Spent - Part Three (Bad Boy Fighter Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Spent - Part Three (Bad Boy Fighter Book 3)
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“You’re killing me, Tash,” he mutters as I take yet another sip of wine.

“You’ll forgive me later,” I wink.

Luke shifts in his seat, “Now that’s just mean.”

“I’m just doing to you what you do to me,” I run my fingers across my lips, spreading a few drops of wine across their pink curves.

Luke’s eyes widen, as if he could pounce on me any second, “Eat.”

I giggle softly as I pick up my fork and begin eating. Butter, lots of butter, hits my taste buds. Thankfully, having grown up in the south, I’m used to obscene amounts of it in my food. Slowly, other flavors penetrate through, rich Parmesan cheese, basil, oregano and was that a hint of nutmeg hiding in the mix? My mouth salivates for another bite.

“So?” Luke arches an eyebrow.

“If you take over Saturdays,” I mutter between bites, “I’ll keep cooking on the other nights.”

“Natasha…” his tone is desperate.

I chuckle, “It’s amazing.”

His face instantly brightens, “Good.”

Luke’s posture relaxes, but he doesn’t eat anything. He takes a few sips of wine and smiles.

“Are you going to eat?”

“Nah, I’m full.”

I arch an eyebrow, “And why is that?”

Luke grimaces, “I may have taste tested a few different pots of pasta before finally deciding this one was good enough.”

I sigh, “Baby, you really didn’t have to go through all this trouble. I love it, I really do, but I know this is totally out of your comfort zone.”

“You’re worth it,” he smiles softly.

“Thank you,” I whisper, “So what’s the occasion?”

“I can’t make my beautiful girlfriend a fancy meal without a reason?”

“You? Highly unlikely,” I smirk, “So what happened?”

“I moved up in rank.”

“No way!” I jump out of my seat and rush over to him, wrapping my arms around him, “Why didn’t you call me?”

Luke chortles as he climbs out of his chair and embraces me, “I wanted to surprise you.”

I nuzzle my face against his chest, “I’m proud of you.”

He kisses the top of my head, “I couldn’t have gotten this far without you.”

“Damn straight.”

Luke’s chest rumbles against my ear from his laughter, “I have another surprise.”

“Oh?” I look up into his eyes.

Suddenly, he looks more serious. I notice his hands are shaking a little bit. My heart leaps into my throat, because I can’t tell from his expression if he’s about to tell me something really frightening or really incredible.

As he digs something out of his pocket, Luke bends down on one knee. My eyes widen as I slowly begin to realize what he’s doing. My heart beats rapidly against my chest, making it difficult to breathe.

Hazel eyes stare up at me as Luke opens up the jewelry box, revealing a single stone diamond ring. He’s nervous, but would look fairly confident to an outsider, if it wasn’t for the fact that he’s shaking a little. My body begins to tremble.

“Will you marry me, Natasha?” the words pour out from his soft, sweet lips.

My mouth opens, but I’m unable to form a reply.

Chapter 9

“I, um… I,” I stammer.

Luke’s expression drops and I immediately hate myself.

“I can wait,” Luke whispers, as he puts the ring back into his pocket.

Tears begin rolling down my cheeks, “I love you, Luke. I just need time to think.”

“I can wait,” he repeats, his eyes growing misty.

I run my hand through his copper hair. The same beautiful copper hair that caught my attention the first time I saw him. His thick mane brushes against my skin, sending waves of the same powerfully erotic electricity I always feel for him.

I’m completely and irrevocably in love with this man, and yet, I can’t say the words that I know my heart truly feels.

My body is trembling. As my hand runs through Luke’s hair, I can feel him trembling, too. Hazel eyes look up into mine. I’ve broken his heart, again. Before I can say anything, he smiles. It’s that adorable, crooked smile he always flashes to cheer me up, but I can tell he’s forcing it.

“Let's go to bed,” he mutters as he rises up from the ground, wrapping one arm around my waist.

