Sophie's Heart (7 page)

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Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #ebook, #(¯`'•.¸//(*_*)\\¸.•'´¯)

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“What in heaven’s name have you done, Jan?” her brother asked quite calmly after they had moved into the kitchen. “Czechoslovakia! You can’t even understand her.”

Janet thanked God, not for the first time, that her brother did not anger easily. Even when he was upset, he became coolly logical, not angry or irritated.

“Oh, Alec, if only you could get to know her. Her grasp of the English language deserts her when she’s nervous, but she is a wonderful person. She loves the Lord, and every time we talk she encourages me in some way and doesn’t even know it. She’s such a hard worker with never a word of complaint, and I really think she’d be perfect.”

Alec’s hand went to the back of his neck, and he stared down at his sister from his six-foot-two-inch height.

“It’s not just my decision, Janet,” he finally said solemnly. “The kids have to agree, too, and something tells me that’s the last thing they’ll do.”


hat are you studying in school, Tory?” Sophie asked into the minutes of silence that followed Alec and Janet’s departure.

“We’re doing long division in math. I don’t like it.”

“Math is not my favorite, either. What do you like?”

“History. My friend Crystal Calkins and I just did a time line.”

“What was the time period?”

“It was 1885 to 1985.”

“One hundred years! I would like to see that.”

“It’s at school. My teacher hung it on the wall.” Sophie smiled at the pride in her young voice and asked Rita, “Do you all go to the same school, as Janet’s children do?”

“No. Craig and Tory are at Middleton Christian, and I go to Edgewood.”

Sophie only nodded since the school names were strange to her. The conversation lagged at that point; however, all minds were moving. Craig was fighting his usual anger that his mother had died and that they needed a housekeeper at all, but the girls’ thoughts were not quite so tempestuous. Even Tory could see that Sophie had been nervous, and this made the little girl’s heart turn over. Rita, very aware of people’s physical looks, thought Sophie’s clothes and hairstyle were horrible, but was simply amazed at how large and dark her eyes were. When she considered Sophie’s smooth complexion as well, Rita found her rather pretty.

Rita had also been impressed with the gentle way she had talked with them. The heavy accent might be a problem, but she noticed that Sophie’s English had improved when her father and aunt left.

“We’re back.” Janet’s voice broke into everyone’s thoughts. “Sophie, why don’t you come with me and I’ll show you around the house.”

Sophie rose without looking at anyone and followed Janet from the room. Alec took her seat and spoke when he heard the two women head upstairs.

“So what do you think?” he asked directly.

“About what?” Tory wished to know.

“It’s time we hire someone to come and help out around here, Tory. This person will be with you guys a lot, and I want her to be someone you like. I want to know what you think of Sophie.”

“I don’t see why we have to have anyone at all,” Craig said belligerently, and Alec stared at him. His hair was too long, he needed new shoes, and Alec was pretty sure he had seen that shirt on him all weekend.

“Whether or not you think we need someone, Craig, we do. I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to see this. Nevertheless, I will expect your cooperation in the matter.”

“What if she cooks gross food?”

Alec had to hide a smile. At 12, Craig thought of little else but his stomach. “She will cook the things we ask her to cook.”

Craig still looked clearly skeptical, so Alec turned to Rita. It didn’t seem as though she was ready to give an answer, but he waited.

“I like her.” Alec’s head turned swiftly to Tory. She shrugged as though sorry she had spoken up, but then said, “I think she’s nice, and she treated me like I was older.”

“She does seem nice,” Rita now added. “She didn’t try to talk to Craig, but the look on his face didn’t really invite it.”

“Shut up, Rita.”

“That’s enough, Craig,” his father said.

The 12-year-old sat back in anger, and Rita stood.

“I think Sophie would be all right. She’s different, but that doesn’t make her bad. We could probably do a lot worse.”

Alec nodded. “Do you have to go now?”

“Yes. I have a geometry test in less than an hour, and I can’t miss it.”

“All right, Rita,” Alec said. “Your aunt probably parked behind our van, so you’ll have to find her and ask her to move hers. I’ll see you tonight.”

Rita started from the room, but stopped. “Dad, if you hire Sophie, will she be here when I get home tonight?”

“I seriously doubt it. She’d have to make arrangements to move up here.”

“Where would she live?”

“In the apartment above the garage.”

Rita’s eyes widened, and so did Craig and Tory’s. They were never allowed up there—in fact, no one had been up there for years, and most of the time they forgot it even existed.

“I’ll see you later,” Rita said as she moved to the door.

“What if she moves all the way up here and it doesn’t work out?”

Alec was encouraged that Craig was taking an interest at all and said, “I’ll have to make sure that’s all very clear to her. Now, Craig, I know you don’t want anyone coming in here, but do you have a
objection to Sophie?”

