Sons of Mayhem 4: Snakes and Angels (7 page)

BOOK: Sons of Mayhem 4: Snakes and Angels
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“Alright fuckhead, let’s go!” said Jase to Eag.

Good luck,” said the Doctor. He wriggled his eyebrows. “And say ‘Hi’ to Yumi for me.”

Jase laughed.
“Okay brother. Good luck with the other thing.”

What other thing?” asked Eag.

Nothing” said Jase and the Doctor in unison.

How can you act like that Doc? A
re you as batshit insane as I think you are?
They stood up to leave the meeting room. The Doctor had called the Koreans and told them Jase and Eag would be there to see them later.

The sun was slowly rising when they left the compound for the long ride to
K-town. Twenty miles out of town they made their first stop when Jase slowed down and guided his bike into a truck-stop.

The other bike pulled up beside him, and a worried looking Eag dismounted.

“Don’t fucking talk to me,” said Jase.

Why are we stopping?”

Jase gave him a look of contempt.
“What the fuck did I just say?”


We’re stopping because I need some fucking coffee. I was up all goddamn night because of you.”

After Eag
’s revelations Jase had had to put together a rapid plan to save both their lives, while ensuring the Doctor wouldn’t get away with what he had done. He’d spent the entire night trying to pull everything together, and hoped to hell that it would work.

After forcing down the hot drink that tasted almost like the coffee it claime
d to be, Jase shook his weary head and got back on his motorcycle, Eag following behind.

Aren’t you worried he’ll just run off?”
Nicole had asked him after he’d returned to her room the night before. He’d hated to lie to her, but he’d had to. He couldn’t reveal the depravity he’d been forced to threaten Eag with.

The former lawyer
’s two great passions in life were money and women. But there was one woman above all that he cared for. His daughter. It was a cruel threat to make, but he needed Eag around today.

They powered off through the desert, and as usual Jase managed to lose himself in the ride. It was like a form of meditation for him - the open road, the engine, the roar, the wind, the rush.

His meditative state was ruined when they hit the LA traffic though. By the time they pulled up at the building Jase could feel a new level of rage boiling inside him. After turning off the engine he simply sat and took in several deep breaths and slow exhalations. He wanted to be composed.

After handing over their
weapons at the entrance the men were led inside.

You got somewhere he can wait?” Jase nodded his head in Eag’s direction. He wasn’t to have the privilege of meeting their business partner.

One of the entourage of men nodded at Jase and then gestured for
Eag to follow him. Jase followed another one of the suited men who seemed perfectly interchangeable. The rode the elevator to the top floor of the building, where Jase met their business partner in a large office.

His counterpart was a man of indeterminate
age, but from his well put-together appearance and the deference everyone showed he was, without doubt, the boss.

Jase pushed his hand forward.
“Mr. Lee? I’m Jase.”

The man took his hand gently, barely squeezing it at all.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Jase. You are the Vice President of your club?”

Jase nodded.
“Yeah. Acting President though.”

The man looked at him quizzically but didn
’t offer comment. “Tea?”

I wish you
’d said coffee
. “Sure.”

The man yelled something to which a loud
“Nae!” was offered in response. Mr. Lee then indicated to Jase so sit down, and so a moment later he found himself perched on an over-sized sofa, while Mr. Lee sat back on an identical one across from him.

A moment later a young lady in Korean traditional dress appeared carrying a tray
with a number of cups, bowls and pots.

The tea is from Boseong.”

I have no idea what that means.
“Boseong huh? Wow.”

The boss looked pleased as the girl began to pour the tea. Jase looked at her uncomfortably. He was here to talk business, but it didn
’t seem appropriate with her present.
Maybe she doesn’t speak English?

So, did the Doctor, uh, my associate, tell you what we wanted to discuss?”

The man frowned.
“We will drink tea.”

Jase nodded.
“Of course, sure. After.”

The man nodded.

After the girl poured water back and forth between her pots and bowls several times Jase was eventually presented with a small ceramic cup filled with a pale green liquid.
I’ve had shots of whisky bigger than this

Do you like poetry, Mr. Jase?”

