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Authors: Breanna Hayse

Skylar's Guardians (28 page)

BOOK: Skylar's Guardians
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Two by Day, Three by Night

Courtney Wells expected to encounter a commanding personality when she agreed to provide specialized in-home nursing for a foreign aristocrat, but nothing could have prepared her for Baron Marcas Kalnovky. Something deep within her can

t help but need to obey this incredibly handsome mountain of a man, and if his voice alone isn

t enough to make her submit to his every command, then his firm hand applied to her bare bottom will do the job.

Courtney soon learns that she has not been hired to care for the baron himself, but for his best friend and servant of many years, an old monk by the name of Brother Sebastian. While it is the aging monk who is sick, the baron himself has a far more unusual condition. His voracious appetite for uncovering the archaeological treasures of his native Romania once led the baron to delve too deeply into the wrong tomb, and since that day he has been the victim of a most unusual curse.

By day he is the same man he always was, but by night he is physically split into two separate persons—one which contains his rational side and another which harbors his animalistic desires. When the pretty young nurse arrives to care for Sebastian, the baron finds that both sides of himself not only want her, they need her… all of her, in every way she can be taken.

As they grow closer to one another, Courtney becomes torn between the worldview she has developed over the years on the one hand and her deep need to submit to Marcas on the other. When she discovers the effects of the curse, it only adds to her confusion… and her intense lust for both sides of him. When she is bound naked and helpless at the mercy of all of Marcas

desires, she is shocked to find that she is soon begging for both of him inside her at the same time.

Will she come to terms with herself and with Marcas, and if she does, will her love be able to break the curse and heal his wounded soul?


The Reformer

Since the day she arrived in England as a refugee from her Russian homeland, Aryanna has been caught in a system of abuse and corruption. She is eventually sent to an academy for troubled young women, where she quickly falls afoul of the harsh and mean-spirited headmistress. When Aryanna hears that as a last resort she is to be sent to the home of a reformer for training, she is terrified. According to everything she has been told, they are men to be feared.

Lord Ryan Remington, a second-generation reformer and a modern-minded man by the standards of 1906, is deeply moved when he learns of the abuse that the sweet and kind-hearted Aryanna has suffered, and Aryanna soon discovers that reformation is not exactly what she expected. As Lord Ryan

s nurturing strength—and occasional bare-bottom spankings—bring her to a place of comfort and happiness, she begins to have much deeper feelings for her reformer.

Meanwhile, Aryanna

s previous abuse by Headmistress Eliza Woods is brought to the attention of Ryan

s parents, the Lord Gerald Remington and his feisty wife Brigit. They are determined to alter the direction of the academy that is funded by their patronage, and Eliza finds herself required to submit to them for reform. Her stubborn and arrogant attitude forces Gerard to take Eliza back to the beginning so that she might be reshaped. To her horror, she is dressed in a child

s clothes, spanked, and sent to bed in a nursery! And that is just the beginning…



Regan Cooper

s entire existence is focused on living vicariously through the characters she creates as a best-selling erotic romance author. She lives alone and unseen in a cabin high in the mountains, interacting with the world purely through cyberspace. Then one night as she celebrates another best-seller with a bottle of wine, alone as usual, her life is turned upside down in an instant when she finds herself restrained, blindfolded, and kidnapped by someone she can only assume to be an obsessed fan.

The man calls himself Master Jay, and he knows everything about the terrified woman he holds prisoner. He promises Regan that no harm will come to her and informs her that he is going to introduce her to the fantasies that she has written about in her books. Bound, stripped bare, and blindfolded, she has no choice but to submit to his desires, but as time passes she is shocked to find that her will to flee is being replaced by a powerful need to be his. Naked and vulnerable, yet aroused in a way she could never have imagined, she waits with a mix of wonder and trepidation for all of the pleasure and pain and shame and excitement that her new master intends for her to experience.

When he offers her the opportunity for a real adventure that she can call her own—one not experienced by any of her characters—she must decide whether she has learned to trust him, and herself, enough to indulge. Will Regan take a bold plunge into the unknown, or will she forever be the outsider looking in, afraid to see life outside of her vivid imagination?


Painful Consequences

Brittany Wallace had lived a life of ease and luxury, completely shielded from the repercussions of her actions by her wealthy father

s influence and connections… until the day she made one poor choice too many and found herself thrown out of the family home.

At twenty-six years old, having never done a hard day

s work in her life, she finds herself begging her twin brother for a place to stay. He reluctantly agrees, but promises that things will be different—from now on bratty behavior will have consequences.

