Spanked by an Angel [Notorious Nephilim 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (5 page)

BOOK: Spanked by an Angel [Notorious Nephilim 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Now you’re ready,” he whispered, increasing the pace to one she didn’t think was possible for any man. The orgasm surprised her with its intensity and duration, and still he wasn’t finished. The sound of his grunting and labored breathing competed with the loud moans and screams coming from her throat. By the time a fourth orgasm started to build, she could only whimper.

She grasped fistfuls of the down comforter as he continued to fuck her pussy, now sore and swollen, until her climax finished. It was only then he finally came, his contractions deep inside her.

Zach gently rolled her to her side and gathered her in his arms, stroking her hair. “May I stay with you tonight?”

“Just try and leave,” she said, snuggling closer, a smile on her face.

Chapter Five


Abigail woke to the smell of bacon and eggs. Zach was no longer beside her, but she could hear him humming in the next room. Was that Bach? She used the bathroom then winced at the tangles in her hair as she passed in front of the mirror. Should she brush it? Her pajamas were still folded neatly on a chair where she’d left them before dinner last night. She put them on and wandered out to the sitting room.

Zach’s grin was almost as bright as the sunshine flooding the room. “Good morning.” He waved a hand at the spread on the table. “I took the liberty of ordering us breakfast.”

“Thank you.” Abigail sat across from him and watched his face while he poured coffee into cups decorated with the resort’s crest. “I could have sworn I heard you humming Bach just now.”

He nodded. “Cream or sugar?”

She shook her head, wrapping her hands around the steaming mug. Her stomach rumbled as he filled a plate with scrambled eggs, bacon, and buttered toast.

“Here you go. You didn’t eat much at dinner. You must be hungry.”


“Do you enjoy classical music?”

Abigail swallowed her eggs. “I grew up listening to it. Which piece were you humming?”

“Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major.”

“That’s one I never played.”

Zach regarded her over the rim of his coffee cup. “Do you play the cello?”

“I used to. Then when I got married, I stopped.”


She shrugged. After last night, she never wanted to think about Malcolm again. “It didn’t fit in with his vision of what a wife should do.”

“I see.”

She picked up a piece of toast and took a large bite. “This is delicious. Thank you again.”

“Abigail, I’m the one who should be thanking you. That was one of the most erotic nights of my life.”

The tone of his voice sounded sincere, but Abigail found his words hard to believe. Given his skill and the fact she wasn’t the first guest he’d made love to, it was difficult to imagine he’d never come across a woman more erotic. She’d never exactly been praised as a great lover.

“You must know the piece well to be able to hum it. Do you play an instrument?”

He chuckled softly. “I play the cello.”

She put down her fork and held his gaze. “You do not. Stop it, Zach.”

“Stop what?”

“You got me into bed. There’s no need to keep this up.”

The hurt flooding his features made her want to throw up. What the hell was wrong with her? This man had made love to her all night, with more tenderness and passion than she’d ever thought possible, and she’d just reduced it all to one flippant comment.

“Zach, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so crass.”

“You think this is a game.”

Everything Sharon had told her about this place came down to that one sentence. “Isn’t this what you do here? Last night you asked me why I came on this vacation. You seduced me and got me to admit my secret fantasies. You don’t have to lie to me this morning, Zach.”

He averted his gaze, nodding slowly. Resignation filled his features, confusing Abigail even more. When he stood, a shiver of apprehension shot through her.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to leave you to enjoy this alone. I have work to attend to. For whatever it’s worth, Abigail, I wasn’t lying to you. About anything.”

Before she could formulate an answer, he opened the door and left, closing it softly behind him.


* * * *


Zach stood in front of the window in his office, staring at the brilliance of the winter landscape, not really seeing it. Instead he saw Lilith, the tempting beauty whose portrait hung in the lobby, laughing as she sipped bootleg whiskey. Lilith, their plaything and downfall.

For ninety years he’d watched half of the original twelve fall in love and choose a mortal existence over their Nephilim status. Now there were only six left, with no hope of sons to carry on the business if the rest of them succumbed to the same fate. The spell Lilith had cast rendered them sterile as part of their punishment.

