Shifter’s Surrender (11 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Dellerman

BOOK: Shifter’s Surrender
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With a twisted groan, Dean followed, shouting out as he came, his seed pumping from his body in hard, searing waves of ecstasy. Yet when he’d finished, he couldn’t seem to stop thrusting, She was his haven, and he never wanted to leave.

Finally he collapsed over her. Her soft breasts were molded to his chest and he felt a sense of … hell, he didn’t know what he felt. Only that it was damn good. Beyond sated and unable to hold back his thoughts, he murmured against her neck. “Want to be here forever.”

Even as he savored her scent, her heat, the gentle way she cradled his body with hers, a sudden surge of possessiveness took root. He knew he was perilously close to blowing his sense of right and wrong to hell and claiming her as his forever. The thought of another man in this very position, taking, tasting what belonged to Dean, caused a red haze of to form over his mind. Unbidden, his arms slipped under her body to hold her tighter, as if keeping another from whisking her away. Her breath fanned over his ear and cascaded down his cheek and jaw. Somehow that soft caress of air seemed more intimate than the fact they were still joined. The sense of contentment that swept through him was new, and vaguely worrisome. Keeping his emotions at bay was what he needed to do, but every time they came together he could feel his rigid barriers crack just a bit more.

Suddenly he needed space, needed to breathe in something other than Kaylie’s bewitching scent. While he was reluctant to leave the haven of her body, he needed to distance himself for his own peace of mind. Carefully, he freed his cock from her warmth and rolled over onto his back.

As if sensing his withdrawal, Kaylie didn’t move to nestle against him, which both pleased and upset him. Totally illogical.

, he thought, squeezing his eyes shut.
This mating heat is making me fucking crazy.

Even as he lay silent and still, he felt Kaylie’s eyes on him. Then she moved.
from him. He slitted his eyes to watch her slip off the bed and pad, beautifully naked, to the bathroom. He heard the toilet flush, a cabinet door open, and then running water. When she returned she held a washcloth and a hand-towel.

Dean didn’t say a word as she came to him, only raised an eyebrow in question. It was the most he could do, mesmerized by the sight of her swaying hips and her bare breasts that jiggled with every step.

She curled one leg up under her as she sat next to him on the bed. Then she reached out and removed the spent condom. The washcloth turned out to be warm and wet. Though not nearly as blissful a feeling as her body, his heart gave a jerk as she cleaned him up and dried him off.

She tossed the towels to the end of the bed and looked back at him, a mischievous little smile on her lips. “It’s my turn now.”

* * * *

Dean felt a sense of emptiness when he woke early the next morning, and he knew instantly that Kaylie was gone. But not gone long. The sheets were still warm from where she’d lain next to him, her scent lingering, sweet and arousing.

Why should he feel empty, disappointed? Surely not because he wanted to wake to her sleepy smile or feel her snuggle against him? He’d never desired that with another woman. Granted, Kaylie wasn’t like other women, and their joining last night, and the Thursday before, had been more explosive, and yes, more emotional, than any previous sexual encounter. But why?

Because Kaylie was his mate. Because, in all male honesty, he wanted her. So much that he once again felt trapped in a cage. But this time the cage was built by his own limitations, his own demands, his own sense of honor. Because she was gone, and he wanted to hold her in his arms, feel her soft body mold to his. He wanted to drink in her scent, run his fingers through her silky hair and make love to her again, so very slowly this time.

Swearing, Dean shoved the palms of his hands over his eyes. He should be grateful she was gone. That she’d taken their brief night of passion with such casual ease that she could leave him without even a goodbye. But he wasn’t grateful. Not by a long shot. He wanted her here, right next to him with a longing that bordered on pain.

Edgy from that uncomfortable feeling, Dean tossed the sheet aside, glancing at the clock on the nightstand. Nearly seven. So Kaylie hadn’t run away like a thief in the night. With the blackout curtains over the windows in his bedroom he couldn’t tell night from day. Maybe she would have stayed if she hadn’t already made plans. Plans that included him.

Despite the few hours of sleep he’d had, he felt, maybe not energized, but renewed. Eager to face the day and Kaylie. Even if it meant spending time in a dank cave.

