Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America (122 page)

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Authors: Harvey Klehr;John Earl Haynes;Alexander Vassiliev

BOOK: Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America
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28. Expense estimate for the NY station for the 2nd quarter of 1937, KGB file
3464, v.1, p. 84; "Agents: (3rd qtr. of 38)," KGB file 40159, v.1, p. 253; Moscow Center to KGB New York, 27 March 1942; "Station in Washington," circa 1943; Moscow
Center to KGB New York, 1 July 1943, KGB file 40159, v.3, pp. 161, 331, 285; KGB
New York to Moscow Center, 8 February 1943, and KGB New York to Moscow Center, 1,5 April 1943; "XY network as of," 1 May 1943, KGB file 40594, v.6, pp. 115, 134;
"Agent network," 1 February 1945; "Grouping of probationers as of March 1945,"
KGB file 40594, v.7, pp. 14, 97; Moscow Center to "Anton," 14 January 1945, KGB
file 40159, v•3, P. 465; "Task plan for `Vadim,"' 1o August 1944, KGB file 43173, v.1,
p. 58; "In Washington: Frank's new source," circa 1937, KGB file 3465, V.2, p. 8o,
Vassiliev, Black, 27, 33, 49, 101, 107, 110-11, 116-17, 119, 135-

29. "`Twain' went to Wash.," 6 October 1942, KGB file 40594, v5, PP. 316-17;
KGB New York to Moscow Center, 8 February 1943; KGB New York to Moscow
Center, 15 April 1943, KGB file 40594, v.6, pp. 43-44, 115, Vassiliev, Black, 105-6,

30. Moscow Center to "Anton," 14 January 1945, and Moscow Center to KGB
New York, 27 March 1942; Moscow Center to KGB New York, 1 July, 1943, KGB
file 40159, v.3, pp. 161, 465, 285, Vassiliev, Black, 107, 110, 114. Semenov to Fitin,
29 November 1944, KGB file 40129, v.3a, p. 208, Vassiliev, White #1, 111.

31. SAC Charlotte to Director, 4 April 1946, serial 557, p. 6398, FBI Silvermaster file 65-56402.

32. "Network," circa 1933, KGB file 17407, v.1, p. 42; "Letter," KGB New York
to Moscow Center, 20 January 1937, KGB file 3465, v.7, p. 28, Vassiliev, Black, 1, 31.

33. KGB New York letter to Moscow Center, 1o March 1939, KGB file 40594,
v.2, pp. 67-68; "Center approved," KGB file 40159, v.2, p.1og, Vassiliev, Black, 101.

34. FBI Washington Field Office, interview with Paul Elisha Williams, 3 February 1955, serial 2735, FBI Julius Rosenberg file 65-15348; Report by John O'Do-
noughue, 7 August 1950, serial 38, FBI Michael and Anne Sidorovich file 65-59294.
Williams told the FBI that over the years the Daily Worker and the CPUSA promoted
numerous myths about him. Among the inventions was the claim that he had attended
Carnegie Technological Institute, that his company had designed a light bomber for the
government, and that he had been a naval officer. Williams's own accotmt of his biography given to the FBI differs significantly from that provided in Danny Duncan Collum, ed., assisted by Victor A. Berch, African Americans in the Spanish Civil War:
"This Ain't Ethiopia, but It'll Do" (New York: G. K. Hall, 1992), 96-97.

35. "'Talent's' sub-source," circa 1939-1940, KGB file 40594, v-2, p. 438;
Moscow Center to KGB New York, 25 June 1942, KGB file 40159, v.3, pp. 169-71,
Vassiliev, Black, 102, 107. The latter was a June 1942 message, and at that point
Rosenberg was a source for Jacob Golos, but it was not until later in the year that the
KGB assumed direct contact with him, thus the reference to Rosenberg as "unaffiliated with us."

36. New York Times, 1 May 1958; Philadelphia Bulletin, 3o April 1958; Philadelphia Inquirer, 1 May 1958; Philadelphia Bulletin, 7 May 1958.

