So Right With You (23 page)

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Authors: Maggie Kaye

BOOK: So Right With You
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He gave Garrett a keychain with a ball and chain on it, which made Garrett laugh. Then he gave him his real gift, a Calloway wedge golf club. “I heard from Craig you needed a new one. Yours got bent last time, something about having trouble with your game.”

The joke continued with his sister giving him FootJoy golf shoes. “To replace the ones you ruined when you were trying to hit the ball from a muddy sandpit.”

Garrett said, “Yeah, ha-ha. You two are hilarious.”

Surely his parents would be better. He found they had bought him beginning golf lessons.

“Got you,” they all said and burst out laughing.

“This is so not funny. Craig is going to pay for this. The big mouth.”

The golf lessons document was actually fake. Cam and their father had designed and printed it on the computer. His real gift was a gift card to his favorite sporting-goods store.

That afternoon, Garrett, Chloe, Cam, and Kate took the tamales over to the homeless shelter to serve for an early Christmas dinner. Garrett’s parents stayed behind to prepare Christmas dinner, and sure enough, Garrett’s father deep-fried the turkey.


Christmas evening, Chloe took time to call her family. Spending time with Garrett’s family was great, but it only made her miss her own family more. Her mother put the phone on speaker so they could all talk to her. It was so good to hear their voices. Her brothers thanked her for their DS games before running off to play them some more. Her stepsister, Dana, thanked her for the handcrafted baby book Chloe had sent for her for her soon-to-be-born nephew or niece. Dana and Nick had recently found out they were expecting. She had also sent them movie passes, since it would be harder to get away for date night once the baby was born. Her mother loved the bear cookie jar. For Dave, she had sent a recently released history book since he loved that genre. To her Grams, Dave’s mother, she had sent a headset so she could listen to her music as loudly as she wanted at the senior citizens’ home without disturbing everybody else.

Seeing Chloe looking a little sad after she ended the phone call, Garrett gave her a hug and whispered, “Next year, you’ll be able to see them.”

Chloe wasn’t so sure. She still might not have the money for it.


The next few days following Christmas passed quickly. Before she knew it, it was time to leave. She wanted to get back for Harper’s art show. She had had a great time with his family. She was going to miss them when she left Nolan Enterprises. This would be the last time she would ever see them, which made leaving that much harder. Tears were in her eyes as she said her good-byes.


Tonight was Harper’s art show. She and Garrett had arrived thirty minutes before the designated time. She wanted to wish Harper well before the crowds came, and to provide her with any last-minute assistance she might need. Leighton and Ree had arrived together, and Kali was there with her parents.

Harper had outdone herself. She had expanded her artwork from paintings to some new sculptures made from recycled metals. Only Harper could take trash and turn it into something spectacular. The turnout for her show was better than expected. People milled around the room. Waiters and waitresses, dressed in the customary black-and-white uniforms, moved among them, offering champagne and hors d’oeuvres. From what Chloe could discern from the comments being made, the show was a complete success, and most of Harper’s work had already sold.

Chloe became aware of a change in the tone of the room with the latest guest’s arrival. She turned to see Dennis Rutledge, a prominent businessman, enter with his entourage. Of course, Travis Parrish, his constant companion and his lawyer, was with him. She assumed the other two men were his bodyguards based on their size, thickness, and the fact that they kept a steady eye on the crowd in the room. Although nothing could be proven, it was rumored that not all his dealings had been on the up-and-up. All Chloe really knew about him was that he had once been an associate of James Sheridan, Harper’s father. It was enough to make her not trust the man.

Glancing at Harper, she noticed the smile drain from her face. There was no way she was letting Rutledge ruin this for Harper. Tapping Garrett on the shoulder, she told him she wanted to talk to Harper. Garrett, reading the tension in her posture, took her hand and followed her over. Leighton and Ree had the same idea and met her there. They all stood surrounding her like a shield as Rutledge approached them.

He stopped in front of them with his entourage behind him. It felt like the standoff from
West Side Story
. Only this was bad guys versus rebel girl. Rutledge could be considered a handsome middle-aged man. He was probably close to Harper’s father’s age, around his early fifties. Life had been good for him, and he had retained some of his boyish good looks of blond hair and blue eyes. The only thing detracting from that was a small scar to the left of his mouth and the coldness she felt whenever she gazed into his eyes.

“Harper, this is wonderful. I’m sure your father must be proud,” Rutledge said with a ring of falseness.

“I wouldn’t know. He hasn’t been a part of my life for some time now.”

Rutledge coughed to clear his throat. “Regardless, I’m sure he’d be proud.”

“What brings you here tonight?” Harper said sharply.

