Shattered Skies - Night Waves (20 page)

BOOK: Shattered Skies - Night Waves
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Chapter Thirty-Seven

I don’t know how long I laid there but it seemed like forever. I was really starting to think
that maybe Akia had meant Jace and not Drake. The worst part was that I was pretty sure that I wasn’t going to feed on anyone and Akia must have sensed that, so why had he left me here tied down? I tugged on my restraints as hard as I could and they didn’t budge. I really was trapped.

“Well baby girl, I would be lying if I said the tied position that you are in right now didn’t turn me on.”

At first I wasn’t sure if I had really heard him or if it was all a fragment of my overactive imagination.

“Jace, is that really you?” I needed more than I needed a walk in the park to hear him answer me back.

“Of course it’s me, did you really think that I was just going to die back there and leave you to fend for yourself? I’m not that kind of guy. Besides it isn’t so bad here as long as I stay out of fang boy’s way. He lets me wander around this wing of his kingdom for some reason I can’t comprehend.”

When Jace walked into view my tears started to flow again. Talk about a sight for sore eyes. He looked so worn out and so tired. Had I done that to him because I drank from him? Had I almost killed him? Had things really gotten that far out of hand back in the cave?

“Why are you crying baby girl? Everything’s OK. We made it! I promised you that we would and we did. This is a good thing.” He smiled but something dark lurked behind his grin.

“You have to tell me everyth
ing! Please? Why am I tied down Jace? I almost killed you didn’t I? That is why Akia hit me with the rock. I am so sorry. I never meant to lose control. I wouldn’t blame you if you just left me here, and went and started all over by yourself.”

“Has anyone ever told you that you talk way too much?” That made me smile, though I felt guilty for doing it.

“At least once a day, and that is on a slow day.” Sadly that was more truth than fallacy.

“That’s my girl. Ok, yes, you took a lot of blood out of me and no, I am not going to abandon you. In fact, I am going to do just the opposite. I am going to let you decide what we do from here.” And with that I knew he didn’t care that I almost killed him. It was forgotten and gone,
a fresh slate back between us.

“What are my choices?” I wasn’t sure what he had in mind nor was I used to thinking things out before leaping into action.

“Well, do we stay here with lover boy and see what comes of that or do we get out of here and I deliver you to the other lover boy? Either way it is a decision that you alone have to make.” Something bothered me just a little about the fact that Jace didn’t sound more upset about just handing me over to one of my other two men. Besides that, there was something else on my mind haunting me.

I couldn’t bring myself to tell anyone about the dream that I had just yet. I wasn’t proud of myself for kissing
Trāves dreaming or not. Meeting Trāves in a dream was something that I needed to think about. I needed to decide how much of the dream had been real if any, but I needed to do it on my own time.

“Jace, I bumped my shoulder in the cave I think, and it is really hurting me. Do you think you could have a quick look and tell me how bad it is?” There, at least maybe I could find out what
Trāves was looking for on my shoulder.

“What are we going do with you, kitty Cat? No one gets to bang up your pretty little body but me.” His voice gave me chills that quickly doubled in intensity when his hands started working to turn me enough to see the part that was hurting.

“Cat, what is that? That wasn’t there before the cave. I am positive of that.” He sounded completely unsettled and puzzled.

Maybe it wasn’t as bad as it seemed, maybe he was looking at a nasty purple bruise, or maybe my shoulder had been sliced open and was swollen and red. I could deal with painful injuries. Painful injuries heal
and go away.

“How bad is it Jace?” I was silently wishing that the next words out of his mouth would be him telling me it was the worst cut or wound that he had seen for a while.

“It isn’t bad at all. The rose is beautiful and the flames are amazing, but where did it come from?” Damn it! No chance for simplicity now.

“Oh that old thing? I’ve had that forever. It must have been too dark in the cave for you to see it. I guess you were so caught up in the moment that you didn’t notice the rose Jace.” Did I sound convincing enough? Maybe.

I could tell by the look on his face that he wasn’t 100 percent sure that he believed me. The logical part of him realized that there was no way that I could have gotten a tattoo after the cave. I could sense that the part of him that was good at reading people was screaming at him right now, telling him that I was hiding something. I had to make the situation seem as dire to him as it really might be without giving away too much. Then I had to get to Walker. Whether I trusted him fully or not, Walker would know more about the rose. He would also hold something back, of that I was almost positive.

