Sold (5 page)

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Authors: Jaymie Holland

Tags: #erotica, #dungeon, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #submissive, #dominant, #bondage and domination, #cuffs, #cheyenne mccray, #jaymie holland

BOOK: Sold
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He looked serious and she knew she had better
do what he told her to. She hurried to remove her heels. When she
straightened, he said, “Take off your panties.” She slipped them
off and stepped out of them, leaving her in only stockings. “Now
your stockings. Hand them to me.”

A heady thrill caused her to shiver as he
watched her with his dark eyes. They told her nothing, but the
intensity of his expression made her obey.

Focusing on Zach, she slowly pushed down one
stocking in a sensual movement. She could tell her teasing was
working as his jaw tightened and his eyes seem to grow darker than
they already were. She eased it over her foot then handed the
stocking to him.

“Faster this time.” His words came out
dangerously low and she felt the urge to obey.

She hurried to take off the other stocking
and gave it to him. He took her by her upper arms and turned her so
that she was facing away from him, then pulled her wrists behind
her back. She felt the silk of her stockings as he wrapped one
around each of her wrists and tied it securely.

“Last chance.” He rested his hands on her
shoulders and moved his mouth to her ear. “Unless you’ve changed
your mind, from this point on, you’re mine.”

Her heart beat a little faster. “Yes.”

“Tell me you’re mine.” He brought her up
close, her back up against his chest, and he pulled back her head
again by her hair. “I want to hear it.”

“I’m yours.” Something like electricity
sizzled through her as she spoke. He had her head pulled back so
far that she could see his eyes as he looked down at her. He
suddenly looked dark and dangerous.

“Yes,” he said in a way that made her shiver.
“You are mine.”



Chapter 5



Zach smoothed her hair away from her face so
that it hung down her back. He caressed her cheek with the other
stocking, and as she felt its softness she parted her lips. He slid
the stocking between her lips as he wrapped it around her head,
gagging her, catching her by surprise.

He grasped her shoulders, turned her around,
and looked down at her as he lightly caressed her shoulders and
upper arms. “You are so beautiful, Christy.”

With the stocking gagging her, she couldn’t
make a coherent response. She just looked at him, feelings of
excitement, curiosity, and a little apprehension, swirling through
her all at once.

He kissed the corner of her mouth and then
moved his face so that his nose was buried in her hair. “And you
smell wonderful, just like I remember.”

His hands felt warm as he slid them from her
shoulders downward, skimming the sides of her bare breasts with his
fingertips, trailing them down to her waist and sliding his palms
to her hips. The eroticism of the moment increased the ache between
her thighs as he slowly moved them up again.

He raised his head and cupped one of her
cheeks with his hand. “Now that you’re mine again, I have so much
in store for you.”

She felt vulnerable, naked while he was
clothed, her wrists bound behind her back and unable to say

“Stay right there.” He went to his coat and
she watched as he took the belt from it and came toward her. What
was he going to do with that?

He stepped behind her and the next thing she
knew he was wrapping the cloth belt around her head, covering her
eyes and taking away her sight. He tied it behind her head.

“I’m going to teach you a safe sound,” he
said. “You do know what ‘safe words’ are if you have been reading
up on bondage, am I right?”

She nodded.

“Considering you can’t speak, you will need a
sound.” He rubbed her neck as he spoke. “Listen to me.”

He made an odd, very distinctive muffled
sound, as if he was gagged, too. “You try it now,” he said.

She made the same type of noise, changing the
pitch of the sound like he had.

“Good girl.” He took her by her arm. His
voice was low, sexy as he spoke. “We’re going upstairs.”

It was unnerving walking without being able
to see and unable to catch herself if she fell. She had to put her
complete trust in Zach. And she did trust him. She knew he would
never hurt her or let anything happen to her. Still, no matter that
she trusted him, she felt timid as she walked forward, as if she
might run into something.

