Read Sins of the Flesh (Half-Breed Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Debra Dunbar

Tags: #succubus, #urban fantasy, #polyamory, #Hawaii, #Mythology

Sins of the Flesh (Half-Breed Series Book 2) (15 page)

BOOK: Sins of the Flesh (Half-Breed Series Book 2)
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“Come here,” I wiggled my eyebrows at Parker, grabbing his once-white T-shirt with both hands and yanking him toward me. He smelled of rain and earth, of ocean breeze and beer; his t-shirt was stiff against my fingers from drying in the sun and wind. That wasn’t the only thing that was stiff. My mouth tasted his, and I rubbed myself against him. I felt Ernie behind me, his hand tentatively touching my shoulder then drawing back.

Oh no. It’s everyone in the pool
. I let go of Parker’s shirt with one hand, reaching behind me to give Ernie an encouraging squeeze.

He groaned. “The most beautiful woman I’ve seen in months and a botanist, too. I must have done something very right in my life.”

My lips left Parker’s, and I freed my hands enough to pull my shirt over my head. Spinning around, I reached behind to work Parker’s belt buckle before pulling Ernie toward me.

“Less talk and more action, boys. I was promised a party, and I mean to have one.”

Parker assisted me with the belt removal and other intricacies involved in getting his pants loose around his hips while I explored Ernie’s mouth with mine. My hand lifted his shirt, before running up his toned abdomen and chest, then down again with a scrape of nails.

“You just don’t learn, do you?”

I nearly bit Ernie’s tongue in surprise at the lightly accented female voice behind me. Cleo.

“What about ‘mine’ do you not understand?” she continued. “I let you have that umbrella man out of the goodness of my heart, but I will not stand by while you poach my prey.”

Business Man had been overcome by our pheromones, but with these two, the attraction went deeper than my succubus skills.

Ernie broke our kiss and scowled. “Get lost, lady. We’re not harming anyone here.”

“Yeah,” Parker repeated. “Get lost.”

I was no longer lip-locked, but even sandwiched between two men, I was able to see Cleo. She’d recoiled at Ernie and Parker’s words, as if she could hardly believe any man could tell her to ‘get lost’. Narrowing her eyes, she cranked up the pheromones, with a most unexpected effect. Both men returned their attentions to me, their tentative, take-it-slow actions heading into overdrive. Hands and lips were everywhere. I suddenly felt like I’d been thrown into the middle of a porno flick.

“Mine!” Cleo screamed.

The guys ignored her and made the little pleasure noises that men make when they’re really into it. Sighs and moans, grunts and mumbled dirty talk. I returned their caresses, my endorphins soaring with the combination of their hands and the sweet stream of energy flowing into me. I was so turned on right now that I didn’t care if Cleo watched. Or if she continued stomping her feet and screaming, as she was doing right now. Whatever floats your boat, girlfriend.

A hand gripped my hair — and not in a good way. Pain knifed through my scalp as I was yanked out from in between Parker and Ernie. They protested, but whatever they said was drowned out by the slap across my face and the subsequent ringing in my ears.

Bitch. And that was the unbruised side, too. I lashed out, my nails raking skin. Cleo screamed, and another blow hit the bruised side of my face. Parker and Ernie each grabbed one of her arms, attempting to pry her off me, while I tried to free my hair.

“Stand and wait,” she hissed. I felt the compulsion in the words, and both of my knights stood down, staring blankly at the pair of us.

“You do not own this island,” I squealed, fighting the agony in my scalp. “Go find your own men, or prey, or whatever. I’ve claimed these men.”

“Not yet, you haven’t. And you won’t ever, not while I’m on this island. They are all mine. It’s all mine.” She spun around, and I scrambled to keep up, afraid half my hair and scalp would come off in the crack-the-whip maneuver.

This had to stop. Now. I wasn’t about to lose these two guys — two nice guys that I really liked and wanted — to a demon who embodied the very sin of greed. I couldn’t beat her in a physical fight without acquiring some significant injuries, and she was clearly much older and stronger than I was when it came to demon abilities. That only left my elf half. I hated that I’d become a proverbial one-trick pony, but lately that was the only advantage I seemed to have against my opponents.

