Soufflés at Sunrise (16 page)

Read Soufflés at Sunrise Online

Authors: M.J. O'Shea and Anna Martin

BOOK: Soufflés at Sunrise
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Kai’s cock was thick, twitching against his stomach, and even though he tried to reach for it a few times, he quickly remembered where his hands were supposed to be when Chase flicked at his balls.

“Feels good?” Chase asked after delivering a particularly stinging flick to Kai’s low left ball.

“Shit. Yeah. Please touch me.”

Chase curled his fingers again, and Kai arched up off the bed. “You sure?”

“No, yes,
. Please fuck me.”

His incoherence was a crazy turn-on. This wasn’t something Chase had ever considered doing before, but Kai was so fucking hot like this.

“You’re going to have to tell me what you want. You’re not being very clear.” Chase flicked him again and used that voice that gave Kai the shivers. Kai whimpered.

“You okay?” Chase murmured. He didn’t want to take it too far.

Kai nodded. “Yes. Please. I want you to fuck me. That’s what I want.”

Chase pulled his fingers free and quickly rolled a condom down his cock. He drizzled a little more lube into his palm and jerked it over the latex, wiping the excess onto the sheets.


“Yeah. Yes.”

Kai reached for his dick again, and this time Chase let him take it as he pressed the head of his cock against Kai’s hole, then pushed slowly inside. Kai’s foot was still hooked over Chase’s shoulder, so Chase kissed the ankle bone and licked around it as he nudged deeper inside. As he’d expected, Kai was
during sex. Really, really loud. Not as he’d expected, Chase found he liked it. Kai moaned and groaned like a champion, whimpered and tossed his head back and forth. He tugged desperately at his cock like he needed to get off immediately.

Well, that won’t do.

Chase carefully took hold of both Kai’s hands and pinned them either side of his head, the perfect position for leaning in and kissing Kai’s plump lips as his cock worked in and out, in and out.

“You’re so fucking good at this,” Kai groaned, then whimpered when Chase caught his bottom lip between his teeth and tugged. “Fuck me harder. More.”

It was easy to comply. Chase let go and set a punishing rhythm, forcing grunts from deep inside Kai’s chest every time he hit that sweet spot. When he was close to coming, Kai started to beg for his hand back to stroke his own cock. After a few moments of listening to those painful whimpers, Chase released Kai’s wrists and watched, entranced, as it only took a few strokes before Kai was howling and coming over his own wrist.

That sight was enough to trigger Chase’s own orgasm and he thrust hard, over and over, until Kai was begging once again—this time to stop, he was too sensitive.

“Sorry,” Chase said breathlessly as he pulled out and rolled onto his back. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologize.” Kai patted Chase’s leg lamely. “That was incredible.” He rolled onto his side and pressed a slack-mouthed kiss to Chase’s shoulder while Chase tied off the condom and wrapped it in a Kleenex.

When he opened his arms Kai fell straight into them, nuzzling at Chase’s throat.

“Can’t move,” Chase said. His energy stores had been zapped and he was going to lose consciousness at any moment. “I have to sleep.”

Kai chuckled. “You do that.”

The darkness was almost as beautiful as the man in his arms. Chase decided he’d let his worrying, overthinking mind deal with what had happened in the morning. For now, he was completely, utterly blissed out.



sleepy.” Kai pressed a kiss onto Chase’s neck.

“Is it really morning already?” Chase mumbled.

Kai grinned. He’d had the nicest night sleeping in Chase’s arms. He was a little sore and tired, but in a good way. “Yeah, I thought we could go out and grab breakfast down the street and bring it back. There’s an amazing place that has the best omelets you’ll ever taste. I promise.”

“You sure you want to get up?” Chase asked. He looked like he was about a half a second away from pulling Kai back under the covers. Not that he’d complain much. It did feel a bit sacrilegious.

Kai laughed. “I’m hungry and we don’t have any breakfast food here. I promise we can come back to bed after we eat.” Kai wriggled his eyebrows suggestively, which made Chase laugh.

