Sin's Submission [Demon Twins 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More]

BOOK: Sin's Submission [Demon Twins 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More]
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Demon Twins 1

Sin’s Submission

Sin Kenna’s world changes when her twin brother removes the amulet she’s worn since birth. The dark passions inherited from her demonic father are awakened, but unlike her brother’s ultimate Dom status, Sin’s only desire is to be an extreme Sub. She is thrown into the world of BDSM, ménage, and mystery with three mature men when her brother’s further plotting drives her to trade her full-figured body for payments owed.

Devon Collins is a man with a painful past and a body that bears his scars. He compensates the beauties he takes to his bed by binding and blinding them to his deformities, allowing them to first enjoy the unmarred flesh of his friends, Timber Jordan and Kyle Shaw. He is unprepared for the storm that arrives with Sin. With her uncanny ability to read and speak into his mind, she is determined to reveal the horror of his past, secrets he is not ready to expose.

BDSM, Fantasy, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

21,675 words



Demon Twins 1






Vin Stephens










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage and More




Copyright © 2013 by Vin Stephens

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First E-book Publication: February 2013


Cover design by Harris Channing

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Sin’s Submission
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This is dedicated to my family and friends who are my greatest inspiration.

A big thumbs-up to the publishing and supporting staff of Siren-BookStrand for their unwavering commitment and hard work.


Demon Twins 1



Copyright © 2013






Chapter 1


I should have just stayed in bed.
Sin instantly regretted ignoring the intense feeling of impending doom she’d awoken to. But she
ignored it, and it was time to face the music. The music, in this case, was the unrelenting, deeply masculine, and uncannily hypnotic baritone of her fraternal twin. She still couldn’t believe what he was saying. “Let me get this straight. You took a loan from an illegitimate money lender years ago to finance my studies and just didn’t bother paying it back.”

“In a nutshell, yes.”

Sin tossed a quick glance, purely to be sarcastic, around the large dining room. Opulence and grandeur was stamped on every item in sight, and all in a Scottish manor belonging to her supposed loan-absconding brother. “Well, obviously lack of funds didn’t play a part in your decision.”

Vice mimicked her swift perusal of their surroundings and shrugged. “No, actually I didn’t even consider my good fortune.”

Sin ground her teeth together and counted silently. She made it all the way to fifteen before he interrupted her.

“Had a troubled sleep last night, did you?”

That was an understatement. Whatever had happened to her under the cover of darkness was something she could not explain. It was also not something she could discuss with her brother. The images that had plagued her dreams were as irrational as Vice was presently being. She narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “What have you done, Vice?”

Vice offered in mock disbelief, “Must I be blamed for every misfortune that befalls you?” He reached out and dropped some honey from a squeeze bottle onto a scone before holding it out to her.

Sin stared at the offering like it had grown a head.
She should known by now that hiding anything from Vice was impossible. He saw and experienced everything, her thoughts, pains, and dreams. Her cheeks burned as the salacious images from her restless sleep resurfaced. He even knew she’d awoken with a craving for golden syrup drizzled on freshly baked scones. “I don’t want it.”

“Liar.” His voice lowered to that very low bass note that always sent a shiver down Sin’s spine. “Lying is a sin you know, baby sister. Quite

Her hands clawed at the string around her neck. A deep sigh of relief whistled through her clenched teeth as she drew the amulet attached to the end from within her shirt.
Thank God.
But the way he said
still settled uncomfortably in her craw.
What are you up to, Vice?
“Just pay the man, Vice.”


“No?” Sin wished he was as easy to read as she apparently was. Whenever she tried to read his emotions, all she saw was a whirlpool of hot, shimmering reds and stark black. “Why not?”

“Well. It isn’t my debt to square off, now is it?”

“Dammit, Vice. You know I don’t have a job right now. Where the hell am I supposed to raise the money?”

“No one mentioned anything about cold hard cash.”

Sin’s breathing became quick and shallow. Appearance wise, she and Vice were identical. Their piercing black eyes and sinful dark hair were mirror images of each other and a total contradiction to their mother’s carrottop head. This was indication enough that their mother’s words were true. They were the spawns of the demon. Her nose wrinkled in disgust.
Vice more than me of course.
“What am I supposed to pay the man with? My body?” She laughed without humor. No one would want a body like hers, not even for free. Imagine expecting payment for it. The idea was preposterous.

Vice’s stoic silence set off alarm bells in her head. Her fingers curled protectively around the talisman until the intricate design dug into her palms. Her mother had sworn the contents within the piece would protect her against any evil inclinations, whatever that meant. Now all she needed was something to save her from her deranged twin. “Just spit it out, Vice.”

As he persistently remained quiet, she swallowed hard. He walked to the large bay window, giving her his back. With him not facing her anymore, their similarities simply evaporated into fine mist. Vice had been blessed with tremendous height and a wonderfully sculpted, darkly toned body. She had obviously gotten whatever had been left from the remnants within the womb. The minute and a half head start Vice had gotten in their existence had been more than sufficient for him to grab all the good genes he wanted. Short, pudgy, and with a complexion that resembled newly curdled milk no matter how aggressively she attacked the gym or tanning beds, she definitely felt like the recycle bin. Vice had likewise selfishly nabbed the best of the character traits. He was confident, commanding, and domineering while she was everything that had remained—docile, timid, and afraid. Sin pressed her fingers to her temples. As if those things were not enough, Vice was like rabid dog that ruthlessly tore at the scraps that constituted her meaningless life.
Why can’t you just leave me in peace?

“Sit.” Vice’s voice startled her. Her backside plopped into the chair. “Good. You can get rid of that ornament around your neck.”

Sin grabbed the piece of silver stubbornly. “No. Mama said never to take it off.”

“Or the demon within you will be unleashed.” Vice laughed as he turned. “Do I look like the devil has possessed me?” He flashed his flawless white smile.

Her jaw dropped to her chest. “You took your amulet off?”

“The very day Mama passed away. We were fourteen. Surely you must have felt some change in me.”

“Fourteen? A whole ten years ago?” Sin gulped as the air became thicker and harder to breathe in. “I thought maybe it was puberty or some guy thing.” She glanced down at her own amulet. How many times had she wondered what would happen if she removed it?
But she’d been too afraid to ignore her mother’s dire warnings. Her gaze returned to Vice. Was that why he was so incredibly successful, a strutting prized stallion, while she had lagged behind like a damn oversized cart? Women swarmed like dirty harpies to Vice, hungry flies to a dung heap. But then again he was also brutally cruel and dominating at times. Were those the traits of their demon father? “I can’t.”

Vice’s eyes shone like rare black opals. “It’s not as though you have a choice.”

Sin’s heart slammed into her sternum. “What do you mean?”

“That precious little heirloom you’re clinging to is utterly useless. I emptied the contents.” He smiled wickedly. “Mama sure did have flair for witchcraft, I’ll give her that. After all these years the herbs still smelled as potent. The stream has carried your curse far from here.”

Yesterday. The dreams
. “Say you didn’t.” The small cry that had been welling within her rose and claimed hold of her. “Please, for God’s sake, Vice, say you’re joking.”

BOOK: Sin's Submission [Demon Twins 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More]
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