Space Trippers Book 1: Trippin' (20 page)

BOOK: Space Trippers Book 1: Trippin'
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While the usually acidic Serpantial lost himself in the moment and slithered forward from the group as he stared wide-eyed at the view around him. Opening his stubby arms and looking up with a childish glee that only a fellow astronomer or lover of stars could know.

“Well, there you go.” Valesque interrupted the stunned silence with a sweeping gesture across the panoramic view. “Do you think you know where we are now?” she asked no one in particular.

Whispering and murmurs went up from the group as they all tried to locate familiar stars or constellations.

“I think that is Orespher with its twelve moons over there.” one said. “Except that other planet doesn’t belong there.” they finished.

“That group over there looks like Auron’s Hammer.” someone suggested.

“Doesn’t the Hammer have twenty stars in its head and a line of 10 for its handle?” another asked. “That one only has fifteen and the handle is too short.”

They went on trying to make out what galaxy or solar system they could possibly be in but nothing fit.

Finally the snake man who had come out of his star daze came up with an idea. “Is it posssssible to have the computer project the chartssss onto the ssseiling to find any matchessss?” he hissed, still fully believing they would not find one, but it was the easiest way to show those who were too simple to realize it themselves.

Sanic translated his suggestion to the Captain, who then looked to the Engineer for an answer.

Valesque called up her Vid-screen programs again and did an access link between the star charts and the Star Deck’s dome, instructing the computer to find a match to the scene outside.

Red laser lights flashed up on the walls and ceiling, indicating where stars should be on a certain chart, the pattern then switched to some green spots where stars and planets matched and remaining red dots where there were errors.

A number then showed up on the controlling Vid-screen in Valesque’s hand “298,056 mismatches.” she announced.

Another pattern flashed on the dome, changing to different red and green spots.

“573,967 mismatched.” Valesque repeated the number aloud.

“There are thousssandsss of ssssstar chartsssss.” Cecil informed them, thinking how tiring this would be if they went through all of them this slowly.

“He says this will take forever to go through all the charts this way.” Sanic translated to the Captain.

“I agree.” she immediately responded, “Can we get the computer to go through the calculations faster?” she asked the Virrilian who was tapping up the next chart.

“If you like.” she shrugged. “What margin of error are you comfortable with?”

“Margin of error?” the Captain blinked, she was not in favor of any error.

“In the match. How much error will you allow before you call it a match?” Valesque explained calmly, knowing full well nothing more than a 2% match would ever be likely to come up.

“I would like a 100% match, Ensign.” she snapped, annoyed at the suggestion that she had been wrong and the charts would not match correctly. “We will settle for a 95% match however.” she said covering her bases.

“95 it is.” the Virrilian acknowledged as she put the number into the search parameters, then stood back and watched as star charts flashed on the dome around them.

“We might as well relax, this could take a while.” Tim commented as he watched a few charts flash on and off before making his way over to where Valesque stood staring at her Vid-screen.

“Are you really expecting a match to come up soon?” he asked over her shoulder as he joined her in watching the numbers flash by on her handheld computer.

“Not particularly.” she answered a bit hesitantly, wondering if he had caught on, as she turned her head to look at him behind her.

“Good.” he smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Then how about we go over to one of those intimate tables and enjoy the romantic view?” he winked.

Valesque groaned slightly as she flipped her Vid-screen off and put it back in her pouch. “Okay, why not,” she sighed tiredly.

Tim grinned happily as he began to lead her off away from the crowd. But she turned to look behind them and call out, “Come on Lola, Sanic, we are going to go sit down over there for a while.” she invited.

The Pilot let out a breath of disappointment; he had been so close to getting her alone.

There was an awkward silence as they all sat down together, mainly because Tim was still not comfortable with Lola around. He had flirted with her so unabashedly before he knew what she was, and now it was a bit off-putting when she tried to continue that relationship.

Lola had sat down between Tim and Sanic, across the table from Valesque and began smiling coyly at the cool, good-looking Pilot.

Tim just looked around the table calmly as he calculated what his next move could be to lessen the numbers.

“I don’t know about any of you but I am getting really thirsty.” he began his strategy. “But I am too tired to bother getting anything, even though the duplicators are right over there.” he emphasized as he rested his arm on the table and leaned his head wearily against his hand, looking briefly at Lola in the seat beside him.

“I can get you something!” Lola exclaimed brightly, only too happy to do something for the cute Lieutenant.

“No, I wouldn’t want to bother you.” he sighed dejectedly. “You are probably tired too.”

“Oh, no, I am not a bit tired!” she assured him. “I can go get you something right now and be back in a jiffy.” she insisted.

“If you are sure it isn’t any trouble.” the Pilot replied with a patented smile.

“Nope, no trouble at all.” she bubbled. “What would you like?”

“I’ll let you pick.” he replied. “I am sure you will choose something I will really like.” he coaxed with another smile.

Lola grinned and bounced up from her seat, cheerily going across the room to the food duplicators.

Tim had calculated his reply perfectly because he knew it would take longer for her to pick something she thought he might like than for her to just order something he asked for specifically.

Tim then turned worrisomely to Valesque. “Are you sure you don’t want anything, Beautiful?” he queried. “It has been a while since your dinner break and you had been a bad girl and not finished everything on your plate. With your high metabolism I am sure you must be getting hungry again by now.” he commented.

Valesque wanted to contradict him, but the truth was as he mentioned it she did begin to feel hungry and regretted not finishing her meal earlier.

Sanic saw that the Lieutenant was probably right and got an idea. “I can go get you something.” he suggested eagerly.