I like music. And it’s just Jase.”

Mr. Lee nodded his head, before issuing a command. The girl who
’d poured the tea offered a bow before beginning to speak in a measured voice that seemed to carry meaning Jase couldn’t understand.

Talk about shit going over your head
. Jase looked on politely, nodding as the girl spoke in her incomprehensible language, pausing at the end of every line of her poem. Jase smiled at her when she finally finished, and she appeared to blush.


Mr. Lee nodded and issued another command. The tea se
rvice and the girl quickly disappeared. It seemed to be time for business.

So. Why did you come? I trust your club is still happy with our arrangement?”

Jase smiled.
“When my associate came to you last, you came to an agreement.”

Mr. Lee frowned.
“Indeed. As you know, it is fixed. I very much hope you are not here to change it. It is too late.”

Jase nodded.
“Right. But—” the Korean man’s face grew stern, “we have been unexpectedly successful in finding distributors.”

Mr. Lee raised his eyebrows as his face
relaxed “Oh?”

Jase nodded.
“Would you be able to increase the next shipment? With possible further increases?”

’s Korean counterpart offered a smile. It turned out that Mr. Lee was not averse to changing agreements when it would mean more profit for him.


“It’s good doing business with you, Mr. Jase. I trust this is the last new face I’ll be seeing?”

Jase nodded.
“Yes. Our club has been in transition lately. You’ll only be dealing with me from now on.”

And your doctor friend?”

“Ah yes. Of course.” He didn’t particularly want to be dishonest to their new business partner, but he couldn’t risk word getting back to the Doctor.

Mr. Lee here will lead you to our
- massage house.”

That’s very kind.” Jase offered his hand and they again exchanged a gentle shake.


When he was taken downstairs and led into the massage room he was not surprised. He’d heard all about it from the Doctor after all. When the manageress arrived with eight women trailing her Jase let out a low whistle.


I’m looking for Yumi.”

The manageress frowned.
“She no here.”

Are you sure?”

Jase looked at her intently. She was hiding something. He didn
’t need to say anything more though, the bodyguard yelled something at her, and she yelled back in return. He saw a couple of the girls grimacing as they heard the heated exchange. The manageress did not look happy at the end of it.

The women all headed out together, along with the bodyguard. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and she came in, quivering.

Jase looked at her and shook his head.
For fucks sake, what did he do to her.
When she saw his head shake she went wide-eyed.

Hey. It’s okay. I just want to talk to you. Nothing else. I promise.”

She just stared.

“Come sit down. Don’t be scared. I’m not like the other guy.”

Tentatively she removed her shoes and stepped inside.
Pretty little thing. Not my type though.

They spoke in broken English, and by the end of it Jase was muttering and shaking his head, his earlier fears confirmed.
The Doctor’s a fucking psycho.

Jase left Yumi behind and went to see if someone could find Eag for him. He assumed he
’d been offered the same entertainment and was no doubt making the most of what would be his last chance in this establishment.


The Doctor

’d called them all in, even sending a prospect out to Gauge’s remote trailer to make sure he was at the meeting. It was early in the afternoon and Jase was probably meeting the Koreans right at this very moment. It had worked out very conveniently - Jase wanting to take charge at that moment had been a good excuse to send him out of town.

He sat in his old chair. He wouldn
’t sit at the head of the table for this meeting. But after today? Then it would be his.
. When everyone was assembled he ran his eyes slowly around the room, his gaze making eye contact with every member.

It is with great regret that I called this meeting today.”
Great fucking rejoicing more like it.

He tried to keep a smile from playing across his lips.
“As we all know, we have been fucked with greatly the last few weeks.”

There were nods and murmurs around the table.

“Can’t it wait until Jase gets back?” asked Bottle.

The Doctor shook his head.
“No. Unfortunately not. You see it—” he paused and sighed, as if he couldn’t bear to say it. “Just. Listen, please.”