It wasn’t until he was in the shower that he realized that last night was the first time in a long time that he hadn’t been plagued with nightmares or woken to a pounding heart and feelings of anger or regret. No. What he was was horny. He reached down with soapy hands and palmed his hard cock, the hot spray from the showerhead beating on his back. Even taking Kaylie twice last night, this morning really, he wanted her again. Wanted to feel her warm, wet pussy welcoming his penetration. The way her inner muscles fluttered around him when she came was pure magic and remembering, he brought himself to orgasm in under a minute.

While the tension that burned inside eased a bit, the release wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. He wanted Kaylie, and he could have her, if only for a short time. He needed to remind himself of that. Kaylie couldn’t be his permanently, but she was his for now, and recalling their bet, she wanted him to act as a true mate.

His wolf prowled just under his skin, and Dean growled in agreement and anticipation. Kaylie wanted him to act as a mate. And this wolf wanted its mate. He was a predator, stealthy and strong. And suddenly, spending time in a dank, dark cave with Kaylie was no longer undesirable.

Chapter Twelve

Kaylie wasn’t sure how she would act when—if? —Dean arrived at her house ready to head off to Everett Tours. Hell, she hadn’t even known if he would show. He’d had a long day yesterday. Granted, so had she, helping him in the kitchen after a full day’s work. But Dean had been very physical last night.

Kaylie shivered under the hot spray of the shower remembering all the things he’d done to her last night. Her body had responded to every touch. Even now, when she should be sated, she could feel herself grow damp. She knew a chunk of her physical arousal was due to the mating heat, but how much, she wasn’t sure. It shouldn’t affect any emotional connection, but she was quite aware that more than her body was engaged every time he was near. He’d struck a cord with her the very first time she’d seen him all those years ago, and being home had only made that thread thicker with every encounter. She was very much afraid she was going to end up tangled in knots by the time this mating heat passed. And she was terrified she would be able to do nothing but watch Dean walk away.

She groaned at the direction her mind was taking and roughly turned off the faucets. After sneaking in the house fifteen minutes ago she’d hopped in the shower and, with regret, washed away all the evidence of their love-making. She dried off and then dressed in jeans and a tank top and covered that with a snug, long-sleeved but thin pull-over shirt. She tossed a sweatshirt on the bed, which she would don just prior to leaving. For now, despite the morning chill still lingering in the house, she was warm enough that she could manage without the extra material. The mating heat was keeping her body temperature higher than normal.

Kaylie frowned, making a mental note to talk with Tess about that. Female shifters had lower body temps then the males, which made her wonder if that oddity was another reason for the mating heat. Maybe the reason for the lack of cubs was due to the difference in body temps, and thus the only time a female could get pregnant was during that specific cycle. According to Jacklyn Chavez, mated females go through an intense period of arousal once every year or so. Could be nature’s way to keep the population in check. But did such medical reasoning apply to the human female mates? Would Kaylie go through this every year? And what would happen if Dean was no longer available to attend to her?

With a heavy sigh Kaylie padded back into the bathroom and put her hair up in its customary ponytail. Though her eyes were on her reflection, she was remembering how it felt when Dean ran his hands through her hair. He’d seemed fascinated with it, splaying the strands all over his pillows.

Frustration with herself, Kaylie shook her head to clear it. Great sex and four hours of sleep were making her discombobulated. She couldn’t continue to think about Dean’s very clever hands, his memorizing green eyes, or his yummy body. Despite her worry about their future, or more probably the lack there of, she was getting riled up, and she’d only left his bed thirty minutes ago.

But once again her traitorous mind hopped back on the remembrance wagon. This time to the faint indentation on his left ankle. Dean’s skin was naturally dark so the mark hadn’t been noticeable, but when she was returning the favor of a full body massage, short as it was thanks to Dean’s voracious appetite, she’d felt the rougher skin, and had wondered. Was it something from birth or had he had an accident? As a veterinarian she had come across dogs that bore similar marks around their throats, ones that had been chained up and abused. God, had something like that happened to Dean? Had he been chained or shackled in some way as a child?

“Don’t,” she told herself, heartsick at the thought of Dean as a boy, or of any innocent child or animal for that matter, imprisoned in any fashion. “Wondering only makes it worse. You can’t do anything about it now.”

But she could ask. Maybe. Or would that only ruin the flimsy relationship they had? Dean was so adamant about not committing and claiming a mate that any too personal questions might drive him back behind that horrid façade of mild interest she hated so much. Or worse yet, might push him to look at her with disdain. Then again, whatever happened to him as a child, chained or not, no doubt had a direct correlation with not only his attitude about his unmated future, but also that loss of temper he’d had when he’d decimated the condom box. While Kaylie hadn’t been afraid he would physically harm her with those very sharp claws and fangs of his, she had been momentarily taken aback by the display. And as a female, she wanted to know the reason for it.

