Read Skylar's Guardians Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

Skylar's Guardians (19 page)

BOOK: Skylar's Guardians
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“She wants to keep you,” Troy said as the older woman pressed Skylar’s tear-covered face into her shoulder and rubbed her back.

“She’s nicer than Daddy is. Maybe I’ll go with her,” Skylar pouted.

“Just keep in mind that things might be different than what you see, baby girl. She has a reputation as a mentor that makes Tralec’s strictness seem like play.”

“I like her,” Skylar yawned, allowing herself to relax in the woman’s arms.

“We like her, too,” Troy said, repeating the words to Leeza.

The woman smiled, gently squeezing Skylar. “I like Skylar well. Will learn words.”

“I thought you said she didn’t understand my language,” Skylar stated, shocked by the clarity of Leeza’s speech.

“She is one of the most intelligent beings in this world. Now that she has a reason, she will be fluent in your language within a few days.”

“That is impossible!”

“Nothing is impossible unless you don’t try it,” Troy said softly, stroking her shoulder.

Skylar remained nestled comfortably against Leeza’s shoulder as Troy began to run through vocabulary words with her. All the while, Tralec spoke to the other councilmembers, assumedly sharing the things he had learned while visiting her world. When he finished, he returned excitedly to where Troy and Leeza stood.

“They are interested in learning more about music as well as your practices of age-play and sexual positioning. They wish me to translate all the manuals and to focus my studies on learning the human culture and how to entertain the species.”

“Congratulations, brother!” Troy responded. “This was what you had desired.”

“They are going to allow us as much time as we require to learn her ways and even authorized more visits to Earth if we need them. I’m going to wind things up here, and then we can go home,” he said to Skylar. “That is, if Leeza will let go of you.”

Some words were exchanged, along with a lot of nodding, before Skylar was placed in Tralec’s arms. He kissed her temple and reached across to do the same to Leeza, squeezing her hand before they departed. Once in the train, he set Skylar down.

“I thought your race didn’t kiss,” Skylar said with a jealous grumble.

“We are not an orally stimulated culture, but we will press our lips to the flesh to show affection. That will change soon, though, once we share the pleasure that kissing to the lips and the tool region brings.”

“What was that about between you and Leeza?”

“She asked if she and her pod-mate could be allowed to study you. I agreed under the condition that she teach you about us. She is an amazing mentor with a scientific curiosity that shames the rest of us.”

“She isn’t allowed to spank me, is she?” Skylar asked cautiously.

“That was not addressed. Of course, you will not give her a reason to, correct?” Tralec asked, his eyes crinkled slightly as he looked down at her.

“No. I’ll be good as gold.” Skylar paused. “Daddy?”

“What, baby?”

“My bottom really hurts. Can I please stand? These seats are too hard.”

“No, you can sit. It will remind you about minding your manners and how we view disobedience. Agreed?”

“Yes, sir.”


* * *


Skylar groaned as she sat up from her place on the floor. Sometime during her sleeping hours (she still had difficulty calling it ‘night’ when the sun was so high and bright), Effy took it upon itself to shut down her air mattress and lower the temperature in the room, leaving her lying on a cold, hard platform. She had left her chambers, finding that both Tralec’s and Troy’s doors were locked. She knew the boys had not done it, but that it was the computer’s way of keeping her away from them while not disobeying their orders not to lock her door. She returned to her room, grabbed a blanket, and settled down on the soft carpet. The idea of the couch was appealing, but her still-tender bottom was not prepared to face Tralec again because she disobeyed his instructions to stay away from the stairs.

Troy wandered in shortly after the sun began its descent on the horizon and with a frown sat down on the floor next to her. “Should I ask why you are down here and not in your bed?”

“Ask your robot. It wants me out of here. You might not believe me, but it shut off the mattress and turned this room into a meat freezer. It also locked your doors so I couldn’t join either of you.”

“I’ll work on it today and…”

“Can’t you get someone else to do that? I was hoping you guys would show me around.”

“Certainly. Let’s go wake up Tralec.”

After leaving the biodrone in the hands of the service crew, the three departed the building to show Skylar the sights. It was very early yet, with only two of the moons shining in the clear dark pink sky as they walked along the paths lining the boundaries of the nature preserve. Skylar carried a neon pink flower picked by Troy in her hand as the second set of moons brought with them light and warmth.

