S&M III, Vol. II (19 page)

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Authors: Vera Roberts

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There were articles upon articles on Caprina’s and Scott’s relationship. They were named one of the Top 10 couples back in 2004. Their would-be wedding was being touted as the wedding of the century with many celebrity guests. And then came the shocker.
Runaway Bride
screamed one headline.
splashed across Scott’s face in another headline.

Caprina had humiliated Scott in front of the entire world.
That explains why he’s such an asshole now.
Sarah sat back in her chair upon the realization. Scott bounced back from the breakup and became one of the industry’s leading advertising executives. Caprina’s reputation slowly went down the drain.

Sarah shook her head at her naiveté and stupidity. How could she have believed Caprina was willing to help her? Caprina capitalized on the fact Sarah had no idea what their relationship was. Slowly, everything started to add up for Sarah.

Caprina didn’t just want Scott back because she loved him. She wanted him back as a
career boost
and was going to use anything and
to make sure that would happen. Sarah was victim number one. “I was in her way,” she muttered as she read another article. “Caprina doesn’t know who she’s messing with. If Mariana doesn’t destroy her, Scott surely will. And he’ll do it in front of the whole world.”



Mariana had dreamed of her wedding since she was a little girl. It was going to be a big affair with all of her family from everywhere coming. She was going to have no fewer than five bridesmaids.  Her hair was going to be big. Her dress was going to be bigger. She was going to be in horse-drawn carriage. She wanted fireworks at the reception and honeymoon somewhere in Europe.

She never wondered what her dream man would look like. That didn’t matter. What mattered was that he showed up. After all, it was her wedding.

“Scott, nice to see you back here!” Alan greeted his favorite Tiffany’s customer. “I see you brought someone with you.”

“Alan, this is my girlfriend, Mariana,” Scott introduced them to each other. “I suspect you know why we’re here today.”

“Yes, I do,” Alan nodded, “I’m assuming you liked the pictures I sent to you over the holidays?”

Mariana looked up at Scott. “Pictures?” How long had he been planning all of this?

“I have one in mind, but I won’t be the one wearing it all the time,” Scott smiled back at his girlfriend. “Are you ready?”

Mariana felt her breathing escape her body. She could only nod.

“Very well,” Alan led Scott and Mariana to the engagement rings, “please let us know what you like and we’ll take it out for you for a closer look.”

Mariana stared down at all of the engagement rings below her. They were all so bright and sparkly; none was more beautiful than the other. Each time she saw one she fell in love with, she found another that was just as gorgeous. She felt overwhelmed. “I don’t know which one I want,” she pouted.

“Take your time,” Scott wrapped his arms around her, “it doesn’t have to be today. I just wanted you to have an idea on what you might like.”

Mariana fanned herself. The idea of getting engaged was making her flustered. “It’s warm in here.”

Scott slightly nodded to Alan, who quickly brought over a cup of cold water for Mariana. She quickly finished it. “Thank you.”

“Take your time, Mariana,” Alan suggested, “I know it’s a lot to take in.” 

Mariana let out a deep breath and refocused on the engagement rings. She wanted one that she would wear forever. The problem was she wanted all of them. “I’m sorry. I just don’t know which one I want to look at.”

“Allow me?” Scott suggested and Mariana nodded. He took out his phone and perused through the photos. He found what he was looking for. “This one.” He showed the picture to Alan.

“Ah yes, a perfect choice!” Alan walked over to another section of the counter and pulled out the ring. “I’ll meet you at the table over there.” He motioned behind Scott and Mariana.

Scott led Mariana to the table and sat beside her. Her skin lightly beaded with sweat and her breathing was becoming increasingly labored. “Mari, we don’t have to do this today,” Scott was concerned.

“No, no, no, no, no, no…I’m fine,” Mariana pleaded, “I’m fine…it’s just…it’s really, really hot in here.”

Scott poured Mariana another cup of water. “Drink up, baby,” he handed her the cup and Mariana quickly drank it.

Alan came over and sat across from the couple. “Scott, I must say this is probably the finest diamond I have seen in years! Ideal round cut…”

“Ideal…round cut…” Mariana muttered.

