Shattered Skies - Night Waves (3 page)

BOOK: Shattered Skies - Night Waves
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Chapter Four

       We both had our hands full with things that you have to have for one of our famous nights when we got to the front door of my apartment. I handed the key to Darien and let him unlock and push the door open for me, not because I couldn't, but because it was nice to know that there was someone to help you out now and then. Even stubborn old me that used to throw a fit any time Darien tried to be a more chivalrous male. Like I said, I guess wisdom comes with age. Just because I did less than I could didn’t make me weak. Lazy maybe, but not weak.

“Aww, such a gentlemen,” I said walking by and sticking out my tongue as I passed him. I couldn’t stop myself from grinning like a fool when he couldn’t see me. I hated to admit it but I could really get used to this.

“Well I am in the company of a lady. Now mind you she is a lady that cusses more than a sailor and can kick most men’s asses…,” Darien stopped and pondered what he was saying for a minute.  “Hell you are
right; you should have opened the door for me.” I could tell by the look on his face that he was proud of himself for being so clever.

“Ha ha funny man, put the soda in the fridge.” I didn’t realize how much I needed him tonight. I needed to be with the one person that I could be myself with. Who was I kidding? I needed to be with the one man that it was OK to love.

“You are never going to believe what movie I hoisted from Walker’s office, total chick flick, but I know you have been waiting to see it, so I suppose I will live through it.” When he pulled Titanic out of the bag I jumped up and down.

The movie Titanic was not only a history lesson but a story about normal human love, and what could be better than that? Without thinking, I ran over and gave him a big hug. It felt so right to be in his arms, so right and uncomplicated.

“You are such a cheap date you know that?” I was going to take that as a compliment, I decided.  “The damnedest things make you happy. A stupid movie gets me a hug. I should have bargained for more. I am sure I could have got it.  Why don’t I think these things through?” He stood there shaking his head acting like he was truly disappointed that he hadn’t made a more iron clad plan.

“Umm, thanks I think, and by the way, shut up!” I retorted, trying hard not to grin and let him know that I was truly enjoying every minute of his teasing. It was nice to be a girl. I didn't have to be a bad ass with Darien. I could be fun and wishy-washy and he’d never see me as weak.

Three hours later we were snuggled under a blanket, and tears were running down my face. “This is a horrible movie Darien! Why in the world would you bring it for me to watch?” I couldn’t believe he thought Titanic would be a good idea.  “Are you completely unhinged, do you like to see me cry?” I was acting like a total girl, but damn it, this movie was so not a happy human love story. I needed to do better research next time, I didn’t need fake tragedy. I saw plenty of real tragedy every single day.

I could tell by the look on his face that Darien loved seeing the softer side of me, so I allowed him to see more of what he wanted. He was patient with me and I did love him, so why not let him have a glimpse of what he craved? I snuggled up against him, nuzzling against his chest, I sighed as his arms wrapped around me and I watched the rest of the
movie with tears running down my face, listening to the sound of his heart beating against my forehead.  I could completely, without a doubt, say that it felt right.  With Darien, there was no reason to be afraid, no reason to worry that he was going to figure out what I really was. He knew what I was. I felt normal and maybe that is why I reacted the way I did when I was with him.

“I am sorry Cat. If I had known it would upset you, I would have never brought this movie over tonight. You usually don't crumble like this. What is that matter?” He was right. There had to be something wrong tonight, but it was more than that. It was like I needed to hear something in his voice and he
had just given it to me, the concern I needed to open up. It was the caring in his tone that let me know that it was OK if I let go.

I thought about it for a moment, trying to make sense of my mood in my own head, before trying to explain
myself to him.

“I guess I just needed to feel normal tonight Darien and I thought normal was going to come with a happy ending. I guess that is what I needed to see.” I was hoping that he didn’t think I was crazy.  “Then all of a sudden that hope was taken away from me and I realized that this love
story was a gigantic tragedy.” When he didn’t stop me I just continued to ramble away trying to make him understand “Even more of a tragedy than the mess that we are living in. I guess just the realization that maybe we aren't that different from them got to me. Maybe I should stop wishing for the past,” I said as I pointed at the screen, “when the past wasn’t always happy. I mean, they were happy for a minute or two and then they lost it. I need to figure out what I want and what I need out of life and I need to start living before it is too late and the ship sinks and I lose my chance. Being happy, even if it lasts just minutes, is better than never feeling happy at all.”