What began as a lark, and a way to rub their fate in the faces of Michael, Gabriel, and the other archangels who’d turned on them, had now become a burden Zach was tired of bearing. He’d almost said so to Emmett yesterday, but he hadn’t wanted to hear “I told you so.”

Emmett had said Abigail was different, and even while Zach had insulted her last night at dinner, he’d started to believe it himself. Until this morning. With one short sentence, she’d effectively put him in his place.

So why couldn’t he forget the look in her eyes as he’d held her and made love to her over and over again? Her scent still clung to him, filling the air in the tiny office. Why the hell had he gone to the stables last night? And why had he insisted she take a ride with him? If he hadn’t kissed her, they wouldn’t have ended up in bed, and he wouldn’t be miserable this morning.

Zach took his seat at the desk and shuffled through the papers, stopping when he came to Abigail’s questionnaire. She’d said she stopped playing the cello after she married because doing so didn’t fit in with Malcolm’s vision of a wife. His heart had given a strange lurch at those words. What kind of a man makes his wife give up her love of music?

But which Abigail was the real one? The one who had probably done everything Daddy and her ex-husband asked of her, or the one who had called him a liar? The look on her face at dinner last night came back to him, along with fresh guilt. Following that, he recalled the confusion and astonishment on her face when he’d apologized to her in the sleigh for what he’d said.

Had Malcolm known the Abigail Zach had been in bed with last night? Doubtful. Had any man? Was she so used to giving instead of taking that her words this morning were nothing more than a defense mechanism? A way to distance herself from further hurt? And even if that were true, did he want to let himself care for another woman who would use him then leave?

No. He couldn’t do it again. Two weeks wasn’t such a long time compared to their imprisonment on Earth. He’d simply have to avoid her until she left.


* * * *


Abigail stared at the door a long time after Zach left, willing him to open it again. The words had simply slipped out, but they weren’t what she’d meant to say. Or were they? She was so confused about everything. Surely his telling her he’d just had one of the most erotic nights of his life and that he played the cello had been part of the act. But he’d also said he wasn’t lying.

She left her breakfast uneaten and headed for the shower, trying not to notice the way Zach’s scent still hung in the air. After she showered and dressed, she headed downstairs, not sure what to do. Should she find Zach and apologize, or would that make things worse?

In the lobby, she pretended to admire the furnishings and portraits on the walls, wondering again why she’d come on this vacation. Zach had asked her the same question last night in the sleigh. She’d spent so much time rationalizing her reasons for booking this trip it was difficult to admit her true intentions.

Hadn’t last night been exactly what she’d craved her entire adult life? No man had even come close to making love to her as Zach had done. Thanks to her bitchy comments this morning, she was quite certain he’d never repeat it.

“Have you had breakfast, Abigail?”

She turned around so quickly to face Emmett that the room spun for a few seconds. Or perhaps it was his intoxicating scent of coconut and vanilla?

“I have, yes.”

“You must have eaten in your room. I didn’t see you in the dining hall.”

Abigail averted her gaze from those ice-blue eyes, heat climbing up her neck and face. “In my room, yes.”

“Did you sleep well?”

Liar. You barely got any sleep.

“What do you have booked today?”

Emmett’s gaze was hopeful. Should she lie to avoid his questions and that boyish grin that made her want to drag him into the nearest empty room and see if he made love as well as Zach?

“Because if you’re free, I thought you might enjoy tobogganing. Or if that’s not your thing, we could strap on some ice skates.”

What she really wanted to do was sleep, then head back home. This had been the worst idea she’d ever had. As if Abigail Emily Cosslin could step outside herself long enough to truly have some wild, uninhibited fun, in or out of the bedroom.

Emmett watched her face carefully, his intense gaze reminding her of the way Zach had appeared to read her thoughts last night. Was he a mind reader as well? Nothing about this place would surprise her.

“Or, if you’d prefer some indoor fun, I have a few ideas.”

