Sing You Home

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Authors: Jodi Picoult

BOOK: Sing You Home
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Sing You Home


House Rules
Handle with Care
Change of Heart
Nineteen Minutes
The Tenth Circle
Vanishing Acts
My Sister’s Keeper
Second Glance
Perfect Match
Salem Falls
Plain Truth
Keeping Faith
The Pact
Picture Perfect
Harvesting the Heart
Songs of the Humpback Whale


Over the Moon: An Original Musical for Teens

A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2011 by Jodi Picoult
Song lyrics created for
Sing You Home
copyright © 2011 by Jodi Picoult and Ellen
Wilber. Used by permission.

The lines from “i carry your heart with me(i carry it in.” Copyright 1952, © 1980, 1991 by the Trustees for the E. E. Cummings Trust, from COMPLETE POEMS: 1904–1962 by E. E. Cummings, edited by George J. Firmage. Used by permission of Liveright Publishing Corporation.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Atria Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

First Atria Books hardcover edition March 2011

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Picoult, Jodi, 1966–
   Sing you home : a novel / by Jodi Picoult.—1st Atria Books hardcover ed.
      p. cm.
  1. Music therapists—Fiction. 2. Lesbian couples—Fiction. 3. Divorced people—Fiction. 4. Frozen human embryos—Fiction. 5. Human reproductive technology—Law and legislation—Fiction. 6. Human reproductive technology—Religious aspects—Fiction. 7. Domestic fiction. I. Title.
   PS3566.I372S56 2011


ISBN 978-1-4391-0272-5
ISBN 978-1-4391-4971-3 (ebook)


Author’s Note
Chapter 1: Zoe
Chapter 2: Max
Chapter 3: Vanessa
Chapter 4: Zoe
Chapter 5: Vanessa
Chapter 6: Max
Chapter 7: Zoe
Chapter 8: Max
Chapter 9: Zoe
Chapter 10: Vanessa
Chapter 11: Max
Chapter 12: Zoe
Chapter 13: Max
Chapter 14: Zoe
Chapter 15: Vanessa
Chapter 16: Max
Chapter 17: Zoe
Chapter 18: Max
Chapter 19: Samantha

List of Audio

1. Sing You Home (4:39)
2. The House on Hope Street (3:56)
3. Refugee (3:06)
4. The Last (3:25)
5. Marry Me (2:59)
6. Faith (4:01)
7. The Mermaid (3:26)
8. Ordinary Life (3:04)
9. Where You Are (3:22)
10. Sammy’s Song (3:48)


The mark of intelligence is being able to surround yourself with people who know more than you do. For this reason, I have many people to thank who all had a hand in helping me create this novel. I am grateful to my brilliant medical and legal minds: Judy Stern, Ph.D., Dr. Karen George, Dr. Paul Manganiello, Dr. Michelle Lauria; Corporal Claire Demarais, Judge Jennifer Sargent, and the attorneys Susan Apel, Lise Iwon, Janet Gilligan, and Maureen McBrien. Thanks to the music therapists who allowed me to pick their brains and to tag along and share some remarkable moments: Suzanne Hanser, Annette Whitehead Pleau, Karen Wacks, Kathleen Howland, Julie Buras Zigo, Emily Pellegrino, Samantha Hale, Bronwyn Bird, Brenda Ross, and Emily Hoffman. I’m also indebted to Sarah Croitoru, Rebecca Linder, Lisa Bodager, Jon Picoult, Sindy Buzzell, Focus on the Family’s Melissa Fryrear, and the
Box Turtle Bulletin’s
Jim Burroway.

I always thank my mom, Jane Picoult, for being an early reader, but this time I’d also like to thank my grandmother Bess Friend. We should all be so open-minded in our nineties.

Thanks to Atria Books: Carolyn Reidy, Judith Curr, Mellony Torres, Jessica Purcell, Sarah Branham, Kate Cetrulo, Chris Lloreda, Jeanne Lee, Gary Urda, Lisa Keim, Rachel Zugschwert, Michael Selleck, and the dozens of others without whom my career would never have reached the heights it has. And David Brown—it is really nice to have you back on Team Jodi. I am so grateful that (when I announced we’d be publishing this book with original music) your first reaction was a wild buzz of excitement—not utter panic.

To Laura Gross—remember how you told me about the dead guy on the train? And remember how I said one day I was going to use that? Here it is. I knew you’d be a wonderful agent, but I think I underestimated what a good friend you would become.

To Emily Bestler—I just don’t think there are very many editors who can move seamlessly in a discussion with their authors from why the SATs are a tool of torture to how to fix the ending of a novel. Or in other words, I really hit the jackpot. We’ve been together so long now I think we’ll have to be surgically removed from each other’s hips.

My publicists, Camille McDuffie and Kathleen Carter, are the best cheerleaders an author could ask for. Over the past thirteen years, you’ve taken me from “Jodi who?” to having fans spot me in the grocery store and ask for autographs on their shopping lists.

There is something pretty remarkable about this book—it’s musical. When I knew I was writing in part about gay rights, I wanted my readers to literally hear the voice of my main character; to take this from a political arena to a personal one—and so you get to hear Zoe pouring out her heart and soul to you through her songs. To that end I have to thank Bob Merrill of Sweet Spot Digital, who produced the CD; Ed Dauphinais and Tim Gilmore, who played mandolin and drums respectively; and Toby Mountain of Northeastern Digital, who mastered the CD. But most of all I have to thank Ellen Wilber, who agreed to be the voice of Zoe—and the creator of her music. Ellen is one of my dearest friends, and we’ve written over a hundred songs together for original children’s musicals that are performed to raise funds for charity. She has more musical talent in her pinkie finger than I could hope to have in a lifetime, and she has the biggest heart. She wrote the songs you’ll hear; I wrote the lyrics—and it’s her crystalline voice you’re listening to on the CD. There aren’t enough words for me to use to thank her—for thinking that this project would be something fun to do . . . and, more important, for our friendship.

Finally, as always, thanks to Tim, Kyle, Jake, and Sammy. You guys are the soundtrack of

For Ellen Wilber—Your music has completely enriched my life; your friendship has meant so much to me and my entire family. I’m not sure I can remember which one of us is supposed to be Louise and which one is supposed to be Thelma, but I don’t think it matters as long as we’re on the road together.
And for Kyle van Leer—From the moment you were born in a hurricane I knew you were going to be one of a kind. I don’t think I could possibly be any more proud of you if I tried—not just for who you’ve become but for the individual you have always been.

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