Shifters of Grrr 1 (23 page)

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Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Terra Wolf,Wednesday Raven,Amelia Jade,Mercy May,Jacklyn Black,Rachael Slate,Emerald Wright,Shelley Shifter,Eve Hunter

BOOK: Shifters of Grrr 1
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"Is the inside open? Can we go inside, get a glass of water and talk?" She took a step towards the house as he nodded, pointing towards the garage. They entered through the unlocked door, Calan once again the gentleman and leading the way, holding it open until she stepped inside.

The inside was furnished with a rich mahogany colored hardwood, and mute pastel walls. The decor made it obvious that no updates had been made in the past fifteen years, but the layout and charm of the house was still intact. With a few modern updates, Harley could easily see herself living here, raising a few cubs as they ran around the large rooms yelling and screaming.

What the fuck?!

The thought faded as quickly as it came, though not before it left her in a daze, unsure of things. Just this morning she had despised Calan, knowing it wouldn't be long now before he went rogue and left town, leaving her high and dry. Now though she was contemplating having his children? With a snort of ridicule directed at herself, she turned to better pursuits, such as a glass of cold water that was being held out to her.

"Thank you," she said softly, grateful for the distraction from her mental mind games.



"You're the first person to be in this home, besides the police, since I left."

Calan wasn't sure why he was telling her this, but right now, anything seemed better than nothing. His body was still on fire from her kiss earlier. It had taken every ounce of his mighty will to pull away, to wrestle his bear into submission. He had wanted her so strongly, in fact, he still did, for the roaring in his ears had barely subsided an octave, still demanding that he stride forward and have his way with her.

"Calan, why did you wait so long to come back?"

There it was. The question he had been avoiding, the one he hoped nobody would ask. He had no idea how to go about answering that question, mainly because Calan wasn't fully sure himself. Part of it was the pain, of finally acknowledging what had happened and what he had lost. The other...well, how did he tell her that?

"I needed time," he said finally after a long pause, not sure if the words he needed to say to her were going to come.

If he didn't handle this properly, she would assume that perhaps he wasn't here to stay. That he was only back for a short time, possibly to get the house ready to sell and then drift on in his life.

Am I here to stay?

It was a question that had echoed around in his head, despite the action he had been taking to clean the place up and prepare it. It would not take long at all for the property to sell. He received several offers every year on it, despite never listing it or mentioning to a soul that he was even thinking about it. If he put it up on the market, it would likely sell in a matter of weeks, if that.

No, what he needed to do was settle down. Things were turning a corner with Harley now, it seemed, and if he wanted that to continue, Calan knew he would have to open up to her more. To be completely honest about his intents and motives.

"I spent fifteen years wandering the country, never putting down roots. I couldn't bear the thought of making friends or having anyone close to me. You have no idea how
I was. I pushed away everyone out of fear, fear that I might begin to care for them, and that something bad would happen to them too."

He stopped abruptly, not sure what else to say. It was more than he had intended, revealing things about himself he wasn't sure he was ready to say. He knew that in time Harley would come to know his every strength and weakness, along with all his secrets. This wasn't the time for him to be offloading his emotional rollercoaster upon her though. She needed him to be a rock, something she could anchor herself too, to realize that there was more to living out there than being alone.

Calan had already come to that conclusion before he returned to Bear Bluffs. Now he needed to grieve, to finally put the memory of his parents to rest. That time had not yet arrived, though it was imminently approaching.

Looking over at Harley, admiring her beautiful blue eyes for what felt like the millionth time already that day, he gave her a small smile. It felt fake, but he truly was grateful for her presence. She had helped him out today more than she knew, likely more than even he knew yet, simply by being there.

"Harley, I would really, really, like to take you out on a date. I want to get to know you, who you are, and just talk some more with you."

She was blushing slightly as he said that, though he had to give her credit, she was furiously trying to hide the fact, and almost succeeding.

"Would you let me take you to dinner tonight?"

She hesitated in giving an answer, taking so long that he began to assume she was trying to come up with the politest way to say no. Calan couldn't understand why she was being so difficult with him. If she would only give him a ch-

"Yes," she said finally, ducking her head and looking up at him slightly, batting her eyes to great effect. His heart raced at the look, while his cock once more threatened to rip his jeans as it burst free. Calan was thankful that the island counter in the kitchen was between the two of them, for now was not the time to show that he was ready to fuck her.

"Would you like me to drive you home?" She had wandered up to his property with her bear, so it was unlikely she had a quick way back. But since it was only the early afternoon, if they were going to go for dinner, she had several hours to kill, and perhaps she would want to continue exploring. If nothing else came up, he had every intention of spending most of the afternoon lounging with his bear as well.

"I think I'll take the long way, but thank you, Calan." She smiled at him before brushing past on her way to the door.

"I had better get going if I'm going to be ready in time."

"How does seven sound?"

"Sounds perfect." And with that, she was gone.

He leaned back against the counter, a smile on his lips. Things were starting to look up.


The world seemed to slow to a crawl as she walked towards him. He had always thought Harley was gorgeous, but now he was at a loss for words as her beauty was put on full display for him. She had donned a black dress that hugged her in all the right places from her shoulders to her hips, before becoming loose around her legs. As she walked forward, her long legs forced the dress ever tantalizingly higher, showing just enough of her soft, creamy skin to tease him into wondering what came next.