The air felt cool on her body as they walked
and her nipples were hard and tight. They stepped from the soft
carpet onto the smooth and cool tile that she was certain was the
foyer they had been in earlier. He guided her forward then stopped

“We’re at the stairs.” He put his arm around
her waist. “Take a step up now.”

As she stepped up she felt like she would
fall endlessly down, as if there was no floor below them and no
stairs in front of them.

Her foot stepped solidly on the stairs and
then she tested her weight on it.

“Bring your other foot.” He held onto her as
she obeyed. “Now let’s move a little faster.

She didn’t know if she could move any faster,
but he guided her up the stairs, almost forcing her to take each

“One more step,” he said as he brought her to
a halt.

She raised her foot and then stepped onto the
floor. She couldn’t help letting out a sigh of relief. A muffled
sigh, considering she was gagged.

Zach guided her down a hallway and she heard
the sound of a door opening and then her shoulder brushed what she
assumed was a doorframe as they went forward.

He positioned her by her shoulders and then
kissed her on the corner of her mouth. He moved behind her.
“Naughty girl, your bindings are loose. I’ll have to take care of

She tested the stocking and felt that it was
indeed coming loose. A hard slap on her ass caused her to jump and
give a muffled cry.

“No more of that,” he said in a firm tone.
“Now stand here.”

The space he had just stood in felt empty
when he walked away. Without her sight, her hearing seemed to be
more sensitive. She heard the rustle of clothing, something that
sounded like someone digging for something, and then the sound of
metal clinking and something jingling.

She felt his presence before he spoke. “How
are you doing, Christy honey?” Since she couldn’t talk she nodded.
“Good.” He pressed his body close to hers and a thrill went through
her as she realized he had stripped out of his clothing and she
felt his naked skin against hers. “Do you like feeling helpless?”
he said. “Do you like giving up control to me?”

She nodded again. She loved submitting to
him, turning her personal power over to him.

He ran his hands down one leg as she sensed
him crouching in front of her. She felt something soft yet hard
that jingled as he secured it. Some kind of ankle cuff. He cuffed
her other ankle and then stood, trailing his hands up her body as
he did. He moved behind her and surprised her when he untied her

“Considering you tried to get out, we need to
handle you a little more stringently.” He took one of her wrists
and cuffed it with what felt like the same type of cuff that he had
put on her ankles. She heard more jingling as he fastened them. He
came around in front of her and clipped them together so that she
couldn’t pull them apart.

“Let’s add a little something for
punishment.” He pinched one of her nipples and she made a sound of

Then something clamped on her nipple. If felt
about the same as him pinching her. It wasn’t unpleasant.

“That’s not too bad, now is it?” he asked.
She shook her head. “Let’s tighten it so that you can really feel

She cried out behind her gag and tears wet
her eyes from the pain. She squirmed and fought him as he pinched
her other nipple, not wanting the clamp tighter. But he was
stronger and faster and she cried out again.

He put his arm around her shoulders and
leaned in close. “You said this is what you wanted. Do you still
want this, Christy?”

A thousand times she had fantasized about
this. She just had never felt anything like this before.

Even as tears wet the blindfold she nodded.
She did want it.

“Good girl.” He stroked her hair. “I knew you
could handle a couple of little clamps.”

She wondered what big clamps felt like then
decided at that moment she didn’t want to know.

Yet as she started to get used to the pain,
it eased into a sense of pleasure.

“I love how helpless you look.” He moved
close and he put his hands on her waist and pressed his body to
hers and she whimpered as his chest brushed the nipple clamps. He
slid his palms on her ass and squeezed.

“I like control, Christy.” His voice was low,
firm. “I like to tell you what to wear, what to do. I please you by
taking care of you and you please me by focusing on me.” He nuzzled
her ear. “Do you understand?”

She paused, then nodded. To give up that kind
of control… She had always been a strong woman. She was successful,
owned a thriving business…but she was willing to give up control in
other parts of her life. In some way it sounded thrilling, exciting
to have someone care for her like that.

He put his hands on her shoulders and lightly
pushed. “I want you on your knees.”