Before I could plot a rampant growth of Koa or Mangrove, Cleo pushed me away, her hand sliding to the end of my hair. Then she kicked me. Breath left my lungs as I flew backward into the crushed gravel of the parking lot, my head jerking painfully from the loss of a chunk of hair that remained in the demon’s hand. I blinked, my face, skull, and chest throbbing. The succubus released the hair, sprinkling it like strands of tinsel onto the ground. Then she kicked gravel in my face for good measure.

“Now crawl on home, baby. And don’t let me see you here again.”

Fury roared through me, and I saw a glimmer of uncertainty in her eyes. I was going to annihilate this bitch with a plant. Hopefully one with vicious thorns.

Coconut palms. Ironwood. Heliotrope. Rush grass. These were the tools at hand.

Energy swirled from me in an angry coil. Her eyes widened, and she took a step backwards. “What are you doing?”

I was beyond any witty rejoinders or ultimatums. With a flick of my wrist, the tiny green leaves of a coconut palm seedling burst from the parking lot, tangling her in elongating fronds as it exploded to a mature size.

“Hey! What the—”

The last I heard was her shriek as the palm snapped to the side, launching her across the parking lot and into the darkness. She was a demon. She’d be fine... eventually. And maybe next time she’d be a little more accommodating when another succubus tried to come to a peaceful solution in a territory dispute.

Ernie and Parker blinked, looking around in confusion.

“Hey,” Parker said. “Where’d this tree come from? And why are you sitting on the ground.”

I got up and dusted my rear off. “Doesn’t matter.” I stalked to them, trying to appear as sexy as I could with my throbbing face and head. “Now, where were we? I think we were in the middle of a pretty sweet party.”



Chapter 13


ven after instantly growing a palm tree, I was still humming with energy by the time I pulled into the resort parking lot. Parker and Ernie had given everything from their hearts, as well as other important organs, and I was thrilled I’d successfully managed a mild, conditional tie. They’d always remember me, feeding me energy as they spanked the monkey or had one night stands, but when that special woman came along, the tie would fade into the background like a fond memory of a first love. I wouldn’t get any more than a trickle of energy from them after that, but it was the perfect compromise — one that wouldn’t cause me to lose any sleep. Hey, guys have to whack off to something, might as well be to thoughts of me.

The parking lot was well lit, and I skipped through the entrance and up the stairs. It wasn’t quite midnight. I’d check to see if Irix was back yet, and if not, I’d throw on a swimsuit and sneak into the Jacuzzi overlooking the beach.

The phone rang just as I was about to get into the elevator.

“Kristin? It’s six in the morning there. What happened?”

“I was up all night researching, that’s what happened.”

I’d thought she’d sound tired or pissed off, but the witch sounded downright energized. I was never that cheerful pulling an all-nighter doing my mildew research.

“I’m still working on things, but I think you may need to consider that this isn’t an elemental but a servant instead.”

“Huh?” That was the best I could do. Servant?

“There are two types of summoning. One is a forced favor. A demon or being is brought unwilling into this world and trapped unless it agrees to perform a service or do a favor. Only then will it be released and returned home. The other is a bribed favor. Some beings are more than willing to come do favors, but they have to be asked over and they demand a gift, a sort of offering.”

“So...?” I had no idea where she was going.

“Elementals and demons are forced. A demon can be bribed once they’re here, like if they’ve come through a gate or something, but when they’re summoned, they’re forced. Lots of other beings are bribed over, like some of the fae. Nine times out of ten, the entity refuses to accept and the ritual is a dud, but sometimes they do accept.”

I still didn’t know where she was going. “So you think this might be a fire-fairy, whatever the fuck that might be, and the magic-user offered it something in return for burning down a whole bunch of seemingly random places?”

“Yes, I mean no. Sheesh, I really need some coffee.” Kristin took a deep breath. “If the entity accepts and then the mage reneges on the deal for whatever reason — he screwed it up, he lost the item he pledged, whatever — then the entity is going to go on a rampage until it gets what it was promised.”

It was late, and I was buzzing far too much for this conversation. “So a mage pissed off a fire fairy, and we have to figure out what it was promised and give it to him. Or her?”

“I don’t know if it’s a fairy or something else. I’m still working on that. But if there’s another fire, look to see what it’s heading for. What appeases it? What makes it stop?”

Other than blowing it up or smothering it with an overgrowth of plants? “Thanks, Kristin. You’re the best.”