37. Moscow Center to KGB New York, 13 February 1937, KGB file 3464, v.1,
p. 31, Vassiliev, Black, 26.

38. "Expense estimate for the NY station for the 2nd quarter of 1937," KGB file
3464, v.1, p. 84; Moscow Center to KGB New York, 1 July 1943, KGB file 40159, v.3,
p. 284, Vassiliev, Black, 27, 110. Thomas Black interview in June and July ig5o, transcribed 1 August 1951, serial i-B-17, pp. 102-5, 245-29, 260, 315-32, FBI Thomas
Black file 65-4332.

39. Moscow Center to "Maxim," 27 November 1941, KGB file 40159, v.3,
pp. 124-25, Vassiliev, Black, 106. William Welte, Jr., memo, "Unknown Subject,
was Roberts, Rabinowitz, Mr. Rich," 2 August 1950, no serial (filed after serial 262),
FBI Thomas Black file 65-59181. Flosdorf's name is misspelled "Flosdorff" in the
letter, and "Rabinovitch" is a variant spelling usually appearing as "Rabinovich." It
is not clear if the "5/7/42" follows the American convention of the era (May 7, 1942)
or the Russian (5 Judy 1942). Rabinovitch was also known in the United States as
Gregory Rabinowitz, Dr. Schwartz, and Mr. Rich. He was recalled to Moscow in

40. Moscow Center to "Maxim," 20 October 1943, KGB file 40159, v.3, PP. 33031, Vassiliev, Black, 110-11. New York Times, 1 May 1958; Philadelphia Bulletin,
3o April 19,58, p. 1; Philadelphia Inquirer, i May 1958; Philadelphia Bulletin, 7 May

41. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 17 July 1941; KGB New York to Moscow
Center, 7 January 1942, KGB file 40594, v5, pp. 134, 201, 203, Vassiliev, Black, 103;
Moscow Center to KGB New York, 25 June 1942, KGB file 40159, v.3, p. 169, Vassiliev, Black, 107.

42. "In the past," circa 1942, KGB file 40594, v.5, p. 278; Moscow Center to KGB New York, 26 November 1942, KGB file 40159, v.3, p. 223, Vassiliev, Black,
1o5, 1o8-g.

43. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 27 March 1943, KGB file 40594, v.6,
p. 11g, Vassiliev, Black, 117.

44. Venona 622 KGB New York to Moscow, 4 May 1944.

45. Venona 1706 KGB New York to Moscow, 4 December 1944; Venona 168o
KGB New York to Moscow, 3o November 1944; Venona 1755 KGB New York to
Moscow, 14 December 1944. Moscow Center to "Anton," 14 January 1945, KGB
file 40159, v.3, p. 464, Vassiliev, Black, 113-14.

46. Albert Glinsky, Therernin Ether Music and Espionage (Urbana: University of
Illinois Press, 2000), 162.

47. Report by "Grin" on Nazi activities with note by "Nikolay," 3 October 1935,
KGB file 3461, v.i, pp. 140-42, Vassiliev, Black, ii. In that era, the term "hermaphrodite" was often used for women with a bisexual orientation as well as for persons with dual or ambiguous sexual organs.

48. "Frenchman developed," circa 1935, KGB file 3461, v.1, pp. 32-33, Vassiliev, Black, 11-12.

49. "Frenchman developed," circa 1935, KGB file 3461, v.i, pp. 33-34, Vassiliev, Black, 12.

5o. Glinksky, Theremin, 271-73. Among the leading Soviet scientists who were
imprisoned and worked in sharashkas were Andrey Tupolev, among the USSR's leading aircraft designers; Sergey Korolyov, a rocket engineer who was later the chief
designer for the Soviet space program; and Georgy Langemak, a co-inventor (with
Korolyov) of the highly effective Katyusha military rocket launcher.

51. The instrument used in Good Vibrations was not a Theremin per se but an
"Electro-Theremin," an instrument that produced a similar sound but with a different control mechanism.

52. Although "Gapon" initially declined recruitment in 1935, he was providing
information by 1937. Report on "Blerio's trip to California," 5-15 November 1935,
KGB file 3461, v.1, pp. 5o-58; "Expense estimate for the NY station for the 2nd
quarter of 1937," KGB file 3464, v.1, p. 84, Vassiliev, Black, 9-10, 27.

