Shattered Skies - Night Waves (8 page)

BOOK: Shattered Skies - Night Waves
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Chapter Fifteen

“Wow! Akia has no idea what he is missing,” Drake whispered, running his fingers through the wet on my thighs. “I am going to go get cleaned up now. I want to look my best when I watch you die. It really is a shame Kitty Cat. You really seem like my kind of girl, not at all soft. We could have made a lot of changes you and I, but you fell for the wrong Dominus, didn't you? As much as I would like to think that I could get you to come around to me, I know better. I saw the way you and Akia were looking at each other and it made me sick. Such a waste,” he said. Then he kissed me again and was gone.

I laid there in the silence just waiting for death to come. For once in my life I felt completely without hope. It pissed me off. I was the one with plan B made before I even enacted plan A, but now I had nothing to fall back on. Why in the hell are you teasing me, I wanted to scream. Be a Man and do it! Just kill me. That’s what you want.

   Instead I just laid there and waited. He said he had to get ready so I assumed that meant get his weapon of choice. So I waited for the sweet embrace of darkness to consume me.

When it didn't, I mentally shook away the clouds. This was no time for confusion; this was no time to give up. I had been doing way too much of that lately. In fact, I was making myself want to kick my own ass. That said, this was no time to lay there and think about why I so welcomed death as of late. What was wrong with me? I had to get out of there. I just didn't know how, but that wasn’t something that had ever stopped me before. I willed my body to move. I mentally smiled for a second, when I was filled by the memory of Darien trying to get a can to move across my counter using, what did he call it, some kind of telepathy trick. Sadly my mind was no better at moving objects than his was that day. While mind power and shear will power alone weren’t enough to make me move that time, it didn’t stop me. Instead I quickly went to the next attempt, and the next, and the one after that.

       At one point I even tried to bargain with my body as if my body was something that had a consciousness separate from my own. I promised that I would take better care of it, give it what it wanted, more men, more
food, more exercise, and hell, more women too. If my body wanted women, then I could live with that.

       The woman thing made me blush though and the thought of Kira's lips on mine caused my checks to burn hot. Even so
, I could not move. I didn’t know what Drake had given me. I was a prisoner in my own body and I didn't know how to snap out of it. Every drug wears off eventually. It had to be a drug because if he had done something to make me permanently paralyzed, I would be aware of that, right?

Minutes turned into hours and the hours seemed to go on forever. I lost track of time. I was sapped of nearly every ounce of energy I had. My body wasn't moving at all and the effort I had been putting into trying to get it to move had taken everything that I had left.

I must have fallen asleep, if it was even possible to fall asleep when your body wasn't really awake. The nightmares seemed so real. I was in a forest and I was running, trying to get away from things I couldn't see. I couldn't see anything that was chasing me, but the things could see me. They were there to hurt me. More than hurt, they were there to kill me. Something grabbed me. I was too afraid to turn around. I didn't know if I could handle seeing the monster that was going to take me.

I could feel the scream building. It started in my toes. The scream was growing bigger and bigger and still there was no chance for it to escape. I couldn't open my mouth.

If I couldn't find release, a way to give the scream a way out, it was going to rip right through me. My scream was going to be the end me; it would tear me apart from the inside out. I had felt this pressure build up before, back in Akia’s dungeon. I knew feeling such pressure was what had brought on the death of Akia’s men, but I had nothing to channel it toward this time. The pressure was there at the edge of my mouth ready to explode through every pore because I was forced to contain it so hard.

Then out of nowhere, with one giant rush, I found the strength to open my eyes. I was awake. I still couldn't move but the feeling of scream was gone. I remembered where I was clearly and I was instantly aware of my surroundings, tense and alert. I could feel someone climbing back onto the bed. It was so dark that I still couldn't see, but I knew now that my eyes were open again; my vision would come back as soon as my eyes adjusted to the dim light. I didn't need light at this very second. I didn’t want to see who my new bed partner was.

I could tell it was Drake by his smell. The monster actually smelled of adventure and danger, like the scent that you get when you stand too close to a fire, the scent that lets you know that just one more step, and you are going to get hurt worse then you have ever been hurt before. I hated to admit it but no matter how disgusted I was by Drake, his smell called out to me. It was so inviting that I wanted to take that one more step with him, just to see how hot the fire could burn....

Chapter Sixteen

“Wake up Kitty Cat, I brought you a new playmate.” I opened my eyes for him. I hadn't even realized I had let them slip shut again. They felt too heavy to open.

I could see Drake leaning over the top me. He was just as cocky as always. For half a second I had hope. If I could open my eyes willingly, maybe, the drugs were wearing off.

Finally, without letting on that I could move, I stared at him and willed my leg to shoot upward. I could never get away, but if I could catch him off guard just a little bit, it would give me time to think. I tried a fluid motion and it didn't work. My leg hadn't even moved an inch, but Drake’s smile changed. It went from murderous need to amusement.

”If you could have seen the look of pure determination in your eyes a second ago, you would be laughing too! Kitty Cat, I swear if you had just fallen in love with me, you would have been perfect for me, so cute and strong and so stubbornly stupid.” I made a promise to myself, if I got out of this alive, I would kill this monstrous prick slowly. Drake went on in his in his happy to taunt tone.

“Well Cat, now I know you can fuck the Dominus and nothing happens to them. I have to be honest with you. If I hadn't had seen it with my own two eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. I am very intrigued with you right now Cat, because the fact that foolish soldier didn't die and the fact that I am still standing, must mean that you must be Dominus and one of us! I hate to admit that, but then again, I just don't know if I believe it either. You see, I am the type that has to see it to believe it.” He was talking about me like I was his experiment. He and Walker would have gotten along great in another world.