She was. I didn’t know many people who would stay up on a workday to help a friend. Kristin cared, as did Darci and Jordan and Kai. I don’t know what I’d do without friends like that.

Irix wasn’t in the room, so I left him a note and threw on my bathing suit, grabbing a bottle of chilled champagne and a bowl of cut fruit from the fridge. Sneaking through the resort’s beautiful gardens, I made my way to the silent pool and slowly bubbling hot tub. The underwater light shifted blue, then green, then pink, highlighting the tropical flowers that surrounded the pool in lush profusion. I opened the box beside the hot tub and flicked the switch, turning the jets on full. The pool lights were the only illumination besides the tiny pathway markers. I took a quick circuit to ensure my privacy then ditched the swimsuit, climbing into the hot tub naked and letting the bubbles take away the tension from my fight with Cleo.

What I’d seen so far of Maui had been stunning, but at that moment, nothing compared to the moon glistening off the gentle waves of the ocean, the islands of Lanai and Molokai dark shapes on the horizon. Coconut palms looked like black paper cutouts against the sky, and the only sound was the whisper of the wind off the ocean and the bubbling water around me. I closed my eyes and just felt.

I heard the splash of someone joining me and smiled, sensing Irix’s energy before he’d climbed in. His arms encircled me, pulling me onto his lap. Kisses trailed, featherlight, across my temple, and hands roved my body.

“Why, little elf-girl, where has your clothing gone?”

“To that bench over there,” I murmured, leaning into him. He was equally naked. I’d expect no less from an incubus.

“Hmmm, seems like you had a good evening.”

“Why, yes, I did.” I was feeling rather proud of myself. “Two really nice guys. I even worked out a way to tie them without wrecking their ability to have any kind of meaningful relationship in the future.”

“You’re learning.” I could feel his approval. Finally. “See how what you have is a gift? You’re not just taking from them; you’re giving in return.”

I snuggled into him, considering his words. I’d always thought what I’d given to be strictly physical pleasure — the type that men made up stories about in smutty magazines. That in itself was a kind of gift to a certain type of person. But I’d never thought about what I might be providing beyond that. Ernie and Parker — yeah, there was definitely lots of physical pleasure going on there, but there
more. I’d connected with them more than physically, and that made the experience all the more important for them.

Sometimes a perfect experience with the right partner changed a person in a good way. Even if it was only for one night.

“All right. I kind of see what you’ve been telling me, but this sort of thing isn’t going to happen regularly enough to sustain me. I mean, how often am I going to meet a Parker and Ernie? Or a Kai? I know I need take more than a fast-food approach to this part of my life, but how can I do that without spending every moment searching for perfect partners.”

Irix’s chest rumbled against me. “Tie. Even a loose tie gives you the ability to be more picky. Then be prepared to find those perfect partners where you can. Be open and receptive. Remember that sometimes sex heals, especially when it’s given in a loving, caring manner.”

“Okay, Doctor Phil,” I teased. “Did you find that perfect partner, or partners, tonight too?”

“Yes, I did. And quite a few not-so-perfect ones. I can’t afford to be picky when I’ve got a half-elf girlfriend using up all her energy to create a jungle out of nowhere.”

I laughed and spun about to face him, straddling his legs and wrapping my arms around his neck. “I brought down fruit and champagne. Shall we have a late-night snack?”

“Later.” Irix ran his thumbs across my cheekbones and down along my neck, leaving wet streaks on my skin that cooled with the night air. “First, I think I’ll have some of you.”

The jets, Irix’s hands, his mouth against mine and along my sensitive neck — it didn’t take long before I was wiggling down on top of him and rocking back and forth. The water sloshed over the edge of the tub with our motion, splashing as it hit the tile decking. I threw back my head, and Irix took advantage, kissing my neck and worrying the tender skin with his teeth.

I collapsed against him, feeling warm, wet, and satiated beyond belief. If only that stupid fire thingy and whatever was behind it were gone and Irix and I could spend the rest of our vacation like this, peaceful, relaxed and sensuous, cherishing each other’s presence.

I turned my head on Irix’s shoulder and felt his hand tighten right before he shoved my head underwater. My face pressed into his lap, and I felt a twinge of irritation. Really? I mean, if he wanted a blow job, there were more subtle, sexy ways to ask for it than half-drowning me.

BOOK: Sins of the Flesh (Half-Breed Series Book 2)
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