Soufflés at Sunrise (13 page)

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Authors: M.J. O'Shea and Anna Martin

BOOK: Soufflés at Sunrise
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“I don’t want to go back to sleep, but can we stay here for a little while?” He must’ve had a hopeful look on his face. Or maybe he just looked horny.

Kai grinned. “I’m pretty sure that won’t be a problem.”

Kai leaned over and cupped Chase’s face in one of his wonderful, warm golden hands. Chase barely had time to appreciate how gorgeous Kai looked in the morning with his hair loose and his face soft before Kai’s lips were on his. He kissed so differently than he cooked. Where there was precision and determination in the kitchen, he was soft, gentle, exploratory. Like they had all morning to be lazy and just kiss each other. He rubbed a thumb across Chase’s cheekbone and nipped at his lip a little.

“You’re a good kisser,” Kai whispered.

Chase had thought he was barely awake, but maybe it was just how much they were attracted to each other. Kai could probably stand there and not do anything, and Chase would think it was hot. Kissing him, yeah, that got him going more than any kiss he could remember. Chase tugged gently at Kai’s loose hair.

“I like it like this. How come you never wear your hair down?”

Kai shrugged. “I do at home. I can’t when I’m in a kitchen, though, obviously, so it just got to be a habit to put it up.”

Chase threaded his fingers through it. Kai’s scalp was warm, but his hair was silky and cool, heavy against Chase’s fingers. It had just a little bit of wave and it shone nearly blue-black in the bright morning light. Chase had a momentary vision of pulling on it. Hard. He checked his instincts and lifted his face for another kiss instead.

“I like morning,” Kai whispered.

Chase had to smile. “Sometimes it’s not so bad.”



are you taking me to? Other than that first weekend, I’ve never been to California, so I don’t know where anything is.”

“Wait, you’ve never been here? Not even for vacation or anything?”

Chase shook his head. Kai thought that was adorable. Of course, he’d never been to California either, but he hadn’t really needed it. He’d always had Hawaii. He couldn’t imagine surviving a winter somewhere like Wisconsin without hightailing it to the closest beach.

“Never, never.” Chase pouted a tiny bit. Kai wasn’t sure he even knew he was doing it. It was annoyingly cute.

“You’ll like the beach, then. Quintessential California. I don’t even think it has a name, at least not one that I know. I haven’t been on the mainland that long, but this was the first beach I really fell in love with. It’s way off the main drag, and you have to hike a little to get to it. I love it because it reminds me of home, even though it’s different.”

It was rare he was at the beach with a ton of other people. Sometimes on the weekend there were some families, a few surfers like him, some locals who didn’t want to deal with tourists or crowds, but it was usually pretty quiet. Kai liked the idea of quiet. It was the middle of the week and not prime beach season, so he and Chase might even have a few hours with nobody around at all. Kai hadn’t ever realized how much he needed his space until he was shoved in a room with three other men, two of whom he didn’t want to see naked. At all. He hoped once Aaron was gone they didn’t shuffle things around so he and Chase ended up with new roommates. He was looking forward to the day he got Chase to himself. He was looking forward to that night too.

Chase’s body was gorgeous, milky and still somehow golden. He’d seen enough of it every morning when he crawled out of bed with his sweats slung low on his hips. He was muscled, probably from hauling huge vats of ice cream around, but he was lanky and beautiful. Kai had already gotten to touch a little. He couldn’t wait to touch more and to have Chase’s lean, golden body wrapped around his.

Kai reached over the console and laced his fingers through Chase’s. He liked holding Chase’s hand, liked his little pleased expression and the way his cheeks got pink. Chase ran his thumb over Kai’s wrist. It felt better than the most sexual touch from another guy. There was something about Chase’s innocence. He wasn’t a baby, not too many years behind Kai’s thirty-three, but that country sweetness was impossible to resist.

“You want to stop for coffee on the way?” he asked. Kai’s biggest weakness was blended coffee—the more chocolate chips, caramel, and whipped cream, the better. He knew it was more dessert than any kind of pick-me-up, but he was a dessert chef. He was hardwired to like sweets.