The Doctor pulled out his audio recorder and pressed play. The first part was the two drug addicts at the warehouse. They dutifully spouted out exactly what he
’d ordered them to at gunpoint. They explained how they’d been hired by Jase to fake an attack on him, and then how he had betrayed them by leaving them tied up at the warehouse.

T-Bone sat shaking his head.
“I can’t believe it.”

The Doctor raised a hand to his eye as if wiping away a tear.
“Me too. I’m sorry.”

He pressed play ag
ain and there was more. Undeniable evidence that Jase and Eag had plotted together to force out Bigfella. It had taken days of work to make this recording. Jase in particular had been difficult to get right. But in the end, it had come together perfectly.

But… Brodie,” said Lonnie.

The Doctor offered yet another sigh and shook his head.
“They didn’t plan for that. That’s what happens when you start a backstabbing plan like this, things just spiral out of control. Jase didn’t want Brodie to die.”

Bottle spa
t on the floor in disgust. “But he did. Fuckers.”

T-Bone coughed and cleared his throat.
“I knew something was up, but this—  Fuck me.”

Gauge spoke next.
“I may be new here, but I feel just as betrayed as any of you. I thought Jase was a good guy, someone I could trust. But fuck…”

Why?” asked Lonnie.

Eag wanted money, everyone knows that,” said Bottle.

But Jase?”

He doesn’t care about money. But what it can bring. You know he always wanted more from this club. He wanted it bigger, he wanted it to grow, and I guess he got sick of Bigfella not letting that happen.” Bottle shook his head as he spoke, as if amazed by his own revelation.

This is going even better than expected.
“You saw what he was like yesterday. He sat there, and told us about starting new charters. That’s only possible because of our new income, which was only possible once Bigfella was out of the way. He even hired a Mexican to try and whack him in jail once he knew I’d found the witness that could get him out.”


Sneaky motherfuckers.”

The air in the room felt chilly as the news sunk in. It was like a morgue in there.
Beautiful. Perfect.

Gauge spoke again.
“What are we going to do?”

Bottle sighed.
“There’s only one thing we can do.”

T-Bone nodded and gave a sigh of agreement.

“Are we sure we want to do this?” asked Lonnie.

No choice.”

Got to be done.”

Sorry it has to be this way.”

Perfect. Dare I do more? Should I? Of course I should. I
’m invincible.
“It’s not just those two.”

Bottle looked genuinely shocked.
“What?” he blurted out.

The Doctor sighed.
“I wasn’t able to get any recording of course, but that college girl he’s been with, she was part of it to. She was the one who tried to scare off the girl that could have saved Bigfella, before Jase tried to have him whacked of course.”

T-Bone looked incredulous.
“No shit?”

Lonnie shook his head to himself.
“Fucking bitch.”

The Doctor tried to keep his face looking sad as elation soared through him.
Who else? Who else?

Gauge spoke up again.
“We can use my land. No neighbors.”

The Doct
or nodded and there were sad murmurs of agreement around the table. “Alright. Here’s what I propose. First, clear the fucking clubhouse. I want no one here when they get back from LA. We’ll put them in the pickup truck under a tarp and drive ‘em out there.”

There were nods around the table.
“And Lonnie, you’re pretty, you go sweet talk that college bitch. Tell her Jase wants her or some shit. Put her in the panel van.”

I can do that,” volunteered T-Bone.

Yeah, I don’t mind either,” said Bottle.

The Doctor
looked them up and down. “No offence guys,  but you’re going to draw a lot of fucking attention at the college.” With T-Bone’s hair and beard he’d stick out like a sore thumb anywhere, as would Bottle with his teardrop tattoos.

Lonnie, lose the jacket. Prep yourself up. Try and look forgettable. And check for cameras.”

The Englishman nodded, his face grim.
“Will do, boss. I’ll blend in.”

Well, shit boys.” The Doctor ran his eyes up and down the room, doing his best to look distressed. “I’m sorry it’s come to this. But let’s get ready for them. They’ll be back around six.”

There were nods and murmurs of agreement around the table. There was no chatter or good-natured ribaldry today.
Why so serious? This is the greatest day of my life.


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