So I Married a Rockstar (22 page)

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Authors: Marina Maddix

Tags: #comedy humor funny humorous, #billionaire rich romance, #sassy strong heroine family life, #baby pregnancy wedding secret surprise, #family life women’s fiction, #new adult coming of age contemporary, #billionaire bad boy rockstar romance, #curvy bbw plus rubenesque romance, #las vegas san francisco, #rock roll music band singer guitar

BOOK: So I Married a Rockstar
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"Dad, I'm so sorry for yelling at you. You and Papi were right. I was a jerk. I love you both so much."

I can't remember the last time I saw Dad cry, but they're both weeping openly as they lean down for a very gentle hug. When they pull back, I notice someone else in the corner, keeping her distance.

"You don't have to hide, Grace." I wave her over. "Thanks for coming."

Her fingers are cool as she tentatively slips them into my hand. The childish part of me must still be asleep because I know it would demand that I yank my hand away. I'm sure it won't be gone forever, but for now I take comfort in my mother's touch and give her a squeeze.

"Lo, what were you doing down in tourist central, anyway?" Pepper asks as she pulls a carton of soup from a paper bag. My stomach breaks the tension in the room by rumbling loudly.

Even though Pepper asked the question, I turn my gaze to Drax. It's time to tell him. "I was caught up in what I decided."

He tips his head in a 'go ahead, I can take it' nod.

"Drax, I can't stay in a marriage that's based on dishonesty. Not only was I completely obliterated when we went to that chapel, but you broke your promise to take care of it. I hope you understand."

His lips are a thin, hard line, but he nods again. "Yeah, I get it."

"We need a fresh start," I continue, trying not to smile. "That's why I think we should get married again, this time in front of
our friends and family. And preferably with me sober this time."

Drax grins and whoops loudly, gathering me into his arms, heedless of the tubes and wires connected to my arms. "Ouch!"

We're all laughing when Dad interrupts. "Wait. What? When did you get married? Why wasn't I informed?!"

mi cielo
," Papi soothes, pulling him away to give us space and dabbing at his eyes with a tissue.

The door to my room swooshes open and a tired-looking doctor hurries in and scans my chart.

"Miss Raines?"

"Mrs. Maxwell," Drax interrupts. The doctor blinks in irritation. He doesn't have time for nonsense.

"You should all leave the room."

Irrational panic stabs at my gut at the thought of being alone right now. "No! They can stay. Please."

He shrugs and presses on, clearly in a hurry. "You suffered some minor lacerations and a mild concussion when you fell. The worst of your injuries, as I'm sure you've noticed, is a broken tibia." He nods at the cast that I had not actually had time to notice. "You'll want to take it easy for a few days for the concussion, but you should make a full recovery. Of course, you'll want to follow up with your OBGYN as soon as possible, but it appears the baby is just fine."

Silence falls across the room. He must sense that we're all gaping at him because he looks up.

"Baby?" I squeak.

"Yes, of course. Wait, you didn't know?"

My blank stare is all the answer he needs.

"Awkward," Pepper mutters.

"Oh, well, it looks like you're only a few weeks along and, like I said, it seems as if the baby's fine. Congratulations. Now if you'll excuse me..."

In a swish of green scrubs, he's gone.

"But...we used a condom..." I whisper, breathless with shock.

My eyes feel about ten inches wide. Drax's are just as wide, but he's doing something I didn't expect. He's grinning.

"Guess we're in that lucky two percent who do it wrong, Lola."

"Hug her,
Papi sniffs as he follows his own advice and hugs Dad.

I'm engulfed again in Drax's arms. The whole room erupts with cheers and laughter and tears as everyone takes their turn hugging me.

Grace comes last, hesitant to reach for me. I reach for her instead. Her shoulders shake with a silent sob. Her breath tickles my ear and warms my heart when she whispers, "You're going to be a wonderful mother."

"Thanks, Mom."


"How's little Lizzy today?" Drax asks when he walks into Dad's office at Raines Records, smooching my big ol' belly first, then bestowing a lingering kiss on me. I groan in protest when he pulls away.

"She's been dancing a lot." I rub my stomach and our daughter kicks in response. "And stop trying to name her after female rockers."

"I don't know what you're talking about, darlin'. All my suggestions have been perfectly normal names."

"Janis? Courtney? Alanis? Give me a break. I suppose you want to spell Lizzy without the 'i', not unlike a certain Lzzy Hale?"

"Huh, what a good idea! You're a genius!"

