Spanked by an Angel [Notorious Nephilim 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

BOOK: Spanked by an Angel [Notorious Nephilim 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“What should we do now? As much as I enjoyed that, I’m a bit sore.”

He chuckled. “I’m sure you’re more than a bit sore. Zach can go all night, just like me.”

She blushed and averted her gaze. “Emmett, this is weird. I’ve never…I’m not in the habit of sleeping with two guys at once, or talking about one with another.”

“No surprise there, but you have nothing to be embarrassed about, Abigail. It’s not as if we haven’t done this before.”

He felt her body stiffen and wished he’d kept his big mouth shut. “I didn’t mean to make it sound like that. I’m sorry.”

She rolled over and sat up, reaching for her clothes. “No, it’s all right. I know what you mean. No big deal.”

Before he could get to his feet, she’d gathered up her clothes and headed for the bathrooms. He let her go, pulling on his jeans and sweater. Most of the women who came here knew exactly what to expect and welcomed it. There had been a few over the years who wanted things to turn into a more permanent relationship, but he and the others were careful to make sure they knew up front that wasn’t going to happen.

The six who’d chosen to fall in love and live a mortal existence had done so because the women were special. Very special. Emmett had lived on Earth long enough to know special women weren’t a dime a dozen.

Abigail would be a challenge. They probably should have refused her application once they realized her divorce was so fresh. That had been one red flag. Her father’s position in the community was another. But one look at her photo, and both he and Zach had agreed they wanted to meet her, a decision Emmett now found difficult to regret. No matter what happened during these next two weeks, he’d be glad he had the chance to meet Abigail.

But she wasn’t here for two weeks of living out her fantasies and uninhibited sex. She had no fucking clue why she was here, and that spelled trouble. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her, but he also didn’t want to lead her on.

He’d have to tell her the truth. Once she heard it, she’d realize she had only two choices: relax and give in to the fantasies he knew were lurking just under the surface, begging to be unleashed, or go home. Obviously she’d let Zach spank her, and quite a bit, judging by the bruising. And he’d be willing to bet that had been her first time.

She’d let him put a finger inside her ass, and he suspected that had been a first as well, but she’d also enjoyed it. There was far more to Abigail than a rich bitch, and she most definitely wasn’t an ice queen. She deserved to hear the truth. She’d been lied to enough already by people she’d trusted.

Chapter Nine


Abigail dried her eyes, but there was no way to hide the puffiness. One look and Emmett would know she’d been crying. She couldn’t even figure out what had set her off. He would probably assume it had been his offhand comment about how he and Zach had done this before, but that wasn’t it. At least, she didn’t think it was.

The past twenty-four hours had been simply overwhelming. She didn’t know how to handle it. Two gorgeous, sexy men had made love to her, shattering inhibitions she didn’t know she had. She’d bared her soul to one, and the other had tried to do the same with her, but she’d called him a liar.

One thing was certain. She needed to find Zach and apologize.

Emmett was dressed, waiting for her, when she emerged from the bathroom. “What would you like to do now?” he asked, a carefree grin on his face.

Abigail took a deep breath, steeling herself for his reaction. “Emmett, I still feel terrible for what I said to Zach this morning. I’d like to apologize to him.”

Emmett blinked a few times as if he wasn’t sure what she’d just said. “You mean now?”

She nodded. “I won’t feel right about this until I do. But can we have dinner together?”

His grin now seemed forced. “Of course. I want you happy, Abigail. Let’s go find Zach, and I’ll catch up with you at dinner.” He pulled her into his arms. “But don’t make me go looking for you, okay?”

His voice was so tender she almost changed her mind. Before she had time to think too long on her decision, he led her back into the hallway. This time the hot tub room was empty, and when they entered the lobby, she met Zach’s pewter eyes.

He leaned against the front desk, where Tiffany was pointing to a sheet of paper on the counter. As he watched Abigail and Emmett stroll toward him, his gaze drifted down to their clasped hands, and a frown creased his brow. The expression on his face was neutral as he fastened his attention on her eyes again.

“Taking a tour?”

