Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America (127 page)

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Authors: Harvey Klehr;John Earl Haynes;Alexander Vassiliev

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18. Lovestone to the Central Committee, VKP(b), circa 1922-1923, Stetsenko,
"Background on Golos from the IKKI," September 1939, KGB file 70994, PP. 10,
125, Vassiliev, White #1, 140, 144-45.

19. "Sound," 26 January 1937; "We wanted"; Stetsenko, "Background on Golos
from the IKKI," September 1939, KGB file 70994, pp. 7, 26, 125, 128, Vassiliev,
White #1, 139-40, 144-45.

20. Report by "Harry," December 1939, KGB file 70994, p. 141, Vassiliev, White
#1, 145. "Nikolay" to Moscow Center, 28 June 1938, KGB file 35112, v.5, p. 38, Vassiliev, Black, 151.

21. "Nikolay" to Moscow Center, May 1937; Moscow Center to "Nikolay," 14
May 1937; "Sound" file entries, KGB file 70994, PP. 48-49, 71-72, 76, 95, Vassiliev,
White #1, 141-42.

22. "Was known to individuals arrested by us," 19 April 1938; "Testimony of arrestee P. Gutzeit," circa 1939; "Memorandum on Sound without a (late or author,"
circa 1938 "Arrestee Durmashkin," 3 September 1939, KGB file 70994, pp. 9, 9799, 101-2, 105-6, 114, Vassiliev, White #1, 139, 142-44.

23. P. Pshenichny, "Memorandum on Sound," 9 September 1939; P. Pshe-
nicluly, "An investigation conducted," 14 September 1939, KGB file 70994, PP. 12021, 124-25, Vassiliev, White #1, 143-44.

24. "Gennady" report, 20 October 1939; Gennady to Moscow Center, 21 October 1939; "Gennady fears," KGB file 70994, pp. 115, 130, 138, Vassiliev, White #1,
143, 145.

25. Moscow Center to "Gennady," 23 October 1939; "Gennady" report, 9 January 1940, KGB file 70994, pp. 131, 146, Vassiliev, White #i, 145-46.

26. "Luka" to Moscow Center, 20 April 1940, KGB file 34194, PP. 385-86, Vassiliev, White #1, 129-30.

27. Ilya Lvovich Durmashkin testimony, 10 July 1938; Memo on "Sound," 19
July 1940; "Gennady" to Moscow Center, 30 June 1940; "Gennady" report, 11 Judy
1940; "Word was sent," 12 July 1940; "Gennady" report, 24 August 1940; Golos's
son's cable of 26 July 1940, KGB file 70994, pp. 173-74, 181-88, 191, 196, 235-36,
292, Vassiliev, White #1, 147-48.

28. Prudnikov, "Report on intelligence in the USA," 12 April 1941, KGB file
35112, v.1, pp. 69-79, Vassiliev, Black, 173.

29. "Plan for reinforcing," circa 1943, KGB file 43173, v.1, p.33, Vassiliev, Black,

30. Fitin, Sudoplatov, and Zarubin, "Plan for the organization of the illegal sta-
tion,"17 April 1940; Butkov to Prudnikov, 11 April 1941; Fitin to Beria, with Sudoplatov annotation of Beria's approval, 20 January 1941; Kropachev, "Plan of Operation," 23 May 1941, KGB file 35112, v.1, pp. 18-21, 38, 43-44, 83, Vassiliev, Black,

31. "Sound was transferred," io April 1941; "Leonid" to "Luka," Meeting with
"Sound," 27 June 1941, KGB file 35112, v.4, PP. 352, 354-57, Vassiliev, White #i,

32. "Leonid's" report to Fitin, 9 September 1944, KGB file 35112, v.1, p. 336,
Vassiliev, Black, 184.

33. Zarubin to Merkulov, "Memorandum (on the station's work in the country),"
30 September 1944, KGB file 35112, v.1, pp. 395-96, Vassiliev, White #1, 3.

34. Ibid., pp. 398-99, Vassiliev, White #1, 4.

35. Ibid., pp. 407-9, Vassiliev, White #1, 8-9; "Myrna," "My relationship with
Sound," received through "X," ii December 1944, KGB file 70545, PP. 281-82,
Alexander Vassiliev, White Notebook #2 12007 English Translation], trans. Steven
Shabad (1993-96), 16-17.