“I was hoping to make an addition to my collection.” Rutledge glanced around the room looking at her work.

“Sorry, everything’s been sold.”

“Everything?” He glanced around, obviously not believing her.

“Yeah, everything,” Harper said with finality. Everyone knew there were still some pieces that hadn’t sold. “So I am afraid you’ve wasted your time.”

Rutledge was determined. He looked around and found one piece that didn’t have a sold sticker on it. It was a one of her new sculptures of a father hugging his young daughter. “How about this one?”

“I’m sorry, that one’s not for sale.”

“I see. How about if I have something commissioned?” Rutledge asked with certain victory in his eyes.

“I am really sorry, but I am not taking any new commissions currently. I’m too busy,” Harper said without an ounce of remorse in her voice.

“Very well. I’ll leave you my card in case you have a change of heart.”

He held out his business card, and Harper took it reluctantly. “Good luck to you, Miss Sheridan. I’m sure we’ll see each other again.” He no longer addressed her casually.

Harper didn’t bother to respond. He left the gallery with his entourage.

Chloe wasn’t sure if he meant it as a promise or a threat. The man seemed anything but harmless.

Kali came over, “Who was that? He totally creeps me out.”

“Join the club.” Harper shrugged her shoulders as if that would rid her of some of the bad vibes left behind by his presence. Walking over to the trash, she tossed his business card.

“If he gives you any trouble, I know some people who might be able to help. Don’t be afraid to call,” Garrett offered.

“Thanks, Garrett,” Harper said. “Now, let’s forget about him and get back to the party.”

“Good idea,” Ree said, giving Harper’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze.


It was decided unanimously that they would all get ready for the gala at Garrett’s ranch. They wanted to be there for Kali’s reveal. The moment was finally here. Leighton, Harper, Chloe, and even Carter, gathered behind Kali’s chair.

“You ready?” Chloe said.

Kali released a giddy breath. “Yeah.” She sat staring at her reflection in the mirror, her eyes displaying both excitement as well as a bit of nervousness. Ree reached for the wig and set it onto Kali’s head, tugging it into place. Kali stared at her reflection, taking in everything. She was naturally a blonde, so Ree had taken the time to dye her eyebrows to match the red wig. She had also applied her makeup. The auburn color suited her pale complexion.

“Wow,” Harper exclaimed. “I don’t think I’ve seen a prettier picture.”

“Honey, you sparkle. Josh is not even going to know what hit him. The poor boy,” Carter said.

“You really do look perfect,” Leighton added.

Kali stared at her reflection.

At her continued lack of response, Chloe grew concerned. “Honey, are you all right?”

Shaking her head, she answered, “I thought the wig would make me look… well, normal. I never expected this. I can’t believe how pretty I look.” Her eyes grew moist with unshed tears.

“Honey, you were always pretty. You just needed the opportunity to see yourself in a different light. No, don’t you dare cry. You’ll ruin the effect of your makeup. I have one more surprise.” Ree reached out to smooth Kali’s hair down in the back. She bent forward, tucking a butterfly clip into the front that matched the dress, and added just the right touch of sparkle to the whole look.

A smile replaced the tears. Kari swirled around quickly in her chair and threw her arms around Ree, taking her off guard. “Thank you.” Her eyes encompassed entire the group. “Thank you all. You’ll never know how much this means to me.”

“I feel like I am at the Academy Awards. Everyone looks so incredible. Ladies, we’re going to rock this place. I’m honored to be included among such exceptionally beautiful women. But I think we’d better get going before we miss the party.” Carter’s eyes lit up as he glanced at the door. “I think our escort has arrived, at least for one of us.”

Following his gaze, Chloe spotted Garrett standing in the opening, looking strikingly sinful in his tux. Her eyes connected with his, and a shiver went down her spine at the warmth she found reflected there. She didn’t think she would ever get used to the effect he had on her.

“I’m here to take one of the most beautiful young ladies to the ball. Miss Swanson, you look lovely this evening. Would you do me the honor of letting me escort you to the dance?”

Kali blushed at the compliment. “I thought you were going with Chloe.”

“Well, maybe later…” He winked, letting her know he was teasing her. “Chloe might take pity on me and dance with me, and perhaps you could save me at least one dance?”

“Oh, sure.” Kali beamed, surprised by the offer.

He extended his arm and linked it through hers. He led her out of the room.

“Well, ladies. I guess that leaves me the lucky one. I get to escort the rest of you lovely ladies.” Carter extended his arms to Chloe and Harper. Each took one while Ree and Leighton followed behind.

