Silverblood Demons (Daughters of Darkness Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Silverblood Demons (Daughters of Darkness Book 1)
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Chapter 24

Thornhill Square

The cops finally left after we finished telling them for the umpteenth time where the girls were from. Jade and Jasmine were helping my sisters straighten out the house and I had the TV on. There were reports from China, South America, Russia and many other countries showing families shocked and elated by the reappearance of their daughters.

We found some menus and ordered take-out.

Kira asked. “Where’s the script?”

“I have it,” Sin-dy replied, as she walked in the room.

“I don’t get it,” said Elektra. “Why would there be a clue in the script, surely Oph’ wouldn’t have purposely left a clue about anything in there for us.”

Kira and Sin-dy were flipping through the pages. “So, here, this says, Thornhill Square is in Islington, a Borough, overseas in the UK,” Kira said. “In London.”

There was a knock at the door. I opened it and the Chinese delivery guy stood smiling back at me. “Harro mista Kyla, you bin gone long time.”

“Yeah Sam, did you remember−”

“Oh yes mista Kyla, I fry dumplings both sides, not one side.”

“Thanks Sam.” I handed him the payment along with a big tip, he reached into his delivery bag and gave me a large handful of fortune cookies. “Thank you mista Kyla!” I shut the door and we passed out the food. “I’m never going to eat anything else, Jasmine said.” “Me neither.” Jade agreed.

I sat down while eating my dumplings ‘fried both sides’ and looked over trying to get a glimpse of the script. It had a map and legend of the ‘Square’ which was more like an oval.

There is a Church ‘St Andrews’ a playground and a tiny park, the whole area is surrounded by four separate crescents of three story buildings.

Sin-dy read the short synopsis of the script.
“Separated by circumstances that had spiraled out of control, an evil father and loving mother fight to get custody of their daughter Brema.”

“Stop,” Kira said.

“Yeah, I see it too,” Elektra spelled out the name Brema but in a different order of letters. “It’s A-m-b-e-r, Amber!”

Sin-dy continued reading.
“Their battle for her life and her love would take them to several countries including
Hell and back. On their epic journey, lives were lost, and new loves were found.”

“Oh this says, ‘Punch and Judy’ ” Jasmine interrupted. She had opened up her fortune cookie.

Sin-dy read the final part of the synopsis.
“This story is like none other before it, it doesn’t have an ending, only new beginnings for millions of girls directly impacted by Brema’s rescue attempt. Two new orders rise up from the rescued virgins, ‘The Cambion.’ and ‘The Raven.’ Follow the destinies of all that are drawn to ‘Thornhill Square’ by mysterious messages the virgins receive on their sixteenth birthdays.’”

“Hey, I have the same fortune cookie as you,” Jade said. ‘Punch and Judy.’ ”

“Just open another one,” Kira said.

“This says the same thing,” Elektra said. as she opened up all the fortune cookies. “They all do.”

I could see Kira’s analytical mind ticking away. “How old are you Jasmine?”

“What’s todays date?” she asked.

“December eleven,” Kira replied, it’s Davina’s birthday in two days, on the thirteenth.”

“Then, I’m sixteen, today.”

“Thornhill Square, Jasmine, you have to go there, we all do,” Kira said.

“We’ll take the script with us, we can look through it on the way,” said Sin-dy.

“I don’t want to endanger Davina and Coral,” Kira was worried.

“We’ll do something when we get there sis,” Elektra said. “But what does ‘Punch and Judy’ have to do with anything?”

I was looking at the map in the script. “Here, it shows a ‘Punch and Judy’ pavilion, right by the side entrance in the playground.”

“Kylar, start booking our flights,” Sin-dy said. “I’m going to find a way back to that bitch Enya and we’re going to bring Amber home with us.”

Elektra and Kira continued poring over the script looking for clues that would help us find a way back to Amber, while I spent the next couple of hours booking our flights. With our unique powers we could have flown without the plane but international air space restrictions would have caused more problems than we could deal with at the time. Two days later and we were aboard Virgin Airlines heading for Thornhill Square, in London.

Elektra discretely pointed. “There’s something odd about that guy.”

Kira agreed. “Yeah, what is that, some kind of costume he’s wearing?”

“He’s coming this way, Elektra whispered. “Pretend you’re reading something.”

Sin-dy and I raised the script up in front of our faces, peering ever so slightly over the top. Ignoring our half-hearted attempt at trying to avoid looking at him, the man walked directly up to us and pushed the script down away from our faces.

“Can I buy you landlubbers a drink?”

Sin-dy looked up. “Owen, Owen Parfitt?!”



Disclaimer to the Claimant.


Every single solitary event in this fable has been verified and has been recorded verbatim. These are actual events that took place and if you recognize yourself and your actions within the chronological order of these pages, you likely haven’t woken up.


Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.


No Grphyn, human or other non-human forms of life were harmed in the imaginations of the author.


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