OK, so maybe the Akia thing was getting to me more then I wanted to admit. Maybe my happiness was supposed to be with him. Maybe I was a horrible person for even letting Akia cross my mind while I laid there in Darien’s arms.  Not only was it selfish and cruel but it was also pointless to think of Akia. I couldn't do anything about that situation or lack thereof right now. I couldn't do anything about that ever. Hell, maybe that wasn't even it and I was really off the mark, maybe happiness was knowing that Darien was back in my life. Maybe my wondering if we would ever be the same had driven me to the breaking point... Or maybe it was the
screwdrivers that I had been drinking all night? Whatever it was, Darien was right, I was crumbling. I was tired of being sad. I didn't want to be sad. I wanted to live. I just wanted to be happy more than I wasn't.

“Love doesn't have to be a tragedy Cat. It can be an adventure, something to wake up to every morning, and something to live for, not something to fear.” He sounded like he really believed it and I wanted to believe with him so badly.

     “Darien, people like us don’t have time for love. We have to keep the walls between us.” I was crying again and I sat up and looked at him so he could see that my point was a serious one. But before I saw him move he was in front of me, wiping away the tears that were still falling from my cheeks in a steady stream.

“There has to be time for love Cat. If not, then what are we fighting for? Why not just turn ourselves in to the monsters?” His eyes were searching mine while he spoke, looking for something, for anything, that would let him know that there was hope that I would see his point. “I have been an ass. I have hurt you for things that weren't your fault. I have done a lot of thinking lately. This world is too dangerous to act the way I’ve been
acting. You did what you needed to do to survive Cat. You fed yourself to the Dominus to save me, and I repaid you by acting like a child.” He was looking at something over my head now.  “I am going to be better Cat. I am going to be the man that you deserve. The one that at the end of the day you look forward to coming home to, the one that is in your mind when you go to bed each night, and the one that you think about when you first wake up.” Darien was sincere; I should have said something, I should have told him that I didn’t believe in love, but I couldn't. For once in my life, I needed to see what happened next.

Good or bad, his next move meant the world to me. He smiled when I didn't protest and the worry lines eased from his face. Instantly the scowl that had been leaving tiny little lines in his forehead since we had come to South Carolina were gone. He looked younger again, he looked less worried and the twinkle in
his eye came back. My heart cried out for that twinkle more than I realized. At that moment I would have done anything to keep that twinkle alive.

What I did next even surprised me a little. I leaned forward and I kissed him. I let myself push all the sorrow I had felt for what I had done to him out of my body and my passion poured out. His lips melted into mine.
They belonged there, brushing, nibbling and lustily bruising with heat. I was shocked when he was the one that pulled back. I didn’t even try to hide the confusion on my face. I was breathless and when I opened my eyes he was looking at me like I was something from another world.

“Not like this Cat, not this time. I want to romance you and give you your love story. I want to show you that love isn't about sex, love is about this,” he said and he traced his thumb across my lips making me whimper before I could stop myself, “and this,” he said again and he traced his hand down my arm, giving me chills. I ached for him in a way that was new to me. I wanted him to touch me more. I wanted him to be the one in control. I wanted to hear him tell me what to do and when I did it, I wanted to hear him whisper to me that I had done it right. That sudden realization should have scared me
. Instead, it did actually just the opposite. I embraced it. I felt my body relax. I wanted to not have to think. I just wanted to feel, to get wrapped up in something beyond myself. I trusted Darien and I wanted once in my life, to just go along with the ride. I wanted the romantic adventure he had promised me. I wanted to be with him fully, and I wanted to do it sober. I wanted that moment where you are so comfortable with someone that you fall into their arms and every touch feels like the first one. There was nothing wrong with wanting that, right? I needed to believe that so much.

Chapter Five

The rest of the night was spent with the two of us getting to know each other all over again. We talked about everything, we laughed about the past and we cried for the future, not knowing what it would bring. All of the hurt that we had caused each other was discussed, worked through, and in some cases yelled about, but ultimately resolved. For the first time in months m
y heart wasn’t heavy with guilt but instead filled with contentment, friendship and love.

As the hours went by I was sure that even if I didn't believe in the kind of love that fairy tales were made
of, I could believe in loving Darien. I had always loved him in one way or another; from the first time he stood beside me against the others until now, sitting here in my apartment. I was OK with the fact that this kind of love was just the next progressive step for us. I was able to admit something to myself that surprised me a little. If the rest of the world disappeared and it was just me and him growing old together, I could spend my life just like this. He was my best friend. How easy would it be to fall in love with your best friend? Lying on the couch under my blanket in his arms, I was content. I was safe and warm and knew that nothing could hurt me when he was there.