Her legs were shaky as she obeyed, but he
kept his hands on her shoulders making sure she didn’t fall.

“Now on your back,” he said.

She paused but he guided her down onto the
floor, holding her so that she didn’t fall. “Bend your knees,” he
said when she was lying on her back.

He moved one of her legs so that her heel was
touching her ass. Then he brought her wrist down to her ankle and
clipped them together. He did the same with her other wrist and
ankle, and he spread her thighs wide.

She had never felt more vulnerable or more
turned on as she was at that moment as she waited for whatever he
might do next. The women she’s seen in pictures had been tied up
elaborately with chains and equipment, and toys had been used on

What was Zach going to do now?

He moved so that he was over her, his knees
between her thighs and his arms braced to either side of her head.
He lowered himself and kissed her again. “I want you to try to get
out again. And I want you to try hard.”

She struggled, trying to slide her hands out
of the cuffs at the same time she attempted to pull her wrists
cuffs from where they were connected to her ankle cuffs. She
couldn’t budge anything yet she felt herself growing more excited
with every struggle she made.

“Helpless, aren’t you? The futile struggle.”
He moved so that their bodies touched but he still held his full
weight off of her. “That’s my girl.”

His cock rubbed her folds as he moved against
her. Heat suffused her body and she imagined how good it would feel
to have him inside of her again. They’d had an amazing sex life
before but she had never been as hot as she was right now.

“Do you want this?” He asked as he moved his
cock to the entrance to her core and slightly pushed in.

Yes, she cried out in her mind but all she
could do was nod. Please.

Totally at his mercy, she was spread out for
him, unable to move, to see, to speak. Her senses seemed magnified,
her skin more sensitive. Every touch made her feel more alive than
she could ever remember feeling before.

She squirmed beneath him, begging the only
way she could for him to take her.

He pushed a little farther in and her eyes
grew damp behind her blindfold because she wanted him so badly.

He thrust hard, slamming himself inside of
her. She cried out behind her gag at the sudden fullness.

She loved the feel of him driving in and out
of her while she was at his mercy. Her orgasm was close, her body
ready and waiting for her to tumble over the edge.

Sensations grew almost brutally strong inside
of her, running toward her with the power of a freight train.

She came so hard she would have come up off
of the floor if she wasn’t in the position she was in. Her climax
was so intense that it caused her core to spasm around his cock.
Her entire body reacting to the orgasm, pulsing with it.

Zach moved in and of her then gave a low
groan and she felt his cock throb inside of her. He pumped his hips
a few more times and then he shuddered against her.

He reached behind her head and untied the
stocking and pulled off her blindfold. She blinked up at him and he
smiled. “Did you enjoy it?”

She gave him a teasing look. “Is that all
you’ve got?”



Chapter 6



The day after Christy had stayed with Zach,
she felt alive, yet on edge. She pushed her hair back from her face
as she looked out the storefront window to the empty street.
“Baubles and Beads” had been painted on the front window, the
letters forming an arc. She looked at her watch. Early evening,
almost time to close, and he was going to pick her up.

It was Saturday and he had wanted her to stay
with him for the day, but she had a business to run. Her store
manager was on a family trip, and the store wasn’t going to open
itself or make sales on its own. Not to mention a new employee
needed to be trained.

A flutter went through her body at the
thought of seeing Zach. She practically bounced on her toes, the
excitement of seeing him again making her feel like she’d felt when
they’d first met. He had been walking across the street to go to a
Starbucks with one of his friends when he looked at her and their
gazes met and held. Without taking his eyes from hers, he told his
friend he would catch up with him later. And then he walked over to

That simple. One look and the next thing she
knew they were dating. But she was young and inexperienced. When
she saw the photos they scared her. And when she confronted him
he’d been honest and told her that’s what he liked to do with
women, what he wanted to do someday with her. He said he cared
about her so much that he didn’t want to frighten her away. He
could tell by her answers to his questions that he needed to take
it slow. Finding the pictures had not been in the plan.

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