The deep, plunging neckline exposed an eyeful of large, round breasts that called to him, practically begging for his attention. He could see her nipples already hardening under his gaze, and wondered what other reactions she might be having. This was the woman he would make his mate, he knew.

She stopped in front of him, and for a long moment he did nothing but stare, the world around them forgotten. Harley began to blush under his attention as the silence dragged on.

"Beautiful," he finally managed to gasp out. That sent her cheeks into an even darker flush of red, the perfect tint for her face he thought to himself. Finally managing to snap himself out of his trance for a moment, he gave her a hug and a soft kiss on the cheek. He didn't want to push things too far, but there were niceties to observe, and damned if he wasn't going to do his best to be a gentleman.

He opened the door to his truck, which he had fastidiously cleaned earlier that day so it would look presentable to her. Freshly washed, waxed and detailed as best as he could get it. She had a jeep of her own, so Calan knew she wouldn't feel odd being driven around in something larger.

They were seated at the one restaurant in town, Bluffs Burgers, by the owner himself, a bear shifter named Gerard. He was the perfect mix of attentive but out-of-sight as he waited on them for the evening. There were other people there, but the other wait staff tended to them.

"This is delicious, absolutely delicious," he commented as the last bite of steak slid smoothly down his throat. It was sincerely some of the best food he had ever had.

"I know, I love coming here. Gerard only moved to town a year or so ago, but he took over the old place that was here and has transformed it beautifully." She smiled at him, a stunning look that always revved his heart, sending blood pumping to various parts of his body in response. He wanted her so badly it was becoming painful. He often walked around in a state of semi-hardness just at the thought of her. Calan desperately wanted to know why she had been so distant to him when he first arrived, despite the connection he knew they both felt.

"Harley, why have you kept me so far and been so cold to me? I know you feel this between us too, but you've kept me at arm's length or further ever since we met. What did I do?" He pleaded with her to open up to him, to reveal anything, even if it was what Sam had already told him. It needed to come from her though, or they would never be able to become mates.

She sighed.

"It's not your fault, Calan."

He started to speak, but she held up a hand, indicating she wasn't finished yet. Sitting back he closed his mouth, ready to listen and hear what she had to say.

"Back before I moved here, I lived in a city. Not a metropolis, but big enough. Ever since shifters were revealed, I had never lied about who I was, but I also hadn't gone around broadcasting it like some."

Calan knew exactly what she meant by that. When the word had first broke to the general public, some shifters had gone a little crazy with it. They would shift in parks, shopping malls, the middle of the streets and anywhere else they could, simply to show others that they existed. Many in the shifter community had been appalled by it, and some of the humans had become resentful and annoyed. There had been several incidents of violence against shifters. Generally the humans got the worst of that, and attacks against shifters had stopped abruptly after the first few maulings. It had not been a pleasant time for anyone, including the Winters.

"My last boyfriend hadn't seemed to mind that I was a shifter, which made me feel very comfortable and at home with him. Some of the people I knew through work and the like viewed me differently when they found out. But not Dale."

A tear glittered in her eye, but she blinked it back violently, unwilling to let it fall.

"Anyways, I fell in love with him, and he used me. For money, drugs, sex, you name it and I gave it to him. I was so naive it's embarrassing to talk about. Yet somehow I fell harder and harder for him, even after he started cheating on me. I felt like it was somehow my fault, that I wasn't giving him what he needed, so he had to go elsewhere for it."

Calan desperately wanted to reach out a hand, or wrap her within his arms, anything to help ease the pain. But, he knew that she needed this, needed to get the weight off her shoulders so she could move on with her life. He was going to be there to help with that.

Harley took a deep, steadying breath, but continued to talk.

"One day he came to me, said he had made a mistake and needed my help. I was ready to do anything for him, whatever he needed. Then," she choked out a little laugh, "then he asked me to help take care of another woman he had gotten pregnant. That was too much. I finally walked out of there. Packed up my life and drove out here looking for my father."

Harley opened up a bit more after that, telling him about how her mother had passed away several years before she had left her ex-boyfriend. As the evening wore on, he could tell that a large weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She seemed happier, more outgoing, and even began to laugh at a few of his terrible jokes.

"I had a lot of fun tonight Calan, thank you for pushing to do this. I needed it, and I appreciate it. Thank you."

They were standing at her door, where he had insisted he would escort her. Now that she was warming up to him, Calan had no intention of letting her do something silly and be caught alone. Jeb had told him more than once over the past week that Dusty had been looking for her, asking after her. His bear was telling him that they weren't done with him, not yet at least. Until he could find a way to deal with the moron alone, he would do his best to keep Harley in his sight at all times.

Now though, he may have inadvertently put himself in a bad position. By walking her to his door, he had trapped himself in the close confines of her front walkway. Plants closed in on all sides of them, and there was an abrupt turn of the pathway less than a foot behind him. All in all, it made the area where the two of them were standing very tight.

He could sense her warmth, fighting constantly with his bear to keep his rough hands off her silky skin. Every fiber of his being wanted to reach out and rip the dress off of her, to drink in the sight of her naked before him.

Her body language practically broadcast in large neon letters that she was feeling the heat as well. Despite his hormones' valiant effort, the practical side of Calan knew that after all she had revealed tonight, sex was not the way to end the evening. If he wanted nothing more from her, then he wouldn't have hesitated. But this was the woman he intended to marry and call his wife and mate. She deserved to make the decision to sleep with him after more than just a day of being on friendly terms.

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