“Stop it,” she said aloud and distracted herself by strapping on a fanny pack and checking the contents one by one, from a mini medical kit to a trash bag. Peter would have the caving gear all ready when she and Dean arrived. A glance at the bedside clock showed the time as two minutes to eight. While she hadn’t been exactly quiet on leaving his house, she now wondered if she should have set an alarm for Dean.

“Well,” she muttered to herself as she bounded down the stairs. “Too late now. You told him about it Thursday, and reminded him last night. If he shows, great, if not, then you’re still going to have fun with the others.”

Kaylie popped her head in the kitchen to tell her mom goodbye. “I’ll be at the fair about two so you can take a break,” she said, snatching the offered blueberry muffin out of her mom’s hand and eating it with gusto.

“You look a bit tired, honey,” Ruth said, giving Kaylie an appraising stare. “Didn’t have a good night sleep?”

Thinking of those Twix commercials and needing a moment, Kaylie stuffed the rest of the muffin in her mouth. She murmured as she chewed, avoiding a reply as she set about fixing a giant to-go thermos of hot coffee.

“I take it that’s a no?” Ruth pressed.

Unable to look her mom in the eye, she stammered, “Ah, not really.” Kaylie lifted the mug to her lips.

“Hmm. Well, knowing you had a full day ahead of you, you probably shouldn’t have stayed up half the night playing doctor with Dean.”

Shocked, Kaylie spewed out a mouthful of coffee all over the countertop. “Mom!” She squeaked.

Ruth laughed and first swiped Kaylie’s mouth with a wet towel before wiping up the spill on the counter. “Go on with you. I heard him pull up as you were coming down the stairs.”

Even with a face red with embarrassment, her heart picked up at the affirmation of Dean’s arrival. Glad there wasn’t time for her mom to pry further, Kaylie gave Ruth a quick peck on the cheek. “If you get tired before I get there, have Tess take over. Don’t overdo it. You’re still recovering.”

Ruth rolled her eyes. “Yes, doctor.”

“I love you,” Kaylie called out as she rushed to the front door.

“I love you more.” Her mom’s voice followed Kaylie down the hall making her grin. With her sweatshirt riding one shoulder and one hand full of coffee, she opened the door and stepped out into the morning sun.

Kaylie spotted Dean immediately, and not just because he was leaning against his black truck, which sat directly in front of the steps of the porch. She could be blindfolded and still zero in on his location. Like a damn—darn!—homing beacon, his mere presence called to her. And despite his relaxed stance, she could almost feel the tension flowing through him. His expression may have the usual mild interest that he showed the world, but his eyes. Oh! His green eyes glowed with heat and predatory intent. She suddenly got the feeling he was in stalking mode, and she was the prey.

Her step faltered for a split second as she took the first step down from the porch. But before she could fall the rest of the way and land in an undignified heap at Dean’s feet, he bounded up the steps and steadied her with a firm grip on her upper arms.

“You okay?” He asked, his gaze now alight with concern.

“Yeah, thanks. These steps and I have an ongoing war. Sometimes I win, sometimes they win.”

One side of his mouth curled up. “Battling against an inanimate object, Kaylie? Didn’t you scold me only last night about that?”

Heat reddened her cheeks at his reference to the shredded condom box. As much as Kaylie would have sworn Dean would act today as if nothing had happened between them, he surprised her by bringing their previous evening’s entertainment to the forefront. The teasing actually delighted her. To Kaylie it meant he had no regrets.

She chuckled. “You caught me, Dean. I’m not always open to advice but I sure do enjoy doling it out.”

His eyes had been focused on her mouth as she spoke, making her self-conscious. Thinking she had muffin crumbs on her face, Kaylie licked her lips.

The innocent action had a deliciously sensual affect. His eyes briefly flicked a look behind her before he framed her face with his hands. Then he swept down to cover her lips with his. She opened instantly to his demanding tongue, sighing with pleasure, as he tasted her in a deep, almost desperate exploration. His hands slid down, leaving a hot path of desire over the fluttering pulse at her throat, down further until her breasts filled his palms. Her nipples responded immediately, the hard nubs seeking his touch and eliciting a deep growl from Dean. “I want you, Kaylie.” He hissed against her lips, grinding his pelvis into hers, making her very aware of the erection rubbing along her girl parts. She bit back a moan of her own. “Again. I want you again. Damn. How long does this mating heat last?”

