum?”

Covering my red face with both my hands, I just shook my head refusing to make any comments. It was really nice to be able to move through my day without having one of the vultures following me. I suppose some scandal involving some notorious celebrity has broke and boring little me has been dumped. Good riddance!

When Lana and I entered the office, Joan was extremely cheerful. I moved on back to my office and just as I was about to open the door, Joan handed me a manila envelope saying, “This came for you while you were out. I noticed it is labeled urgent.” Taking it from her, I turned to open my door. Just about the time
Burning Love
began playing from my bag causing Joan to throw up her hands, “I am not asking.” With that remark she returned to her desk. I opened my door, entered my office, sat down at my desk and finally extinguished the fire my phone was singing about.

Good Lunch?


Working later than planned.  Expect a call from Ashley in a bit. She has a surprise for you. Who?


Interesting use of personnel!

I have connections

I like a man with them. ;)

Personnel or Connections?


C U Baby

Counting on seeing all of U, H.

I dive into my accounts, Ashley goes on the back burner. Joan buzzes me, letting me know my four thirty appointment has arrived.  I quickly check my calendar. I have no clue as to who she is referring to. Curious, I stand and walk to the front.

“Ms. Jordan?”

“Yes.” Walking toward me with a smile that screams I’m faking my happiness, was a short (shorter than my 5’6”), blonde woman, sunglasses perched on top of her head, dressed in a pantsuit that would rival the red of a springtime tulip. She is holding a clipboard. How strange!

I know immediately this is Ashley way before she can introduce herself.

Extending her hand, “Ashley Smithson, I believe Mr. Donovan contacted you to let you know to expect me.” As we shook hands, I respond in a manner that conveys the confusion I am feeling, “I was under the impression, I would receive a phone call.”

“Phone call, goodness gracious no. Ms. Jordan, you are joking surly?”

Squinting my eyes just a little, “Well, maybe I am.” I turn to look at Joan who is standing with her lips pressed together trying to contain her laughter.

“Never squint Ms. Jordan, never squint. You’ll regret it, when you are my age.”

Looking over at a closed door, she says “Now, I sat up in your tiny, little conference room. I hope that is alright for you.”

Glancing over at Joan, Ashley hustles me into what was once our conference room. I am sure Joan can read the “What the…” as Ashley opens the door. Oh my God! I mouth to Joan as I look over my shoulder. Ashley is correct this room appears tiny. Actually, it isn’t as small as it feels at this very minute but with the covered racks of what I assume is clothing. At least it looks like clothing racks. I do feel a little claustrophobic. If those things covered up are indeed types of clothing, then I know or assume those smaller boxes are coordinating shoes. As I walked further into the room, I stop, turn and ask, “You don’t work for Houston, do you?”

“Gracious, no. I am the executive assistant to, Deniel Foss.”

“Excuse me, Deniel Foss as in D. Foss Designs?”

Yes Mam, the one in the same.”

With a sigh she continues, “Mr. Donovan has requested I outfit you in a special cocktail dress for the evening. Since, I am unfamiliar with your tastes/likes I brought an array of choices. Next time I will be more familiar with your style.” With a twinkle in her eye, she hints that these were the crème de la crème.

Next Time? I really have so many things to learn or get use to about Houston’s world. I am not sure if my attempt at casualness, as if this type of thing happened every day, is working but I’m giving it my all. I can only imagine what Ashley is thinking as I continue my statue impression.

“Ms. Jordan.”

“Shaking my head, Jensen. Charli Jensen. I’ve had several

people do that lately. I must look like my last name should be Jordan.”

Suddenly, Ashley’s face looks as if, it has been seized by a character in horror movie. “Please, forgive me Ms. Jenson. I am very sorry. My client earlier today was a Jordon.” Laughing nervously, she continues, “Today seems to be my J day. I had a sudden lapse in memory. Please do not hold this against me. Please do not mention this to Mr. Donovan.”

Closing my eyes, inhaling/exhaling slowly all I could think was this poor woman. “Ashley, it’s okay. You just made a simple mistake.”

“Thank you, Mam. If I may say so, some of our clients would be very upset if I made that mistake and called them by the wrong last name. In fact, so upset that I would be dismissed from the site that very moment. Mr. Foss would already have been called. Thank you again.”

Smiling, I simply said, “Good grief. It was a mistake. It is already forgotten.”

With a less superior attitude, Ashley guides me over to the racks as her assistant uncovers the first one. Standing in awe, my eyes are moving so swiftly they can barely focus. Every color of the rainbow is hanging in front of me. WOW! Then we began a process that I soon realized is just a little more complicated than me moving among the racks.

“Ms. Jensen, let’s begin with some basic questions.” Looking from the first rack to the second I had to ask, “Does that rack have dresses also?”

“No, that is our coordinating lingerie. We will uncover it after you have selected your dress.” Slowly nodding my head in a trance like fashion I respond, “Well, OK then.”

“I know isn’t it wonderful? You are very lucky to have a man like Mr. Donovan. I am sure all the items I have brought for you today will please him.”

Smiling, thinking to myself, what happened to pleasing me? I suppose in this world, the person footing the bill is the person that should be pleased. I agreed that H will like them, “Let’s get started, shall we?” I answer what feels like a million questions. With what I would almost describe as a glow, Ashley guides me to a dress she believes is the one for tonight. Responding to her choice I say, “Ashley, it’s fabulous, I agree.” Slowly the glow dims she knows what I am about to say. “It’s not for me though but I do see the one.” The navy, mini with the sweetheart neckline is where I stop.

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