“I read something once about the witch hunts that pathetic humans used to do. I liked the idea, nothing like dying either way, right? Here is the deal Cat. You are going to fuck that pale excuse for a human that’s standing over there next!”

I couldn't see him but I could hear the wind being punched out of his guts. “Seriously, is that all you got?” I heard the man groan through the pain, belittling his assailants.

The fact that he had the balls to say what he said was enough to make me respect him. I almost had to smile, well, if I could feel my face. I felt admiration for the man they had chosen to kill me. He was human and I had exchanged enough blood with Akia that I was apparently a monster now. There was no other explanation for it. I mean, if I couldn’t kill the Dominus then I wasn't human. I had to be one of them now. Walker just never had the heart to tell me what was really happening inside my body, but I already suspected it. It was really quite simple. I had taken enough Dominus blood to bring on the change. The monster’s cells had devoured the human cells, and I really wasn't sure if anything could reverse it, but I guess that really didn't matter now.

It all made perfect sense, the signs were all there. It explained why I could see in the dark, why I felt stronger than I ever had before. Why I could sense things more than I have ever been able to before. I felt like I was thinking more clearly, like I had opened my eyes wide all the way for the first time in my life. There were a lot of other things too that I had been trying to ignore.

Drake however, had no plans to ignore these signs; instead, he was going to kill me by testing me. Worse than that, I wouldn’t even have a noble death. I was going to have a stupid one. I had overreacted back at the base because I felt betrayed and now the price for that was going to be dying in vain; you would think I would have learned my lesson sooner, but no. My last memory, was going to be one of Drake looking down at me and watching me with that stupid smirk, while some unknown human killed me the same way I had killed countless other Dominus. With sex. I guess that was the true meaning of the phrase, what goes around comes around.

I didn't feel whoever it was get in the bed with me. I didn't feel him enter me. I was totally out of it. The only parts working were my eyelids. The human didn't argue with Drake at all. He didn't care that I was going to die with him on top of me. I could see his eyes as he leaned over me. There was nothing but hate for me in those eyes. It was the same look so many monsters had seen staring down at them from me. My victims however, were too stupid to realize what it signified.  They thought that hate was a sexual passion so raw that a human like me could barely contain it, when in truth my hate was always there but controlled, just like my need for revenge was always there, both bubbling and burning under the surface. Sometimes my hate and need for revenge boiled so hot that it was all I could do to stop myself from telling my victims that the look they saw wasn't lust. But that would have meant the end of me. So I knew the look on this human’s face was hate and I didn't blame him for feeling his hate for a second. In fact I found it comforting.

The man on top of me was handsome in an everyday sort of way. He wasn't breath taking like Darien. He was just normal, not dripping sexuality like Akia. It was a nice normal though; one that wouldn't make you feel like you had to compete for attention when you were out somewhere with him. Instead you felt like the two of you could complement each other. He, just like me, knew that he was going to die by the hands of these monsters soon. He too knew what it was like to live on borrowed time every single day, that one day when he least expected it, a monster was going to gobble him up. He was living to die. He knew death was coming and he had accepted it. There was nothing left for him to do but make peace with whatever it was he believed in. That and wait for the end and hope that his death wouldn't be as painful as he had imagined it a thousand times before. The fact that I knew I would look just as haunted if I didn't know how to mask it was heart breaking. We really were shattered we humans, all of us were, caged or not.

I would have done anything to be able to tell him that I understood, to tell him that I forgave him for the smirk on his face and the need in his eyes. Not the need for sex, not the need for release, but the need to know that just one time, he got to kill one of the immortals, one of the Dominus that caged him and fed off him and his kind.

      I would have told him that it was OK to cherish the kill. That I knew what it felt like to hold on to every little victory, that these trophies of ash were what made hell a little bit more bearable. That in the grand spectrum of everything else it wasn't much, but it was his reward to claim, and I hoped he would remember how victorious he felt this very moment for the rest of his short life.

    “I want you to look at me beast. I want you to know that a human is strong enough to kill you,” he moaned. His voice didn't coincide with his face, but his words seemed to fit. I did what I believed was right. I gave him what he wanted. I let the fear show through, hell he had earned it. I looked right into his eyes and waited. I was going to die and so was he eventually. Good for him for having that feeling of power that I knew was so amazing.

I didn't have the heart to mentally say goodbye again. It seemed like I have had to say way too many goodbyes already. I was going to lay there and I was going to watch his eyes. I was going to enjoy the whirl of emotions that were passing through him like clouds in a stormy sky. Life after all was just a stage. I read that once and I knew that very few of us were good enough to take a leading role. So we muddle through, and we find other bit actors to share the stage with us. Why take it so seriously? Why not just sit back and see how the script plays out? Just letting the script play out had to be easier they trying to write your own play, right?

I knew he was close. Human or monster, all males were the same. Their bodies respond involuntarily, pretty much the identical way. Their breathing picks up; their motions became more liquid and quick. They flow and pour themselves into the woman they are with, struggling to make the feeling last, trying to keep their momentum building, yearning to make this one the petite mort that lasts forever. It was that feeling that reminded me just how close to the animals we humans are. For a guy to stop once they reach this stage was almost unheard of. The savage beast that we all try to hide in everyday life takes over completely. A man could truly die happy in the brief moment of his release.

For then all is right with the world. For just a brief second I watched as the stress flowed out of this man. His eyes were clear, his face was slack; he was lost in the peaceful state that only sex can bring. I was happy for him. I would tell him it was my turn for peace too if I could. If my mouth worked I would thank him. Instead I made myself promise that no matter how bad it hurt, my eyes would never leave his. I wanted him to have the full experience of killing a monster. He had earned every ounce of the pain that he was going to cause me.

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