They showered together, but quickly, helping each other soap up. Kai was still in awe of Chase’s miles of pale skin, softly muscled torso, and gorgeous cock. He shivered at the memory of it inside him the night before. Chase might not have been with very many people, but he knew what the hell he was doing.

“What are you thinking?” Chase asked.

Kai almost blushed. Blushed. Ridiculous. “About how good your dick felt last night.” He couldn’t believe he said it.

Chase groaned. Somehow his shyness disappeared when he was satisfied, or even when he wasn’t just yet. He’d been so sexy and in charge in bed; it had been fucking amazing the way he’d held Kai’s hands down and just
him like that. Kai was still surprised hours later.

“Remind me why we’re going out?” Chase said.

“Because we need food? Energy? For more sex?” Kai grinned into Chase’s neck, which wasn’t a feeling he was used to. He’d been taller than every other guy he’d dated. Just because Chase was a Viking….

“Okay, energy for more sex I’ll buy.” Chase slipped his hands down Kai’s back. “Just so you know, I’ve been thinking about how you felt since the second I woke up too. You’re so gorgeous.” He leaned over to suck on Kai’s neck, not too hard—they had filming in the morning—but hard enough to make Kai grab at his shoulders and moan.

“We need to stop this or we’re never going to end up eating.”

“I like eating.”

“I like it too. Stop being hot.” Kai giggled. Again. Giggled. It wasn’t like him, just like half the things he found himself doing when he was around Chase, but he let it go. He crowded into Chase’s arms and let the water from his showerhead rain over them and rinse him off.

“Okay. I’m getting out, then you can. We seriously need to get dressed, or else I’m going to drag you back to bed and I’m not going to let you out,” Chase said.

Kai wondered what had happened to that shy guy from the night before who wasn’t sure if he was ready for sex just yet. He guessed that had gone with the first moment Chase had sunk into his body. It had been cute and a little sweet how nervous he’d been at first. Before their skin collided and Chase took control. Kai decided he’d take hot and confident, though. He liked feeling wanted so much.

“Go. Get dressed. I’ll be out in three minutes,” Kai said.

Chase hopped out, and Kai watched as he toweled off and jogged into his bedroom for clothes. He sat under the water, absentmindedly pulling on his cock and dreaming of after breakfast until he either had to get off or get the hell out of the shower. He reluctantly chose the second option and followed Chase into his bedroom with a towel around his waist.



place was packed. As always. Kai had no idea what the place was called, and no one in the neighborhood seemed to know either, even though it had been around for years and years. The dining area only had ten tables, but there was a line every weekend and apparently they were popular enough to be hopping on a weekday. Kai and Chase placed their takeout orders—mushroom and spinach omelet for Chase, sausage and pineapple for Kai—and then went next door for lattes while they waited. Chase was still the guy from that morning, the one who was confident and a little possessive, even in public. Kai found himself wanting to get closer, wanting to feel Chase’s body up against his.

“I want you again. Now,” Chase whispered in Kai’s ear.

“Our breakfast,” Kai protested. If he weren’t as hungry as he was, he’d have screwed the whole thing and dragged Chase back to his place.

“I know. Hopefully it’s done soon.”

They’d found their way back from the coffee shop and were waiting for their takeout in the seating area of the diner. Kai’s name was finally called, and he rushed up to get their breakfast. He couldn’t get home fast enough.

Once they got back to Kai’s apartment, Chase moaned and groaned his way through the omelet exclaiming over the vegetables and the perfect cheese they’d melted with them. Kai wanted that mouth back on him, the moans because of the way he felt. It was like sin watching him eat after he knew what Chase was capable of.

“You done?” Chase finally said.

“Yeah. Need a little while for my belly to digest, though.” Kai said.

Chase nodded and held out his hand.

“Where are we going?” Kai asked.

“There’s a TV in your room. It would be nice just to chill and watch a movie for a little while.”

“Yeah. A little while, right?” He waited for Chase to give his answer.

