Side Chic 2 (A Ratchet Mess) (12 page)

BOOK: Side Chic 2 (A Ratchet Mess)
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I thought back to the night that he’d asked me to meet him after work when I’d went home to visit and revealed to him that I was pregnant.
I thought about how nice he’d been, how we’d made love in back of the van, and all of the bullshit that he’d spit to me. I realized now that it’d been all game! He’d never given a fuck about me or my feelings, only himself and of course Kisha and his boys!

I turned off the ignition, got out of the car and took both babies inside. Once inside I got them out of their carriers and changed them both and fed them. Lola still wasn’t eating much so I decided that I’d try again in a half hour. I heard my phone ringing and picked it up off of the coffee table
. Reggie’s name was flashing on the screen. I pressed ignore and sat down at my computer and powered it on. When it came on I logged into my Facebook page. I went to Tre’s page and wrote on his wall:
Since you are so afraid of your girl finding out about me and the two children that we share, how about I not only let her know but everybody else as well! Now you don’t have to make any more excuses for why you can’t be in your children’s lives because your secret is out! I tried to be nice and as you say stay in my lane but I’ve learned that you just can’t be good to some people! You said fuck me…lol…nah nigga fuck you!
I went to the pictures folder on my computer and uploaded a pic of the girls to attach to the message and tagged him in it.

When I was done, I got up from the computer
and tried to feed Lola again. She didn’t eat much that time either. I burped her and laid her back in her bassinet and then went to take my shower.

As I showered, I unconsciously hummed R. Kelly’s When
A Woman’s Fed Up. When I realized what I was humming, I burst into laughter! I didn’t feel one ounce of remorse for what I’d just done! If anything I was pissed that I hadn’t done it sooner! I knew that Tre was going to be beyond pissed and ready to beat my ass but oh well…fuck him!





The house smelled of Pine Sol as I walked around the kitchen humming to the music that was coming from the small radio that sat on the counter and preparing dinner in a pair of grey tights, a pink tank top and a pair of footies. My hair was pulled up into a high ponytail on top of my head. I hadn’t been long finished cleaning the house from top to bottom and taking a shower. I was trying to hurry and get my food on the stove so that I could start reading one of the new books that I’d received in the mail earlier. I couldn’t wait to curl up on the sofa with my book but I knew that the boys would be starving when they came in from school. They always came in like they hadn’t eaten in days!

I was seasoning my roast and vegetables about to cover it and slide it in the oven when my phone rang. I knew who it was without going to look because Best Friend by Brandy ringtone was playing, which was the tone that I had set for my friend Kelsey.
I’ll call her back when I’m done.
I thought to myself and continued what I was doing. I finished seasoning my food, covered it with aluminum foil and then slid it in the oven. The ringing paused for a second and then she was calling again.

I smacked my lips wiping my hands with the dish towel, “What in the hell is so important that she is calling me back to back?” I huffed as I snatched my phone up from the counter. “It better not be nothing foolish, I know that!” I pressed send and answered. “Hello, what in the…”

“Kisha, have you been on Facebook? What in the hell is going on? Who is this girl saying she got two kids by Tre?” She asked question after question not giving me a chance to answer the first one! “I’ve got to admit they do look like him!”

I was having a hard time keeping up with everything that she was saying. She seemed to be talking a mile a minute. “What? What are you talking about? What girl? What kids?” I asked confused as to what in the hell she was talking about!

“Some girl wrote some stuff on Tre’s Facebook page, saying something about them having two kids together and she was letting everyone know and some other stuff! I can’t remember it word for word!”

My heart fell to my feet when I heard her say two kids! Everything started to move in slow motion. Even her words were coming through the receiver slower. Somehow I was down the hall and in the bedroom sitting at the computer but I wasn’t sure how I’d gotten there because I couldn’t
remember walking down the hall. I logged on to Facebook and went to Tre’s page. As I read the message written on his wall and stared at the photo of the two twin girls, a lump formed in my throat and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.
Since you are so afraid of your girl finding out about me and the two children we share, how about I not only let her know but everybody else as well! Now you don’t have to make any more excuses for why you can’t be in your children’s lives because your secret is out! I tried to be nice and as you say stay in my lane but I’ve learned that you just can’t be good to some people! You said fuck me…lol…nah nigga fuck you!

I sat there
staring at the photo and reading the message over and over to make sure that I was reading everything correctly, especially the name of the bitch that had posted it,
LaQuela Chambers!
I kept thinking that maybe this was all just a sick ass joke but my gut was telling me that this was definitely real. I felt the tears wetting my cheeks but I didn’t have the strength to reach up and wipe them away. I’m not even sure that I could’ve moved if I tried because my entire body felt numb. The phone was now on the floor beside my computer chair and I could hear Kelsey calling my name but like I said before I couldn’t move. All I could do was sit there and continue reading LaQuela’s message over and over.

I found strength from somewhere and my fingers found th
e keys on the keyboard. I clicked on LaQuela’s name and went to her page. She still hadn’t accepted my friend request so I couldn’t write on her wall. I clicked on message to inbox her.
This is Tre’s fiancé. Obviously, I’ve read the message that you posted on his wall! Is this some kind of joke? If it is, I don’t appreciate your fucked up sense of humor! And if this isn’t a joke, I don’t appreciate the way that you chose to handle the situation. Frankly, I find it to be pretty damn immature! Bitch since you have so much to say, here is my number! 757-555-7358!
I pressed send and then leaned over and picked up my phone off the floor. I waited for her to reply or call, preferably call! My phone vibrated but it was a text message. I opened the message, it was from Kelsey.

Kisha, girl call me back! I am worried about you! Don’t let that mess get to you! She could be lying! Call me!