“No, I guess not, but don’t expect me to pal up to her. I can hardly understand her.”

“No, I don’t expect that. Just respect.”

Craig nodded, and Alec turned to his youngest child.

“And you like her, Tory?”

“Uh-huh. I think she’s nice, and I know what it feels like to be nervous.”

Alec didn’t need to question this because he had witnessed Sophie’s case of nerves as well. It wasn’t at all hard to imagine how difficult it would be to come into a situation like this, and his heart was compassionate even though he had been very businesslike.

“You guys get your stuff together now and I’ll run you to school.”

“What about Sophie?”

“I’m going to meet with her and Janet when I get back and let you know tonight.”

The kids did as they were told. Alec found Janet and Sophie on the back patio. He told them he would return shortly and was swiftly on his way.

“So you see, Sophie,” Alec finished things up an hour later, “I am offering you the job, but I want you to consider where you’ll be if it doesn’t work out. If you lived here in Wisconsin, this might not be such a factor, but it’s a problem if you move yourself all the way from Chicago and then find yourself without work. Maybe we should have a month’s trial and see…” Alec let the words hang. Sophie nodded so he would know she understood.

“Would I have month’s pay?” she asked softly.

“What do you mean?”

Sophie was not sure if she was saying it right, but she tried again. “If you do not want me in two weeks, will I still have month’s money to get again start?”

The sentence was a mess, but Alec nodded. “I think that’s reasonable. If we let you go in less time than that, you can still count on a month’s pay. I need to add, though, that the apartment goes with the job. If we let you go, you’ll have to move.” Alec hated how cold this all sounded, but he had to be sure she understood.

“Who is the one I share this garage apartment?”

“No one. It’s a single bedroom with a full bath and kitchen, and it will be your own. The garage is detached, so it will be totally private.”

Sophie had never heard the word
but she thought she understood the rest.

Janet had been quiet all this time, feeling very impressed with the way Alec had obviously looked into all of this. They hadn’t talked of money yet, but Janet somehow knew that Alec would have checked into this as well. He confirmed her belief in his next sentence.

“I’m willing to pay…” Alec stated an amount in a straightforward manner. He covered a few more technical points and then asked, “Do you understand everything, Sophie?”


“You don’t have to give me an answer now. You can go home and think about it if you need to.”

“But if I want job now, on trial time, I can have it?”


“I will take job, Mr. Riley.” Her palms were moist again, but she got the words out.

“All right. When can we expect you?”

“I think in two or one week. I must talk Mr. Markham and then I will come.”

“All right. That will give us time to prepare for you.”

The phone rang just then, and Alec excused himself to answer it.

“Are you all right, Sophie?” Janet asked.


“You look a little flushed.”

Sophie’s smile was slightly pained. “This is big thing I have done. I only pray it will go right.”

“What are you worried about?”

“They do not really know if they want me, but still I am asked. I fear they will change their heads.”

Janet didn’t know how to reply to this since she had felt the same way. One minute Alec was telling her the kids would never approve, and the next he was offering Sophie the job. Janet was very pleased, but she only then realized how hard it would be to have Sophie move away. She quickly reminded herself how badly Sophie wanted to be out of the big city and thanked God that she now had a chance.

Sophie called her grandmother that very night. She hadn’t been to work, but she was so excited that she was awake in the middle of the night and decided to call.

“I’m leaving Chicago,” she told her, peace pervading her voice. “I must tell Mr. Markham and work a little more, but then I will be gone soon. I don’t know the address, but I’ll write to you as soon as I do.”

“I have prayed. What is the family like?”

“It is as Janet said: They miss their mother. Things are so disrupted. The calendar is still on August. I hope I’ll make a difference.”

“What of the children?”

“Two girls and a boy. The girl drives already and looks like a young woman, the boy is growing up angry, and the little girl needs a mother very much.”

“You’re going to lose your heart, aren’t you, Sophie?” her wise grandmother asked.

Sophie could only reply with the truth. “I already have.”

Two weeks later Sophie was on a bus for Wisconsin. She had worked two 50-hour weeks in order to have extra funds and was now on her way. With her were two suitcases. In Janet’s van were two boxes her friend had promised to mail that very day. Sophie had not known how close the bus would come to her new home, so she had decided against bringing the boxes. She realized she might have to walk for blocks if the bus did not go that far.

She stared out the window as the landscape of the city fell away, her heart full of praise to God.

You have not promised me that this will be perfect, but You have promised to stay with me. I can see only their faces, Lord. I can only hear Tory’s sweet voice. If it’s not to last, give me direction. If I am to stay, guide my heart. I’m ashamed that I didn’t ask ahead of time if they believe in You, but I’m so glad it’s true. I’ll miss Janet, but I trust that You will expand my world in Wisconsin. Give me friends, Lord, and help me to be a blessing to those who know me.

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