Chase must’ve seen the hopeful look on his face because he nodded. “I can go for sweets masked as breakfast any day.”

Kai snickered. “I knew I liked you for a reason.”

He smiled when Chase squished closer to the middle so he could lay his head down on Kai’s shoulder. Kai had noticed that over the past couple of weeks. There was something about Chase. He was tall and built and broad shouldered, but he liked to cuddle himself down. He liked to be taken care of. That wasn’t anything Kai would be bothered by. In fact, he kind of liked it.



time they got to the beach, Kai was buzzing off coffee and sugar and happier than he’d been in weeks. He’d worked his ass off to get to California, get on the show, make more opportunities for himself, but he found himself missing his laid-back home more often than not. Los Angeles was too busy and fast paced for his island heart. He’d been thinking more and more that he didn’t want to stay forever.

The beach was empty other than them. Perfect, as far as Kai was concerned. Just a crescent-shaped stretch of sand, some black rocks, and scrubby greenery holding back the dunes. It was so different than what he knew at home, but he loved it. Kai took his shoes off as soon as they were off the rocky path from the parking strip and squished his toes into the sand. Home. The beach felt like home.

“This is gorgeous,” Chase said. He stared out at the ocean for a long time, eyes huge and awed. “I mean, you see it in pictures, but I’d never imagined it would look like this up close.”

“This is your first trip to the Pacific, isn’t it? I remember you saying that.”

Chase nodded. “This is the closest I’ve been to any ocean. Mostly I’ve just seen it from the roof of our building.”

“Oh, babe. You should’ve said. I would’ve brought you out here sooner.” He couldn’t even imagine. The thought of not being near the ocean was… just impossible. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if there wasn’t a beach nearby. Kai slung his arm around Chase’s shoulders. He marveled at how easy it was. One benefit of not being at home. Someday he figured he’d be comfortable enough to tell his family he dated men. Maybe.

“It’s okay.” Chase gave him a big smile. “I’m gonna go put my feet in.”

Kai grinned. “Race you there!”

Kai wished it were a warm enough day to get in the water completely. He supposed for Chase, who’d come from snow, snow, and more snow, it probably was, but Kai was perfectly happy to sprint along the foamy waterline with a laughing Chase until they were tired and out of breath, one good trip from falling into the breakers.

“I need to start surfing more,” Kai said. “I’m out of shape.”

Chase eyed his abs under the snug white T-shirt he’d pulled on that morning. “Yeah. You’re in awful shape.” He rolled his eyes. “My workouts for most of my life were like farm things. Building fences, tossing feed.”

Kai wasn’t surprised. He’d always pictured Chase in the middle of some farm, idyllic and green, maybe with some black-and-white spotted cows and a red barn.

“What kind of farm does your family have again?”

Chase chuckled. “Organic dairy. Of course.”

“Of course.” Spotted cows and a red barn and all, Kai imagined. He couldn’t believe just how right he’d been about Chase’s background. It was kind of nice to deal with someone so transparent after the cutthroat world that was a five-star restaurant.

“I use my family’s dairy to make all my ice creams at the shop,” Chase said. “I want my ice cream ingredients to be organic and locally sourced, and I know that way exactly where my milk came from and what quality it is.”

“What’s happening at your shop right now?” Kai asked. Since he’d flat-out quit his job to focus on the competition, he couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have a business waiting for him when it was all over. And probably a bunch of fires to put out, since no matter how hard someone else tried, they weren’t the owner.

Chase gave him this sweet little smile. One he hadn’t seen before. “Ruby’s doing a great job with it from what she and my mom have told me.”


“Sister. One year younger.”

Oh. That made sense. It was his family smile. “Does she look like you?” Kai asked. He had this picture in his head of a family of big, blond Viking types, wholesome and golden on the farm. Of course, nobody’s life was a Ralph Lauren catalog.

“She does, actually. So does Brian. We’re all carbon copies of our parents.”

Okay, so maybe Chase’s life was a Ralph Lauren catalog, complete with an organic dairy farm, pink cheeks, and a bunch of plaid flannel shirts. Probably.

