So. Long.: Bad Boy Next Door (6 page)

BOOK: So. Long.: Bad Boy Next Door
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My dick is diamond hard in her hands and mouth. Her head
bobs under my palm, and I soak up the loving attention she lavishes on my cock.

I give it a little longer before I reach down and pull her

Chest to chest, I lean in and tug on her bottom lip with my
teeth before I lay a hard kiss on her. Thrusting my tongue in and out, slipping
it around the edges of her lips, my goal is to make her forget that I’m still
hard as fuck.

But her hand finds my erection. Fingers dance over it,
sending waves of heat through me, chased by surges of regret that I won’t be
able to fully enjoy this moment with this beautiful girl.

But I don’t deserve to enjoy it, so it is what it is.

I let her go on as long as I can stand myself. I nip at her
lips and slow down the kisses, running my hands up her arms as I set her away
from me.

She comes toward me. I dodge her. After the second round of
that, she stops and glares at me.

Fists on her hips, she narrows her eyes. “What’re you

“The insanity has to stop.”


I put the recliner between us as I stuff my junk into my
pants, trying and failing to zip up over the bulge. “You think the only problem
with my cock is the way it looks? That’s not the half of it.”

“It seems like everything works pretty well to me. You’re
just self-conscious. The scars don’t bother—”

“You don’t understand.” I hold up my hand to stop her. “All
that rubbing and sucking? As well as you do it—and believe me when I say you do
well—it won’t matter in the end. I don’t climax. I can’t.”

Her eyes widen. “Climax? You mean you won’t

I look away. “No. I don’t. And I can’t. I haven’t since the

Her brows knit. “Aw. If that’s the case, then that sucks—for

“No shit. I’ve taken more cold showers these last few months
than I did even as a pubescent teen with bad skin and stupid hair.”

Her eyes light up. “But that must really please the ladies.”

“Yeah, well, you’d think so—and maybe some of them don’t
mind at all, but it causes problems too.”

“Oh, I can only imagine the
it must cause.
Multiple Os. All night long love-making. Endless Erection Syndrome must just be
. Believe it or not, that’s the stuff of dreams for a lot of women.”

I scrub my forehead with my knuckles. “Like I said, you’d
think that, but it isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be.”

She puts a knee into the seat of the recliner and leans over
the headrest. “
you just haven’t had the right woman yet.”

I smile. Not because she’s right—she’s
—but because
I have no idea how to convince her of what I’m saying without sounding like a

Instead, I reach for her, pulling her over the backrest of
the chair and into my arms. “Maybe.”

She wraps her legs around my waist.

I carry her to the bedroom. “You want to see if you can do
the trick?”

She kisses the corner of my mouth. “What if I’m not

“At least I’ll get another chance to taste that sugar. But when
your pussy is screaming for mercy, don’t say you weren’t warned.”


The man is a pussy eating king.

Hands down.

Best ever.

I lie, beyond spent, in his arms. I must’ve had six orgasms
over the last two hours—actually, it might’ve been more. I lost count.

He gathers me closer, tucking my head beneath his chin,
weaving his leg through mine as he almost scoots under me. I breathe him in,
his scent a mixture of my soap and his own manly spice.

I haven’t been cuddled in—wait—I don’t even remember the
last time Matt took time to hold me. He’d get his and then roll off and start

I snuggle up to Adam’s chest, his heart beating against my
ear, steady and strong.

He traces his fingers over my arm, from shoulder to elbow
and back. “You warm enough? Cool enough?”

“I’m good.” And I really
. I close my eyes. “Thank
you for asking.”

He settles into the mattress a bit more, giving me a slight
squeeze. “I’ll always ask.”

I catch my breath as heat radiates through my chest.

Oh Lord, I could end up in trouble with this guy.

Matt never asked about my physical comfort. Not once that I
recall. He’d set the thermostat to suit himself, and I’d have to layer on or
take something off if it wasn’t to my liking.

This warmth in my chest is bad. Very bad. I have to get
things on a non-emotional playing field. I can’t let Adam in. This is supposed
to be strictly for fun, for breaking the dam of words in my brain to get them
flowing again. That’s it. Nothing more.

