Sons of Mayhem 4: Snakes and Angels (5 page)

BOOK: Sons of Mayhem 4: Snakes and Angels
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Everyone was there except Eag. Jase had made sure to get to the meeting room early and had sat at the head of the table, in Bigfella
’s seat. When the Doctor had come in Jase could have sworn he’d seen a look of anger on the big man’s face before he composed himself.

Let’s talk later.”

The Doctor nodded and sat down next to Jase, in his
‘old’ spot. No one said anything about the seating arrangements at the head of the table as they filed in. It seemed that they would let Jase and the Doctor figure it out amongst themselves.

Senor Bottle. Tell us the news.”

There was laughter and expectant looks around the table as everyone focused on him. He looked very pleased with himself.

“We picked up a guy called Carlos. He’s taking control of the street dealers after their leadership was mysteriously wiped out.

He took it hook, line and sinker. As far as he’s concerned he’s now working for a Mexican cartel that’s expanding into the US.”

Which cartel?” asked T-Bone.

He doesn’t know. He doesn’t
to know, he knows how ruthless they are.”

Can we trust him?” asked Lonnie.

Nope. He’s a fuckin’ degenerate piece of scum.”

More laughter.

Bottle continued, “But he likes money, and he doesn’t want his head cut off, so I think he’ll do as he’s told for now.”

The Doctor said,
“That’s something we can all agree on.”

Bottle had a glimmer in his eye when he continued,
“And there’s more. Apparently he has a cousin. Well, more than one cousin. And they’re going to be looking for new suppliers too.”

Jase grin
ned at Bottle. “Where?”

Los Santos, Armingdale, maybe Fenton.”

Jase glanced over at the Doctor who managed to look both pleased and shocked in equal measure.
“No shit, Bottle?”

No shit, Doc.”

You’ve done good.”

Hell yeah,” said Lonnie.

T-Bone laughed a
nd banged the table. “I didn’t want us going into this shit. But, fuck me, we’re kicking ass at it.”

Where’s Eag?” asked Lonnie.

The Doctor shook his head.
“Idiot ate a bad taco. He’s got food poisoning.”

A taco? Serves him right.”

Are you going to look after him, Doc?” teased Lonnie.

Fuck no. I’m going to get drunk and find me a nice little party chick.”

Jase banged the table.
“So boys, I’ve been thinking.”

I didn’t think you had it in you.”

Jase laughed.
“Fuck you, Lonnie.” Jase’s voice turned serious as he spoke, “It looks like this shit is taking off. If we’re going to manage it we’re going to need to expand.”

New members?”

More than that.”

There were curious looks around the table. Jase leaned forward,
“New charters.”

No one said anything. The cl
ub had existed in its current state, standing alone, since its inception. When it was first founded there’d been dreams of spreading across the state, across the southwest, across the country even. But those dreams had withered away and they’d grown comfortable.
Someone say something, please.

Finally the Doctor spoke,
“I think that’s a fine idea.”

I’m in.”

Sounds good.”

There were other pleased murmurings around the table.
“We’ll need to think this shit through, and it’ll take some time. But I think we can pull it off.”

Where were you thinking?”

Jase nodded his head in Bottle
’s direction. “Follow the money. Maybe Armingdale first.”

For the first time that evening Gauge spoke.
“I know someone there. He might be interested.”

The Doctor looked at him.
“What kind of someone?”

The President of the Ragers.”

The Ragers were a small motorcycle club, much like the Sons.

“How do you know him?” asked Lonnie.

’s face was unreadable as he answered with one word, “Mogadishu.”

Bless you,” said Bottle, grinning. Gauge didn’t laugh.

Lonnie smacked Bottle on the arm.
“It’s in Somalia, you dipstick.”

Alright, well that’s an avenue we can think about. It’s early days, we haven’t even received our first proper shipment yet.”

T-Bone nodded.
“Let’s not get carried away.”

The excitement faded as reality began to set back in. Expanding the club wasn
’t something that would happen overnight. It’d take time and hard work. They’d need to think about it and plan it through.

When the men filed out the Doctor stayed behind, sitting
with a contemplative look on his face.
Alright. Let’s get this over with.

Look Doc, I hate to have to do this, but I spoke to Bigfella and—”




The long haired younger man was sitting in the seat that rightfully should have been his. He’d earned it, after all.
Who’d made the deal with the Koreans? Who was responsible for the massive income that would soon be coming their way?

Look Doc, I hate to have to do this, but I spoke to Bigfella and—”

Doc patted Jase on the shoulder.
“You should sit there Jase, you’ve given much more to the club than I ever have, ever
Like fuck you have.

You’re cool?”

The Doctor nodded at Jase.
“We’re brothers. We’re always cool.”
Enjoy it while you can.

They hugged and patted each other on the back.
The Doctor looked Jase in the eyes, “I’m supposed to meet the Koreans again tomorrow. And we need to tell them that we might want to increase our supply.”

The younger man nodded earnestly.

“Why don’t you go, tomorrow? You should meet them. Maybe take Eag with you if he’s feeling better. You can give them the good news about increasing our order.”

You’re not going to come?”

No. Actually, don’t tell the others yet, but I think I’m on to something.” He leaned in towards Jase, his voice low, as if there was a chance of the people outside overhearing their conversation over the noise of ACDC blaring from the speakers. “I think I know who’s been fucking with us.”