“Are you sure?” I whisper, “I can sleep in the living room if you want some space right now.”

Luke looks at me like I’m a complete and utter idiot. Then, suddenly and without warning, he lifts me up into his arms.

“Hush, you impossible woman,” he plants a gentle kiss on my lips.

I nestle my head against his chest, inhaling his wonderful scent. Everything inside of me is screaming at me, demanding to know why I couldn’t answer Luke with what my heart truly desires. But deep down, I know the answer to why I hold back.

Despite everything he tells me and how he makes me feel, I don’t feel like I’m remotely close to being the person he deserves. I’m broken, and I have been long before Derrick tried to kill me. I think I can be the person he really deserves, but I need time.

Luke carries me off towards our bedroom. My eyes are immediately drawn to the candles lit throughout the room. I want to cry. It’s obvious he had some sort of plan for the way our night would go and all I’ve done is ruined it. I rest my head against his chest, hoping that sleep will take me quickly so I don’t have to dwell on all of this tonight.

Gently, Luke lays me out across the bed. He slowly pulls off my sandals, his erotic hazel eyes fixated on me the entire time. The candles only add to the intensity of the moment that Luke is creating around us. Biting my bottom lip, I try to hold back my desire for him, because I know tonight is definitely not the night to expect any sex.

With a feline grace, he crawls along my body, on his hands and knees. His eyes never stray from mine. I can feel the heat permeating off of his sexy body. I can tell that, despite the hurt that I have caused him tonight, he does actually desire me, and bad. My body begins to tremble, not out of fear, but out of pure, unadulterated, primal lust.

When he finally eases his way up to me, his lips begin to caress the nape of my neck. I lean my head back and let out a soft moan. His body brushes against mine, and through his pants, I can feel his hard shaft pressing against me, silently waiting for it’s chance to plunge deep within my body.

“You still want me?” I whisper, still unable to comprehend why he would even want to be near me at this moment.

“I always want you. Always and forever,” his breath tickles the sensitive skin of my neck.

Tears sting the corners of my eyes, “Why?”

Luke moves away from my neck and looks directly into my eyes, “Because I don’t understand you and I know I never will. You will always be an enigma. But I know that I love you unconditionally.”

My tears begin to fall, without control. Luke takes my hands into his and smiles softly. His copper hair shines against the candle light.

“You made me into a better man. Not because I was dependent on you, or because you were dependent on me. You made me feel like you didn’t need me at all, but instead, you actually wanted me. Like, truly wanted me, despite all of my flaws and fucked up past. You just wanted me because you loved me. And for that, I want you, always and forever.

“Luke,” my voice cracks, “You deserve so much better than me. I’m a mess.”

He kisses me softly against my forehead, “I’ve worked hard to get to a point where I deserve you. You’re nothing at all like the kind of person I dreamt I’d ever be with. You’re far, far more. Please, don’t take that away from me.”

I can’t take it anymore. Acting on raw emotion, I grasp his face with my hands and kiss him, hard. His soft lips embrace mine, accepting their hard blow with a tender touch. Luke’s body slacks just enough for me to push him down against the bed.

Climbing atop him, our lips remain locked in their passionate embrace. My tears stroll down my cheeks and onto his as we kiss. He wraps his strong arms around my body, pulling me into him even closer.

His pulse pounds through his chest, vibrating into mine. Our hearts race frantically, but I can tell that they’re both beating to the same rhythm. At that moment, I truly begin to realize that he and I are meant to be. Despite all of my flaws, his past, and my insistence on being a stubborn ass, he and I really are meant to be with one another.

I pull away from his lips for just a moment. He stares at me. There are no walls behind his beautiful eyes. He is open and raw right now, revealing to me the depths of his love for me.

“Yes,” I whisper.

A smile sweeps across his handsome face, “Say it.”

I smile, “I’ll marry you.”

His tender lips collide against mine, and once again, we are entangled in a passionate embrace. Luke’s hands move along my body, eagerly trying to work me out of my clothes. I help, as I tug and pull at my pants until I’m free of their hold. Next is my blouse.