I ask, “Speaking of comfort, do you want to go take a cold
shower or something?”

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to break Adam’s no-come
situation. He’s still as erect as ever.

He kisses my crown. “It wouldn’t matter. As soon as I see
you again, it’ll spring to life. Been happening like that since I first tasted

I push up, straining to see him through the darkened room.
“I can head on home. You must be uncomfortable.”

“No. Stay.” He repositions me against him. “I like having
you in my arms. It’s worth the discomfort.”

“I feel terrible though.” I kiss his nipple.

“Don’t. It isn’t you. I promise. It’s the way I am. You’re
good. So. Fucking.

I let my fingers trail over his washboard abs. His cock
jumps whenever I veer close to it. My mouth might be swollen tomorrow, and my
neck definitely needs a chiropractor after all the dick sucking I did. Still, I
couldn’t get him there.

I’m not sure whether this is the greatest thing ever or a
tragedy beyond words and something to be mourned.

Adam won’t hang around long if I can’t make him come. What
guy would?

Hell, I had getting Matt off down to an art, and
didn’t stay.

That tender spot in my self-esteem withers a little each time
I think of Matt. So I push him out of my mind. He doesn’t deserve another
thought from me.

Instead, I focus on the man who just blew me away with his tongue
and his masterful understanding of the female anatomy.

I kiss every ripple of muscle leading to the V directing me
to his massive cock—at least eight and a half, maybe nine very long inches of
never-ending pleasure.

Injury or no, he’s got a gift.

I tickle the head of his erection with the tip of my tongue.
“I’m going to try again.”

“I told you—”

I lay a finger over his lips. “
we could give good
old-fashioned sex a whirl. We haven’t tried that yet. Let’s see if we can get
you there that way.”

He takes my hand and kisses the knuckles of each finger.
“I’m not fucking you. I don’t have any condoms, and you said you don’t either, so

I sigh. “I’ll go buy some. There’s a drugstore not too far
from here, you know.”

He pulls me up to lie beside him. “I’d wear you out, and
then you won’t be able to write tomorrow. All I want is for you to let me hold
you while you sleep, Beautiful Girl.”

* * *

My head hits the mattress, and my eyes fly open.

Where am I?

—thrashes at my side.


I swipe my hand over my face, letting my eyes adjust to the
minimal light.

He tosses from one side to the other, mumbling so low I
can’t understand the words—if they’re words at all.

Do I wake him?

Should I sneak home? Yeah, I probably should.

I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed, the
only piece of furniture in his room. His bedroom is as bare as the rest of the

Now, where did my top end up? And my skirt?

I stand.

A hand lands on my lower back.

“Everything okay?” His sleep roughened voice is loud in the
quiet of the night.

So much for sneaking out. “Yeah, I figured I should head
next door.”

His arm snakes around my waist as he pulls me into the bed
and against his chest. “Stay. Please.”

He throws his leg over mine and engulfs me in his embrace.
“This feels good.”

His hard cock nudges my ass cheek.

I giggle. “Uh oh. We woke the beast.”

“You mean the beast woke me. I was dreaming of you.”

“Were not.” I elbow him lightly. “You were having a
nightmare. That’s what woke me up.”

“Nightmare? No. I was dreaming about tasting that sweet spot

In a flat second, he’s moved from behind me to between my
legs, pushing my thighs apart. His breath washes over my pussy. His tongue
takes a slow lick, from the bottom of my entrance to my clit, sending a shiver
through me.

I moan when he circles my bud and latches on to suckle it.
Cream rushes to meet him and pressure builds in my lower belly. He slips two
fingers inside and rubs that place that drives me mad. My hips buck as he sucks

He lavishes attention on my nub and rams his fingers deep
inside, hitting all the right places with a sweet rhythm. My back arches.

I run my fingers through his hair. “I want to taste you

He grunts and gives my pussy another lick before pulling
away. “I’ll lie down, and you get on top.”

I move and he drops to the bed. I climb over him, straddling
his head and laying my torso over his. I grab his cock and slip my mouth down
onto it, holding its base with one hand, his balls in the other.

Something about the way he moves and groans when I touch him
empowers me. It’s like I can control this part of him.

