Shifters of Grrr 1 (78 page)

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Authors: Artemis Wolffe,Terra Wolf,Wednesday Raven,Amelia Jade,Mercy May,Jacklyn Black,Rachael Slate,Emerald Wright,Shelley Shifter,Eve Hunter

BOOK: Shifters of Grrr 1
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“He wouldn’t have died from the Red Death if he hadn’t, right?” Her heart ached as she posed the question.

“Yes, but he recognized his choices and he chose to die with your mother, Lucy. A greater display of true love, I have never beheld. When I detected the Dragon hiding within you at our first meeting, I realized he’d chosen his destiny.”

Lucy leaned her head back against Sheng’s powerful chest. The steady rhythm of his breathing grounded her. It didn’t lessen the pain, but she understood.

If Sheng had to go somewhere, she’d follow him. Anywhere.

Even toward death.


“So you did know. This whole time. Why the fuck didn’t you tell the rest of us?” Sheng released Lucy to tower above the Matchmaker. “We deserved to be made aware of the situation before we attempted the joining.”

The Matchmaker stiffened at his accusations. “Don’t tell me what I’m to do, Li. You forget your place.”

“Oh, I know mine. It’s right here, protecting my family. From anyone who would endanger them.” He growled, the threat rumbling in his chest.

“Sheng.” Lucy snared his arm. “Calm down.” Temperance rang in her voice. “The Matchmaker has her reasons, I’m sure.” She pivoted to the Matchmaker. “Right?”

“Indeed.” The Matchmaker shook her head at both of them. “Far more is at play than even the two of you might have surmised.” She adjusted the buttons on her blouse, smoothing her clothes back into place. “Navigating the Council, making perfect matches, ensuring you and your underlings don’t kill themselves.” She sputtered her grievances. “Conclude what you may of me, Li, but we are on the same side. More than I can say for many of those surrounding us.”

“Right. Sorry.” He folded his arms, not in the least contrite, but neither did he wish to open an argument with one of his few allies.

The Matchmaker might be a nag, but he owed her almost everything. From rescuing his ass off the streets, to bringing him together with Lucy. His gaze slanted to the woman who possessed his heart and the hunger inside him surfaced.

“Go on.” Damn, the Matchmaker was too perceptive, waving him off to depart with Lucy.

“Until next time,
.” He winked, grinning at her scowl, and met Lucy’s gaze. “Home?”

“Home.” She smiled, planted her hands on either side of his face and kissed him thoroughly.

He growled against her mouth. “Wanna go back to her office?”

“Sheng! You’re terrible.”

“I am?”

“Yes, horrible. Wicked.
” Her voice dropped, swirling with a sultry edge. She tilted her head and nibbled his ear, making him so hard that waiting until he brought her home would be fucking torture. “Even if you’re only an itty bitty Rabbit.” Her laughter chimed in his ear before she pulled back to gaze at him with glinting, pale blue-gray eyes.


Although it was odd observing the spirit he’d hosted for so long in someone else’s body, he’d developed an appreciation for Rabbit. “I could get used to hosting the Rabbit.”


“Yeah. I haven’t given this little bunny the credit it deserves. Without Rabbit’s unique abilities, we’d never have defeated your uncle. Maybe,” he winked, “I’ll hang onto this spirit for a while longer.”

She tapped one finger against her lips. “
I think I prefer you as
tiger.” Suddenly, she wrapped her hand behind his head, opened her mouth, and breathed Tiger’s spirit into him while drawing back the Rabbit. “Better?”

Mmm hmm.
” As Tiger rejoined him, the reunion warmed through every inch of Sheng’s being. He was whole again.

She crooked her finger at him. His hardened body obeyed as if she pulled his damned strings.

“Lucy.” He groaned her name, advancing on her, but frowned as she took a step backward. He arched a brow in question.

“First one home wins.” With a wink, she cloaked the Rabbit over herself, spun, and dashed through the temple doors.

Fuck, yeah.

Tiger blasted over him, pulsing with a shitload of eager energy. Rabbit’s fluffy white tail disappeared down the street and around the corner as he tore after her.

He fucking loved a good chase.

About the Author

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Author Bio:

Rachael Slate resides on the West Coast of Canada with her husband and two children—or as she likes to call them, her own little blended world. One of the best parts about sharing in her husband’s Chinese-Malaysian culture is definitely the food—and the awesome celebrations!

Rachael writes stories that blend the lines between mythology, reality, and fantasy. In her worlds, you’ll encounter strong, sexy alpha males and the capable women who challenge them. And always, scorching hot romance.

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Learn more about the Chinese Zodiac Romance Series here:

Shifter (Grizzly) Part 1 - Emerald Wright


(( Grizzly ))



Emerald Wright

(( SERIAL told in PARTS, BBW, Paranormal, Romance, 1
Person Dual POV’s by Primary Characters ))

Cassidy is no longer an aspiring author. She hit the big-time, money-wise with her paranormal erotic romance shifter titles that are all the rage. She’s a success!

