Sight Unseen (21 page)

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Authors: Robert Goddard

Tags: #Suspense, #Mystery, #Thriller

BOOK: Sight Unseen
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'Guess who,' chirruped Chantelle.

Jeremy set down his crash helmet and gauntlets on the hall table, then stepped slowly into the room.

Umber rose cautiously from the couch. 'I'm sorry not to have phoned ahead,' he ventured. 'This must be a bit of a shock for you.'

'Aren't you going to say hello, Jemmy?' put in Chantelle, her smile stiffening. 'It's the --'

'Shadow Man.' Jeremy's voice was cold and hard. 'I know. David Umber.' He nodded. 'I've been expecting him.'

Chantelle blinked in surprise. 'Expecting him? You never said.'

'Do me a favour, sugar.' Jeremy took a coin out of his pocket and flicked it onto the bed. 'Pop down to the shop and buy an
Evening Post.'

'My tea will get cold.'

'Just go.'

Chantelle flinched at the harshness of his tone and blushed slightly. She leaned forward and picked up the coin. Then, without looking once at Umber, she put down her mug, stood up and walked out of the room. She glanced at Jeremy as she passed him and laid a hand gently on his arm, but he only jerked his head towards the door.

A second later it had closed behind Chantelle, leaving the two men alone together.

'I had a call from the old man,' Jeremy cut in before Umber could say a word. 'Warned me you might pull something like this.'

'I only want to --'

'Dig up a load of stuff that's best forgotten. I know what you

'It's far from forgotten by you -- according to Chantelle.'

'Leave her out of it.'

'Suits me.'

'There's nothing I can tell you about Sally.'

'Who said I meant to ask you about Sally?'

'What, then?
Jeremy shook his head. 'I'm not getting into this. Not here. Not now.'

'I don't know what your father said, but --'

'Here's the deal. The only deal you'll get from me. You're staying in St Helier?'


'I'll meet you there tomorrow afternoon at La Fregate. It's a cafe on the seafront, shaped like a capsized boat. You can't miss it. Be there at four.'

'All right. But why can't we --'

'Shut up.'
Jeremy levelled a threatening finger at Umber. 'We're playing to my rules, not yours, OK? It's tomorrow or nothing.'

'OK.' Umber tried to sound calmer than he felt. Why his unannounced visit had so enraged Jeremy he did not understand. But he could imagine that rage tipping over into violence all too easily. And his experiences of Monday night had left him with a strong sense of his physical vulnerability. He had not realized how acute that sense was until this moment. 'Tomorrow afternoon it is.'

'Now...' Jeremy moved to the front door and yanked it open. 'Get out.'

* * *

Umber noticed a tremor in his hands as he walked past Jeremy's motorbike and out beside the warehouse towards the harbour. The encounter had affected him more than he would have expected. He would have to pull himself together before he met Jeremy again. Seizing the initiative from the younger man would otherwise be beyond him.

He turned onto the Boulevard and made for the bus stop. It lay just beyond the road junction in the centre of the town. As he neared the junction, he spotted Chantelle making her way across it, a newspaper clutched in her hand. In the same instant, she spotted him and pulled up abruptly, then swivelled on her heel and headed for the higher road that would take her to the top of the steps above the flat. By the time Umber reached the junction, she had vanished from sight.


Back in St Helier, Umber was forced to admit to himself that he could not brush off his tangle with Walsh and baseball-bat man as readily as he had supposed. His nerves were fragile, his physical resources diminished. He could only hope a good dinner and an early night would hasten their recovery.

* * *

When he woke the next morning, he felt, if not quite his old self, then at least a closer approach to it. He had slept for ten solid hours and was momentarily uncertain where he was, until a distant shriek of gulls in the harbour told him that, yes, he really had come to Jersey.

He stumbled into the bathroom, emerging half an hour later showered, shaved and reassuringly alert. There was not even the trace of a headache, although the stitches in his wound tugged at his scalp occasionally to remind him of what had happened sixty hours or so ago.

He pulled back the curtains to confront a wide blue sky across which a strong wind was blowing fluffy bundles of cloud. Only then, with sunlight filling the room, did he notice, as he turned away from the window, the envelope that had been slid beneath his door.

The envelope was blank. Inside was a slim mailorder catalogue, advertising the pick of the stock of 'Jersey's premier antiquarian and second-handbooks dealer' -- folded open at the page devoted to the eighteenth century.

* * *

Quires, of Halkett Place, St Helier (established 1975, proprietor Vernon Garrard), was clearly the place of first resort for Jersey bibliophiles: a multi-roomed glory-hole of
Punch, Wisden,
Whitaker's, Dickens, Scott, Austen, Defoe, Pepys, Shakespeare
et al.
When Umber arrived mid-morning, there were only a couple of other customers, none of them in the main room, where Garrard was conducting a telephone conversation at the cluttered cash desk in the corner.

The scene was about as safe and humdrum as could be imagined, but it did not appear so to Umber. The sense of being manipulated was not so very different from the feeling of being watched. He had no idea who might have slipped Garrard's catalogue under his door, but he knew what he had been supposed to infer. There were no editions of the
Letters of Junius
listed, but Junius was why he had been sent to Quires. There could be no other reason. Just as, for all his doubts and reservations, there could be no question of ignoring the clue he had been supplied with.

The eighteenth-century shelf in the antiquarian section, which lay within close view of the desk, was an unremarkable if well-bound selection of Pope, Swift, Hume, Goldsmith and Dr Johnson. Umber fingered his way slowly along the spines, wondering if he would chance on an uncatalogued Junius. But, no, he did not. Then he heard the telephone go down behind him and the sound of a chair being pushed back. He turned to find Garrard bearing soft-footedly down on him.