I’ll make him come. He has too. He’s so hard, it must hurt.

Adam grabs my hips and pulls me down onto his face, his
mouth finding my cunt, slathering it with his tongue while he tickles my
asshole with the tips of his fingers. My body relaxes over him as he sinks his thumb
into my entrance. This time, he touches places he couldn’t reach before.

In only minutes, little tingles spin through me, coiling the
spring tighter and tighter until my hips jerk and I’m humping his face, my
movements no longer in my control. He pumps his thumb in and out of my slit, his
tongue batting my clit until I don’t know which way is up and which way is

The ridges of his cock are more pronounced where he was
injured, but that hasn’t impaired how hard he is.

I try to focus on sucking his dick, on pleasuring him as
much as he’s doing for me. But I can’t breathe. I can’t think.

I’m a mass of raw sexual nerves, each a string on the
instrument that is my body. And he’s playing a symphony.

He pulls away and blows across my swollen and throbbing
pussy. “Let go, babe. Let it happen.”

His hard-on still in my mouth, I nod.

He smoothes his hand up my spine. “Stop worrying about me. I
want you to cream all over my tongue.”

I lick the side of his erection one last time and lay my
head over the jagged scar that runs across his groin, closing my eyes, thinking
only of Adam and what he’s doing to me.

He goes back to driving me wild with that magical tongue. Lick.
Suck. Thrust. Pull. Nip. Suck. Tug. Thrust. Nip. Tickle. Over and over.

Again and Again.

I allow the ripples of sensation to flow through me. They
invade my every muscle, my every bone, my every cell.

Then, like a tsunami, it hits. It gently pulls everything
away from the shore before slamming me with everything at once. My muscles clench
tight around his thumb and my clit throbs as he sucks it hard, then lets off just
enough to allow me to ride out the tide until the pulsing in my pussy subsides
and my muscles let loose of him.

He kisses my clit with a small suck and a peck before he lets
go. “Anytime you want someone to lick your pussy, call me. I’m your—what did
your friend say—your get-laid guy.”

The gray light of early morning seeps in through the blinds.

Kelsey drapes her arm over my body, her leg thrown over my
thigh. Her hair spreads across my shoulder and tickles my ear. I kiss the top
of her head as I smooth the hair caught on my beard aside.

She doesn’t even so much as twitch. She must be exhausted.

My cock hardens again at the thought of the way she wrapped
those long legs around my neck and her fingers ran through my hair as I sucked
and slurped up every drop of her nectar.

The sweetest I’ve had.

I let my knuckles glide over the smooth skin of her upper
arm. Everywhere I touch is soft, doubly so at her inner thighs and the lips of
her pussy.

A woman like this could bring out the caveman in me. I
couldn’t let her leave earlier. I wanted to drag her back to my bed and keep
her here. I could kiss her mouth all day and lick her pussy all night.

I haven’t held a woman all night since before I left for a
desert on the other side of the world. Have I been foolish to worry about my
scars and imperfections? Maybe they aren’t that important.

Or maybe it’s just Kelsey.


Because the girl who last said she loved me sure as fuck
didn’t think she wanted to deal with what was left of me. She wasn’t interested
in waiting for me to heal to see if everything worked. I guess Rachel loved my
cock more than she loved me.

But that’s fine. I’m home. I’m healed. And even though I
have this problem, no one can exactly say I’m not a man. Because I am. One
hundred percent.

Kelsey’s dark lashes rest on her cheeks, and her breathing
is slow and steady. She wasn’t issuing any complaints as she came apart under
my mouth last night. And she did it so beautifully.


As soon as we’re up and moving, I’m heading to the drugstore.
Because later I’m gonna wear out that pussy.

I ease out from under Kelsey and head to the shower.

I’m taking a hot shower this morning. If I walk around with
a hard cock all day, I don’t give a shit.

Once out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my waist and
sneak to the kitchen to brew some coffee.

Damn. No creamer. Wonder how Kelsey takes her coffee?

I grab a t-shirt and some shorts from the dryer and slip out
through the garage to make a quick trip to the local grocery. Four kinds of
gourmet creamer and a large box of condoms later, I’m at the house again.

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