“I can’t believe how bright it is out here,” Skylar commented, sniffing the fragrant bloom. “I could easily read by this light.”

“It is equivalent to mid-morning in your world. We both can get some moon today and develop some color in our skin so you can stop teasing us,” Troy chuckled, ruffling her hair. “Let’s grab a synthesizer for food and go for a ride.”

“Where are you taking me?” Skylar asked excitedly as Tralec lifted her into a round yellow vehicle and slid in next to her, with Troy at the steering column.

“It’s a surprise. Just sit back and enjoy the ride,” Troy said.

Skylar groaned. “Last time you said that, I almost hacked up my lunch.”

“This is not going to be much different,” Tralec whispered, placing his arm securely around her as the craft lifted off the ground.

Quite the contrary, it was much different. Troy flew them over the countryside, pausing at times to hover so that Skylar could see the terrain and marvel at the colors that glowed like Las Vegas in the light of the moons. She excitedly pointed out swirling winds that looked like tiny red tornados that tickled over vast acres of rainbow-colored plants and gasped as sparkling rainbows shot up like geysers from the ground. They progressed over a mountain range to reveal a horizon of velvety purple speckled with tiny gold lights.

“It’s the ocean!” Skylar explained, bouncing with excitement as they drew closer to the massive water source. The golden beach sparkled beneath them as they lowered the craft to land. “It’s
. I’ve been to the beach once when I was real young. I don’t remember it being this amazing.”

“I’m certain our waterways are different that yours. Take off your clothes.” Tralec smiled gently, pulling her off his lap as she scrambled to see out his window.

“My clothes? Don’t you wear bathing suits?”

“Why? What purpose is there to cover yourself if you intend to get wet?” Tralec asked with confusion.

“Are you saying that you always swim in the nude?” Skylar looked abashed.

“Of course,” Troy said, exiting the vehicle and quickly stripping the clothing from his magnificent body. “Don’t you?”

“We bathe nude, in private, but rarely go out in public like that. Most humans are very modest and only share their bodies with people they are intimate with. Plus, well, my bottom is quite black and blue,” Skylar reminded them.

Tralec, also naked as he stood in the sand, placed his hands on his hips. “My people do not meddle in one another’s lives, especially if they are not in a connected relationship. No one will disturb you, I promise.”

“None of them has seen a human before. They are going to ask questions.”

“No, they will not. It is considered rude. Clothes off, Skylar.”

With a sigh, she sat in the craft and slowly removed her clothing, ignoring the chuckles from the incredibly beautiful men that waited outside for her. There were several small groups of people around them, each as naked as she was and not paying any attention to one another.

“They are going to stare at me,” she whispered before sliding out.

“Let them stare. You will have to grow accustomed to it eventually. Hold my hand,” Tralec said, lifting her and placing her on the ground.

Skylar gasped as the sand wrapped around her bare feet, its warmth engulfing her. “It feels like it’s massaging me,” she muttered, digging her toes into the grains. “What is that on your left foot?”

“This is our version of undergarments,” Tralec explained. “It is considered rude to allow expulsion ports to touch common areas.”

“So that is like the human version of a bathing suit!” Skylar exclaimed. “How come I can’t hide my expulsion ports?”

“Because we enjoy looking and playing with them too much and want them accessible,” Troy laughed before he ran toward the water. The waves splashed over him, sending rainbow-colored sprays into the air.

“He’s not serious, is he?” Skylar asked as Tralec walked her toward the water, ignoring the not-so-subtle glances and whispers in her direction.

“Of course he is serious. Modesty is not an issue in our culture since we are all grown from the cell-bank. We explained that sex is for pleasure only. We view it like what your race calls a game.”

“So instead of playing volleyball on the beach, you fuck… connect?” Skylar caught herself, suspecting that Tralec would not hesitate to add more bruises to her bottom right where they stood.

“Yes. Tell me if the water feels different from that on your planet.”

Skylar dipped her toe into the violet liquid and shivered. It was rather tepid, but the sensation was quite strange. She tried again, this time stepping both feet in and standing ankle-deep. “It feels like a bunch of little fish is nibbling on my skin. It also feels denser and heavier, a lot like the water in the cleansing units.”

