Spanish Bay (4 page)

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Authors: Hans M Hirschi

BOOK: Spanish Bay
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She could only hope that Neil and Phil found someone like their dad—her husband of twenty years, her soul mate who was always at her side. The night before, when Joe had arrived home from work, she’d been in tears, and they’d spent the evening talking, trying to make sense of the pain. She was proud of how they had eventually responded to the situation, and Chris played no small part in that. The young man’s behavior was exemplary, a dream of a son-in-law, should things ever reach that point. As a mother, it was hard enough for Sarah to contemplate her kids one day getting married and leaving the nest; with Neil, it was even harder.
And here I am, seeing a potential son-in-law, after one date. Get a grip, Sarah!


In the kitchen, Neil continued to answer Phil’s questions. “You see, I met this guy the other day, on my way to school. He’s special—I can’t really put my finger on it—and he asked me out to the movies, which is probably where your friends saw us. It was completely innocent, just a peck on the cheek, and he rested his head on my shoulder. That’s all.”

“Ew, kissing. Just don’t make me watch you do it…” Phil was grossed out.

Neil laughed. “Don’t worry, little brother. There are things I will never share with you. But are you okay with this? With me?”

Phil contemplated for a moment. “How do you have sex?”

Neil felt his face heat up real quick. “Uh, erm, well, you see, this, uh—”

“I mean,” Phil continued, “boys have penises, and girls have lady parts, and from what I’ve seen on the Discovery Channel with animals, the male inserts his penis into the female’s vagina to make babies. How do
do it without a vagina?”

Neil took a deep breath before he managed to form a coherent response. “I’ve never actually done it, but there are ways for two men to have sex with each other, even penetration, erm, in the anus.”

“You mean butt sex? Urgh, that is disgusting!” Phil exclaimed in the kind of excited voice only a twelve-year-old can muster. It made Neil feel a little less embarrassed, but there was no way he was discussing sex with his brother.

“From what I hear it’s not disgusting, but without going into detail, I’ll just tell you people clean up, real good, before they do it. Do you have any other questions
related to sex?”

“Can you have babies after butt sex?” Phil’s imagination was now running amok.

So much for “not about sex.”

“No, you can’t. Unfortunately, two men can’t have children, and neither can two women, but there are ways to become parents. But I haven’t really thought about it. I don’t even have a boyfriend—”

“But you were on a date with Chris last night,” Phil interrupted. “Isn’t he your boyfriend?”

Neil chuckled, but the question still gave him pause. “You know, Phil, I honestly don’t know. I’d like him to be my boyfriend, but I’ve never had one before and I don’t know when you take that step. Plus, I’ve no idea if he wants to be
boyfriend. I guess time will tell.”

“Okay. I’ve got homework now,” Phil said and got up. He left the kitchen.

“Are we good?” Neil called after him, but got no response. His mom came back into the kitchen.

“How did it go?”

Neil shook his head, smiling. “You tell me. He’s got homework.”

“Homework?” Sarah was confused.

“Yeah, homework. I think we’re good, and I think I’ve answered all questions to his satisfaction, except the ‘butt sex’ one.”

“Uh huh.” His mom frowned thoughtfully. “We need to tread carefully. Not all the parents in this town are as open and honest with their kids, and I’d hate for Phil to tell his friends about his newly found knowledge. He could get himself into trouble. It sounds like Dad and I will need to have a follow-up talk with him tonight.” She smiled and tousled Neil’s curly hair.

“Well done, son. I’m proud of you.”

Chapter Four: Meeting the Parents

CHRIS MADE SURE all the lights were out, checked the fridge was working as it should, collected the day’s takings, and closed the café for the night.

When he arrived at Sally’s house with the cash and keys, she was asleep; it took a couple of rings of the doorbell to rouse her and an age for her to hobble to the door and open it.

“Hey, Chris. Thanks for coming by this late. Wanna come in for a minute?”

“Sorry, Sally, I can’t. I promised Neil I’d swing by his house tonight.”

She smiled. “Sure thing. I’ve got a doctor’s appointment in the morning. Would you be a dear and open tomorrow, too? You can pick up the change for the register on your way to town.”

“Yeah, no problem. Feeling better?”

