Sons Of Bacchanalia (Erotic Motorcycle Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Sons Of Bacchanalia (Erotic Motorcycle Romance)
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I could smell him, almost taste him.  My pussy still aching from the work of his thick fingers.  I wanted him to take me right there, but he dropped a stack of bills in my lap and told me to get out before he changed his mind.  It was only when I showed up at Semi’s house that I realized how
badly I had been played.  He sent me into the lion’s den, knowing full well that he was on bad terms with the Calle Trece.  He used me.  Now, as I secretly listened to the muffled grunts and the exaggerated screaming on the other side of Semi’s bedroom door, I realized that he was using me for sex as well.  I was pissed.  I thought about busting right through the door and hauling the bitch out by the hair, but I knew now that this wasn’t going to fix a thing. I was simply another piece of shit to him. 

A root or something must have caught on my tall heel, because I was abruptly awoken from my reverie and went flying towards the ground.  My hand flew back as the firearm discharged with a loud bang, sending a bullet flying close to Trece’s head. 

, Mami, cuidado! You don’t want to kill your hostage!”  Trece chuckled as we both heard engines rumbling in the distance.  They would find us soon.   

Chapter Six

My heart sunk as Steel explained that Tori had been picked up by Calle Trece, a Mexican gang that had recently started expanding their territory, encroaching on the Sons of Bacchanalia’s domain.  They were violent and had been suspect in everything from extortion to murder.  I felt angry: angry at Calle, angry at Tori, angry at myself.  Steel reached his hand on my thigh and gripped me tightly, soothing me with his reassurance. 

Turning down the dirt road I could tell we were getting close.  Semi began shouting commands and the other men took their positions at the wings of the leader.  The bikes were screaming down the loose dirt and I could feel the slip of the tire as we flew over the unstable terrain.  Steel didn’t seem to notice, his experience guiding us confidently. 

“Trece!” I screamed out loudly as I saw the shine of a bike as it rode through the desert a mile or so from us.  Taking in the scene I realized that there were at least six of them, all driving slowly. They appeared to be searching for something.  I gripped tightly to Steel, his body hard and formed. 

“There are at least six of them I can see from here
: two on your left and four on the right,” I shouted to Semi.

I watched as he glanced first right and then left, his head nodding as he counted the shiny metallic beasts in the distance. 

Over the roar of the engines I heard a shot ring out. Panic arose in me and my throat tightened.  The bike beneath me, already speeding at an intimidating pace, began to wail even louder, and my ears went deaf as the air flowed strongly over my face and body.  We were flying.  I could see up ahead a group of Calle boys, turning abruptly towards the direction of the shot.  Semi also turned towards the direction of the shot, his bike nearly sliding out as the gravel gave way beneath the sudden maneuver.  We all followed Semi. 

I heard another shot ring
out and a loud crash signaled that someone had been hit.  Steel didn’t let up and within just seconds we were amidst the battle field.  Guns were drawn but I ignored the men as my eyes locked on to Tori’s tiny frame.  She was alive.  I saw a huge Mexican next to her—she was holding a gun to his head. My eyes flashed to the left as a loud pop exploded behind me. I could see a bullet hole in the seat just inches from me.  I saw that there were two of them shooting wildly at us while another was taking careful aim at Tori.  I panicked, and grabbed for the gun at Steel’s waist.  I had never even held a gun, let alone fire one.  I aimed carelessly and squeezed the trigger, nearly knocking me off the back.  I felt Steel grip my thigh, pulling me back onto the seat.  A motorcycle was quickly approaching from our left, and as I turned to take aim I realized it was Semi.  I watched as Semi reached out and sweep up my friend in one confident, deft motion.  He threw her in front of him and twisted the throttle back, violently pulling them away.  A sense of relief washed over me. 

“Not out of the woods yet
, baby.  Hold tight, and don’t fight the lean.” 

