Snowbound (6 page)

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Authors: Scarlet Blackwell

Tags: #gay contemporary erotic romance

BOOK: Snowbound
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He heard himself moaning. He gripped Dylan by the hair, playing with his silky locks, raking his fingers through them, stroking the nape of his neck. Dylan increased his pace. He sucked with further eagerness, like he had all the stamina in the world. He massaged Hayden's sac carefully, gently, fingers wandering over his inner thighs, touching on the sensitive skin behind his balls, stroking with infinite care.

Hayden's body tightened. He shifted, spreading his legs further, lifting his pelvis helplessly. A spasm of pain shot through his leg but he paid it no heed. Dylan's mouth was the only thing that mattered.

Dylan's hand slid up his torso and Hayden arched under his touch. His lover's fingers closed over one nipple, rubbing, tweaking ever so slightly, never anything less than gentle.

"Fuck." Hayden clasped Dylan's hand, holding it to his breast, gasping as the orgasm rolled over him. He pushed Dylan's head back quickly but Dylan stuck doggedly to his task. He sucked harder, faster, leaving Hayden in no doubt as to what he wanted.

Hayden cried out. He trembled uncontrollably, fingers clenched in Dylan's hair, shuddering, shaking for long seconds before he fell back gasping.

Dylan slid slowly off him. His tongue lapped at the sensitive head of Hayden's cock, drawing exquisite aftershocks from him. He squirmed, reached for Dylan's shoulder, and pulled him forward.

Dylan slid up his body, settled his weight half-on half-off Hayden. His lips sought Hayden's throat, planting delicate kisses.

"Oh God, Dylan." Hayden threw an arm around his back, holding him hard. "Fuck, you're something else."

Dylan laughed softly. He drew his lips across Hayden's lingeringly. "Did I make you forget about your leg?"


"And about being stranded here?"

Hayden looked away. He didn't speak. His continuing infidelity slapped him in the face.

"Hey." Dylan brushed some strands of hair back from his forehead before he kissed him on the temple. "Did you speak to your wife?"

Hayden nodded.

"Was she upset?"

"Yeah. I'll have to call her again. Tell her I won't be home today."

Dylan was silent a moment. Hayden looked into his eyes. The lust had retreated from them; the iris was clear and golden. Dylan climbed up off the couch. The straining against his pants was still visible. "I'll carry on with dinner."

"Hey." Hayden caught his hand. "Don't you want me to…?" He gestured wordlessly. Hayden wasn't a selfish man, never had been.

"I'm good." Dylan walked away.

Hayden fastened himself up. Then he lay there in quiet contemplation for a few minutes before he reached for his cell, thumbed through the address book, waited for it to connect.

"Hayden, honey, are you okay?"

"Hi, baby. I'm fine. I'm sorry, I've got some bad news for you."

"Oh no."

"I'm snowed in for today. Hopefully it'll be better tomorrow."

Julianna sighed. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." Hayden glanced toward the kitchen.

"The fight we had, it was stupid. I want you to know how sorry I am."

"I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have gone without you."

"It doesn't matter. Make it up to me when you get home."

"I will."

"Are you still staying with the cop?"


"He's very generous."

"Yes, he is."
More than you'd imagine.

"You'll have to let me thank him. Is he there?"

"No, he's at work."

"Another time, then. Call me tomorrow."

"I will, baby."

"I love you."

"Bye, honey." Hayden hung up. He squeezed his eyes shut, his lies sour in his mouth.


In the kitchen, Dylan leaned against the counter, pausing in his chopping. Was it wrong that he was jealous of the endearments he'd heard come off Hayden's tongue? Of course it was. Hayden was a stranger, someone Dylan had met last night and sated his desire with, nothing more, nothing less. It didn't matter that Hayden's cock in his mouth made him throb insanely with desire or that the touch of his lips sent him senseless with need. It was only lust, that's all it was.
Let's not make it into the love affair of the century. This isn't The Bridges of Madison County.

He jumped as arms wrapped around his waist and a chin leaned against his shoulder.

"You made me feel so good," Hayden whispered against his ear, stirring Dylan's mind into all kinds of wickedness.

He tried to get his thoughts back on track, back into peevish resentment. "Why did you tell your wife I was at work?"