“Oh, it takes more than a fall to bring me down, but this damn foot of mine is hurting like hell.” She lifted her leg a few inches, and Chris winced at how swollen it was. Sally continued, “I don’t think it’s broken. The doctor is just to make sure, given insurance and everything. I’ll pop a couple pills and swing by the café afterwards, okay?”

“Sure thing, boss. Good night!”

“Night, Chris, have fun!” she called after him, but Chris was already gone, at least in his mind. He was really looking forward to seeing Neil again.

He’d been so disappointed when Neil hadn’t stayed for coffee earlier, and he’d spent the entire time since trying to pin down exactly what it was that attracted him. Sure, Neil was devilishly handsome, with those long, soft, brown curls framing his pale, elongated face. Then there were the cute Harry Potter inspired glasses, those beautiful green eyes, the husky voice…

Yesterday morning, when he’d seen the young man wheel by the café, he’d been drawn to his hair and his face, and he’d followed in a daze, instantly brought back to reality by the bullies’ attack. They’d fled the scene, and he’d run after them and then returned to tend to Neil’s injuries. Had it not been for that attack they might never have met. Sure, he’d only been working for Sally a few days, but he hadn’t noticed Neil in the café before, and with those looks and the chair he was kind of hard to miss.

Chris had never really had a relationship. Sex, yes—that was easy to come by, even in Lubbock, Texas—but he’d never been in love. Was he in love with Neil? There was definitely something that made his heart jump all the way up into his throat whenever he saw Neil, something that made him want to be the best man possible, just for Neil, to protect him and look after him, to never disappoint him. He’d always considered himself the lonesome cowboy kind, but there was no denying Neil brought out the very best in him and already made him insanely happy. Just looking at him, thinking about him, made him smile.

He pulled up in Neil’s parents’ driveway and made his way to the door, noticing the same movement behind the curtain he’d witnessed the previous evening.
They’re expecting me
. He didn’t even get as far as ringing the doorbell.

“Hey, dude, come on in.” Neil wheeled back a few feet to let Chris in. He shut the door and followed Neil inside. “You’ve already met my parents, Sarah and Joe, and this is my younger brother Phil.”

“Good evening, y’all!” Chris said and walked over to shake everyone’s hand. Joe, Sarah and Phil were sitting on the couch watching TV.

“Can I get you a soda? Or a beer?” Neil offered.

“Coke’s fine, if you have?”

“Sure thing. Wait right here, I’ll be right back.”

Neil left to get the drinks.

“How are you tonight, Chris?” Sarah asked.

“I’m just fine, ma’am, thank you.”

Neil came back into the living room, two cans of Coke in his lap. “Let’s go to my room.” He gestured Chris to go ahead and lead the way.

Neil closed the door behind them. He offered Chris one of the cans of Coke. “You okay?”

Chris took the drink from him and shrugged. “I’m tired, but now that I’m with you, I’m good. It’s just been a long day. I’ve been working since six a.m.—double shifts while Sally can’t work. And how are you?”

Neil grinned. “Now that
here, I’m good, too. And thanks again for taking me to the movies. I had a really good time. You kind of took my dating virginity there. Thanks for making it so easy and effortless.” Neil blushed. He seemed unsure how to proceed, and Chris realized the whole dating and getting-to-know-each-other thing was
terra incognita
—uncharted territory—for him.

“Hey, it’s me who should be thanking you. I’m new to town, remember?” Chris sat on the bed and sipped his Coke. He could tell Neil wanted to say something, but he was struggling to find the words, but eventually he did.

“Can I ask you a personal question?”

“Sure, fire away.”

Neil blushed more deeply and his gaze dropped to the floor. “I’ve never done this before, this whole dating thing, and I have no idea how to do it properly. I don’t know what’s expected of me. And I see myself sitting in this chair, and I wonder why anyone as cute—sorry—as handsome as you, would want to be with me…what you see in me.” He paused, and met Chris’s gaze, his eyes full of worry. “I’ve said too much, I’m sorry.”

“Not at all,” Chris assured him. He smiled in encouragement.

Neil sighed and continued, “You can probably tell my self-esteem isn’t exactly sky high. It’s just…well, I’ve never even been kissed before, and you move around me with such ease, as if we’ve known each other forever. It just feels so strangely comfortable, yet I know literally
about you.