36. Zarubin to Merkulov, "Memorandum (on the station's work in the country),"
30 September 1944, KGB file 35112, v.1, pp. 409-10; Messages from "Mer," December 1943, KGB file 70994, pp. 318-25, Vassiliev, White #1, 9-10, 152. "Mer's"
account of his meeting with "Clever Girl," 29 November 1943, KGB file 70545,
pp. 26-28, 32, 35-37, Vassiliev, White #2, 1-2.

37. "Maxim" re "Vardo's" meeting with "Helmsman," ig December 1943; Cipher cable, 20 March 1944; Note from "Mer," 5 January 1944; Message from "Mer,"
25 April 1944, KGB file 70545, pp. 65-69, 74-75, 77, 79-80, Vassiliev, White #2,

38. Memo from "Mer," 29 April 1944; Moscow Center to "Maxim," 13 May
1944; "Maxim" to Moscow Center, 23 May 1944, KGB file 70545, pp. 82, 85-89,
Vassiliev, White #2, 3-4. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 28 August 1945, KGB
file 35112, V.9, p. log, Vassiliev, White #1, 70.

39. "Mer" re "Clever Girl," 1,5 June 1944; Fitin to Graur, circa mid-1944, KGB
file 70545, pp. 95,98-100, 103, Vassiliev, White #2_5-6.

40. Note by "Albert," 1g August 1945; Note by "Albert," 27 September 1945,
KGB file 55298, pp. 268-72, 286, Alexander Vassiliev, White Notebook #3 12007 English Translation], trans. Steven Shabad (1993-96), 24-26, 31. Emphasis in the original.

41. Report on the meeting with "Aileron" (apparently by "Sergey"), 1 October
1945, KGB file 55298, pp. 295-96, Vassiliev, White #3, 33-34.

42. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 28 August 1945, KGB file 35112, V.9,
p. 1o8, Vassiliev, White #1, 70.

43. "Vadim" report, 20 February 1945; "Vadim" to Moscow Center, 29 October 1945; Note by "Albert," 22 February 1945; Note by "Albert," 11 March 1945, KGB
file 43072, v.1, pp. 70-72, 75, 77-78, 102, Vassiliev, White #3, 53-56, 59•

44. KGB Washington to Moscow Center, io April 1945; Report by "Raid" on
his meeting with "Mole," 14 April 1945; KGB Washington to Moscow Center, 8 May
1945; Report by "X" on the meeting with "Mole," 13 May 1945, KGB file 55302, v.1,
PP. 49-50,53-6o, Vassiliev, White #.3,90-93. "Mer's" note regarding "Raid," io June
1944; "Albert" to Moscow Center, 17 September 1944, KGB file 45100, v.1, pp. 21,
28-29, Vassiliev, White #3, 69, 71. Note by "X," ii January 1945, KGB file 40624, v.1,
p. zz, Vassiliev, Yellow #2, 66.

45. "Roma," circa 1945, KGB file 45100, v.1, p. 147, Vassiliev, White #3, 83.

46. Note by "X," 28 January 1945; "Vadim" to Moscow Center, 20-21 March
1945, KGB file 45100, v.1, pp. 8o, loo-1o1, Vassiliev, White #3, 76-77.

47. Message from "X" re "M.'s" work, 7 December 1944, KGB file 70545,
pp. 288-89, Vassiliev, White #2, 18. Moscow Center to "Vadim," 29 May 1945, KGB
file 43173, v.z, p. 61, Vassiliev, Black, 66.

48. Moscow Center to "Vadim," 24 November 1944; "Vadim" to Moscow Center, 4 December 1944; "Agreement «4th `Helmsman,"' December 1944, KGB file
70545, PP- 178-79, 184, 246, Vassiliev, White #2, 10-11, 15.

49. Autobiography, Elizabeth Terrill Bentley, circa 1944, KGB file 70545,
pp. 233-34, Vassiliev, White #2, 12.

50. "In Dec. 1944"; " Vadim met," with Ovakimyan annotation, 25 December
1944; ' Vadim" to Moscow Center, 27 June 1945, KGB file 70545, PP- 247, 249, 33840, Vassiliev, White #2, 15, 20-21.

51. "Vadim" to Moscow Center, 4 July 1945; "Vadim" to Moscow Center, i September 1945; "Vadim" to Moscow Center, io September 1945; Moscow Center to
"Vadim," 14 September 1945, KGB file 70545, PP. 351, 353, 358-62, Vassiliev, White
#2, 21-22. Vladimir Pozniakov, "A NKVD/NKGB Report to Stalin: A Glimpse into
Soviet Intelligence in the United States in the 1940's," Cold War International History Project Bulletin, no. 10 (March 1998).

