So Much for My Happy Ending (36 page)

BOOK: So Much for My Happy Ending
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I laughed. “Well, we'll see what happens. In the meantime I think a toast is in order.”

Caleb and Allie lifted their glasses. “What shall we drink to?” Allie asked.

“To vodka and ice cream?” I suggested.

“No,” said Caleb. “To new beginnings and for having the courage to be true to ourselves.”

And that was a toast that we were all willing to drink to. Tad and I were never going to have the happy ending that I had originally anticipated. He wasn't my Prince Charming and my marriage had fallen short of being a fairy tale. But fairy tales are so predictable and mundane. Life is much more exciting.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-4844-1


Copyright © 2006 by Kyra Davis.

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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