“Abigail wanted to see the spa facilities. But I’m glad you’re here because she asked to find you. Seems she feels she owes you an apology.”

Zach’s gaze roamed over her face, surprise filling his eyes. He picked up the sheet and pushed away from the counter. “Thanks, Tiff. I think I know what to do with this now.” He held out his arm. “We can talk in my office, Abigail.”

She turned once to find Emmett watching them, a look of confusion on his face. When Zach opened the door to his office and ushered her inside, she gasped at the view from his window.

“How do you get any work done?” She stared at the frozen lake, ringed by pines. “How many are there on the property? Lakes, I mean.”

“Three. This is the largest, and in the summer, it’s dotted with boats for fishing. We don’t allow speedboats on it. Scares the wildlife.”

“It’s a breathtaking view.”

“That’s why my chair is turned away from it.”

She turned at the laughter in his voice to find him smiling, something she hadn’t expected. He pulled over another chair and waved a hand toward it. “Have a seat. And excuse the mess. I’m always buried in paperwork.”

“Do you do all this alone?”

He nodded, his gaze expectant. It was now or never.

“Zach, I feel terrible for calling you a liar this morning. Emmett told me you do play the cello, and I have to assume the other things you said to me are true as well. I’m so sorry.”

Zach shook his head before she’d finished her sentence. “I know you didn’t mean it the way I initially took it, and I’m sorry it’s been on your mind.”

She didn’t know what to say. She’d expected him to be angry, and he wasn’t. Whenever she’d done one of a million things to upset Malcolm, he held it over her head for weeks, bringing up her past mistakes every time they argued.

“I hope you’ve been enjoying your day so far, and that you take advantage of the spa facilities while you’re with us.”

She had to avert her gaze before she spilled her guts and told him she had already taken advantage of them. “Emmett said there’s an eighties party tomorrow night.”

“Yeah, but don’t expect me to show up sporting a mullet.”

“Oh, I don’t know. Your hair is long enough to pull it off, and I think the look would suit you.”

“Only if you show up with big hair and wearing a jumpsuit.”

She laughed to cover up the sudden flush of heat his grin sent through her body. It was almost unbelievable. She was as hot as a horny teen for two men. Something odd was definitely going on here.

“What a shame I didn’t pack my eighties clothes. And I’m fresh out of hair spray and mousse.”

“The hair products we have, and Tiffany will be happy to show you a fairly extensive collection of clothing dating back to the twenties. Guests leave behind things all the time. We have them dry-cleaned and save them. Never know when someone will have need of an outfit from the forties, or bell-bottoms.”

“You’re serious?”

He nodded. “Very.”

“Well, I should go find Tiffany then.”

His grin widened, and his eyes danced with a light she’d never noticed before. “Does that mean you’re going to the party?”

“I wouldn’t miss it.”

He didn’t offer anything further, and when his eyes kept darting to the mountain of paper on his desk, Abigail excused herself. Tiffany was busy checking in three loud women, so Abigail went up to her room. She’d ask later about outfits for the party. Whether or not she attended would depend on how dinner went tonight.

Once in her room, she kicked off her shoes and lay back on the bed, trying to make sense of the past twenty-four hours. To say it had been the wildest and most erotic of her life was an understatement. Her arms and legs ached from holding on to both men while they pounded into her. Her pussy was sore, her ass felt tender with every step she took, and each time an image of fucking one of them rose in her mind, her nipples started to tingle again.

Only the nagging reminder Emmett hadn’t used a condom the second time ruined her musings, but at least she was on the Pill. Of course, that didn’t mean much considering how many women he’d probably had sex with. But wouldn’t he be careful and get tested regularly for STDs? Surely he and the others were cautious. She’d been so caught up in the moment she hadn’t wanted to stop him, but that was no excuse for her to act foolishly or take chances with her health.

She fell asleep daydreaming about all the delicious things Zach and Emmett had done to her.


* * * *


Zach had finally been able to concentrate on work again when Emmett strolled in, his eyebrows raised. “I thought I’d find Abigail still here.”

“You were wrong.” Zach didn’t meet his gaze, hoping if he looked busy, Emmett would leave. He was in no mood for Emmett’s pseudo-psychoanalysis.