I didn’t reply. I just laid the phone down beside the computer and waited. One mind told me to call Tre and confront him with what I’d just found out but I decided against it. I wanted to wait and see what all LaQuela had to say first.
My nerves were all over the place. This news had totally taken me by surprise. I went back to Tre’s page and read the message and looked at the picture again. I clicked on the picture and studied it really good. I can’t lie the babies did bear some resemblance to Tre. I went back to LaQuela’s page and clicked on her photos. Her page wasn’t private so I was able to look through her pictures. She wasn’t an ugly chic but she wasn’t no ways as cute as me and she was a little bit on the chubby side! This had to be a fuckin’ joke because Tre would never fuck with a chubby bitch! She wasn’t his type at all except for her eyes! He had a thing for eyes but I knew damned well he wasn’t going around fucking fat bitches because they had pretty eyes! Nah, this had to be a joke!

I noticed there was
a notification at the top of my page telling me that I had one new message. I hurriedly clicked on it anxious to see what Ms. LaQuela had to say!

Kisha, Tre’s fiancé, I assure you that I have no time for jokes! I am twenty-eight years old; jokes are the last thing on my mind as well as games that is why I chose to do what I did! I’m tired of all of the game playing! I see that you left your number for me to call. Well, I have a number for you as well…757-555-0002, call your fiancé! He is the one who owes you an explanation not me. Also, I see that you felt the need to call me out of my name. I’m not going to stoop to that level and do the same. I guess in your mind I deserve to be called a bitch and much worse but that is only because you feel that I am your problem. Hmph…I’m not your problem at all…your fiancé is. You have a great day and be sure to use that number I gave you. Hopefully all of your questions will be answered.

I sat there staring at the screen with my mouth hung open!
This hoe done fucked my man and now she’s trying to be funny!
Was what went through my mind after reading her message!
Hopefully all of my questions would be answered?
What in the fuck was that supposed to mean? My anger boiled over! I got up from my chair, kicking it over! Seeing Tre’s number in her message told me that this was definitely no joke! He couldn’t deny fucking with this bitch because she had proof that there had been some communication between the two of them. How else would she have his number?

snatched up the phone and called Tre’s cell but he didn’t answer, instead my call went to voicemail! “You need to call me back asap!” I yelled into the phone and then hung up. I didn’t give a fuck about him being at work! He needed to come home and explain this shit that LaQuela was yapping about!

I paced back and forth for a few seconds before deciding to try Tre’s cell again!
I needed to hear what he had to say about this shit! Again he didn’t answer and my call went to voicemail “Tre, you need to call me back so you can explain why some bitch is claiming to have kids by you! I’m mad as a motherfucka right now! So it would be in your best interest to call me back!”

I flopped down on the side
of the bed. I leaned over holding my head in my hands. I felt like the room was spinning!
Two kids?
Tre had done a lot of shit but this right here topped all! They always say go with your gut and my gut had been telling me that something wasn’t right! There were a lot of signs that he was back to his old tricks but of course he kept trying to make me think that it was just me being suspicious about everything!

I sat there a while longer, thinking about all of the shit that he’d done over the years. All of the girls that I’d caught him with and all of the times that I’d forgiven him. I thought about all of the times that my family and friends had told me to let him go and move on because he wasn’t ever going to change. I’d defended him because I wanted to believe that he could change. I felt like after all that we’d been through and all that I’d sacrificed for our relationship, he’d finally leave all of the bullshit in
the streets and be all about me!

I couldn’t sit still! I got up again and walked over to the closet. I started ripping his clothes from the racks and throwing them on the bed
! I didn’t need to wait for his lies to decide whether or not our relationship was over! We were definitely over without a doubt! I knew that I could no longer do this! I couldn’t continue being hurt like this time and time again! I didn’t deserve this. I deserved someone who could be faithful to me like I was to them. I’m not saying that I was perfect because I realized that what I’d done in the past with Skeet was wrong but that one incident was nothing compared to all of the shit that Tre had done! He’d been caught with several bitches throughout our relationship! I’d fought more hoes over him than I could count on both hands! Our shit was definitely done!

My phone started to ring, it was Tre calling! I knew because of the ringtone! I half ran and snatched it up off of the bed. “

“Hey, what’s going on?” He asked trying to sound innocent like he really had
no idea why I’d called his phone. I knew he’d listened to both of my messages and I wouldn’t doubt that one of his friends had called and told him about the message that LaQuela had left on his page! “I saw that I had two missed calls from you and two voicemails. I didn’t take time to listen to the voicemails. Is something wrong with one of the kids or something…”

I was sick of hearing his voice! I exploded! “Yeah something is wrong with the
kids nigga, the two that you got by that other bitch! What’s wrong with them is that another bitch pushed them out of her pussy and is claiming that you are the daddy! That’s all wrong!” He was trying to say something but I didn’t stop to listen! “After eight motherfuckin’ years, this is what I get? You go out and get another bitch pregnant? And then you ain’t even man enough to tell me yourself! I have to find out from Facebook with the rest of the fuckin’ world! Seriously Tre?” I screamed through tears! I was so upset that my head had started to pound! “What kind of shit is that? I asked you several times were you fuckin’ around with anybody else and each time you gave me the same bullshit about how I am too suspicious, knowing all along that you were fuckin’ around with this bitch behind my back! Nigga you are fuckin’ triflin’! I swear yo, you ain’t shit!” I used my hand to wipe the snot that was running from my nose.

“Kisha, I don’t know what you are talking about!” He lied. “What girl on Facebook? I don’t even be on there like that! You are the one who stays online fuckin’ with them bitches on Facebook telling them all of your business! If you go to take a piss, you post that shit on Facebook! It’s probably some bitch just trying to get some shit started with you! You know how bitches are!”

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