“Then, this afternoon, I had this awkward coming-out discussion with my brother. He asked me if I had a boyfriend, and as soon as he said the word, I thought of you. Am I crazy? Are you upset at me for feeling like this?”

Chris set down his can, and put his head in his hands, elbows resting on his legs, staring intently at Neil. “Upset? Why would I be upset? I kind of like that you see me as your boyfriend. I was thinking about you on my way over here, and I could say the same. That first time I saw you pass by the café, I fell for you right away—your beautiful hair, your face, your eyes—you’re an incredibly sexy man, you know that, right? So yeah, I’m very much attracted to you, but I also want to get to know you.

“Does that make us boyfriends? I guess, maybe, but it doesn’t matter. ‘Boyfriends’ means serious commitment. It means that you are exclusive and don’t see other guys. So let’s not label this yet and constrict what we can be. Can we just be Chris and Neil for now? Boyfriends, lovers, friends—all I know right now is I want to be with you, twenty-four seven, and I want to kiss you…this very instant.”

Neil smiled. “Then shut up and kiss me!”


When the alarm rang the next morning, Neil turned over to snooze it, as normal, and lay on his back, letting his soul dangle for a moment before he got out of bed. Without the use of his legs, getting ready in the morning took a little longer than for everyone else, so he was usually up first.

It was only when he heard the yawn next to him that he remembered Chris had spent the night.

“Hey, sleepyhead. Did you sleep well?”

“Like a log,” Chris replied. He rolled over and pulled Neil into a hug. “Come here, hunk.”

The feeling of another human body against his own was absolute bliss, and if he’d had any choice he’d have stayed in bed all day. He felt Chris’s morning wood against his back, his stubble against his neck and his breath in his hair. “Seems you’re ready for some more fun?” He chuckled, being in the same predicament. Chris’s nose pressed into his hair, and Neil felt him inhale deeply.

“I wish we could stay like this all day,” Chris said. “Just you and me.” He let his left hand wander down toward Neil’s hip and quickly discovered Neil was as hard as he was. He started to caress his lover—their first round of lovemaking had established that label was a good fit, at least—wrapping his hand around his erection.

Neil grabbed Chris’s hand to stop him. “I have an idea…”

Chris hugged him tightly. “What’s that?”

Neil’s voice was huskier than ever and thick with lust. “You, me and the shower. What do you say?”

Chris chuckled. “Your wish is my command. Let me help you.” He flew up and climbed over Neil to his side of the bed. Neil put his arms around Chris, who picked him up and carried him into the bathroom, where he sat him on the chair mounted to the wall. Neil turned on the water and waited until it was warm enough, and then handed the showerhead to Chris.

“Now what?” Chris asked.

“Wash me,” Neil responded, his voice barely carrying his words.

Chris put the showerhead into the holder, so that the spray covered them both, and then bent down to kiss Neil. He picked up a bar of soap and lathered up the washcloth. Chris took his time, smoothing the cloth over every inch of Neil’s body and paying particular attention to areas that were rewarded with moans of pleasure and groans of lust. When he was done, Neil took the cloth from him and returned the favor with the same slow, meticulous care and then pulled Chris to him so he could continue his ministrations with his mouth.

After the shower, Neil dug through his closet for some clothes for Chris, who was already late and had no time to go home. He still had to get the change for the cash register from Sally’s house before he could open the café. Neil followed him to the front door; no one was up yet and the house was quiet.

“Will I see you again tonight?” he asked, trying to keep the fear out of his voice. He had taken that plunge for the first time, and he was afraid Chris might be scared away, afraid he wasn’t good enough, and of having his heart crushed.

Chris leaned in for a long kiss. “You try to keep me away from you. I’ll see you tonight. Miss you already!”

He got into his truck and left for work.

Neil went back into the house to get some coffee. He filled the coffeemaker and was soon lost in thought, gazing at the black drops of life drip from the filter into the pot,
drip, drip, drip
. He heard footsteps come down the stairs. His dad. He was a real estate broker and left early if he had a viewing first thing.

“Good morning, son. Sleep well?” he asked, grinning broadly. “Glad we had that talk the other day,” he added with a bellowing laugh.

” Neil responded.

“Oh come on, don’t be a prude. We heard you, all right.”

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