“Over two and a half carats…”

Mariana’s eyes widened. “Two and a half carats…”

“Simple yet perfect. This ring will make a statement.” Alan pulled out the ring. Mariana’s eyes followed the ring as Alan gave it to Scott.

Scott took the ring and admired it. It was more beautiful in person. He turned to Mariana and grabbed her left hand. “Let’s see how this will look on you,” he smiled. He slipped the ring on her pinky finger. “Well, what do you think?”

Mariana held the diamond ring to her gaze. Her throat became parched and the room was spinning. Her body was aflame with anticipation and nervousness. “I…I…I…”

And then the room went black.


“Hey, you,” Scott purred, “hey, Sleeping Beauty. For a minute we thought we lost you there.”

Mariana woke up on a lounge sofa in the backroom of Tiffany’s. She was surrounded by various Tiffany’s salespeople and Scott. “What…what happened?”

“You got a little too excited out there,” Scott smiled as he kissed her hand.

“I fainted?”

“Yeah, but it’s okay.” Scott rubbed her hand. “It just means I picked out the right ring for you.”

Mariana suddenly remembered where she was. “My ring! We’re getting engage…engage…”

“Shhh…” Scott held a cup of water to her lips and she carefully drank some of the cool liquid. “Take it easy there, baby.”

Mariana slightly nodded as she tried to get a bearing on what happened. “Where’s my ring?”

“It’s going to be sized. It should be ready in a few weeks.”

“What about the engagement?” She asked.

“I have something in mind,” Scott’s eyes had a twinkle in them, “but I won’t tell you when or where or even how. It might be in a few weeks or in a few months.”

“You’re going to make me wait that long for my ring?” Mariana whined.

“Yes,” Scott replied back.

“You suck,” Mariana closed her eyes again as she drifted off to sleep.

Scott held Mariana’s hand and kissed it as he watched her sleep. He didn’t know how it was possible that he fell more in love with her with the passing day. “I know,” he whispered.



Scott arrived at McCormick and Sheppard the following morning, and he already knew there was something off when he entered the offices. The employees were gathered in small groups at various cubicles, and they all suddenly stopped gossiping when they saw him approaching. Every step he took, it seemed the same thing occurred with every new group and everyone looked at him in shock and awe. 
Yay, I’m the top news story.

“Good morning, Elissa,” Scott approached her desk. He turned back around and saw the same employees resume their gossiping and occasional stolen glances at him.

“Good morning, Scott,” she smiled back. “Welcome back! Did you have a nice vacation?”

“I had a lovely one.” Despite the occasional drama, Scott had had a great vacation. He had made tentative plans to visit his family again when Christine gave birth. “Did you have a nice one?”

“I did, thank you!” she replied.

“I’m assuming I have plenty of messages and e-mails. I went through a few of them and I’ll check the rest later. Any appointments today?” he asked.

“Just a few and…” Elissa gave Scott his daily calendar.  “You have a visitor,” she nervously whispered.

Scott picked up on her tone. She was normally upbeat and cheerful. Instead, her voice was full of worry and hesitation. “I do?”

Elissa looked around to see if anyone was listening. “It’s
,” she whispered.

Scott knew exactly who Elissa was referring to. It also explained the nervousness of the employees. They were wondering if a train wreck was about to happen.

He was right on his estimation. Caprina showed up just a few days after he spotted her at the airport. “How long has she been in there?”

“About ten minutes,” Elissa whispered, “I tried to stop her but she insisted on waiting for you in your office.”

“All right,” Scott straightened his tie. He took out his wallet and pulled out three twenty-dollar bills. “Give me fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, go out and get me a bottle of Glenfiddich. Hurry. I will need to drink that soon.”

Scott walked into his office and headed straight to his desk. He wasn’t surprised to see her. If anything, he had been expecting her. Not necessarily that day, but he had known that at some point he was going to see her.