Luke’s fingers work diligently to free my breasts from the confines of my bra. When they’re finally set free, he cups them with his hands, drawing his lips away from mine for a moment to gently kiss my peach hued nipples. A sensual moan surfaces from deep within my body, prompting him to pleasure my nipples even further with his masterful tongue.

My fingers lock through his thick copper hair and gently tug, forcing him to tilt his head up so that he’s looking at me. His hazel eyes are both wild and soft, gentle and dangerous. It is taking every ounce of his control to not thrust himself inside of me at this very moment. The thought of him losing control and taking me with passion, makes my body hot with desire. I feel my sex dampen, begging him to caress her folds with his hard cock.

My lips thrust themselves upon his, demanding that he open for me. He obliges, without protest, and my mouth is immediately infiltrated with the tantalizing flavor of his tongue, the wine we had over dinner and the erotic flavors of each other.

Diligently, my hands work to remove every article of fabric wrapped around Luke’s tight body. I want him. I want him just as badly as his eyes say he wants me. I want to feel his strong, muscular body pressed against my skin. I want to feel his hands run all along my body. I want to feel his powerful cock thrust itself inside of me over and over again until I’m crying out his name in agonizing bliss. I want to feel my future husband make love to me.

Luke helps me pull away at his clothes, revealing his naked and powerful body in all of its muscle-bound glory. My lips want to kiss him, every inch of him. They want to mark every part of his body, as if to claim him entirely for my own selfish pleasures. With my tongue, I want to work along every curve of his muscles, gently massaging them, letting him know I appreciate the work he does to look this good.

His hands move along my body, slowly working their way down my backside until they reach my ass. He grips it tightly, sending a wave of pleasure through my body. My head arches back as I soak in the sensation. Quickly, Luke grasps my hair, forcing my head to stay arched. He hastily leans in towards me, his lips locking onto my neck.

Biting my bottom lip, I allow my body to swim in the pleasure his touch is giving me. He hasn’t even penetrated me, and yet, I already feel like I’m on the edge. His lips trail down past my neck and along my collar bone. My body tightens with euphoria.

Slowly, deliberately teasing me, he leads a trail of kisses all the way down to my breasts. His burning eyes glance up into mine, as if silently asking me if I’m enjoying this. The moment his lips suck my right nipple, I let out a gasp, then a deep and pleasurable moan, providing Luke with all of the verification his questioning eyes need.

He lets loose of my hair, allowing the red curls to tumble down along my shoulders, brushing against his face as he continues to suck. I close my eyes, savoring the delicious feeling. Caught up in the sensation of his lips, I didn’t realize he had already locked his legs around mine until he was already flipping me onto my back.

My breath catches, and for a moment, I fear that I’ll have a panic attack from the sudden and slightly rough motion. Luke notices my expression, as he hulks over me, and worry spreads across his face. But as I look into his eyes, I find my strength, and give him a reassuring smile, letting him know that I’m okay. Luke’s face softens as he smiles back.

His body eases over mine. Our skin brushes together, the blend of my soft skin with his taut skin become one against the candle light. I feel his erection brush against my thighs, sending a pleasurable chill through my legs and up my spine. As it makes its way up to my folds, I can feel my anticipation rising. My mind and body quickly become consumed with the thought of him pleasuring me and me pleasuring him.

Everything about me tonight is hyper sensitive. I can feel every tiny sensation. Even the bristles of hair on his body as he moves along mine are sending me waves of elation.

Normally I would blame the sensitivity on the fact that today has been such a chaotic and unusual day. But as I stare into my lover’s eyes as he slowly eases his cock inside of me, I know the real reason as to why I’m feeling joy, ecstasy, and love simultaneously in the soft motions of this beautiful touch.

It’s because the eyes I’m staring into, those erotic hazel eyes that penetrate my very soul, are the eyes of the man I just agreed to marry.

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