52. "Vadim" to Moscow Center, 27 September 1945, KGB file 70545, PP- 36367, Vassiliev, White #2, 23-24.

53. Merkulov to "Vadim," ii October 1945, KGB file 35112, V.1, pp. 368-71,
Vassiliev, White #2, 24-25.

54. "Vadim" to Moscow Center, 29 October 1945, KGB file 35112, v.1, pp. 387go, Vassiliev, White #2, 26.

55. Moscow Center to "Vadim," 22 November 1945; " Vadim" to Moscow Center,
25 November 1945, KGB file 70545, PP. 402, 410-14, Vassiliev, White #2, 30-31.

56. "Bob" to Moscow Center, zo November 1945; "Bob" to Moscow Center, 4
December 1945, KGB file 70545, PP. 393-96, 446-48, Vassiliev, White #2, 27-28,

57. Moscow Center to "Vadim," 23 November 1945; Moscow Center to
"Sergey," 23 November 1945; Moscow Center to "Vadim," 26 November 1945, KGB
file 70545, Pp. 405-8, 415, Vassiliev, White #2, 30-32.

58. "Vadim" to Moscow Center, with Merkulov annotation and note of reply to
"Vadim," 27 November 1945, KGB file 70545, PP, 420-24, Vassiliev, White #2, 32.

59. "Grigory" to Moscow Center, 11 March 1947; Moscow Center to "Grigory,"
29 March 1947, KGB file 43173, v.2, pp. 130, 134-36, Vassiliev, Black, 62; Christopher M. Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin
Archive and the Secret History of the KGB (New York: Basic Books, 1999), 143.

6o. "Vladimir" to Moscow Center, 25 December 1948, KGB file 43173, v.4,
pp. 477-78; "Report addressed to the Chairman of the KI in view of Vladimir's cipher telegram dated 25.12.48, KGB file 43173, v.2c, p. 33, Vassiliev, Black, 72, 76.

61. "Plan of measures," 16 March 1950, KGB file 43173, V.2C, p. 78, Vassiliev,
Black, 82.

62. "Explanation by G. Sokolov," 27 January 1951, KGB file 43173, v.2C,
pp. 309-10, Vassiliev, Black, 85.

63. KGB Washington to Moscow Center, 1 October 1950, KGB file 43173, v.12,
pp. 201-3, 216, Vassiliev, Black, 97.

64. Moscow Center to "Sergey," 23 November 1945, KGB file 70545, pp. 407-8,
Vassiliev, White #2, 31. Moscow Center to "Sergey," 7 August 1945; Memo, 1 September 1945; Panyushkin to Fitin, 11 September 1945; Moscow Center to "Sergey," 14
September 1945, KGB file 70548, pp. 69, 73, 75-76, Vassiliev, White #2, 38-39.

65. Memo, circa 1946, KGB file 70548, pp. 149-50, Vassiliev, White #2, 41-42.

66. Merkulov to Stalin, circa 1946, KGB file 70548, pp. 152-54, Vassiliev, White
#2, 42-43.

67. KGB interview with Solomon Lozovsky regarding his meeting with Browder;
Fitin to Abakumov, 18 June 1946; Panyushkin to Gromyko, 5 July 1949; other entries
regarding Browder's activities in Moscow in 1946 and his relationship with the KGB
later, KGB file 70548, pp. 155-56, 163, 165, 170-72, 175-76, 265, 272, 283, 300,
323, 344, 375, Vassiliev, White #2, 43-45. Closing quote after "die down" missing in
the notebook and supplied here.

68. "Nikolay" to "Duche," 1 October 1935, KGB file 17690, p. 3; KGB New York
to Moscow Center, 14 September 1938, KGB file 35112, v.5, p. 105; KGB New York
to Moscow Center, 5 October 1939, KGB file 35112 v.5a, pp. 410-12,414, Vassiliev,
Black, 141, 152, 162. Serial 642, FBI Armand Labis Feldman file 61-7574.

69. Moscow Center to KGB New York, 27 November 1941, KGB file 40159,
s'•3, p. 139; "Young Woman"; "Gennady" to Moscow Center, i December 1938;
"Gennady" to Moscow Center, 2 February 1939, KGB file 35112, v.5, pp. 26, 111,
171, Vassiliev, Black, 1o6, 155.