53. `About `Needle,"' circa 1936, KGB file 3461, v.2, pp. 176-77, Vassiliev,
Black, 24. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 2 January 1936; KGB New York to
Moscow Center, 13 April 1936; "Needle has," KGB file 3463, v.1, pp. go, 128, 236,
Vassiliev, Black, 23. "Letter," 23 October 1937; "Letter," 27 November 1937, KGB
file 3464, v.1, pp. 217, 246, Vassiliev, Black, 30.

54. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 29 June 1938, KGB file 40594, v.1,
p. 31g; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 28 July 1939, KGB file 40594, v.2,
pp. 230-31, Vassiliev, Black, 99, 102. Venona 446 KGB San Francisco to Moscow,
31 October 1943; Venona 457 KGB San Francisco to Moscow 2 November 1943;
Venona 1266 KGB New York to Moscow, 6 September 1944; Venona 1523 KGB
New York to Moscow, 27 October 1944. Jones York statement of 6 October 1953 in
William Wolf Weisband background memo, 27 November 1953, Office of Security,
National Security Agency, reproduced in Robert Louis Benson and Michael Warner,
Venona: Soviet Espionage and the American Response 1939-1957 (Washington, D.C.: National Security Agency; Central Intelligence Agency, 1996), 167-69. Hood
to Director, 11 April 195o, serial 53, FBI York file 65-2223.

55. "Background on `Needle,"' io February 1947, KGB file 40129, v.4, pp. 25558, Vassiliev, White #1, 119-20. York identified Zalmond Franklin as the KGB liaison he knew as "Werner." Belmont to Ladd, 12 July i95i, serial 91, FBI York file 652223.

56. Moscow Center to KGB New York with annotation, 23 June 1940, KGB file
40594, v.2, p. 386, Vassiliev, Black, 102. York came to the FBI's attention in early
1939, when the Office of Naval Intelligence forwarded a report of his having come
into its investigation of Shumovsky's activities. The FBI's investigation of his finances
and activities suggested involvement in espionage, but his interview with the FBI in
1940 on his return to California provided little exploitable information, and his case
was put aside. FBI Los Angeles summary report, 23 August 1940, serial 5, FBI York
file 65-2223.

57. "Background summary on `Lever,"' 6 January 1944, KGB file 40129, v.3a,
p. 26, Vassiliev, White #1, io6.

58. Ibid.; "Blerio's' contact," circa 1935, KGB file 3461, v.1, p. go; "Cover names
of agents on X line," KGB file 3461, v.2, p. 95; "Expense estimate for the NY station
for the 2nd quarter of 1937," KGB file 3464, v.1, p. 84, Vassiliev, Black, 10, 17, 27.

59. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 20 January 1937, KGB file 3465, v.1,
pp. 45-46, Vassiliev, Black, 31-32.

6o. "Between the loth and 3oth of Sept. '38"; "The Source "Goose,"" KGB file
40594, v.3, pp. 2og-1o, 2go-92, Vassiliev, Black, 99-100.

61. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 16 March 1940; KGB New York to
Moscow Center, 14 November 1940, KGB file 40594, v.4, pp. 167-68, 214-15;
Moscow Center to KGB New York, 20 October 1943, KGB file 40159, v3, p. 331;
KGB New York to Moscow Center, 1 March 1938, KGB file 40594, v.1, p. 144; KGB
New York to Moscow Center, 1o March 1939, KGB file 40159, v.2, pp. 56-57, 115,
148, 15o; KGB New York to Moscow Center, g October 1942, KGB file 40594, v5,
p. 306; Moscow Center to "Maxim," 27 October 1941, KGB file 40159, v3, pp. 134,
178, Vassiliev, Black, g8, 101-2, io5-6, 111.

62. "Meeting with `Goose,"' 16 February 1941; KGB New York to Moscow Center, 29 July 1942, KGB file 40594, v.5, pp. 14, 268, Vassiliev, Black, 102, 104. Background summary on "Lever," 6 January 1944, KGB file 40129, v.3a, p. 26, Vassiliev,
White #i, 1o6. Radosh and Milton, The Rosenberg File (1983), 466.

63. Robert J. Lamphere and Tom Shachtman, The FBI-KGB War: A Special
Agent's Story (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1995), 166-67; Haynes and
Klehr, Early Cold War Spies, 157; Radosh and Milton, Rosenberg File (1997), 46567.

