She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale (14 page)

BOOK: She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale
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“Well, I guess I was wrong, looks like you do remember how to get here,” his mother said the second she laid eyes on him.

She was standing in the hallway with his nephew in her arms. Tajh looked just like Tron, like he made him all by himself with no help from Jai. Good thing he wasn't trying to deny him because he couldn't if he wanted to.

Miego walked up to his mom, kissed her on the cheek, and then ran his hand through his nephew’s hair. He had a head full, and Tron refused to cut it.

“If I didn't know any better, I’d swear you missed me,” Miego said about his mom’s smart comment about him remembering how to get to her spot, but he didn't bother waiting for a response. He just made his way down the hall toward his old room, with her right behind him.

“I didn't miss you, I just didn't appreciate being up all night wondering if you were dead or in jail.”

Miego glanced back over his shoulder just before he entered his room and cut his eyes at her. He wasn't about to entertain her comment because it would have led to an argument, so he let it go.

“Yo, chill with that. I’m good, and if I wasn't, you would be the first to know. Stop worrying about shit so much.”

“What up, bruh?” Tron’s voice made Miego turn in his direction.

He was stretched out on his bed, arms folded behind his head, with a bag of chips on his chest and a gallon of apple juice on his nightstand next to him. Miego shook his head at the fact that his brother ate 24/7.

“I can't help but worry. What else am I supposed to do when you don't call or come home?” his mother asked, standing in the doorway.

“Ma, I’m grown as fuck, so don't expect me to be checking in with you like some little ass kid. You can dead that shit. I love you, but that ain't happening.”

Tron chuckled and Miego cut his eyes at him. He knew their mom was always stressing, and he didn't need Tron making that shit worse.

“Let me holla at Tron real quick, and I’ll come check you out in a minute. I need to talk to you about something anyway.” He walked over to his mom and kissed her again.

She didn't budge for a minute, but she eventually let it go and walked away.

“Why isn't your ass at school, bruh? You’re about to graduate soon. Don't start fucking up now.”

“Chill, yo. I’m good. Jai had exams and shit today, so I took Tajh to the doctor. After that, there was no point in going to school, so I decided to chill for the rest of the day. Mom wanted to see Tajh, and coach knows where I am.”

Miego thought about the fact that Jai had dual enrollment and was taking a few college classes to get her degree early. She was a good mother and trying her best to do her thing and be more than just another statistic.

“Yeah, i’ight. Let me find out different.”

“Man, you ain't my got damn daddy. The fuck you gon’ do?” Tron said with a smirk before he took a handful of chips and shoved them in his mouth. He was focused on the TV, so he didn't see Miego when he knocked the chips off his chest and jacked him up by his shirt.

“I am your damn daddy, Tron. The only one you’ve ever known, and I’ll beat your little ass is what the fuck I’ll do. Now play wit it.” Miego let him go and Tron fell back onto his bed, mugging him hard as hell but didn't say anything.

It took a minute, but a smile eventually formed on his face. “I see you ain't buck on Ma like that. I bet she’ll jack your ass up just like that too.”

Miego waved his hand in the air and laughed. “Man, ain't nobody worried about Ginette.”

Tron laughed. “Yeah, i’ight. Yo, I been meaning to catch up with you too.” He grabbed his chips and sat up. His face turned serious and he looked right at Miego. “You fucking with Black's girl?”

“Where did you hear that shit from?” Miego asked.
Damn, first Karlin now Tron.
It wasn't like he and Yami were chilling, out on display, or some shit like that.

“The streets, where the fuck you think? People talk, Miego, and word is, Black is gunning for you over his girl.”

“First of all, she was in my bed last night, so she ain't his damn girl. And when have you ever known me to be worried about another muthafucker? You know how many people don't like shit that I do? He can jump his ass right in that line with that ’cause I don't give a fuck one way or another.”

Tron just stared at his brother for a minute. “I know this is gon’ sound like some fuck shit, and trust me, I don’t doubt you. But it's Black, yo. That nigga is grimy. Honestly, I don't even think he’s really about his, but he plays dirty. That means it's all bets aside when it comes to him. You handle yours on some real shit. You don't hide behind anything, so if you step to him, you just gon’ step to him on some grown man shit. But from what I hear about that nigga, he don't give a fuck how he take you down, even if it's on some bitch type shit. And when you fuck with a nigga like that, you gotta be extra careful. Ain't no female worth losing you over.”