70. Anonymous Russian letter to Hoover, 7 August 1943, reproduced in Robert
Louis Benson and Michael Warner, Venona: Soviet Espionage and the American Response 1939-1957 (Washington, D.C.: National Security Agency; Central Intelligence Agency, 1996), 51-54-

71. Pavel Sudoplatov et al., Special Tasks: The Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness, a Soviet Spyniaster (Boston: Little, Brown, 1994), 196-97; Ben Fischer, "'Mr.
Guver': Anonymous Soviet Letter to the FBI," Newsletter of the Center for the Stud,/
of Intelligence, no. 7 (Winter-Spring 1997): 10-11.

72. Fitin and Ovakimyan to Merkulov, with Merkulov annotation, 30 March
1944, KGB file 35112, v.1, pp. 310-11, Vassiliev, Black, 182-83; Andrew and
Mitrokhin, Sword and the Shield, 124.

73. "Switching `Callistratus,"' KGB file 40129, v.3a, p. 177, Vassiliev, White #1,

74. "Gennady" to "Maxim," 25 June 1942, KGB file 40159, v.3, p. i85, Vassiliev,
Black, 107; "Memorandum on "Charon's" work from Dec. '41 through June '44,"
KGB file 25748, v.2, p. 115, Vassiliev, White #1, 136.

75. "Conversation with Leonid," 18 September 1944, pp. 366-67, 372, Vassiliev,
Black, Igo.

76. "On the behavior of our workers abroad," 6 March 1943, KGB file 35112, v.1,
pp. 314-17, Vassiliev, Black, 183-84.

77. "Vadiin" to Boyarsky, 20 February 1945; "Vadim" to Moscow Center, 29 October 1945, KGB file 43173, v.1, pp. 81, 165, Vassiliev, Black, 50-57.

78. "Anton" to Moscow Center, i June 1944, KGB file 35112, v.1, p. 327, Vassiliev, Black, 184.

79. Prudnikov to Korotkov, z June 1947, KGB file 35112, v.3, p. 185, Vassiliev,
White #1, 83.

8o. Moscow Center to "Stepan," z6 July 1947, KGB file 35112, v.3, p. 185, Vassiliev, White #1, 83.

81. "Stepan" to Moscow Center, 5 August 1947; "Stepan received," KGB file
35112, v.3, p. 185, Vassiliev, White #1, 84.

82. "Nikolay" to "Jack," September 1934, KGB file 17571, v.2, p. 10, Vassiliev,
Black, 41-

83. On Serebryansky, see Andrew and Mitrokhin, Sword and the Shield, 41, 69,
73, 75-76, 85-86. Pavel Sudoplatov later headed the Administration for Special

84. Bentley "Autobiography," circa 1944, KGB file 70545, pp. 240-41, Vassiliev,
White #2, 13.

85. Dorothy Gallagher, All the Right Enemies: The Life and Murder of Carlo
Tresca (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1988), 170-76; Elizabeth
Bentley, FBI Deposition, 3o November 1945, serial zzo, pp. 3-4, FBI Silvermaster
file 65-56402; Whittaker Chambers, Witness (New York: Random House, 1952), 36.
Elizabeth Bentley and Hayden B. Peake, Out of Bondage: The Story of Elizabeth
Bentley (New York: Ivy Books, 1988), 108, 176-77; FBI Juliet Povntz file 1oo-

86. Memo on Poyntz, KGB file 70545, PP. 198-208, Vassiliev, White #2, 14. Possibly Poyntz disappeared on her own, but in view of the subsequent absence of any
known contact with family and close friends, this seems unlikely.

87. "Nikolay" to Moscow Center, z6 June 1938; "Gennady" to Moscow Center,
25 January 1938, KGB file 35112, v.5, pp. 4, 32, Vassiliev, Black, 146, 149. "Jung" to
Moscow Center, 28 June 1938, KGB file 36857, v.1, pp. 116, 121-22, Vassiliev, Yellow #2, 23.

88. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 9 or 13 October 1943, KGB file 41988,
v.1, pp. 12, 15, Vassiliev, Yellow #2, 77-78; KGB Washington to Moscow Center, 10
November 1945, KGB file 43072, v.1, pp. 104-5, Vassiliev, White #3, 59.

8g. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 8 May 1943; Gorsky report, 4 May 1944,
KGB file 45100, v.1, pp. 12-13, Vassiliev, White #3, 67. For a discussion of the CPUSA's secret apparatus, see Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, and Fridrikh Igore-
vieh Firsov, The Secret World of American Communism (New Haven: Yale University Press, '995), 71-187.

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