I cast a mock glare his direction and go back to catching up on my email. Life has been a whirlwind since Kayla Sparkles -- yeah, that's her legal name -- tried to kill me with her car. Obviously, I healed up nicely, but more importantly, the tiny life growing inside me held on tight and made it through the danger zone.
Best of all, Kayla will be locked away for a long, long time on charges of kidnapping, attempted murder and generally being a ginormous bitch.

By the time Jake got out of rehab, I was down to using one crutch, and had pretty much booked the entire Route 666 Tour. It was a tough couple months, with three to four shows a week at much smaller venues than the boys were used to, but every organizer I worked with was thrilled with the idea of a 'half-price' tour. Not only did they get their full cut, but they sold about a bajillion more tickets.

And that was our goal. Rock the hell out of the Route 66 towns, blow their minds with dirt-cheap tickets, and make the big boys sit up and pay attention. Judging by the email I just opened, it worked.


Congrats on a successful summer tour! Word is that Roadkill is back in business and ready to rock n' roll. Now that you've had a little time to rest up, it's time to figure out your next step. And have I got a opportunity for you.

As you undoubtedly know, I've taken on a few more metal bands since we last worked together. I'm working on a big Japanese tour for next year and I want Roadkill to headline it. We can hash out the details later.


Marvin Harmony

I bust out laughing and Drax leans over my shoulder to read what's so funny.

"Wow, he's the same arrogant prick he always was," he chuckles. "He can't even be bothered to get your name right. What are you going to tell him?"

I let my fingers do the talking.


So good to hear from you! Yes, we'd heard you signed some new artists. I trust they're as lucrative as Roadkill was for you. Oh, but I'm sure it's not about the money, is it?

As you undoubtedly know, Drax and I are expecting our first child in a few months. That being the case, we've already made the decision for Roadkill to stay in the U.S. next year, with one exception. They'll be playing the main stage at Donington. Remind me, you could never get them booked there, could you? Oh well!


Lauren Maxwell

Drax chuckles in my ear and sends tingles to all my bits and pieces when he nibbles my neck. "Have I ever told you that you're a total rockstar?"

"Don't be silly," I giggle. I can't help it. He makes me feel like a lovestruck teenager every time he kisses me. Even now, bulging with his baby.

"Seriously? Babe, you got us booked on the main stage of one the most prestigious heavy metal festivals in the world. You're either a rockstar or a magician."

I shrug, acting like it's no big deal, but I know that he knows how hard I worked to pull it off. That he appreciates it so much sends a flush of pride to my cheeks.

"I just hope I can survive three days of ear-shattering heavy metal," I tease. "I'll have to buy earplugs by the case!"

Drax wraps his arms around me from behind and nuzzles my ear. Why does he do this to me?
Because he knows it drives you crazy

"You love our music, admit it."

I shake my head, my curls bouncing in his face. "Never."

"Oh yeah?" Like a striking cobra, Drax's hand shoots out and snatches up my cell phone before I can stop him.

"Hey! Give that back!"

I try to grab it but he's too fast. He taps the phone a few times while holding it far above my head. Then he's grinning like the ass he is. Music blares from the phone. Roadkill's music.

"Then why do you have an entire playlist full of our songs? Hmmm?"

I blush and manage to get the phone, tapping off the music app. "What kind of manager would I be if I wasn't familiar with my client's work?"

"You just refuse to give me the satisfaction, don't you?"

I give him a wink and a sly smile. "Gotta keep the egotistical rockstar on his toes, don't I?"

Drax gathers me in his arms, immobilizing me with his gaze. Growing up, I was lucky enough to learn what a loving, respectful relationship looked like from my dads, but I know now that I had no idea what it felt like on the inside. I thought I had a clue, but Drax has shown me what love really is.

"You ready for tonight?" His voice is thick with emotion. Tears spring to my eyes, not only in response to his love, but to my own.

"You won't believe the gown Papi found. It's gorgeous, and doesn't make me look too much like a disgraced bride."

A frown wrinkles his brow. "Hey, little Lita was conceived on our wedding night, don't forget. This is a
of our vows, so she's totally legit."

Lita? How do I know that one? Then it dawns on me. "Lita Ford? Really?"

He's all smiles. "No go?"

"I had something else in mind."

"Okay, hit me with it."

"Quinn. It's Dad's middle name, and I did promise to name my firstborn after him for setting up your signing at their store at the last minute."


I hold my breath as he rolls it around for a few seconds, testing it in his head. Then his gaze drops to mine again, softening with a gentle smile. He tucks a curl behind my ear and cups my cheek in that way that leaves me weak in the knees.

"It's perfect. Just like her mother."

~ * ~ * ~

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So I Married a Rockstar!
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