The excitement was palpable on Jase
’s face, like a kid or a puppy. His voice sounded breathless as he leaned in close. “Who?”

I don’t want to say until I’m 100%. It could be very volatile, Jase. Let me make certain, then I’ll tell you everything.”

The younger man nodded.

Yeah. I’ll tell the Koreans to expect you around one in the afternoon. By the time you’re back, say, six or so I think I should have everything I need.”

Jase gripped the Doctor
’s shoulder. “Good work, Doc. I’m glad we can work together like this.”

Thanks. You too. Good luck with the Koreans. And if they offer you one of their massages, for fucks sake,  you take them up on it.”

An odd look crossed his face, before he laughed.
“We’ll see.”

’ll see? What the fuck does that mean? What kind of faggot would turn that shit down. Idiot.

The Doctor pulled Jase towards him again a
nd hugged him tight. “Later boss. I need a drink.”

The younger man looked proud at being called boss.
Enjoy the moment fuckhead.

The two men stood up and embraced each other before heading out in
to the mayhem that was the clubhouse on a Saturday night.



I taste him, touch him, feel him. I bite him, lick him, consume him. He holds me, I hold him. There is a knock. He pushes me down, I push back. He fills me and I am filled. He fills me and finally I am complete. Then the knocking comes again.

The gentle knock was more insistent and I heard the door handle twist. It was locked though, of course. I blinked my eyes, my head a confused mess. I felt like I
’d drunk half a bottle of whisky even though all I’d done was sleep.

The room was dark
and the building was silent as I slipped out from under the covers and rose. I was hot and wet between my thighs, my dream almost faded from my mind and my confusion almost complete. When I got to the door I paused. Had I really heard knocking? Or had I just imagined it?

Assuming Lucy had lost her key I began to open the door and let out a gasp when it was suddenly pushed into me. A leather gloved hand pressed against my face and my eyes widened in shock.

He wrapped an arm around me to stop me moving
and pushed the door gently closed with his boot. My eyes were wide and adrenaline poured through me, clearing my addled mind.

His voice was low.
“Sorry to burst in like this. I needed to talk to you. Please.”

I raised my eyebrows at him, unable to speak. H
e gently removed his hand from my mouth and relaxed the arm that had wrapped around me.

What the hell?” I hissed.

Sorry! Please. I need to tell you something. I need you to listen.”

What? Why me?”

There’s no one else. It’s about the club. I’m dead, Nicole. I’m dead. I have to go.”

What? You’re not making any sense.”

Eag sat on the sofa and clutched his head in his hands. I went and sat next to him.

“It’s complicated. I can’t explain it all. But please listen. For Jase.”

For Jase? Is he hurt?”

No. Not yet, he—”

” my whisper was harsh.

Eag shook his head again.
“Just listen.”

I stared at him hard, willing him to speak.

“The Doctor wants to take control of the club. It’s his fault Bigfella is in jail, it’s his fault Brodie was killed. It’s all his fault.”

I tilted my head.
“How do you know? Why do you have to go?”

I could see his fists grabbing at his hair as he squeezed them tight. He began to sob, quietly.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

Not knowing what to do I patted him on the back.
What in the hell is going on

I helped him. It was me and him. For the money. But now he—”

What?” I whispered.

He’s going to kill me. Or have me killed at least.”


Because he’s a dick! To tie up loose ends! I don’t fucking know. Not just me. Jase too.”

A shudder
ran through me. “What? How?”

I saw a tear drop to his knee, a crystal on top of the blue denim before it was absorbed.
“He’s been recording us. Me, Jase, everyone, everything.”


Remember those guys in the warehouse?”

Of course.”
How could I forget?

He got them to say that
hired them. And then he killed them.”

Why would Jase hire people to shoot at him?”

He didn’t. The Doctor is trying to make it look like me and Jase were collaborating, that we framed Bigfella and started the war with the Mexicans, all for money.”

No one would believe Jase would kill Brodie.”

On his tape he has
saying that it’s my fault. That it wasn’t supposed to happen.”

I shook my head in bewilderment.
“Why would you

He sighed,
embarrassed. “Money,” he whispered.

I gave him a quizzical look.
“Surely the Doctor has plenty of money?”

Eag shook his head rapidly.
“No. He didn’t tell anyone, but he’s not a doctor anymore.”


He’s been struck off. Improper conduct with patients. Writing fake prescriptions. All kinds of shit. He’s got a big-ass mortgage to pay too. Like me.” Eag sighed.

I shook my head, stunned at these revelations.
Does Jase know any of this?

I’ve got to go Nicole. I’m leaving. Right now. But you’ve got to tell Jase what’s going on - the Doctor can’t get away with it, Nicole. It’s my fault Brodie’s dead, but I can’t take anymore.”

Why don’t you talk to Jase yourself?”

me Nicole. You know what Brodie meant to him. Please, you have to tell him what’s going on. Tonight. The Doctor’s going to make his move soon. I’ve got to go.”

You’re not going anywhere.”

We both gasped and swung our heads around to the source of the sudden whisper.
Holy shit.

Oh fuck,” said Eag, his voice quaking as the door closed.

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