I gripped Steel
tightly as we raced back onto the pavement and towards the city.  I glanced behind briefly and realized we had a tail of at least fifteen bikers.  When we finally hit the rush hour traffic the Calle Trece were still in sight but they hadn’t gained.  With the precision of surgeons the boys cut through the heavy traffic, losing our pursuers as we sped down an off ramp and onto quiet suburban streets. 

Chapter Seven

We came to a large house and the garage door opened automatically.  The garage was huge, and soon we were concealed within the facade of suburban living.  Exhaustion suddenly rushed over me as I finally felt the relief of being safely hidden from the Calle Trece.  Steel lifted me effortlessly and planted my feet beside his as his huge arm held me tightly to him, giving my weak legs a sense of stability.  I could still feel myself vibrating.  I glanced up at him and his eyes locked onto mine amid the bustle and chatter of the others. 

“Nice shooting today, baby.” 

I blushed, embarrassed as I thought about missing my target by about two feet, barely hitting the frame. 

“I mean it.”  His eyes grew softer as his arm wrapped further around my waist and gripped the front of my jeans. 

“Let’s get you and Tori to bed. The boys need to talk.”

A gorgeous blonde woman in a very short skirt with legs that wouldn’t quit opened the door at the side of the garage.  Her eyes bore into Steel as he walked in.  I could feel jealousy rising within me as I saw the heat between them.  She reached her slender body up towards Steel, my Steel, and kissed him gently on the lips.  I felt rage building within me and had to turn away.  Grabbing Tori, blood boiling with envy, we walked past everyone and into the house. 

“Second room upstairs,” the sexy blonde called out after us as we trudged through the doorway. 

Upstairs I found that we were in some sort of a suite.  We had a full living room with mini kitchen and bar, along with two comfortable bedrooms.  Tori went right into the shower without saying a word.  When she came out I could tell that she had a lot on her mind.  One by one her fingernails disappeared as she chewed them down to the quick.

“Are you okay? What happened today?”

Her eyes looked up at me, but she didn’t say a word.  She got up and ran her fingers through my hair.

“Are you with Steel?” she asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, unsure of what to say.  Up until about a half hour ago I thought that was the case, but now I had no idea.  The image of the leggy blonde kissing him played through my mind.

“You saw that blonde.  I was stupid to think he was in to me.” 

“You mean Ambrosia?  She was with Semi, too.  It seems she fucks them all.” 

I could tell she was angry.  I wondered what had happened with Semi.

“Look, Natasha, I am telling you this because you should never have been involved, but you are my friend and I have to keep you safe.  What happened today wasn’t an accident.”

“You mean the ambush?” 

“Not exactly.  The Calle Trece knew the Sons were coming, and things are only going to get worse.  We have to get as much distance from both of them as we can.  I can’t tell you everything now, but I need you to trust me, we have to run.  In the morning we have to split. 

“How did the CT know, and why do we have to ru…..”  I realized at that instant that she was confessing something to me, but also that she was sparing me from whatever truth she felt might put me in danger. I continued: “I don’t know if you know about this, Tori, but a Sons member was shot today and brought into the emergency department.  They had him in surgery for hours, he lost a lot of blood.”

“Do you think he is going to make it,” Tori asked, looking nervous again.

“Well, I don’t know, he was in bad shape.  Even if he does survive his future doesn’t look bright.

Tori let out a deep sigh.

“Just trust me, Natasha. In the morning we split.”

Her hand played softly in my hair and we just stared at each other.  So much had happened to me today, and from the stress I could see in Tori’s face, much more had happened to her.  We curled in closer to one another and embraced tightly.

“Everything is going to be okay.  Let’s get to bed.” 

It was odd seeing her this way. I followed her instructions and walked to my room, although I doubted that either of us would actually sleep.

Chapter Eight

I must have fallen asleep, because a quiet creaking from the door startled me awake. 

“Tori?”  I called into the darkness.

“Nah babe, it’s me.” 

I sat up and turned on the light. It was Steel. Even though the blonde played through my head like a broken record, I felt my insides ignite. 

“Why aren’t you with Ambrosia?”  I asked defensively.