The inside of the tent was draped with midnight-blue material. Glittering silver stars hung from strings, giving the space added sparkle. More glamour was added by centerpieces of white roses in clear glass vases on each table, placed over silver and white tablecloths. Carter had outdone himself with the lavish decor. The buffet table held a chocolate fondue sculpture surrounded by an array of various desserts on crystal platters. The main courses were on another table in gleaming silver warmers. Behind the buffet was a large mural of a meadow as seen at night with the stars above it and two figures stargazing. Harper had painted it with the help of Kali’s friends. A male vocalist was performing classic love songs.

Earlier in the day, a carnival had been held with pony rides, wagon rides, a petting zoo, and games. Money had been raised through auctions of baskets and services as well as the sale of baked goods. This event had been designed purely for the older teens and adults. To accommodate some of the guests staying for the day, Garrett had rented trailers.

Kali glanced around the tent expectantly. Her exuberance diminished when she didn’t locate the one person who would make this evening perfect.

Garrett, noticing her frown, asked, “How about that dance?”

Glancing around one last time, Kali said, “Okay.”

He led her out to the dance floor. The singer announced, “This next song is a special request from a young gentleman for a girl whom he thinks is pretty cool,” and he began to sing “The Way You Look Tonight.” Garrett took Kali in his arms and led her through the dance. As the singer began the second verse, Garrett felt a tap on his shoulder. Standing behind Garrett with an impish grin was Josh. She was taken aback to see he had shorn off his shaggy blond hair. Dressed in a dark suit, white shirt, and blue tie, he presented a rather striking picture, despite his bald head. A shy smile took shape on her face.

“Mr. Nolan, would it be all right if I danced with Kali? I kind of requested this song for her.”

Kali looked at Garrett for reassurance.

Garrett said, “If it’s all right with you, I think I’ll sit this one out.”

Josh stepped in, placing one hand on her shoulder and the other on her waist. “Don’t worry. I promise not to step on your toes too much.”

He proceeded to impress her with his skill, dancing with ease. At one point, he extended his hand to reel her in and dipped her low. Kali giggled. “Where did you learn to do that?”

“Garrett paid for ballroom dancing lessons when I told him I didn’t know how to dance. Did I do all right?”

She laughed and said, “Yeah,” with exaggeration. He continued to twirl her around the floor. After a few minutes, Kali asked, “Can I ask you a question?”


“What’s up with the shaved head?” Her brow wrinkled as she studied his new look.

“I know it’s been tough on you, going through the chemo and losing your hair. I just wanted you to know it didn’t matter to me. When you get better, we’ll grow our hair back together.”

“You did that for me?”

“Uh-huh. I wanted you to know how special you are to me. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I love you.”

He pulled her in close. Kali laid her head against his chest, resting her head against his heart. “I love you, too,” she whispered.

When she lifted her head and gazed into his eyes, he placed a warm kiss upon her lips. She smiled as she laid her head back upon his shoulder and closed her eyes.


Garrett made his way across the dance floor to where Chloe stood with her friends. She smiled and said, “I can’t believe you got him to sing.”

Garrett felt satisfaction upon seeing the excitement and giddiness radiating from Chloe face. He was pleased he had made her happy. It was soon replaced with a twinge of jealousy when she said, “I love him. I’ve always had a big crush on him. He was so cute in that last romantic comedy he did,
New in Town
with Renee Zellweger? I must have every CD he’s ever made. He’s wonderful.”

A part of him wished she wouldn’t gush with quite so much enthusiasm about the man, so he did what he did best, deflected.

“Of course. Us Southern boys need to stick together. Even though he’s not from Texas, New Orleans is close enough.”

As Chloe continued to gaze at the man with puppy-dog love, Garrett shrugged. “He owed me a favor. I made sure his girls got our newest game before it even hit the stores this Christmas. Besides, Harry’s always willing to support a good cause.” Garrett took the opportunity to remind her he was married and had a family. “His wife, Jill, and his girls are over there.”

Chloe glanced over to the corner he’d indicated and saw an attractive blond woman with three equally beautiful teenage girls, along with Garrett’s parents and his sister Kate. Cam hadn’t been able to make it due to his demanding schedule with his residency. She smiled. “That’s really nice that they’re here with him.”

Turning back to the dance floor, she observed silently as Josh demonstrated his smooth dance moves before the two exchanged a kiss and Kali laid her head on his chest. “Look.”

“I’d say our plan worked.” He grinned widely, well satisfied with his part in getting the lovebirds together. “I don’t have all the moves down like our young Casanova, but I think I could do okay. Would you like to dance?”

“Sure.” She realized this would be the first time they ever danced together. A warmth settled deep in her stomach. Garrett pulled her close. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. “It Had to Be You” started to play as they glided across the floor.

At the close of the song, Garrett eased away from her and said, “I guess it’s time for the second part of our surprise.”