“I am not feeling so good Jace. I don’t know if it is all the Dominus blood, of if maybe I hit my head....” Ok, another lie. Actually, I felt
especially great, but right now I needed him to believe that something was wrong and I needed help to get well.

“OK, nothing to worry about. I promise you not one bad thing is going to happen to you on my watch. So I am thinking the best move for us to make would be to flee this joint.” That a boy! He was catching on quickly. If he thought we were leaving because I was ill, than I wouldn’t have to explain the real reason to him.

“I think I need to go home, back to Walker, he will know what’s wrong with me. I am sure that it will be another huge scientific adventure to him, but I would rather be his lab rat than spend God knows how long tied to this bed.”

“I agree Cat. Now we have to plan how to get you out of here and get you back to your Doctor friend without anyone catching us, killing us, or trying to stop us.” I could see the worry creep over his face before he quickly coved it up with his sunny smile.

“I am scared Jace. I never asked for any of this. I don’t want to be a science experiment or a perpetual prisoner. I want to go back to being plain old Cat.” I sought out a glimpse of Jace. Something about his look let me know it was normal to be fearful in our predicament. Jace was afraid too, so at least so far, we were on the same jittery page. I was hoping he I could deal with it.

“Baby Doll, let me tell you a little something about greatness. People that have it don’t get to choose it, it chooses them. Some of the lucky few smart ones get to take their gift and run with it, but for most greatness is more like a curse that was thrust upon them like
a prisoner’s hood. I am not going to let greatness curse you Cat. I am going to do whatever it takes to make sure you fulfill your destiny. Are you hearing me Cat?” He sounded so protective, so stern and fatherly, that I didn’t think it would be wise to disagree with him.

“Thank you Jace,” I said and I meant it. For the first time in a long time I had hope that maybe things would fall into place after all.

“Don’t thank me yet Kitty Cat. Thank me after I get us out of here and we are back with your family, safe and sound.”

Jace set to work. It didn’t take him long to free me of the bounds that Akia had
tied to keep me captive. I felt my cheeks flush a bright red when the thought crossed my mind that Jace was just as good at untying knots as he was at tying them.

“I don’t know for sure what you are thinking right now Cat, but I am going to pretend it’s thoughts of me that caused you to turn that lovely shade of crimson.” His voice oozed sexual promise and even with the danger that we were both in, it was all that I could do not to taunt him into taking me there and then.

“No need to pretend at all Jace, you are the only thing on my mind, you and these ropes,” I whispered daringly back, teasing him as he freed me and helped me stand up.

“I promise you Cat, I fully intend to make you pay me back for saving you.”

My body protested when I stood up, but just for a second. Then I was overcome by a sudden surge of strength. There is no other way to describe it. I felt like I could move mountains and lift cars off people and all that adrenaline induced stuff. Yeah right, adrenaline. That is what I would keep telling myself for now, that it was the thrill of escape that was making me feel like superwoman and not all of the Dominus blood that was currently flowing through my veins.

“Ok, first and foremost we have to get you out of this room. You are a sitting duck as long as you are in here. At least let’s make lover boy work to find you.” I was OK with letting Jace take the lead. It was nice not having to think. All I had to do was obey and follow.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

It was strangely quiet in the hallway when we opened the door. Part of me was a little disappointed that Akia wasn’t there to stop us. I never got good closure with him; there had been no satisfying heartfelt good-byes between us. Though haunted by that lack, it took me just a second to remember my way around his palace. I was a little shocked when Jace told me that we were not back in California after all, but instead in Maryland, somewhere deep in the mountains of Allegany County. How easily I forgot that Akia was the master of the planet, of course he would have castles in every state. It was to my advantage that Akia was a simple man and had used the same blue prints for each. Fifty identical homes was a little boring if you ask me but no one was asking. I hated to admit it but I felt at home inside the walls of Akia’s castle no matter where it sat. A little piece of me would always remain here with him where I felt I belonged. Body and soul could function separately when given no other choice I thought, and then the hollow feeling that followed spurred me straight into escape mode. Jace had been right. I needed to get away from here as fast as I could. I had more to fear then losing my heart given the circumstances. I had the hardcore fact that Trāves was coming to find me. Part of me wondered if I should have brought Akia up to speed about the dream and the beautiful flaming black rose that had magically appeared on my shoulder, but I guess another part knew that confessing that could be my worst idea ever. Akia would be forced to choose sides if he knew the whole story I and I doubted whichever side he chose would please me. I would be dead if he toed the line and sided with his father and I would be scared to death if he betrayed his father to save me. I really was a hard woman to please.