“Come on, Tron, I’m good. I don't care who that nigga is or how long his reach is. I handles mine, always have, and you know that shit. And it ain't about just any female. Fuck you think I am? I ain't never hurting for that, but I’m feeling shorty. She cool as fuck, and that nigga puts his hands on her. You know how I feel about that shit. She has a daughter, yo, I’m not about to let that happen. I know you’re worried, but don't be. I’m good, i’ight.”

“You say you good, then you’re good.” Tron lay back on his bed again and then was focused on the TV. He decided to leave it alone because one thing he knew to be true was that his brother was going to do whatever he wanted, but if Miego said he was good, then Tron trusted that.

Miego moved through his closet, picked some clothes and laid them out on his bed before grabbing a pair of boxers and heading to the bathroom. He found a towel and washcloth in the closet and turned the water on in the shower to let it run hot. His brother’s words were in his head. He already knew Black was going to be a problem, just not this quickly. He needed to make sure Yami was ready because he was putting a lot on the line, but either way, he wasn't worried about it. If Black wanted to come at him. Let him.

After he got dressed, he had a few minutes before it was time to pick up Yami and hit the apartment that they were supposed to be checking out, so he decided to go talk to his moms. When he stepped into her room, he found her with his nephew in her lap. Tajh was grinning and laughing as she made faces at him. At times like this, that he wanted to be in the position to give her more grandchildren. He knew how much it meant to her, but at this point in his life, it just wasn't happening. Maybe if he and Yami figured things out it would be somewhere in the future for the two of them, but for now, all that was on hold.

After watching his mother interact with his nephew for a few, Miego walked over and grabbed him from her and then held him in the air above his head. Tajh laughed and smiled as he looked down at him, which made Miego smile.

“Don’t hold him like that, he just ate.” Ginette fussed, so Miego lowered him and held him against his chest instead, before kissing his fat cheeks.

“Yo, he looks just like Tron's ass. That’s crazy to me,” he said, looking into his nephew’s face.

“He should, that’s his son. You need to be settling down so you can have some that look just like you too.”

Miego smiled. “You want some more grandbabies, Ginette?” He teased his mom. Miego knew the answer, she had made it very clear that she wanted a shit load, but she wasn't getting any from him anytime soon.

“Boy, what do you want?”

Miego looked at his mom as she watched him with his nephew. “I’m moving out, and before you say shit, you knew this wasn't gon’ last forever.”

She looked up and him and frowned. “What about parole, can you do that? I thought they said you had to be—”

“Let me worry about that.”

“Miego, I don't think that’s a good idea. You just got out, and how can you even afford that?”

“Like I said, let me worry about that. I’ve got it covered. I just need you to stop worrying about irrelevant shit. It's happening whether you like it or not, so don't stress over things that you can't change. I love you, but I gotta do my own thing.”

His mother’s eyes were on him like she wanted to say more, but she let it go, which he was grateful for. He didn’t want to argue with her.


“Not sure, but soon.”

She looked at him again with sad eyes before she stood and took his nephew from him. Ginette patted her son on the shoulder and then left the room. She wasn't okay with it and he knew she never would be, but she wasn’t going to fight him on it either. She knew her son well enough to know that it wouldn't do any good.

Miego hated for his mom to be upset, so he planned to bring Yami by soon to meet her. Maybe the idea of him being with someone other than Kia would make her smile a little. Anybody was better than Kia, and in her eyes, one step closer to the grandbaby that she secretly wished for. That shit wasn't happening with him anytime soon, but at least, it would give her hope.

Chapter Twelve

ami sat on the bench outside the area where Miego was supposed to meet her, listening to her sister go on about how stupid she was being and that she was leaving one bad situation to jump right into another. All Yami was thinking was that Yaz needed to get a life. She got that Yaz cared, but Yami didn't understand why her sister was so dead set on her staying with a man that she knew had no problem putting his hands on her. Black wasn't shit, and she knew that better than anybody because she had seen the damage that he had done to Yami on more than one occasion.