Chase simply grinned and smiled. “Yes, just for a little while.”



nice lying on the bed with Chase, shirtless and just cuddling. They didn’t really do that in the condo, at least not when anyone could see. Aaron typically had some sort of vaguely horrified look on his face whenever he walked in the room to see them there together, and Kai didn’t really feel like freaking out the uncomfortable straight boy. Plus it had taken a lot to get used to touching someone in public. Well, a lot plus Chase. He thought being with Chase had something to do with it. He hadn’t ever felt like it was worth it with anyone else. But when Chase had crowded close to him in that Starbucks earlier and put his arm around Kai’s shoulders like he owned him, his first reaction was to sink into the touch, not away. It was something new for him, and Kai kind of liked it.

“You tired of the movie? Chase asked.

“Just ready to… not watch,” Kai answered.

“I think we can definitely not watch.” Chase gave him this wicked grin that made Kai’s insides do crazy things. He liked it.



don’t feel like going back,” Chase said.

“I don’t either. This has been nice.” Kai snuggled into Chase. It was late afternoon. They’d been hanging out all day since breakfast, watching movies, lying around… playing. It was one of the nicest days Kai’d had in a long time. The sooner they started thinking about going back, the sooner his mind would be in that place of stress and “get it done” and “win” and not sleepy hot Chase in his arms. He
sleepy hot Chase in his arms.

“What time is it?”

“Five. We should probably go in like an hour.” Kai pressed a kiss to Chase’s golden hair. It still smelled like shampoo from the morning, but also a little bit like sweat and sex. It shouldn’t have been as much a turn-on as it was.

“So what are we going to do for an hour?” Chase asked.

“Relax. We could grab some dinner if you don’t want to make something in the condo.” As soon as he said that, Kai realized he didn’t want to make anything in the condo. He was happy just having him and Chase and whatever they picked up. “We can drive somewhere nice and sit on the hood of my car and eat it.”

“I like that idea,” Chase said. “I like being alone with you.”

“Hey, maybe Aaron will get kicked off this week, and we’ll have the room to ourselves.” Kai said.

Chase punched him lightly in the arm. “You’re going to feel so bad if he does get kicked off. What if
get kicked off, hmmm?”

Kai leaned over and kissed him. “You’re not going to get kicked off. Let’s just make sure the producers have a ton of drama from us, and then you’d have to make something totally hideous for them to get rid of you.”

“You think it’s that calculated?” Chase asked.

Kai shrugged. He wished he knew how much of it was decided behind the scenes. All he knew was he wanted Chase to himself. All the time. If he went back to Wisconsin, that would be awfully hard.

Chase hauled himself off Kai’s bed. Which really wasn’t cool in any way, seeing as though Kai wouldn’t have him back in it until the next day off. Hopefully. “What do you want to get? Thai? Pizza? Sushi?” he asked.

Kai was happy with pretty much anything as long as it was just the two of them. “Thai sounds really good right now,” he decided.

“You know any places we could grab some around here?”

He winked at Chase. “Please. Of course I do.”

“Then we’d probably better get to it. I’m trusting you.”

“You want to see a menu? I can look online.”

“Nah. You know what’s good. Pick some things that you think I might like.”

Kai went about ordering the food while Chase dressed in the jeans he’d worn to the apartment the night before. Chase shoved his T-shirt and shorts and his toothbrush into the small bag he’d packed the night before and slung his button-up on. Plaid. Of course. He looked good. Damn good. Still didn’t mean Kai wanted him to have any clothes on. Chase was best naked. Preferably naked and on top of a very happy Kai. He pouted. Then he realized he was pouting and made himself stop.

“C’mon. Get dressed and I’ll get the kitchen all cleaned up and ready to go,” Chase said.

Kai nodded and watched Chase walk out with his bag to the main area. He dragged himself out of bed, rinsed off in his bathroom sink, and got dressed in clothes he pulled from his closet. It had been nice to be home, even if the apartment wasn’t
home. It had been nice to share a bed with Chase. But it was time to go back. And win. He was ready to win. Still had a few days of challenges left to get through, though.

Chase and Kai picked up the Thai food, and Kai drove Chase to his favorite park. It was up in the hills, way over the lights, looking out at the city. He grabbed a towel from his car and laid it on the small grass strip near where he’d parked. He pulled out all the Thai food and chopsticks.

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