Valesque looked to the easily maneuvered young Operations Commander uncertainly.

It was almost as if the Yorkie had it all scripted out with Lola and Sanic completely under his control.

“It’s not a problem; I have something I am sure you will like.” he insisted, then got up from the table and started on his mission before she could reply.

Valesque gave the Pilot an icy look, “You are pretty clever at this, Yorkie.” she remarked.

Tim gave her a pleased smile and a wink, looking like he was about to say something but she cut him off.

“You still don’t care for Lola, yet you can easily use her when it is to your benefit.” she continued a bit angry at him being able to utilize the naive girl so easily. On the other hand, maybe she was upset at Lola for being so easily used.

Tim shrugged, still smiling. “Serving others makes her happy doesn’t it?” he excused. “Besides, it gave us the chance to be alone.” he said moving a bit closer and reaching out for her hand that rested on the table before her.

Valesque sat back in her chair, effectively breaking the intimacy and rolled her eyes.

“You just don’t seem to trust my sincerity, Beautiful.” Tim complained teasingly as he held his position near her.

“What sincerity?” she mocked.

For some reason the flirtatious Pilot looked slightly hurt, he still held his carefree smile, but something in his eyes seemed to start at this and then take on an almost sad expression.

Valesque was caught a bit off guard by this sudden change in his look, but went on awkwardly. “You probably use the same lines on all the girls, Yorkie.” she continued.

The Pilot put his head to the side, his stubborn lock of blond hair falling over his right eye as he smiled at her again, but somehow his eyes did not seem to loose the sad reflection.

He regarded her silently for a moment. Her pale skin glowed softly in the incandescent light, her red lips looking dark and tempting as her short hair shimmered in waves around her slightly anxious face.

“What if I promise to use all new lines on you?” he suggested half seriously.

The Virrilian woman groaned at the unwelcome thought. “Oh, Puulease.” she moaned, giving him a weary expression, not feeling sorry for him anymore. “Is it impossible for you to be serious for even a second?” she complained.

The Lieutenant did not have time to reply to this as Lola rejoined their table and sat a steaming cup in front of the Pilot with a proud smile. “It is a cup of hot moogo bean juice.” she announced, very happy with herself. “There were so many choices, but I remembered my father always liked a nice hot cup of bean juice at the end of a tiring day.” she grinned; sure he would like her selection.

Tim made a slight grimace at the mention of her ‘father’ and the more than likely false memory, as he picked up the cup she had deposited on the table for him.

It was indeed a good choice though he had to admit as he lifted it to his lips and breathed in the calming, richly spiced aroma.

He had not gotten much of a chance to talk with his target, but he did get a good impression that his usual style was not going to interest her he acknowledged as he cast a glance her way over the rim of his cup.

Valesque was not sure why but the Yorkie did not seem to look at her in his usual carefree, playful way ever since she challenged his sincerity. As she caught him looking at her again with those strangely serious eyes she looked away uncomfortably, somehow with that expression he looked rather dangerous.

Sanic returned to the table with food and drink for Valesque and himself.

The bowl he handed her was filled with some kind of hot broth with noodles and vegetables.

“This is an Etherian specialty.” he informed her as she sniffed the bowl of brown liquid doubtfully, carbohydrates were not something she normally ate a lot of. “It is something that my mother always made for me; it’s one of my favorite meals.” he assured her with a friendly smile.

Valesque looked at the bowl of noodles curiously. “I don’t remember this being one of the selections programmed into the duplicator.”

Sanic gave a knowing look as he pulled a small rectangular storage card from a pocket on his uniform, “It isn’t, but I brought the program for it with me.”

Valesque was silent for a second as she let this sink in. “You….carry the molecular composition of your favorite dish with you everywhere you go?” she asked incredulously.

Of course, she admitted to herself, she pretty much did the same thing with the program for her meat.

Sanic laughed good-naturedly, his grey eyes squinting in his smile. “It’s easier than reprogramming it every time.”

“I know you have a high protein metabolism.” the young Ensign added quickly, “So I modified it by having the duplicator add in some pieces of your Virrilian seared meat. I put some in mine too so I can try it.” he grinned, always eager to try something new and exotic.

As he said this Valesque noticed the chunks of blackened meat that were combined with the original Etherian mixture. He had certainly been thoughtful in his selection.

She shrugged out a small weary sigh as she dug into the newly revised dish, and was amazed at how tasty it actually was with just the right blend of soft wheat noodles and warm, fragrant spices. Too bad the food stores that made up the noodles and vegetables would soon be depleted thanks to Lola’s hydroponics fiasco.

Sanic watched nervously as she took her first bite, hoping she would like it. He was very relieved when her eyes lit up and she smiled at him commenting that his Etherian spiced noodles were wonderful.

He in turn took a bite of her rare Virrilian beef and praised it as well, deciding to make it a frequent addition to his program. The two cultures blended well together, he thought happily.

Sanic had a warm feeling flush over him as he and his ideal ate their meals happily together, it was something he had wanted to do for a long time.

Although, he had never pictured the scene quite like this; with a cheerful android trying to flirt with a quiet Pilot who just sat sipping his juice as the background.

By the time they had finished their meals the computer had just about gone through all of the star charts.

The Captain was sitting calmly on the other side of the wide aisle with a small group of senior officers, sipping a cup of hot tea and staring silently up at the charts as they flashed on and off around her.

As the last one blinked on and off on the clear, domed ceiling, Fairbanks turned slowly in her seat to address the Virrilian Engineer who sat across the way chatting casually with the small group of lower officers.

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