A balding, round-shouldered man of sixty or so, Garrard wore the dusty tweed and corduroy uniform of his trade and the resigned expression of one well aware that browsers outnumber serious customers in the second-hand-books world by a depressing margin. 'Can I help you?' he lethargically enquired.

'Not sure,' Umber replied. 'I was wondering if you had any editions of the
Letters of Junius.'

'Junius? No. I'm afraid not. He doesn't crop up very often.'


'Well...' Garrard scratched his cheek. 'Now and then. I had a nice Junius in a few months back, as a matter of fact.' He smiled weakly. 'Snapped up, I'm afraid.'

'Was that a first edition?'

'Er, no. Second, as I recall.'

'The 1773, you mean?'

'Do I? Probably. It sounds as if you'd know better than I would.'

'A two-volume set?'


'How was it bound?'

'Handsomely, if... slightly unusually. Most Juniuses you see are in calfskin, but this was --'


'Yes.' Garrard frowned at Umber. 'So it was.'

'If you don't mind my asking, how did you come by it?'

'Rather oddly, as it happens. I never even knew I had it until a customer took it down from the shelf and asked to buy it. My brother Bernard sometimes minds the shop for me. He must have taken it into stock. We have sellers as well as buyers who call in. Bernard can be infuriatingly neglectful of recordkeeping, I'm afraid.'

'So, its origin is... a mystery.'

'You could say so, yes.'

'And the person who bought it?'

Garrard smiled. 'What would you like to know?'

'Well, their name and address, if you have the information.'

Unaccountably, Garrard loosed a dry but hearty laugh. His eyes twinkled mischievously. 'Oh dear, oh dear. Here we go again.'

'I'm sorry?'

'Your name would be Umber, I assume.'

'What?' Umber stared at the bookseller in frank astonishment. 'How do you know that?'

'I've been down the Junius road with someone else only last week.'


'A Mr Wisby.'


'Yes. He phoned me this morning and said you might call round. This is an entertaining charade, though a baffling one from my point of view. I'm sure you both know what you're about. Still, I've no wish to go on acting as go-between. If I give you his number, I trust that'll be the last I hear of the matter.'

* * *

Umber rang Wisby from the first call-box he came to after leaving Quires. The promptness of Wisby's answer suggested he had been waiting for the call.

'Mr Umber.' The susurrous voice was unmistakable, even after more than twenty years.

'Mr Wisby.'

'The very same.'

'I thought you didn't trust phones.'

'Needs must. Besides, communicating with you by letter didn't turn out very satisfactorily, did it?'

'What the hell's going on?'

'Not a hundred per cent certain. But I probably know more than you do. If you want to talk about it, join me in Royal Square in ten minutes.'

It took Umber less than ten minutes to thread his way through the pedestrianized part of the town centre to his destination: a sedate, flagstoned piazza overlooked by the handsome nineteenth-century buildings housing Jersey's parliament and principal court, with a gilded statue of George II tricked out as Caesar presiding at one end.

In the centre of the square, seated on a bench and reading a newspaper, was a lean, round-shouldered man in a brown raincoat and navy-blue trousers. He was smoking a cigarette -- and Alan Wisby he had to be.

He looked much as Umber remembered, though greyer, in skin as well as hair, and perhaps even thinner. There was a grizzled moustache too which he might or might not have previously sported, but then he had always possessed a strangely insubstantial quality. He was someone easily forgotten, someone who had refined the art of not being noticed and applied it to his professional purposes. He looked up as Umber approached and nodded an unsmiling greeting. Umber sat down beside him.

'Have you read yesterday's
Jersey Evening Post,
Mr Umber?' Wisby asked, holding up the newspaper.


'Tiny article on page five took my eye. Drug smuggler caught coming off the ferry from Portsmouth Monday night was up before the beak. Name of Sharp. George Sharp.'

'I'm not here to play games, Mr Wisby.'

'Good. Though it's strange you should say that, actually. I'm told someone's been playing games with
My narrowboat, I mean. She was set loose from her mooring on the Kennet and Avon Canal Monday night. Safe in the boatyard at Newbury now, you'll be glad to know. Busy old night, Monday, it seems.'

'I went down to Kintbury at
invitation. You weren't on the boat. Two people were waiting for you, though. Worse luck for me.'

'I spotted them earlier in the day and decided to make myself scarce. I didn't set you up, Mr Umber, if that's what you thought.'

'I didn't, actually.'


'They'd broken into the boat and been through your files.'

'They were welcome to. I'd already removed what they were looking for.'

'And what was that?'

'Well, that's the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question, isn't it? The what, the why and the wherefore.'

'Are you going to answer it?'

'I'm going to try. Where shall we begin?'

'Oliver Hall. What's he been paying you to do?'

'Nothing. I took a look at the Avebury case for Hall back in 1982. That was the last time I had any dealings with the man.'

'I know that's not true. You told Claire Wheatley --'

'I lied.' Wisby smiled fleetingly and flicked away the butt of his cigarette. 'Loose ends have always niggled at me, Mr Umber. When I handed over the day-to-day running of the business to Monica -- the other Monica -- I revisited a few cases that had left me... dissatisfied. Avebury was always going to be one of them. Your wife's sudden death brought it to the front of the queue. I thought her psychotherapist likelier to cooperate if I led her to believe I was working for Hall. Didn't get much out of her, though.'

'Get much out of anyone?'

'I've made some headway recently. Thanks to Junius.'

'You had a letter too, did you?'

'The same one as Sharp received, I assume. "It is the misfortune of your life that you should never have been acquainted with the truth with respect to the Marlborough murderers." Etcetera, etcetera. Familiar?'

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