There were at least two dozen people in the lobby, but their voices and excited chatter faded away until Abigail was aware of nothing except Emmett’s eyes, his scent, and the way his forearms bulged under the sleeves of his sweater. She had a few ideas for indoor sports as well, but the thought was sheer madness. Best to put that right out of her head.

“I haven’t ice-skated in years.”

Emmett’s grin lit up the entire room. He held out his hand. “Then come along with me and prepare yourself to be dazzled by my expertise.”

Her ankles were too weak to do anything for the first twenty minutes except hang on to Emmett’s arm. Several women glanced hopeful looks his way. He kept up a constant stream of chatter, telling her everyone’s name and whether they’d been to the resort before.

Her cheeks were cold, her lips chapped, and she knew her calves would be killing her later, but the frosty air and clear blue sky helped clear her head. She had to admit she enjoyed the envious looks some of the women gave her. He must be good in bed, not that she would find out. One crazy incredible night with a stranger had been too much for her to handle. She’d pushed him away in five seconds flat this morning.

Shaking her head to clear thoughts of Zach, Abigail let go of Emmett’s arm and glided away a few feet, keeping her arms out for balance. She hadn’t been on ice skates since high school. Emmett clapped and hollered as if she’d just executed a perfect Salchow jump.

“Oh, stop it,” she laughed. “All I did was glide in a straight line.”

“But your ankles are no longer wobbling.”

She skated away from him, gliding toward a turn, surprised to realize he was right. Her balance had returned, and she felt confident as she executed the turn, crossing over the way she’d once been taught. He caught up to her and slipped his arm around her waist to skate next to her.

Abigail had never waltzed on skates before, and at first, she was afraid she’d mess up and catch his blade, but to her surprise, they were soon skating in perfect sync, flying around the rink as though they’d done this together for years.

The brisk air rushed at her face, her hair whipped back into the wind, and Emmett’s touch warmed her body until she was so toasty they might as well have been indoors. What was it about these two? They smelled delicious, their eyes had the power to make everything else around them disappear, their body temperatures were raging infernos, and they could seduce her with one glance.

Maybe she’d stay one more day, just to see what happened. At the very least, she wanted to find Zach later and apologize for this morning. He’d done nothing to deserve such harsh words.

Chapter Six


Emmett handed Abigail a steaming mug of hot chocolate laced with Baileys. She took a sip and pulled back, her eyes widening.

“It’s not even noon, Emmett.”

He laughed. “You’re on vacation, remember? Didn’t we have this conversation last night?”

A quick shadow passed over her face. She must still be upset at Zach’s words last night. He’d have to remember not to mention dinner again.

“Yes, we did.” She took a long sip, closing her eyes for a second. Emmett’s cock had been rock hard since he spotted her in the lobby two hours ago. All he’d been able to think about was how to get her into bed.

“I have a confession to make, Emmett.”

He leaned closer, inhaling her flowery perfume. “Tell me your sins, Abigail.”

She bit her lip. “I came very close to leaving this morning.”

“Why?” Had Zach said something else to upset her? He’d punch his lights out. Enough was enough.

“I felt foolish being here.”

A group of women walked past, giggling and chattering. Emmett sensed Abigail needed to talk, but he didn’t want to suggest they go to her room. She needed gentle coaxing.

“I have an idea,” he said, rising. “Let me show you the spa.”

Her face brightened. “I’d love to see it.”

Emmett had always hated the design of the spa facilities, which forced one to first walk through a large tiled room containing an enormous hot tub. Gregory was in the steamy water with two women Emmett didn’t recognize. He cursed his bad luck as he and Abigail approached the three.

“Well, hello there, Emmett. Now I see why you’ve disappeared for a few days.”

Emmett wanted to push Gregory’s head under the water and drown the asshole. “Abigail Cosslin, my cousin, Gregory Fallon.”

Gregory looked Abigail up and down, a wicked grin on his face. “I’d stand up to shake hands, but then you’d know how inadequate Emmett is.”

Abigail said nothing, her gaze distant and not amused. Emmett resisted the urge to smile. It wasn’t often he witnessed a woman indifferent to Gregory’s sarcastic charm. The two women with Gregory giggled like schoolgirls as Emmett took Abigail’s elbow.

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