The night went on for what felt like forever, a magical and unending eternity. I felt so at peace and so warm that I almost drifted off to sleep when the phone startled me back awake. No one ever called me this early in the morning. They all knew better. That meant it had to be something horrible. I didn't need horrible right then, I needed magic. I deserved magic for just a little while longer. The best I could hope for at this point was a wrong number. Yes, I was sure that is what it had to be: just a wrong number. I desperately thought “wrong number” in the hope that thinking
it hard would make it real. We were safe just like we were. There wasn't any reason for it not to be a wrong number. The whole time I was hoping, the phone just kept ringing. I wondered if Darien was thinking about ignoring it just like I was. It was Darien that cracked first, the ringing must have gotten to him, which meant no need for me to get up to answer it. Darien was on his feet with a quickness that I still couldn't quite get used to.

I watched
emotions play out on his face with every word that went into his ear. Part of me was hoping that he would never put down the phone because as long as he kept talking, I wouldn’t have to deal with whatever he was listening to on the other end of the handset.

“Walker needs to meet with all of us. He said it was important and that he needs to see us right away.” The look on his face was a mix of disappointment for the chance that we just lost and worry about what was coming next.

“Cat, please promise me you didn’t do anything that would cause an emergency meeting.” It made me smile a little; it was kind of nice to be considered the perpetual trouble maker.

“I promise Darien I have been on my best behavior lately; I haven’t even killed a monster this week.” I turned my smile into a frown and batted my eyelashes in false innocence. He smiled back. His smile always made my heart flutter and today was no different.

Chapter Six

We spent the walk back to the base trying to figure out what was going on. Our group hadn’t had one of these meetings in a long time which meant something bad was happening. Walker never held meetings to announce good news, his meetings were never good. I tried to crack a couple of jokes to lighten the mood and it worked for a second, but the fact that the meeting was called so rapidly scared me more than I wanted to admit. The feeling in the pit of my stomach wasn’t helping much either. The last time I had this feeling was when I thought Darien was going to get killed in a bar fight.

Walking into the base felt like coming home. Even if it was clear across the country and for the most part void of life, there was still something safe about being there. Every time I walked in, I could feel the presence of the others in my family that had died and it warmed my heart. They had never been there and never would since their lives had been stolen, but feeling as if they were there had to mean something. Seeing
Walker standing there with a serious look on his face, however, was enough to chill me to the core and send shivers down my spine.

“Why so serious Walker, what is going on?” Darien asked, stopping mid step after seeing Walker standing in the room.

“Good luck, I have asked 200 times and he refuses to talk.” Jaden sounded impatient, that in itself was something very rare. Jaden was the common force that held us back from killing each other. He was the glue that bonded our little dysfunctional family together. He was the level headed peacemaker.

       “Jaden I have explained this to you, I was waiting for Cat and Darien to get here. This is something that we need to be together to hear.” Leave it to the Doc, young or old he didn't believe that anyone had the right to rush him; he was all about the show.

“Well Doc,” I said, “we are all together now. There is no reason to put off the good news, wishful thinking I know, but now can you just go ahead and spill it?” As soon as the word Doc came out of my mouth I had Darien’s full attention. He knew that I was scared; I had not called Walker “Doc” since before we decided to feed him and keep him young. My looking back at Darien was all it took for him to move closer to me and take his hand in mine. His strong fingers brushed against the ring. For a second he hesitated but then he intertwined his fingers with mine. His touch made me feel better instantly. I had nothing to be afraid of. Darien, the little boy that used to chase the thunderstorms away when we were kids was here to protect me. No monster was going to get me. 

       Walker looked down at our hands locked together and I swear the tiniest smile crossed his lips, but it was gone faster than I could confirm seeing it.

       “I think it would be best for everyone if we all grabbed a chair.” Walker was already seated as was Jaden. That left me and Darien. Not once letting go of me, Darien moved two chairs together and we sat quietly, unmoving, fearful that this would be the news that ripped away the happiness that had taken us months to get back.

“I guess there is nowhere better to start than the beginning.” Talking slowly and making sure that we understood everything that he said, Walker told us the news that would once again turn our little family upside down. “There are three people that you need to meet. Please stay
open minded when I bring them in. I have worked secretly with these three for a long time now. I trust them and there is no reason that you shouldn’t.”