When a fellow police officer from her brother

s unit by the name of Reed Simms takes an interest in her, she does her best to give him the cold shoulder, but she quickly finds that he is a hard man to drive away. What

s worse is that she isn

t even sure she wants to drive away this handsome, dominant man who is not afraid to tell her what she needs to hear, whether or not she wants to hear it. Worst of all, she soon learns that if words alone don

t get the job done, Reed is more than willing to bare her bottom for a long, hard spanking, and if that still doesn

t make her behave, then he has other, even more embarrassing ways of keeping a naughty girl in line.


Dare to Defy

Daynel has always chafed at the role she is expected to play as the princess of the Northern Kingdom, and she is far from prepared to meekly submit when she learns that she is to be given in marriage to the prince of the Southern Kingdom. Her unwillingness to be a footstool for an arrogant prince quickly becomes the least of her worries, however, when a priestess of the ancient dragon gods informs Daynel that her betrothed has dark and terrible designs for her and for the world… and that only she can save her people.

Forced to flee for her life, Daynel discovers that the gods have plans for her and for the powerful magic she suddenly finds herself capable of wielding. Defying the will of the gods can have painful consequences, and after Daynel encounters a huge, fearsome warrior by the name of Draiken, the feisty princess soon learns that those consequences can include a long, hard, bare bottom spanking… and that is only the beginning, for far more humiliating punishments await when a sore backside alone does not change her attitude.

Draiken knows full well that with every passing day the forces of darkness grow stronger and Daynel has not yet been taught to wield her newfound powers properly. There is no time to lose and he is more than willing to do whatever must be done to train Daynel, whether she likes it or not, even if that means she spends every waking moment with blushing cheeks and a bright red bottom.


Playing a Little

Camille LeCroix spent most of her young life playing a feisty child in one movie after another, yet she never really had a childhood of her own… until at the age of nineteen a world-renowned director offered her a unique role.

His film would give her another chance to work alongside her childhood crush, the incredibly handsome, well-respected actor Erik Renault, but can she really bring herself to sign up for a part in which she is expected to accept being treated like a little girl? Can she submit to being stripped naked, bathed, and spanked on her bare bottom by a loving but firm daddy?

It doesn’t take Erik long to realize how badly Camille is in need of the love and nurturing he can provide, but he also knows he will have to break through her defiant exterior to bring out the sweet little girl inside. When Camille refuses to mind him, he is more than happy to show her what happens to bad girls, and she soon learns that a spanking is far from the most embarrassing punishment she will face when she is really naughty.

As time passes, though, both Camille and Erik realize that their growing feelings for one another are no act. Their bond grows deeper every day, but will it turn into something real and lasting or will it be just another Hollywood romance?


Meeting Her Master

Since her mother left her father and placed the blame on her, Dahlia has been acting out. Now, at nineteen years old, her only goal in life is to seek pleasure anywhere and any way she can find it, no matter how high the cost to herself and those around her. Things show no sign of changing for her… until the fateful night she meets a man who calls himself Master Blake.

Blake makes her a simple offer. He will give her experiences she has only dreamed about. She will moan from the pain and the pleasure, often both at the same time, and when he is through she will yearn for more. Most important of all, he promises her that she will never be pushed away or cast aside again. All he asks in return is her total submission. Will she blow this chance at what she has always wanted, or can she learn to call this man her master?


Protect and Correct

Forensic investigator Terrese Fanguard wakes up in a hospital after an attempt on her life leaves her severely injured. Thanks to a brilliant plastic surgeon, Terrese’s body and face have been rebuilt, rendering her younger, thinner, and more attractive than ever before.

At her bedside, FBI agent Collin Golde tells Terrese that she now has a fake identity. Her new name is Brooke, she will be playing the role of his wife, and he will personally see to it that she is kept safe… whether she likes it or not. Brooke soon learns that while Collin can be tender and comforting, he can also be stern and strict. If a bright red, stinging bottom and blushing cheeks are necessary to keep her safe, then he is fully prepared to bare her bottom and spank her soundly.

Brooke’s complicated emotions threaten to be her undoing as she experiences intimacy, passion, and unwavering discipline for the first time in her life. Will she allow herself to grow to love Collin, even though she fears he will leave her once he catches the killer?

Breanna Hayse Links


You can find author interviews, excerpts of upcoming books, and general thoughts from Breanna Hayse via her blog, her Facebook page, and her Amazon and Goodreads profiles, using the following links:

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

More Stormy Night Books by Breanna Hayse

Breanna Hayse Links

BOOK: Skylar's Guardians
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