Yami was starting to question whether her sister even wanted to see her happy. Staying with Black was a surefire way for Yami to be miserable for the rest of her life, and Yaz seemed dead set on her staying put with him.

“Yaz, I get it, and I’m not saying I’m about to marry the man, but I like him, and I’m not going to pretend that I don't. I’m just giving it a minute to see how it goes.”

“But did you not just say that you’re on your way to go find an apartment with him. Damn, Yami, you’ve known that nigga for what, a week? And you talking about shacking up. His dick game must be on point.”

“First of all, I didn't say I was doing anything. He’s looking for an apartment, and I wouldn't know because I haven't had sex with him.” Yami was pissed that her sister was coming for her like that.

“Don't get a got damn attitude with me. I’m just trying to help. I love you, Yami, and I love Ray. I just don’t want you to get hurt. Niggas will promise you the world, and when it's time to step up and deliver, they find the next bitch, and bam, just like that, she’s living the life that he promised you. Trust me, I know.”

“I’m not you, Yaz, and Miego isn't Trez.” The words flew out of Yami’s mouth before she even realized what she was saying. But the moment she said it, she could see what the problem was.

Yami knew that her sister was still having a hard time with the fact that her ex had played her the way he did. She supported him no matter what, did a two-year bid with him, only for him to get out, get back in the game and then get one of his side bitches pregnant. He left Yaz, screaming that his kid needed him, and now Trez, his girl, and their baby were living lovely while Yaz sat around being hateful. Yami just wished that Yaz would get over it. All men weren't Trez, and Miego damn sure wasn't, at least as far as Yami could tell.

“Wow, I try to be a good sister and show you that I care, and you throw that shit in my face. This is not about Trez, but cool. You can get that. Just don’t come crying to me when he turns out to be just like that nigga you’re running from.” Yaz hung up just as Yami called her name to try and apologize. She felt bad, but she meant what she said, so Yami shot her sister a text just as she noticed Miego pull up.

I didn't mean to bring that up and I know you care. I love you, Yaz, and you know that, but I need this, I need to at least try to be happy. Please don't be mad about it, just trust that I know what I’m doing.

After she hit send, she lifted her book bag and walked to Miego's car, still in her feelings a little about the argument that she just had with her sister. For the first few minutes in the car, she was quiet, which he noticed.

“What’s up, shorty? You still mad about this morning? I’m sorry about that, and I didn't mean to come at you the way I did.” He reached for Yami’s hand, and once he had it, he lifted it, intertwining their fingers.

“No, it's fine,” Yami said and turned toward the passenger side window.

“Well, something's up, so talk to me, shorty.”

“I had an argument with my sister yet again, about you.” Yami snatched her hand away from his and looked out the window.

“So you figured it would be a good idea to bring that shit to me?” he said, annoyed about the fact that she had let that shit bother her so much.

She glared at him for a second before turning to look out the window.

Miego pulled over and put his car in park, which made her turn to face him.

“Look, I get it. That’s your sister and she cares, but damn, is this what it's going to be like every time she has something to say about us that you don't like. I’m not feeling that shit. You’re not going to have your ass on your shoulders because she don't like the choices you’re making about
life.” Miego pointed at Yami and then waited. He raised his voice just enough to get his point across, but mostly because the situation was getting old.

“What am I supposed to do? She’s my sister, she’s all I have. My mother acts like I can't think for my damn self, so Yaz is really the only person who supports me.”

“Can you?” Miego asked.

“Can I what?”

“Can you think for yourself because it seems to me like your mother is not the only one who's making decisions for you, shorty.”

Yami got pissed at what he was insinuating, but she really couldn't say anything because he was partially right. She was hesitant because after dealing with Black, she didn't really trust her own judgment, so every time Yaz had something to say about her being with Miego, a small part of her believed that she might be right.

“Man, fuck it. How about this? I’ll take you wherever you want to go, and when you figure that shit out, you call me.” Miego pulled off again, annoyed by the whole situation.

“I don't want to go anywhere. I make my own decisions, and this is what I want.”

Her eyes were on Miego while she waited. It took him a minute, but he eventually looked her way.

“I know you think that Yaz is all you have, but you got me, and I promise that I got you, shorty, but only if you let me. That's my word. Just give it a chance. I ain't Black, Yami, so stop comparing me to that nigga or this shit won't work.”