       As if they had been standing there waiting to be cued, two people walked through the door. First a man with black skin and ice blue eyes. He stood about 6’6” and his stature demanded the attention of everyone around him. He was more than just a big guy. He had a look in his eyes that erased any doubt that size didn't matter. It was a look that only a real Vampire was able to pull off, a look that told you he could end your life and not think twice about it.

       The second person was a woman. She looked to be about our age and she was definitely human, though she was trying hard not to look it. Her hair was as black as the night itself, but her face was pure and angelic. She looked like someone that you instantly wanted to comfort. She was beautiful and she knew it. There was something about her that I didn’t like, some vibe that she was giving off. Of course, maybe it was the way she was looking at Darien. I was sure she saw him like she saw most of the men that she encountered. He was a challenge. I knew her look. I’d seen it before. I knew that she thrived on the thrill of the hunt. The tension between me and her silently grew; I knew I wouldn't let her win this trophy and she thought she was going to easily claim the handsome prize attached to my hand. I could tell that she would go after him, not because he was better looking than Walker and Jaden, because he wasn't, but because out of the three men in our group, he appeared to be the one that was already spoken for. A real predator will pick a free range animal over a caged one any day. But this wasn’t the case with her because jealousy drove her, and jealousy makes you realize that you may not be the center of a guy’s world like you need to be. I took my eyes off the woman long enough to look at Darien who was oblivious to her stare. Point one for me. I didn’t see the third person walk in. I was too busy looking down at Darien’s hand in mine. But then Darien piqued my attention when he squeezed my hand so hard that I was sure it was going to break. My eyes shot right to Darien’s face and I was surprised to see his mouth hanging wide open. Not wanting to, I slowly turned my head to follow his gaze. What he was looking at sent my head spinning.

       Standing less than three feet in front of me stood the female version of Akia. I felt the color drain from my face, I felt my pulse quicken, and I felt my other hand reaching for my gun.

       “Don’t even think about it, Cat.” The voice came from Walker. “You pull that gun and I will have it out of your hands faster than you can blink.” I absolutely hated when he reminded me that he was still the boss, even though he looked our age, there was no question who the alpha of the family was.

       “Who the hell is that and why the hell is she here?” My voice was drenched in disapproval. Good, that is exactly what I was going for. But inside my heart was trying to tear free from my chest! Why would Walker bring someone in here that looked so much like the man that I could never be with? Darien rubbed my hand making circles, trying to calm me down. I was so pissed and confused that I was shaking.

       “Cat, I would like you to meet Makeen and Jessie,” Walker said, and he gestured toward the giant man and the drop dead gorgeous bitch who had somehow managed to become my least favorite person in the world. When I didn’t acknowledge either of them, my eyes never leaving the face of the female Akia, he continued. “And this is Kira. She is Akia’s twin sister.”

       My mouth was moving before I had time to think about it. “Look Doc, I don’t know what this nut case told you, but Akia doesn’t have a twin sister.
This is someone who happens to look a lot like him and she’s trying to take advantage of it.” I was pissed at her for doing it, but I was even more pissed at Walker for falling for it. Inviting these three outsiders into our world could get us all killed and he knew better. Before I had a chance to talk, the fake twin stepped forward.

       “It is nice to finally meet you Cat; I have been watching you for a long time now.” Her voice sounded so much like Akia’s that the hair on the back of my neck stood up. If I was smarter I would have ignored her. I would have acted like a girl for one of the few times in my life and buried my head in Darien's chest, cling tightly to him and beg him to lead me out of the room. I wished I was smarter, but let’s face it; I am too
curious to be smart.

  “What do you mean you have been watching me? I don’t know what kind of line you fed Walker here, but I know I am not falling for it.”  I was angry. I wanted Walker to know that, even more, I wanted the three strangers in the room to know that I was far fro
m convinced. I had no intention of believing anything that they said. I wasn’t falling for this; I wasn't going to be as naive as Walker. I had made up my mind and that was all that mattered. 

       Then she did something that completely threw me off guard. She reached out and grabbed my hand and no matter how set in stone my mind was that they were all fakes; my body sensed otherwise. The waves of heat that suddenly pulsed throughout my body began where our hands
touched. Touching her was like touching Akia. For a brief moment I forgot where I was and I truly believed that it was his hand in mine. For just a second all was right in the world and I could feel that dreamy smile edging across my face.