Hayden sighed. His lips touched the sensitive spot behind Dylan's ear. He nuzzled a moment. "She wanted to thank you for h-having me."

Dylan smirked humourlessly. "I'm sure she did. Worried I was going to tell her I'd just sucked your cock?"

Hayden tightened his arms, burying his face in Dylan's shoulder blade. "Don't."

"I'm sorry, does my language offend you?"

"Yes. It doesn't suit you. You're a gentleman."

Dylan clenched his jaw. "Yeah well, maybe I don't much feel like being a gentleman at the moment." He turned around, pulled Hayden flush against him and kissed him, hard.

He felt Hayden melt; his lover clutched him around the neck and returned the kiss, breathless with passion. They stumbled back, lip-locked. Dylan lifted Hayden onto the edge of the table, pushed his legs apart, and ravished his neck with kisses.

Hayden's hand made short work of Dylan's uniform pants, pulling them open, freeing Dylan's cock. Dylan wouldn't have thought the guy would be so bold. He'd thought Hayden's homosexual experimentation last night was all about the wine. Maybe he was wrong. He groaned as Hayden slid his aching shaft through his palm, jerking him firmly, his fingers tight.

Dylan pushed into Hayden's hand, seeking his mouth again, devouring it, caressing Hayden's tongue with his. His fingers sought Hayden's hair. He played with the dark auburn strands, relished in the silky touch. He nuzzled Hayden's neck again, pants for breath escaping him as he got close.

Hayden's pace increased. One hand slid down Dylan's open trousers, into his boxers, gripping one buttock greedily. Dylan bucked forward. He stared into the pale blue-green eyes of his lover a moment before his face fell against Hayden's throat and he kissed adoringly as he came.

Hayden held him close a moment. His lips feathered gently over Dylan's eyebrow. The tenderness between them both at that moment was something exquisite. Was this really the man he had only met last night? Dylan drew his hand down Hayden's back. He caught his cheek with one hand and kissed him, slowly, deeply.

Hayden responded. They stood entwined for long moments before, finally, Hayden drew back, slid from the table to go to the sink and wash his hands. Dylan watched him covertly. Hayden turned to him and smiled hesitantly and in that moment, Dylan wished fervently that the road home would remain forever blocked with snow.


They sat eating, the bottle of wine open and poured. Dylan was a good cook and he only made nutritious vegetarian food. Tonight it was a vegetable gratin with warm crusty bread. Dylan broke the silence.

"How long have you been married?"

"Five years."

Dylan lifted an eyebrow. "How old are you?"


"You got married young."


"Any children?"


"In the cards?"

Hayden shrugged. He took a drink of wine. He still felt drowsy, even more so now. The pain nudged at his leg, gave him a malicious stab to remind him it was still there. He hoped to anaesthetise it with wine but all that had done last night was land him on his back, under his host.

He held Dylan's golden gaze. Would it be so bad to do it a second time? He was ashamed of himself. Had he no self-control at all?

"You don't like me talking about your wife."


Dylan topped his wine up.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?"

"Do I need to?"

Hayden regarded him for the longest moment with heat swarming through every cell in his body before he gave a small shake of his head. There. He might as well have given Dylan carte blanche.

Dylan reached across the table. He stroked Hayden's fingers with that gentle touch he always employed.


"How's your leg?" Dylan asked as Hayden helped him stack dishes in the dishwasher.


"Do you need another massage?"

"I know what your massages lead to."

"Are you complaining?" Dylan grinned.

Hayden felt himself blush. "No."


"Can I take a bath?"

"Sure you can, you don't need to ask. Go on, I'll finish up here."



Hayden ran the water hot. He slid into scented bubbles and drifted away. When he got out, he was going to go to bed with Dylan, he knew that. He only wished he could stop himself.

A tap came at the door. "Are you okay in there?"

Hayden jerked awake. The cooling water told him how long he'd been in. "Yeah."

"Can I come in?"

Hayden hesitated. "Sure."

Dylan entered. He came over to the bath, smiling at Hayden. "You sure like your baths."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm kidding." Dylan bent and put his hand in the water. "Going cold, though." He turned on the hot tap.

Hayden lay uncomfortably, bubbles still just about covering his groin.

"Want to do another first with a man?" Dylan asked. "Want to take a bath with me?"