“You had sex with her last night.”


“So how did that happen?”

“The usual way, Emmett.”

“You know what I mean.”

Zach sighed and put down his pencil. He wasn’t going to be able to avoid this conversation forever. Might as well get it out in the open now, since it was clear he wasn’t going to get any work done this afternoon.

“I’m sure you asked her. What did she tell you?”

“That you apologized for being an ass at dinner last night and then you took a sleigh ride together.”

He picked up his pencil again and turned his attention back to the spreadsheet. “That’s about it.”

“Zach, what the fuck? You haven’t bagged a guest in months. Why Abigail?”

“Why are you keeping tabs on my sex life?”

“Why are you avoiding my question?”

“Is she off-limits? If so, you should have said something yesterday.”

“No, she’s not off-limits. I just want to know how you ended up seducing her.”

“Why, did she turn you down?” It would serve the bastard right if she had. The fact they’d been holding hands might not have meant anything after all.

“As a matter of fact, she didn’t. Where do you think we were all morning?”

Zach frowned, scribbling on the edge of the spreadsheet while he tried to control his urge to leap across the desk and punch Emmett in the mouth.

“But she did turn you down last night,” Zach said.

“Okay, enough with the pissing contest. Yes, she turned me down last night. So what?”

Zach had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from grinning. “You brought it up, Emmett.”

He didn’t say anything for a few seconds, but Zach was comfortable with the silence. What was there to say, after all? He wasn’t about to tell Emmett how much Abigail had been on his mind all day.

“So, fine,” said Emmett. “We’ve both had her. Now what?”

“What do you mean?” Zach continued his doodling. He’d have a lot to erase later.

“I mean what do we do about it?”

“Why do we have to do anything about it? We’ve been in this situation before.”

“Damn it, Zach. Did you talk to her at all, or just fuck her? Do you have any idea how messed up she is about why she’s here, or how much shit her ex-husband put her through?”

He pushed aside the spreadsheet, leaning forward on his elbows. “Both subjects did come up.”

“She’s not like the others. She didn’t come here looking for two weeks of sex and wild fantasies come true. We have to be careful, or she’s going to get hurt.”

“What do you suggest we do?” He agreed with Emmett, but he wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of saying so.

“As much as I hate to say this, I think we should back off for a few days and give her time and space to think.”

Zach shrugged. “Fine by me.” He had to admit Emmett was right. Abigail needed time to figure out what she wanted, and if they were both vying for her attentions in and out of the bedroom, she might just leave. They were running a business, after all. An unhappy guest wouldn’t brag to her friends about what a great time she had, or return for another visit.

“That was too easy. You never agree with me.”

“Get out of here, Emmett. I’m busy.”

Emmett rose, but turned around before he left the office. “I told her I’d have dinner with her.”

“Doesn’t mean you have to fuck her.”

He gave Zach a look that usually indicated he wanted to argue some more, but finally he left. Zach rose and slammed the door shut, then stood in front of the window, wondering what the hell was wrong with him. Emmett had been spot-on about one thing. He hadn’t made love to a guest in months.

It was the damn full moon and those chocolate-colored eyes of hers. He never should have asked her to join him in the sleigh. Was it possible for him to back off, even for a few days? He’d already begun to plan what he’d wear to the party tomorrow. If anyone had asked him this morning if he’d planned to attend, his answer would have been a resounding no.

So Emmett was having dinner with her…Well, two could play that game. And this time he wouldn’t insult her or get drunk.

Chapter Ten


When Abigail entered the dining hall, she tried to look around casually, as though she couldn’t care less whether Emmett was in the room, just in case he was watching for her. She spotted him sitting by the window facing Glacier Lake, in nearly the exact spot she’d occupied the night before. She strolled toward him slowly, not wanting to appear too anxious. Before she reached the table, he turned around. A huge grin covered his face. It was then she realized he could see her reflection in the window.

He stood up and pulled out a chair for her. “I’m glad you decided to come.”

“Did you think I wouldn’t?”

“I was afraid Zach might upset you again.”

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