       I felt weak, like someone had zapped every ounce of strength from my body.  Just as I was sure my knees were going to give out, Darien jerked my hand free from Kira's and suddenly I could think clearly again. I didn’t even try to hide my confusion when I fell against Darien, not because I didn't want to, but because I felt like the world was spinning around me too fast and I might
suddenly fly off again.

       “I don’t care who you are or who you think you are, but if you ever touch her again I will kill you myself.” Darien’s voice cut through the room and I shivered. I knew that Darien meant every word he threatened and I felt instantly safe. Then Walker made a move.

       “Everybody needs to calm down. We are all on the same team here.” I am not sure why, but Walker was really starting to piss me off now! How could he possibly believe that this woman was anything important to us, and how could he have been dumb enough to let these three into our refuge? What the hell was he thinking? Even more, why did he choose this way to spring these people on us? I had no idea and apparently, neither did Darien.

       “I don’t know who you are talking about Walker, but I am not on the same team as these freaks.” Darien’s voice radiated strength.  I knew that if someone didn't make sense of everything that was going on soon, this was going to get very bad very quickly. There were way too many emotions
filling the room.

       “Man you are looking at this from the way wrong angle.” I had forgotten Jaden was there. He hadn’t said a word the entire time. I let my guard down just a little. If Jaden was leading, everything would smooth out soon, because that is what he did; he made sense of confusion. “If I were you Darien, I would be more worried about why Cat reacted the way she did when Kira touched her rather than who Kira is or isn’t.”

       That was so not what I wanted to hear him say. I wanted him to make everything better, but this time he failed me. This time he was just as confused and puzzled as the rest of us.

As much as I hated
to admit it, Jaden had a point. I turned my head to Walker and waited for an answer. If it was the right answer, I would be free of Akia because that would mean the feeling I got when she touched me had been nothing more than an illusion. If it was the wrong answer then I was in a lot of trouble. I had enough trouble in my life, plenty, so just then, I was hoping for a little easy.

“We will continue this conversation when you all sit down and control yourselves.” I had no idea how someone that looked so young, so innocent and fun, could contort his voice to Father
mode so quickly, but Walker had mastered the trick and there was no questioning the fact that we were all going to do as told.

Two minutes later the seven of us were choosing seats at the dining room table. Darien sat beside me, sitting so close that his leg was pressed against mine. I needed that touch to keep me grounded.  On the other side of Darien, much to my disapproval sat Jessie, who slowly inched closer to Darien with every chance she got. After I figured out what was going on with these people I was going to take Jessie girl down a few pegs, you could bet on that, and I was going to enjoy every minute of it! I watched as the others sat.

      Walker had taken a seat at the head of the table and Jaden sat opposite him.
Makeen was sitting directly across from Darien. I knew that Makeen had chosen the seat opposite Dairen just in case he needed to get at Darien quickly. Kira sat opposite me and I was stuck staring right into the female face of a ghost from my past. The entire situation was surreal and completely unnerving.

       ”First and foremost, let me answer the questions that you all have. I would appreciate it if we could all act like adults so please let me finish.” When no one protested the Doc started to spin his tale
. “Kira is Akia’s twin. I know this because I have been in her life since the day they were born.” When no one objected, he continued on.  “The royal family had no need for a daughter. They wanted a son to rule over the kingdom. Akia was first born, followed shortly by Kira. The birth of Kira disgusted the Vampires because they believed that since Akia was the perfect mix of human and Vampire DNA, Kira must have been born of left over genetic material, meaning that they didn't believe she was pure enough to let live. They ordered her execution immediately. I waited for the guards to rid the kingdom of the baby. When I saw the Vampire in charge of her execution I grabbed him, killed him, and placed another baby, a human baby in his arms. This baby had died because its young mother had been caged and used for food during her pregnancy, she was weak and half drained and her baby died in labor. It was a very risky move for me to make but the stars were aligned in my favor. Even though the infant was human, it looked close enough to Kira that no questions were asked. Mix that with the fact that the Regent was ashamed that his human mate had birthed a girl, and the murder of Kira was quickly brushed under the rug and forgotten. I didn't even have to worry about the fact that I had killed the guard. The Vampires figured that he took his own life after killing a royal baby, that he feared later consequences for spilling royal blood. I really never thought it was going to work, but the birth of Akia was being celebrated so wildly, that no one worried too much about one dead guard. I took Kira to a place where I knew she would be safe, to another group of rogue humans that risked their lives to get her across the country. I have been keeping contact with the humans that took her in and raised her ever since.”

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