They collapsed on the beach a safe distance from the crashing waves. It wasn’t warm enough for bathing suits only, but it was a perfect day for T-shirts and shorts, digging their toes into warm sand and getting some sun for once, rather than the overbright stifling lights of the studio.

“Have you ever climbed the rocks over there?” Chase asked. He pointed at the outcrop in the distance.

The way they’d hiked down to the beach from the parking strip had been fairly gentle, more of a path than anything else, worn down from years of more adventurous beachgoers. The other side of the beach was a rocky outcrop that rose straight up from the water. Kai hadn’t thought about hiking it. He wasn’t sure why.

“No, but my favorite beach back home has a cliff a lot like that one. I’ve hiked out on it a bunch of times. It’s pretty exhilarating to be up that high.”

Chase chuckled. “I’d probably be crawling along on my stomach. All the hills here are so weird. I’m used to flat, flat, and more flat.”

“And cows.”

He snorted. It was more adorable than it should be. “Yes. And cows.”

“You miss it?”

“The cows?” Chase looked confused.

“Home.” Kai chuckled. “Do you miss home?”

Chase looked like he was considering his answer. “I don’t miss Wisconsin, if that’s what you mean. It’s freezing cold there right now, and I’ve been in my building for two years and I still don’t know anyone. But I kind of miss normal day-to-day life and my family for sure. I know I’ll go back to it as soon as this is over. I just hope it gets some exposure for the shop once it airs.”

“That’s all you want?”

Chase shrugged. “It would be nice to get the grand prize, but I’m not going to kid myself. Look at everyone else here. Look at
. If I beat you, there’s something wrong with the world.”

Kai wanted to kiss him. He wanted to push Chase down into the sand and kiss him for hours with the wind blowing lightly over them and the water crashing in the background. He’d never kissed a guy on the beach before, and he’d spent his whole life on beaches. If there was one guy to kiss, it would be Chase.

He rolled over until he was nearly all the way on top of Chase, and dove in for a deep, smacking kiss.

Chase smiled. “What was that for?”

“For being humble and sweet. For loving your family and where you came from. I’ve gotten used to it out here, I think. There aren’t people like you in the city. Not really.”

Chase returned the kiss. It was just as deep and passionate, maybe even a little more so. Kai found himself wanting to roll back and let Chase cover him with all those golden limbs. He was so used to being in control that it felt good to let someone else take over for a while.

“What was that for?” he echoed when Chase pulled away to take a breath.

“For thinking I’m sweet and liking that about me. I don’t necessarily think it’s a good quality in these parts.”

“It’s never bad to be a nice guy.” Kai hated that Chase was worried about it. “I mean, in our situation it can get you into trouble, but don’t ever think it’s a defect.”

“That’s why I kissed you.” Chase kissed him again, slower and less commanding than before, but still Kai felt it all the way to the base of his spine. “Thank you.”




ready for the final challenge. He’d had a rough week with the mini challenges and the producers breathing down his neck to fight with Kai. He’d had a rough week all around except for that one perfect afternoon at the beach. He wasn’t looking forward to a long day of pressure and the hope that he could perform. Chase was starting to learn that pressure wasn’t his best motivator. Far from it.

There were a lot more people than usual when the dwindling cast strolled into the kitchen studios. Suits. There were a lot of suits. Tommy was there as well, staring down the contestants and muttering things to the row of suits with tablets and clipboards and judgmental, measuring looks.

“This is going to be a blast,” Polly muttered at him. She looked like he felt. Worn out and wary at the wall of official types staring at them.

Chase couldn’t agree more. “I hope all the brass get out of here before we start filming,” he whispered back. The idea of all of them staring at him while he tried to get his challenge done was enough to make him want to crawl behind one of the cook stations and toss his breakfast up real quick-like before the timers started.

They did the usual hair, makeup, and standing around for about five hundred years before the filming started. Chase hadn’t ever been a fan of standing around. Or anything that involved long bouts of waiting. Turned out for every stressful moment they had been pushing themselves to finish in the allotted time, there were three times as many moments of pure, utter boredom, standing around to hurry up and then to wait some more. He was very grateful he wasn’t in television full-time. He didn’t know if his nerves could take it.

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