Jace had my hand and he was leading me in the direction of the door to the basement. Even though it wasn’t the same palace, I wasn’t stable enough to go back down to the scene of my crime and be reminded of what I’d done to Jewel. I had to think of a way to stall Jace until I thought of a better escape route. Then it hit me like a

“Jace wait!” I spoke barely above a whisper but it was enough. I stopped moving and he stumbled and stopped.

He instantly crouched low in the shadows. “What is the matter? Did you hear someone?” He was good at this getting away thing.

“Walker’s notebook might be in Akia’s office. I need go get it! There is so much information in it. Years and years of Walker’s plans. We are this close,” I said and I touched my finger to my thumb except for the tiniest space to show him how close. “It will just take a second to go in and grab it and get back out. It’s extremely valuable Jace.” For an instant he hesitated and I thought he was going to tell me no.

“Ok baby girl, but let’s make it quick and get out of here fast.” I smiled at him thankfully and I felt my smile spread to my eyes. I was excited about the thought of being able to bring Walker’s notes back to him.

Jace let me lead him to Akia’s office. I still wasn’t happy with how empty the hallways were, it seemed all wrong, it was the worst security system ever. But I guess when you
are a Dominus Lord you bank on the fact that one guard per entrance is enough to keep the bad guys out and once someone like me made it through the front door; you gave them the run of the Kingdom. I sighed but kept moving. I could teach Akia so many things.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Akia’s office was just like I had remembered. It was huge and inviting and so many books. I would never get over all the books; they covered shelf after shelf, worlds of knowledge, from ceiling to floor. It was breath taking. I had never thought about it before, but I wondered if Akia could have possibly read any of these rodent written volumes? If he had, would that be enough to change the way I thought about him? Would it make him less of a monster to me? All of these questions were ones that really didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was getting Walker’s notebook and figuring out what to do about Akia’s incredibly hot and seriously murderous father, before he figured out what to do with me.

“I thought all of the books were destroyed.” I had forgotten that Jace was in there with me. The astonishment in his voice reminded me again just how wondrous a room filled with books truly was.

“Isn’t this the most beautiful thing that you’ve ever seen?
” I wanted so bad to bring the others here. Walker would have had a field day, Darien too.

“Hmm, I think it is the second most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”  I didn’t need to turn around to know that he was looking me over.

“You know I might get used to romantic talk from you and I think that would ruin this wonderfully kinky sex life we have going.”

Flirting with him was so fun and easy. I had to stay focused at the task at hand though. I could see Jace out of the corner of my eye. He was eagerly snatching a few books and hugging them tightly against his chest like they were a precious gift. I had to smile at the fact that he was as excited about the books as I was.

Then I saw Walker’s notebook, lying there, in the corner of
Akia’s desk where I had seen it last. It was covered up by a few papers but it was still important enough to have a permanent place among his things. Was it possible that he was still studying it? There had to be more pressing things to concern Akia than Walker’s secrets. Then again, if that was the case, why was I risking getting caught just to grab it before I got away? I guess
everything doesn’t have to make sense all the time.  As soon as I got the notebook off the desk I heard the footsteps approaching. For whatever reason, Jace didn’t hear the clamor that meant some Dominus was striding swiftly toward the door. Without thinking, I grabbed Walker’s notes and Jace and dashed into the closet moving as quickly and as quietly as I could. I shut the door just a split second before the office door opened and Akia walked into the room. I should have been worried that I knew it was him by the faint smell of him swirling in the air, stirred up by his motion. I so badly wanted to ask Jace if he was aware of Akia’s smell too, but I was too afraid that his answer would be no.

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