64. "Agent network," 1 February 1945, KGB file 40594, v7, PP- 14, 33-43, Vassiliev, Black, 119, 121-22. Andrey Ivanovich Shevchenko likely was the pseudonym
used by Andrey Ivanovich Raina when in the United States.

65. Memo on Leona and Joseph Franey, 5 August 1944, serial 2919; Memo on
Leona and Joseph Franey, 21 August 1944, serial 2989; FBI memo on Shevchenko,
30 October 1944, serial 3379; FBI memo on Shevchenko, g December 1944, serial 3612, FBI Comintern Apparatus file 100-203581. Venona 941 KGB New York to
Moscow, 4 July 1944; Venona 1048 KGB New York to Moscow, 25 July 1944; Venona
1403 KGB New York to Moscow, 5 October 1944; Venona 1559 KGB New York to
Moscow, 6 November 1944; Venona 305 Moscow to KGB New York, i April 1945.
Leona Franey testimony and Joseph Franey testimony, 6 June 1949, U.S. House
Committee on Un-American Activities, Soviet Espionage Activities in Connection
with jet Propulsion and Aircraft (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1949).

66. Venona 1607-i6o8 KGB New York to Moscow, i6 November 1944; Loren
Haas testimony, 6 June 1949, U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities,
Soviet Espionage. . . Jet.

67. Thomas Black interview in June and July i95o, transcribed 1 August 1951,
serial i-B-i7, pp. 1, 4, FBI Thomas Black file 65-4332; FBI Albany office to Washington teletype, 20 June i95o, serial 146, FBI Thomas Black file 65-59181.

68. Thomas Black interview in June and July 1950, transcribed 1 August i95i,
serial i-B-i7, pp. i5-i8, FBI Thomas Black file 65-4332• "Ovakimian" is a variant
transliteration of Ovakimyan. The plural "we" refers to Black and his friend Fred
Heller. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 3 October 1935, KGB file 86194, v.1,
p. i6, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, gg. There are numerous references to "Black" throughout Alexander Vassiliev's notebooks.

6g. Thomas Black interview in June and July i95o, transcribed i August ig51,
serial 1-B-17, pp. 318-31g, FBI Thomas Black file 65-4332.

70. SAC New York to Director, i6 June 1950, serial 21, FBI Thomas Black file
65-59181; Thomas Black testimony, 17 May 1956, U.S. Senate Internal Security
Subcommittee, Scope of Soviet Activity in the United States (Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Govt. Print. Off., 1956), part 21.

71. Report Re: Alfred Dean Slack, FBI Newark office, 28 June ig5o, serial 228;
SAC Knoxville to Director, 5 July 1950, serial 281; Report Made at Albany, NY, 30
June ig5o, serial 298, FBI Alfred Slack file 65-59183-

72. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 1 March 1938, KGB file 40594, v. 1,
p. iio, Vassiliev, Black, 98. "Report Made at Albany, NY," 30 June 1950, serial 298,
FBI Slack file 65-59i83.

73. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 29 July 1942, KGB file 40594, v5, P. 252,
Vassiliev, Black, 104. Interview of Stanley Glass, 15 September ig5o, serial 6o8, FBI
Slack file 65-59183; "Report Made at Pittsburgh," 5 August ig5o, serial 302, FBI
Slack file 65-59183-

74. Report Made at Pittsburgh, 5 August 1950, serial 302, FBI Slack file 6559183-

75. KGB New York to Moscow Center, ig April 1942, KGB file 86194, v.1,
P. 350, Vassiliev, Yellow #1, 102.

76. KGB New York to Moscow Center, 29 July 1942, KGB file 40594, v5, p. 253;
Moscow Center to "Maxim," 20 October 1943, KGB file 40159, v3, P. 330, Vassiliev,
Black, 104, 110.

77. FBI New York Report, 20 June ig5o, serial 97; Slack statement after arrest,
serial 200, FBI Slack file 65-59183; Katherine A. S. Sibley, Red Spies in America:
Stolen Secrets and the Dawn of the Cold War (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2004), 110; Lamphere and Shachtman, FBI-KGB War, 167-68. KGB New York to
Moscow Center, 5 April 1943, KGB file 50594, v.6, p. 116, Vassiliev, Black, 116.

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