Chloe had kept the presence of Kali’s friends a secret. Kali had no idea they were even here tonight. She was about to find out. Chloe watched as Josh led Kali off the dance floor. So far their plan was working perfectly. Garrett approached the microphone while Chloe moved to the side entrance to signal the teens to enter.

“I know we all know why we’re here. However, I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who helped to make all this possible.” Garrett began to mention the various people and organizations that had sponsored the event. “I also would like to thank Gabby Greene, Kylie James, Sara Abbott, Sean Wilkes…” As Garrett read each name they walked onstage. Chloe looked at Kali, who was standing in the audience, stunned. Josh stood beside her, holding her hand.

Gabby took the microphone. “We love you, Kali. We wish you a speedy recovery so you can come back to school with us.”

Sara Abbott, one of the girls’ from Kali’s equestrian team, grabbed the microphone next. “We really need you back. The team isn’t the same without you. We love you, Kali. We miss you, too.” Tears flowed down all three girls’ faces.

A cheer went up from the teenage boys on stage, mostly football players from her high school. “You rock, Kali,” they all yelled. “We miss you. Come back.”

One boy who was more eager than the others called out, “You look really good, Kali. You want to go out sometime?” One of his buddies punched him in the arm. “What was that for?” He rubbed his sore arm.

Kali laughed through her tears. Josh was looking a little ticked off at the boy who had asked her out. All in all, the surprise had worked out well. The group of teens left the stage, joining Kali.

Garrett waited for the excitement to die down and said, “I have one last person to thank. Without her vision, none of this would have been possible.” Garrett reached for a bouquet of red roses. “Chloe Lambert.” The crowd stood up and gave her a standing ovation. Chloe left her post by the side of the tent, climbed the stairs, and crossed to the microphone.

“Thank you, everybody. But I truly never could have done it without the help of so many people. I hope you now see how important your donations are to the kids Dreams Made Possible serves.” There was a nod of agreement among the crowd.

Garrett and Chloe had started down the steps of the makeshift stage when a voice rang out, “I understand, Garrett, that you had a sister who was helped by the organization. Can you tell us a little bit about it?”

Garrett and Chloe froze on the stairs. This was Garrett’s biggest fear. Chloe gave him a worried look. They hadn’t discussed it again since that night. She reached for his hand. Staring out into the audience to see who had spoken, Chloe spotted a young man dressed in catering clothes.

Garrett gave her a smile that didn’t reach his eyes and released her hand. He ascended the stairs again and took the mic. “Sure. But first, tell me who you are and how you got in here?”

The eager young journalist cleared his throat nervously. “Bethany Moran suggested there was a story here and arranged for me to get in. My name is Mark Simpson. I work for the
Sunset Daily

“Of course.” Garrett smiled tightly. “My sister…” He paused, glancing at Chloe before beginning again. “My sister had cystic fibrosis. I am very grateful for the wish the Dreams Made Possible Foundation granted her before she was taken from us much too soon. I’ll always be grateful for what they did for her and my family. It’s the kind of service that Dreams Made Possible provides for families in similar situations. It’s why we’re here today. That is your story. Now, if you need further information on the Foundation for your article, I’m sure Teresa Bennett would be more than happy to help, at her convenience. Who’s hungry? I would say dinner has been delayed long enough.” He grinned broadly. This time, the smile was reflected in his eyes.

Moved by Garrett’s reply, the reporter asked, “What was her wish?”

“A family vacation.” Garrett said with a trace of annoyance at the man for his persistence.

“Oh.” The reporter had probably expected something more exciting. He jotted it down in his notebook anyway, then looked up sheepishly. “Thank you.”

It was done. A feeling of peace came over Garrett. He’d come full circle and forgiven himself. He headed straight for Chloe, ease in his every step. When he reached her, he couldn’t help himself. He kissed her, hard. It was all because of her. He took her hand and led her to the head table with his family and her secret crush. He smiled thinking about it.

A whirlpool of emotions swirled inside Chloe. Her breath had been taken away by Garrett’s sudden kiss. She wanted to be sure he was okay. She couldn’t believe his worst fear had just been realized, and he had handled it well.

When they reached the table, Garrett addressed his mother and father first. They both had tears in their eyes. He leaned down and kissed his mother’s cheek. “Sorry about that. I know it’s still hard for you.” He looked at them both. “Her loss and everything.”

“No, you did great. Lauren would have been proud, and so are your mother and I. The work you do with Dreams Made Possible is important,” his father said.

“Your father’s right. We’ve always been proud of you. Always.” His mother brushed away a tear. “Thanks.” His face displayed pleasure. “That means more than you know.”

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