She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale (15 page)

BOOK: She Fell For A Boss: An Urban Love Tale
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Chapter Thirteen

t had been over a month since Yami had talked to her sister and she missed her. Yaz wasn't answering her calls, hadn't responded to her texts, which really had Yami in her feelings. As much as she hated the way her sister was constantly on her about her life choices, a part of her felt empty without having her sister around to talk to, and she needed to change that because she was over it.

Yami walked around picking up toys that Ray had thrown all over her room and smiled. Over the past month, things had fallen into place. Her daughter had definitely made herself at home, and she was slowly doing the same thing. Miego was still Miego, but he respected her request to give them time. The more she was around him, the more she realized that she wanted to be more than just friends.

The first few days after they moved in, Black had blown up her phone with threatening calls and texts. Yami hadn't been around, which meant that Ray hadn't been around, and he wanted to see his daughter. Yami didn't want problems, so she went out of her way to make sure that Ray got to see Black, even if she didn't. That meant extra-long drives to get Ray to her grandmother’s house so that she could keep her distance from Black. Even though she had to lie to his mother about her current situation, it was easier to lie to her than it was to be confronted by Black.

She wasn't ready to deal with him about the fact that she and Miego were living together, and she planned to avoid it as long as she could. Until a week ago, it wasn't really a problem because she didn't have to see Black, thanks to his mother. All of that changed when his mom delivered the message that she could no longer be the go between for them.

Apparently, Black had refused to let her, and he wanted Yami to bring their daughter to him. Yami knew that Black was eventually going to start questioning her about where she was staying, so she did the only thing that made sense to her and stayed away. It had been over a week since Black had seen Ray, but he also hadn’t called or texted her about it, which she thought was strange.

After she was done cleaning up after Ray, she stepped out of her room and walked down the hall to Ray’s room where she was taking a nap. She stuck her head in the door and found her daughter balled up on the bed with her thumb in her mouth, hugging the stuffed elephant the she fell in love with and Miego had insisted that she have.

Anything Ray wanted she got if he was around, and Yami loved that about him. As much as he screamed that he didn't know anything about kids, he was a natural with Ray. The two of them were thick as thieves, even to the point where they ganged up on her a lot.

Since Ray as still asleep, she decided to grab a snack but stopped when she reached Miego's in-house studio. It was meant to be an office, but the day after they moved in, he paid to have someone soundproof it, brought in a bunch of equipment and turned it into a mini studio. He spent a lot of time in there, and could get lost for hours, losing track of time. She didn't know much about it but he seemed to be at peace when he was in there.

Yami knocked first, and when she didn't get an answer, she turned the knob and stuck her head in. She found him leaning over one of the pieces of equipment, headphones on and nodding his head. She stood there for a minute, debating on whether to disturb him before she actually decided to step inside.


He’d made it clear on multiple occasions that she could always have his time, no matter what he was doing, and he’d stuck to that. She shut the door behind her, and it took him a minute to realize she was in the room with him. But when he did, he smiled, patted the chair next to him, and pulled his headphones off his head, letting them fall around his neck.

“What’s up, you need something?” Miego's eyes traced her body like they did every time he was near her, but she couldn't read his expression.

“Nope, just wanted to see what you were up to,” Yami answered truthfully.

This time, he smiled. “So you missed me, huh?”

He grabbed the seat of her chair before turning his to face her and pulling her close to him. They were now face to face with her knees positioned between his. Miego leaned back in his seat, propped his elbow up on the arms of his chair and folded his hands together.

“No, I just wanted to see what you were doing.”

“Yeah, i’ight but we both know that shit is a lie.”

“I was thinking about going to see my sister today,” Yami said, trying to gauge his reaction. He had been asking her about Yaz for weeks and had made it clear that she needed to try to fix things. But, Yami and Yaz were both stubborn, so she refused to be the first to break.

“Oh yeah?” he said with his eyes locked on hers.

“Yeah, I miss her.” She shrugged.

“You still haven't talked to her?”

Miego knew that it had been a minute since Yami had talked to her sister, but he had stopped her about it because it seemed like a sore spot. He knew that she would eventually figure it out.

Things with her family had been complicated since she moved in with him. Her mom was flipping out, calling her stupid and saying that that she was making bad choices about her life and dragging her daughter into it also, but since they had been with Miego, she and Ray were both a lot happier.

It got so bad to the point where her mother and Miego got into it when he took Yami to get her stuff, and as far as he knew, she hadn't seen or talked to her sister since the day they actually went to view the apartment they were now living in.

“Nope, she won’t call me back, and she won't respond to my texts.”

Miego noticed how sad she looked and it bothered him. He wasn't trying to hold her hostage, and he damn sure didn't want to keep her from her family, but it seemed like that’s how things had worked out. Even if it wasn't anything that he could control, Miego wanted Yami to fix things with her family.

He leaned forward, taking hold of her arms and pulling her body up onto his. “Look, shorty, you being here doesn’t mean that you can't still be cool with your sister. She’s just mad for whatever reason, but she loves you, so you’ll figure it out. Go see her. Y'all need to talk that shit out because, at the end of the day, you’re family, and that means more than anything.”

“Maybe to me it does, but apparently not to her.” Yami frowned.

“Nah, she’s still rocking with you, she’s just in her damn feelings right now because you did some shit on your own.”

“I’m not on my own, though. This is all you.”

“Man, fuck that. This shit is in your name. You can put me out anytime you want to. I ain't having that, but you could,” Miego said with a cocky grin. “I bought you a car that you never use, so how about you take that shit to go see your sister? I’ll keep Ray if you want, or you can take her with you, but if you need to have a conversation with your sister and the phone ain't working to get it done, then just go see her. The fuck she gon’ do if you're standing in her face besides talk to you? She can't ignore you forever, shorty.”