With her finances secure, she is taking a break from the genre and revisiting a former dream of writing the great American novel. First, she needs to get her latest book completed and in the hands of her publisher, ASAP. There’s just one problem, she’s switched out the last three chapters and needs them to be edited. But her editor isn’t available. What’s an author to do?

Help comes in the shape and form of Abe. New to town, a seasoned editor and ruggedly handsome, he’s not only willing to take on the editing job, he can do it fast. When they meet, the chemistry is instant and Abe is drawn to the curvy writer.

When Cassidy’s daily workout takes a drastic and amusing turn, the two begin the journey of becoming a truly unique pairing. Abe is eagerly seeking a mate, but can Cassidy wrap her head around fiction becoming reality and accept her very own, true-to-life shifter, to call her own?

Say That to My Face

(( Song by Guster ))

'Round the corner

Loneliness still following me

I can't shake her

My mother said, 'Now don't be scared to fight'

So I should feel no shame

I should never turn the other cheek

Why don't you say to my face?

My shyness will keep me in place

Love always comes

Love gets her way

Love bites my tongue

Then love goes away

Shyness, fear, and shame

Whisper all those things about me

Come and say that to my face!

Words that I think, but don't say

Love always comes

Love gets her way

Love holds the tongue

Then love is gone

Say Neil Armstrong,

Where is the sun?

For shyness, fear, and shame

Have wrapped their arms and legs around me

Come and say that to my face!

When will be that,

I don't feel no shame?

There's a sin that coming on me

Come and say that to my face!

Chapter One

(( 1 ))


It was turning out to be that sort of day. My editor was once again having a hissy fit over my impulse decision to chop about three chapters out of the original manuscript and replacing them with rewrites.

Yes, I knew it was a last-minute request and with next to no notice, but that is what happens when an insomniac night owl like myself has a creative epiphany.

“Please Charlene…” I was begging and next to wailing at this point.

I dreaded the thought of another chastising coffee date with my agent. He’d verbally spank me a new one alright if I did the bait and switch on him and it wasn’t even yet edited. If it was edited at least, that would get me a pass. Maybe.

“No, Cassidy. It’s not okay. For the last time, you’re not my only author. There is a reason I make a living at this and it’s not because you’re my only client. Sorry, but no can do.”

I sighed and relented. She was right, it wasn’t fair of me. “I’m sorry, you’re absolutely right. You’re ten times the professional I will ever be at this business.”

The silence on the phone was deafening. If I wasn’t careful, it was entirely possible that I would totally alienate her and that would be an utter catastrophe. Time to end this call ASAP and allow time to do what it does best. Erase the memory of me and my bad behavior from her mind. I hoped.

“There is someone I can refer you to. He’s looking for new clients. Promise to treat him well and behave yourself?”

I squealed perhaps a bit too loud into the phone, “Really?!”

“Yes, really. Promise.”

“I do. With cherries on top and a
gift-card. I so do!” I promised, glad to be almost back in her good graces. Maybe just the thought of deflecting me to someone else was all it took?

Oh crap?! Is she trying to get rid of me? As a client? She wouldn’t dare, would she?

“His name is Abe, he’s new to the city, but has experience. Your genre is one of his least favorites, so don’t be surprised if he seems reluctant. But I happen to know that he needs the income and is likely to accept the project. He went through a nasty divorce and she cleaned out his savings.”

“Oh. Okay. Fair enough. What’s his number?” I asked.

“He’s a bit anti-social, prefers email to be first contact. I’ll shoot him one and CC you on it. From there, you two kids can take it wherever it needs to go.”

“You’re a life-saver and a godsend, thank you and sorry!”

“You’re welcome. Now, I need to get back to work.” Charlene said, a bit of her chastising tone still there.

“Okay, have a great day. Looking forward to your email and thanks again.” I said.

“You too Cass, be well. Talk soon.”

The call ended and I peered at my laptop. This change was crucial to my latest book. I just knew it would make it better. It had to.

Although I was grateful for all the success this genre had brought me, I needed to write in a different one. I needed a break from were-bears, wolves, dragons, big-cats, oh my! We ladies like our men half-human, apparently. Readers couldn’t get enough of them. Even though I’d been able to put out a new story every three to four weeks, they were ravenous, those readers… Kinda like one of my shifter characters around a big, bloody, raw steak.

I’d created every variation of a shifter title one could possibly imagine. As a result, I was out of ideas. My checking account was flush with cash, but my heart just wasn’t in it like it once was. I was hoping that perhaps a break from the genre would bring back my creative juices for it. Time would tell.

The title I needed the three chapters to be fast-edited for, were my final chapters in a paranormal shifter romance. For now.

Then I could focus on another project, another endeavor.
The great American novel

Which had been half-done for like years now. A crazy bout of writer’s block on that one keeping me far and clear of it. But now that my financial woes weren’t in the way, I could get back to it, right? At least that is what I told myself. Who knew? Maybe I was kidding myself?

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