Hayden stared a moment. But what did it matter? He had been naked before with Dylan and he would be naked again. They had hardly finished whatever was going on between them yet. He sat up and slid wordlessly forward, watching out of the corner of his eye while Dylan stripped.

He saw long, strong legs before Dylan climbed in behind him, opening his legs around him. Hayden sank back against his chest; Dylan's arms wrapped loosely around his torso.

"Mmm." Dylan swirled around the new water with one foot. "That's nice."

Hayden closed his eyes as the water steadily heated and lulled him away again. Dylan's embrace felt so good, so soothing, so… safe.

Lips touched his neck. Hayden shivered. He put a hand up to touch the black dragon on Dylan's bicep, tracing tail, claws, scales, and the muscle beneath the ink. His hand settled on Dylan's. The deputy held it, entwining their fingers. He planted light kisses on Hayden's jaw, sucking gently at his earlobe.

"You're beautiful." It was a whisper.

Hayden had always done all right with women until his accident. Then he had locked himself away until Julianna had come calling and he had been lucky enough that she saw past the scar. He didn't consider himself beautiful in any way.


"Yes. Inside and out."

"You don't know me."

"I know enough." Dylan's arms tightened. "I consider myself lucky you broke down in my town."

"Don't. I'm a liar and a cheat and what we're doing is wrong. Don't say that like you think your soulmate just walked in the door." It was too much. Emotion overwhelmed Hayden. He squeezed his eyes shut, turned his face as far into Dylan's shoulder as he could.

A wet hand stroked his hair. Dylan didn't say anything.


They got out of the bath, drying themselves. Hayden brushed his teeth. He went into the bedroom and located the T-shirt and pyjama pants he had worn last night. He put them on and slid between the cool covers of Dylan's bed. He lay there waiting, with sleep coming quickly.

Dylan moved around in the bathroom. He went downstairs for a few minutes. Hayden heard the click of the front door locking, the safety chain rattling into place.

He was almost asleep when Dylan climbed in beside him. Hayden turned away, onto his side. Dylan waited a moment and then he curled up behind him, one arm over Hayden. Hayden felt for his fingers in the dark. They didn't speak.


Hayden woke to a grey dawn, heat and hardness pressed behind him. As he stirred, so did the hand on his abdomen. Dylan's fingers slid up under his T-shirt, stroking his belly in slow circles. A mouth pressed behind his ear.


"Morning." Hayden usually woke up hard and today was no exception. But the kiss and the touch sent instant flames of arousal darting in all different directions over his needy body, to centre between his legs. He shifted, aching.

Dylan's hand moved upward. His index finger rubbed at one nipple. Hayden caught his breath. He put his head back so Dylan could mouth his neck and then he reached behind him to grip a muscular thigh.

Dylan let out a low growl. He pressed closer, his cock grinding against Hayden's backside through the thin material which clothed them both. "I want you." It was a breathy whisper in his ear, lifting goosebumps the length of Hayden's body.

Hayden pulled his pyjama pants down. He guided Dylan's hand shamelessly into his groin. Dylan murmured his approval against Hayden's ear. His palm slid down Hayden's shaft, stroking, his thumb tracing around the head. Hayden groaned. He turned his head and Dylan leaned over him, capturing his mouth, his other hand tangling in Hayden's hair.

They kissed deeply, swapping tongues and breath while Dylan milked Hayden's cock slowly, firmly.

Then Dylan slid away. Hayden glanced back to see him rooting in the bedside drawer. He remained on his side, waiting, anticipation thrumming through his blood.

A hand stroked his buttocks and Hayden shivered. Dylan pushed one knee up. Wet fingers slid down his cleft, stroking. Hayden shivered and jumped. His entrance located, Dylan rubbed cold wetness slowly over and around it, while his lips found the back of Hayden's neck.

Hayden trembled with need. Dylan discarded his own pyjama bottoms. He yanked off Hayden's T-shirt and then he tore open a condom, rolling it on quickly. He smoothed a hand over Hayden's hip, kissed him at the nape of his neck and then slowly pushed into him.

Hayden breathed hard, willing himself to relax, to take all of Dylan. He gasped, impaled, twisting his upper body around to hook an arm around Dylan's neck. They could kiss perfectly like this as Dylan moved into him, a hand still on Hayden's cock, Dylan's body curled tightly against his.

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