Sir Walter Raleigh: In Life & Legend (69 page)

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Authors: Mark Nicholls and Penry Williams

Tags: #Nonfiction, #Biography & Autobiography, #History, #England/Great Britain, #Virginia, #16th Century, #Travel & Exploration, #Tudors

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1. Sir Walter Ralegh by Nicholas Hilliard, circa 1585. Images © National Portrait Gallery, London. NPG 4106.

2. Sir Walter Ralegh and his son Walter (Wat), 1602. Images © National Portrait Gallery, London. NPG 3914.

3. Sir Walter Ralegh. The Cadiz Portrait, circa 1598. Attrib. William Segar (fl. by 1589, d. 1633). Oil on Canvas. 109 X 84cm. Courtesy of the National Gallery of Ireland. Photo © National Gallery of Ireland. NGI 281.

4. Lady Ralegh, nee ElizabethThrockmorton. English School, 1603. Oil on Canvas. 112 X 86cm. Courtesy of the National Gallery of Ireland. Photo © National Gallery of Ireland. NGI 282.

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