“Oh her, you don’t have to worry about her, she is nobody special.  But you make me burn just looking at you.”

I softened a bit, despite my better judgment.  Was it true?  Did he want me?  Tori did say she caught Ambrosia with Semi. 

His eyes must have been better than mine, because before I knew it I felt a strong hand grip the shirt I was wearing and ball it up as it lifted and exposed my stomach.  I let out a surprised gasp as tingles flooded my lower belly and crotch.  His hands strongly caressed my breasts and in a swift move pulled the shirt off over my head, leaving me naked but with a tiny pair of lace panties.  His fingers moved south as his mouth moved to the sensitive inner region of my thighs.  I tensed in pleasure with each firm stroke of his hand.  His breathing was growing heavier by the moment and a surge of lust flooded through me as his hand gripped my panties tightly and tore them from my body.  Diving his tongue into my secret tunnel his skilled lips began to suck.  I cried out with unexpected volume and was shocked when a ball of lace was forced deeply into my open mouth.  I could taste the salty sweetness of my own juices as the panties met with my taste buds.  Steel didn’t let up his oral exploration and before I could protest he had my legs pinned next to my stomach, his thick tongue working its way around my clit.

One of his arms held my legs in place while his other searched out my hands.  Placing them both into his grip and pinning me to the bed I heard his zipper.  His free hand reached up and stuffed the panties deeper into my mouth, making my eyes and mouth water as he stimulated my gag reflex.  His fingers dipped into my vagina just enough to retrieve lubrication for his penis.  Instantly he was in my anus.  I tried to tell him to stop, I had never been interested in anal sex, and by god if this was going to be the first time I wanted him to take it slower than this.  The pressure built and with one violent thrust his head was within me.  Sharp pain shot through me, causing me to tighten all of my muscles and to let out a muffled scream.  His dick now in place he took his free hand and held my mouth firmly closed.  His hips plowed into me, no mercy in his powerful thrusts.  My eyes watered until I could feel my cheeks and hair growing wet with tears.  I tried to fight him, to tell him to stop, that he was hurting me.  But what started as excruciating began to dull into an annoying throb.  Only now could my body take in the moment for what it was.  I felt so small, so taken.  His strength was to be admired, no matter how I fought and struggled. 

When he realized that I was no longer going to scream, his hand left my mouth and traced my body south.  He stopped at my nipples, gripping them and squeezing.  I flexed my back, and he released his grip on my body, his hands skillfully lifting me and placing me on all fours.  He pulled out of my ass and then penetrated my vagina slowly.  I pushed my hips back, spreading my knees further.  His huge hands gripped my ass and I let out a moan when his thumbs pressed into my asshole, spreading me open as his cock worked against mine.  As he continued I felt myself losing it.  My hips bounced against his, and as I heard a deep guttural sound building within him I felt myself go over the edge.  I grabbed his hard cock and milked the hot wet cum deeply within me.  We both let out a deep moan of pleasure as we fell limply to the bed.  For a while we just remained there, curled up on the bed, his dick still within me, resting quietly. 

“So what happened today?”  I asked him gently. 

His arms pulled me in closer and his lips met mine passionately.

“There is a lot of confusion right now because one of our guys, Jacob, was shot today and still hasn’t regained consciousness.  The plan was to make the CT pay for encroaching on our territory.  Something wasn’t right, though. Someone tipped them off.  When Jacob left he had over fifty grand and couple of saddle bags stuffed with drugs.  Our contact at the police station told us the bike was found stripped, no sign of the money or the drugs.” 

I knew exactly who Steel was talking about when he mentioned Jacob. I thought about Tori, about her nervousness earlier this evening.  My mind grasped at the possibility that she had much more to do with this whole thing than I knew.  I felt torn between my feelings of passion for Steel and my feelings of loyalty to my friend. 

“I’ll be back. I need a drink.” 

He got up from the bed and stalked out the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.  I considered Jacob and the fragile state he was in—would he recover?  Would he hold information that would put me and Tori in danger?  I needed answers.

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