Now his nemesis was once again in front of him. She was as gorgeous as ever; her long, ebony hair with soft bangs contrasted against her milk chocolate complexion. Her light brown eyes were just as calculating as his. She was thin, but curvy in the places that mattered.  She was incredibly tall, but it didn’t stop her from wearing five-inch heels on a daily basis. She had some work done on her face, he realized, and maybe a little Botox. Years of being a world-famous supermodel had finally caught up with her.

Seeing Caprina before him gave Scott goose bumps. She had been the love his life. She had been his Domme and he had done whatever She’d wanted, when She’d wanted. She had been the air that he breathed, and if She had asked him to drink Her bathwater, he would not have hesitated.

Their sex life was legendary. She had introduced him to
the lifestyle.
She incorporated BDSM little by little from day one.  It began with a paddle here and a smack there. She would ask, no,
Scott to do things, sometimes humiliating things. They would go to BDSM parties and She would parade him around the room, and Scott, wearing only a collar and woman’s black thong panties, would get spanked by whomever Caprina wanted.

Soon, Scott was wearing chastity devices during work and whenever Caprina went on trips.  One device had a key that only Caprina had, and there was no other way for Scott to unlock it. Not that he wanted to. He was a great little sub.

After they made love for hours, She would milk his cock, with Scott bent over on four chairs. Caprina would use butt plugs, vibrators, and lubricants to get him off again and again until he could no longer stand it.

Scott’s absolute favorite play was Bend-Over Boyfriend, in which Caprina would use a strap-on on him to massage his prostate. He would explode in an intense orgasm that seemed to last for hours.

Three months before their wedding, Scott entertained Caprina’s threesome fantasy by inviting his best friend, Elliot, to join them. Scott had felt uncomfortable about sharing his woman, but it was what Caprina wanted, and he was going to do whatever it took to make her happy. During the sex session, he noticed Caprina was more receptive to Elliot and had a stronger reaction to his lovemaking.

He had simply brushed it off as just a new experience and didn’t think too much of it. 

But when he received a text message—not a phone call or a in-person talk—but a text message that she had been sleeping with Elliot since that night and they had run off together, Scott didn’t react. He didn’t feel anger. He didn’t feel sadness. He didn’t feel relief. He felt numb. His family and friends encouraged him to be emotional, but Scott couldn’t. Caprina had killed any emotion he had left.

After he got back from his self-imposed sabbatical, Scott erased all traces of Caprina from his life as if she had never existed. Everyone at work knew to not mention her name and showed a little compassion towards Scott for a short while. But he didn’t care. The old friendly and warm Scott was dead and gone.

During a business meeting, Scott berated a colleague in front of everyone for his ridiculous ideas. Afterwards, one of his colleagues came up to him and remarked he was cold as ice. Scott simply smiled and replied, “Thank you.” The nickname, Ice, had stuck since then.

It was a small world, Scott knew, and eventually they would cross paths again. For the first year after their separation, he thought about what he would say to her or possibly do to her. Would he be happy? Would he run away? Would he curse at her? Even Scott was curious about how he would react.

After a while, he disregarded all thoughts and focused on his work. He poured all of his energy into his career and was well known in the advertising industry. He made connections in many political and social circles but preferred to stay home to mind his own business. His actions merely added an air of mystery to him. He hit the gym twice a day, six days a week. He cut out sugar from his diet and focused on his lean physique.

He simply smirked at Caprina’s reappearance—everything was going too well in his life. He was on top of his game at the agency, his relationship with Mariana was stronger than ever, and he was about to settle down to make it official. He had started to have babies on the brain, something unheard of for him.

Caprina always had impeccable timing. “What can I do for you, Ms. Waters?” he asked.

“As you’ve heard…” she began.

“I didn’t but humor me, anyways…” he interrupted.

“As you may have heard, I am now the new model for Guess. They wanted the best ad agency in the world and I recommended your services. They want something fresh, young, and hip. I expect you know how to do that.”

Scott had been waiting for Caprina to pull this move on him for years. He was amazed it had taken her this long. “Guess has their own agency house they work with.”

“They’re expanding their horizons.”

“I’ll have one of the creative directors help you with that, Ms. Waters. We’ll be in touch…”

“I specifically requested you,” she insisted.

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