Yami nodded in agreement, thinking about the day he showed up with a brand new car for her and one for him. He had been doing a lot of talking about getting one for Yanna, so Yami assumed that the one he showed up in was for his sister, but when he tossed her the keys and told her that it was hers, she was shocked. He explained how he had already gotten one for his sister, and knew she needed one too, so now she and Yanna both had their own cars, courtesy of Miego.

“So you don't mind if I leave Ray here with you? I mean she’s sleep, but—”

“Man, gon’ with that shit. You know I’m good on that. Besides, me and my shorty have a rematch at Go Fish that needs to go down anyway. Her cheating ass,” Miego said and laughed.

“Don't say that, she doesn't cheat.” Yami couldn't hold her laugh because she knew he was telling the truth. Ray didn't like to lose, so she would cheat if it meant that she was going to win.

“You’re a damn lie, you know she cheats and you probably taught her that shit. It's cool, though. She can get that.” Miego smiled, thinking about Ray. He was attached already to the point where he didn't mind spending time with Ray, with or without Yami.

“Don't put that on me. I didn't teach her that.” Yami laughed again.

Miego's hand went in the air as he pointed at Yami. “See, you just admitted that shit. You know it's true.”

“I’m about to go, just call me if she gives you any trouble.” Yami tried to stand, but Miego held her in place.

“Damn, can I get a goodbye kiss, a thank you for watching my shorty kiss, and an I want you naked in my bed later kiss?”

“Oh my God, you are so damn extra sometimes.”

Yami turned her face and connected her lips with his, but it wasn't the quick peck she’d planned. Miego did like always and held her close to his body, sending his tongue into her mouth in a way that sucked the energy right out of her. He made sure that every time he had the opportunity to be close to her that he gave her a reason to want more. He was trying to respect her request to take things slow, but being around her every day was making it more complicated. Every once in a while, he would hook up with somebody just to get a release, but Yami would be on his mind the entire time. He had to have her soon.

“You like that shit, though, so quit complaining. Yo, check it. Let's do something tonight.”

“Something like what? I don't really have anywhere for Ray to go. My mother basically won't talk to me, and Yaz, well I don't really know how that’s going to work out.”

“Let me figure all that out.”

She looked at him strangely but agreed. “Umm, okay, but I can't leave her with just anybody.”

“Chill, shorty. I wouldn't expect you to. I got this, go figure shit out with your sister and let me handle it.” He pulled her body into his and then kissed her on the forehead before letting her get up.

Once Yami was on her feet, she moved to the door with Miego right behind her. After dressing in some jeans and a button up polo, she was out the door and praying that things went well. She hated fighting with her sister. It had always been just the two of them against everybody no matter what, so them not talking didn't sit well with Yami, and she needed to fix it, like yesterday.




It was Saturday afternoon, one of her sister’s busiest days at the shop. Yami figured if she addressed her sister at her job then she wouldn't flip out on her too bad. Yaz loved her job and wouldn't jeopardize it for anything. She was the head stylist at Perfections, an upscale salon that dealt with a lot of rich clients. Every powerful black woman in Atlanta was a regular at Perfections, or had been through there at some point, and Yaz handled a lot of them. She was a beast when it came to hair and made a lot of money because of it. Yaz just spent almost every dime she made because she loved to shop, which was why she was still living in the hood.

The second Yami hit the door and Yaz laid eyes on her, she sucked her teeth and turned her clients chair so she could see Yaz’s finished product.

“Girl, you get me right every time. I swear you have a gift.”

Yami looked at the young girl sitting in her sister’s chair and smiled. Yaz had definitely hooked her up, and that couldn’t be denied.

“Thanks, Trece. Just go see Amber and she’ll get you right for your next appointment.”

She nodded and the two women said their goodbyes. Yami waited patiently, and the second she was gone, Yaz looked at her, looked out the front of the shop and then back to her sister.

“I see you’re living good,” Yaz said, referring the car that Yami had pulled up in.

“Yaz, don't do that. I’m here so we can talk. I miss you.”

Yaz laughed under her breath. “You miss me, huh?  It doesn't look like it. You riding around in brand new cars. Don't look like you need anything from me anymore, Yami.”

Yami knew Yaz was referencing the fact that Yaz was the one who used to get Ray to and from daycare and Yami back and forth to school. Now that she had her own car, she didn't need her sister for that.

“Really, Yaz? Don't be childish. You really think all I needed you for was to drive me places? I’m your sister.”

“Sisters don't throw shots like you did when you’re simply trying to help.” Yaz turned her back to Yami and started straightening up her station.

“I wasn't throwing shots, Yaz, I just wanted you to know that Miego wasn't Trez, so you didn't need to treat my situation like that. I'm sorry if you think it was anything more than that, but it wasn't. I wish you would just get over it. I miss you, Yaz. I miss talking to you. Mommy won't talk to me and you won't talk to me, it's just weird.”

Yaz turned and stared at her sister, but didn't say anything. She just stood there thinking, so Yami spoke again.

“Yaz, please. I miss you,” she begged.

It took a minute, but Yaz eventually rolled her eyes and then threw her arms around Yami. “I miss you too. Mommy won't talk to you, so she’s doubling up on me, and she’s about to drive me crazy. You need to fix that. I don't know how much more I can take. She even showed up at my apartment and complained the whole time about how I don't clean this right and I don't stack my food in the refrigerator right, and towels aren't supposed to be folded like that. I was like, ‘sit your nosey ass in the living room like any other normal guest and you wouldn't have to worry about how my towels are folded.’”

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