Yami quickly picked up on the seriousness of his demand and nodded but didn't say anything.

“You in this shit with me, Yami?”

She looked at him with a grin. “Yes.”

“Good, ’cause you didn’t have a choice anyway. I claimed your ass the day you ran into me at that game.”

She laughed. “You can't just claim somebody, Miego.”

“Shit, yes you can. You’re here, aren't you?” His face transformed into a playful grin.

“I’m here because I want to be, not because you think you have some sort of control over that decision, so please don't get it confused.” Yami rolled her eyes.

“Nah, shorty, you’re here because you want a nigga to blow your back out, but I’ll make sure that’s not the only reason, though, just be patient. I can show you what I’m about better than I can tell you.”

“I can't even deal with you, I swear.”

Miego laughed because all he wanted to do was make her smile, so mission accomplished. There was much more to come if she could get her head right and just have faith in him.



“Well, Mr. Grant, what do you think?” Miego’s eyes moved right to Yami, who looked back at him confused.

“Baby, she wants to know what we think.” Miego's eyes smiled as he waited for Yami to speak up.

She blushed as her eyes moved from him to the realtor.

“It's not my call.”

“Come on, shorty, I’m buying this shit for you. Tell the lady what you think.”

Yami gave him a hard stare before she turned to the realtor who was smiling like she had a winning lottery ticket.

“What I think is that you’re paying for it, so my vote doesn't really count.”

Miego chuckled. He took Yami's hand in his and pulled her to his side before he focused on the realtor. “I think she likes it. So what’s next?”

“Perfect. I’ll get the paperwork ready. I assume you’re still paying in cash.”

“Yeah, can you do that today?”

“Sure, it will take me a few hours to get everything finalized, but I can have the keys ready for you by this evening.”

“Okay, ’Preciate that. Just call me when you're ready, and I’ll have a cashier’s check for you.”

“Yes, Mr. Grant. I’ll be in touch.”

Once they were in the car again, Yami immediately started with the questions. “Is she really doing that?”

“Doing what?” Miego asked with a grin, knowing exactly what she was talking about. At Miego's request, the realtor had taken a picture of Yami’s license so that she could put the apartment in her name.

“You just bought an apartment and you made her put it in my name.”

“Why the hell you looked surprised? I told you before we got here that I was gon’ do that shit,” Miego said.

“I didn't think you meant it, though. You don't know me and—”

“Man, chill with all that. Do you like living with your mom?” Miego gave Yami a serious expression which had her thinking.

“No, but I can't just move in with you. We barely even know each other, and what about Ray? How am I supposed to explain that to Ray?”

Miego cut his eyes at her. “Ray, or her bitch ass father?”

Yami was quiet for a minute before she spoke in a barely audible tone. “Both.”

“I’m not gon’ keep having the same dead ass conversation with you, Yami. How many times I got to tell you, fuck him, and Ray is two years old. It's as simple as we’re moving, this is where we live now. You already know I ain't on no bullshit with her. I don't know shit about kids, but if I got you, I got her. That ain't up for debate. I understood that the second I saw her with you. There are three rooms, one for you, me, and Ray, if that’s how you wanna play it. The bottom line is this, you ain't happy with your situation and I need a place to lay my head. Stop making got damn excuses and do what the fuck you want and not what you think everyone else wants. Who the fuck cares how long we’ve known each other? One day, one week, one fucking year, that shit is irrelevant. Somebody’s gon’ have something to say about it regardless, so are we going to buy shit for our place or am I taking your ass home?”

“No expectations, right?”

Miego laughed. “The fuck you mean no expectations? I already told you that I have a lot of expectations, like your ass bent over one of the sofas we’re about to buy, but I know that shit will come in time.” He winked at her and she shook her head. There was just no winning with him. He had no chill.

“For real, though, shorty. I got you on that. We play it however you want, but I need you to be clear about one thing. You might start off in your own room, but you’re gon’ end up in mine eventually. I’m not rushing it, but it's happening. You down with that?”

Miego’s expression didn't break and Yami knew that he was serious, so even though she still had reservations about it, she figured that they would find a way to make it work for both of them, so she simply nodded and agreed.

“I’ight then. Let's go buy some shit.” And with that, the plan was set in motion.

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