“The ocean is charged with a high degree of natural electricity and provides power to most of the resources in Calipi. It is caused by tiny microorganisms that survived the wars. The density is due to the concentration of the organisms and the mineral content.”

“This is so freaking weird,” Skylar stated, walking in deeper with him.

“It is… watch out!” Tralec called out as a large wave dumped over Skylar’s head, completely soaking her. “Are you all right?”

“Thanks for the warning. The water is sweet. Ours is salty.”

“Different chemical makeup. Your tears probably are a similar design as your ocean water.”

“I’ve been told that humans need salt to survive. Do you need this sweetness?”

“Not any longer. Would you like to swim?”

“Can I? Do you have any sharks?”

“What is…?”

“Animals that sometime attack people.”

“No, the ocean is completely free of any dangerous life. Troy is out there waiting. Let’s join him. The waves cease once we pass this shelf.”

Skylar’s body tingled delightfully as she swam vigorously after Tralec, dodging waves and making her way into the deeper area where both men were still able to stand waist-deep without difficulty. Troy captured her in his arms and pressed his lips to her mouth, his tool already searching for her pleasure pocket.

“What are you doing?” she asked seductively, finding that Tralec made his way behind her and began kissing the nape of her neck.

“We are about to bond with you under the light of the moons,” Troy announced, lifting her enough to place his mouth around one small breast.

“There are people everywhere! Oh, my…” she groaned as she felt Tralec’s hand slip from behind to travel between her legs and roam over her sensitive nub. He began to make slow circular motions around her clit, occasionally brushing the opening of her pussy, teasing her to spread her legs wider as his body brushed her back. Troy grabbed her left ankle and wrapped it around his waist, moving his mouth to her other breast. Skylar followed suit, sliding her right leg to saddle his ribs, his girth causing her cheeks to open wide and clearly expose her treasures to Tralec’s view.

Away from the beachhead, the waves gently lapped over their bodies in a soothing rhythm. Troy floated on his back, bringing Skylar completely out of the water. He pulled her further up his body in order to suckle her breasts while he anchored his own legs around Tralec’s thighs to stabilize himself. Tralec leaned forward, running his mouth over the bruised globes of Skylar’s bottom, occasionally nipping the edges of her crest and running the tip of his tongue down the center.

“I need to insert,” Troy said huskily, his primary tool rising for attention.

“I as well. Bring her down.”

“Don’t change your natural size. We need lube…” Skylar said, her breath quick and short as she felt probing of her bottom hole. “Holy moly, what are you doing back there!”

“My glenach provides moisture.”

“And pleasure! Oh, damn…” she groaned as Troy’s primary tool slipped slowly into her pussy, filling her fully while his glenach began to suck and massage her clit. Her moans increased as she felt Tralec press the head of his primary organ against her rosebud. In its natural state, the rod was thicker and longer than a regular penis, and the slow impalement caused her not just glorious pleasure, but delicious pain.

“I want you to move your tools with your bodies instead of letting them move independently,” Skylar declared. “I like the feel of your bodies moving around me, in and out. I want to feel you pump me. Yes… that’s how… oh…”

Skylar tilted her head back, her neck fully arched as Troy ran his thick thumbs along her chin line and down the sides of her neck, burying his lips in the top of her head as his gills began to rise to a high flush. Behind her, Tralec dug his fingers into her hips, his strokes becoming more intense as he, too, began to flush brightly. Skylar’s nails dug against Troy’s sides as she absorbed the demanding shafts ramming into her, the feel of their flesh slapping and withdrawing from hers while they gave into their bodily instincts. Their organs began to grow and swell to an enormous size as they drove into her body, stimulated by the pressure of the other’s rod moving within. Skylar found herself suspended between them, the two sets of hands directing the angles of her body as they slammed against her. The vestigial mouths continued to grab and stroke her clit and the cleft of her ass, the sensation magnified by the tingles caused by the moving waters. Skylar’s body tensed, and she held her breath as she bore down and clamped the invading appendages with her internal muscles. A deafening scream followed—so loud was her release that it was barely muffled by the sound of the pounding surf.

BOOK: Skylar's Guardians
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