And like a bucket of ice water had been thrown over her head, Kaylie froze. Lucky for Dean, he realized his mistake immediately. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

Kaylie tried to jerk out of his arms, to no avail. “Really. Then how exactly do you mean it?”

“I just—” He stopped and frowned at her. Finally he seemed to make up his mind. “This is making me crazy. You are making me crazy. I think about you all the time and now that I’ve been inside you, I can hardly wait until I get another chance to be there again. Barring any stupid comments on my part.” He grabbed her chin in a firm hold when she made to turn her face away. “But seriously, Kaylie. Don’t you find this situation a little distracting? And to a shifter, distractions can be deadly. I’ve got tunnel vision and the only thing I see is you. Naked. In my bed. Or on my desk. Hell. The truck will work just as well. And as much as I would like to forget the world for a week and burrow under the covers with you for non-stop mind-blowing sex, I have too many other responsibilities to do so. As I know you do as well.”

Though Kaylie continued to glare at him, she knew her eyes held no heat, just logical acceptance. Dean was only repeating her earlier thoughts out loud. The mating heat
distracting. Though the burrowing under the covers for a week sounded like a great idea. “Yeah, I get that Dean. And as contrary as I like to be, it’s hard when I feel the same.”

“Good. Then we ride this out together.” Although his tone seemed relieved, something flashed in his eyes that might have been …
? Nah. She dismissed that idea to a lack of sleep. Cool and casual. That’s the way he wanted it. Except last night he had mentioned something about staying inside her forever. Bed talk or truth? His actions were so at odds with his words. Just when she thought she had him figured out, he pulled the rug out from under her. And time was running out on both figuring him out and making him understand that they belonged together. Nothing like a little pressure to start the day off right.

“Agreed,” she replied tightly, the answer short as she didn’t think she could string more words together. She’d been waiting for him to notice her for years, and now that he had, how could she not be hurt that he wanted the situation that had thrown them together over with. Logic be damned!

“Kaylie …” Whatever he was about to say was interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone.

“Probably Pete wondering where we are,” she muttered. “Better get it so he doesn’t become concerned.” She knew her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, but at the moment she didn’t care. What she did find interesting was the sudden clenching of Dean’s jaw. Whether because he thought her action rude, or was it something more?

Wishful thinking again. Stop it, Kaylie, she berated herself as she leaned inside the truck to set her coffee container in the middle console, and then hopped into the truck, chatting with Peter the entire time, even through the slamming of the truck door—both doors actually—she noticed with a hidden grin. Just like that she felt more upbeat. Dean was talking a good game again, but what he was saying wasn’t what he was feeling. Now if she could only figure out how to tear his barriers down. Baiting him did seem to work, but how far could she push him before it backfired on her?

“Turn left up here,” Kaylie directed after she ended her conversation with Pete.

“I know where it is,” Dean replied gruffly.

Kaylie stared out the passenger side window, laughter bubbling up inside her along with a healthy dose of sadness. Hell. Dean was right. The mating heat sucked when it came to anything beyond the bedroom. She felt as if she had a serious case of PMS. Her emotions were all over the place, her confidence shot, and her hormones out of control. An outsider might not realize it, but this time period was not something to be envied.

Trees passed unseen as she ruefully contemplated how much money could be made if one could capture the mating heat in a bottle. Millions of dollars were spent every year by individuals looking to rev up their sex drive, and here she and Dean were, bleating that theirs was, although temporary, too distracting.

When the sign proclaiming “Everett Tours” came into view, she blinked at it owlishly. “Oh. We’re here already?”

Dean grunted. “Obviously something had you lost in thought. Want to tell me what that was?”

“Ah.” Tell Dean about her yo-yoing emotions and scattered thoughts, ranging from PMS to entrepreneurial endeavors? She so didn’t think so. “You wouldn’t understand.”

“And someone else would?”

Kaylie turned wide eyes to him as the truck came to an abrupt halt and he jerked the gearshift into park. “Sometimes,” she said lightly, facing him more fully, “
don’t even understand my thoughts.”

He was silent a moment, his eyes boring into hers as if trying to read the thoughts she declared few could understand. Then his gaze shifted to something over her shoulder and a deep scowl marked his features. Kaylie followed his line of sight and quickly opened her door before Pete reached it.

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