Spirit of the Revolution (40 page)

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Authors: Debbie Peterson

Tags: #Ghosts, #Paranormal

BOOK: Spirit of the Revolution
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“Not now, Jo,” she berated herself. “We don’t have time for butter fingers.”

Finally, she swung up on the horse’s back, ignoring the bareback pad altogether. “Come on, Lace, we’ve got to go and get our guys.” Moments later, she raced for the trail that would take her to the place of Mathias’s death. A sense of urgency accompanied the ride. Dakota understood, and kept up with the pace of her horse.

How she wished she had the time to read those case studies. She didn’t know what to do once she got there. Just how did one go about “intervening” in the death of a ghost, who by definition is already dead? Should she ask the soldiers to put their weapons down and go back from whence they originated? What if she couldn’t find the exact place again or what if she couldn’t see Mathias once she arrived? And the question that cut the deepest, what if she arrived too late?

No. She refused to consider that possibility. She had to arrive on time. She just had to. With a gentle pressure of her heels, she urged her mare ever faster. Fifteen minutes later, she arrived in front of Lacy’s former home. The herd of horses inside the fenced pasture recognized her as they approached. Lacy answered their calls. And then suddenly, an idea formed in her mind. An absurd idea, but a great idea if it worked.

She turned the reins to the right and led Lacy over to the gate. Dakota tilted his head and gazed into her eyes. She patted Lacy on the neck, and said, “I’m going to need you both. We’re going to herd those horses straight into the English army. Whatever you do, don’t let me down.” She leaned down, flipped the latch, and swung the gate open.

Jo rode through the gateway and turned sharply to the right. She needed to get behind the horses just as fast as she could. Once she positioned herself, she drew the reins upward and began twirling them in large circles above her head. All the while, she whistled and shouted commands behind the startled horses. The combined sounds made them panic and at once, the herd tore out of the gate. She raced past them then and with the help of Dakota’s continuous barks, turned the horses toward the mountains. The dog understood her directions, and perhaps he sensed something more.

Several times, he turned his head, his ears forward as if something caught his attention. Did he hear the sounds of the English soldiers as they approached? Because if he did, that meant they had yet to confront Mathias and her boys. She leaned forward and encouraged her horse. “Hurry, Lacy! We have to hurry—”

Time—How much of it did she have left? Did she follow the correct path? She could only hope she did, as she relentlessly drove the horses toward the forest. Dakota could now hear something else. He skidded to a halt and adjusted the direction of his gaze. Yet, with the ruckus made from stampeding horses, she could hear nothing but the thunderous sound of hooves as they pounded against the ground. “Please,” she said aloud, “Please help me get there in time.”

Just then, an unexpected voice rang out. “I’ve a mind to take the lot of them to hell with us, Mathias, starting with that one, right there.”

Jo gasped as Sam’s voice fearlessly roared out the threat. She could almost see his intimidating look of deadly calm. Shots rang out as she broke through the small clearing. She rode straight through them hoping the act would supply the needed interference. Yet, the vast number of English Redcoats caused her a moment of panic. As the horses trampled through the area, several of the soldiers dissipated underneath the hooves of the horses. Dakota ran straight for Jedediah, stopping long enough to lunge at one of the soldiers who threatened him with bayonet. The man vanished.

She hurried around to the front of the herd to turn them around. Seeing the need, Dakota joined her, nipping at the heels of those who disobeyed her orders. Seconds later, the horses turned around and hastened back through the clearing, heading for home. The bewildered English soldiers that remained appeared unsure of themselves and their purpose. One by one, they disappeared, leaving only her boys—and they looked just as stunned as the group of English soldiers. Her Rangers dismounted then and walked toward her, clearly puzzled, but she only had eyes for Mathias.

She slid off Lacy, suddenly unsure of what to do next. Could one walk into a film from the past? For that matter, which time and place held them at this moment, now or then? It seemed as if they approached her, but did they see her or did they see the light? Suddenly, Mathias quickened his pace, stepping ahead of the others and extended his arms wide open in invitation. He seemed surprised, relieved, and delighted all at the same time.

She raced into his arms and clung to him because she could feel his arms as they wrapped around her—not flesh and bone, yet somehow far more solid than spirit. She discovered she could rest her head against his chest without penetrating his form. “Mathias— Please, please, don’t go. Not without me,” she cried.

“Jolena,” he whispered against her hair. Then, he took a small step back and cupped her face with his hands. He fused his gaze with hers. “What are you doing here? I don’t—”

“I’m so sorry about the disruption, but I had to stop this event,” she murmured as her gaze briefly swept over the woodland. “I couldn’t let you go without a fight. Especially since nobody bothered to ask my opinion on the matter. I hope I didn’t mess things up for the boys. I didn’t mean to if I did, but—”

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

“I overheard the two of you talking inside the mine chamber. I didn’t figure it all out until this morning, but I found this article on the ghost Web site and it said a mortal could intervene and I needed to try, I had to try—because—well, because I can’t live without—”

Mathias stopped her incoherent babble, and she did babble, with a most exhilarating kiss. That connection filled her with delectable warmth from head to toe. Finally, he broke away and weaved his fingers through the length of her tangled, wind-blown hair.

“Now, my love, let’s try this once again and this time from the top.”

“Come, Mathias, it’s not that difficult to understand. I believe Jolena is protesting our arrangement.”

She and Mathias turned toward the sound of the unexpected voice. The same voice, in fact, that talked to Mathias inside the mine. For lack of a better description, the man—glowed. The glow didn’t come from around him. His entire being radiated the light from within his body. Surely, he couldn’t be the gruesome angel of death she always pictured in her mind. But just who or what—

Mathias gave the man a respectful nod as he clutched her just a little tighter. “Grandfather—”

“Grandfather?” Her mouth fell open as she looked from one McGregor to the other.

“Angus McGregor,” Mathias clarified.

“Indeed,” he responded as he strolled toward them. “And I’ve been trying to corral this scalawag for over two centuries. I almost had him this time.”

Jolena stepped in front of Mathias in a desire to keep him away from the ethereal being. “No, please. You can’t take him. He’s my very life—the very reason for my existence. If you’re taking him, then you have to take me too.”

Angus chuckled as he folded his arms against his chest. “I can see that. So, what to do? Hmm. He wants her to stay put and live out the length of her life and she’s willing to go beyond to remain at his side.” He rubbed his hand against his white beard as if considering the dilemma. His gaze traveled back and forth between them.

The hands of the eternal clock paused and time, quite literally, stood still. How she arrived at this absolute knowledge, she didn’t know. She held her breath waiting for his decision, because he had a say in the matter. In fact, he had the
say in the matter.

Angus turned around to face the other boys. “It’s my understanding that you three”—pointing to Jed, William and Alex in turn—“are of a mind to come home. I assume this is still your wish?”

Each of them nodded while sparing her a glance. “Good, good. You have family anxiously awaiting your arrival. And Alexander, Charity is growing a bit impatient with you, I might add.”

“Sam?” he asked, amid the chuckles.

Sam gazed steadily into Angus’s eyes for several moments and then grinned. “Absolutely not. Unlike William and Alex, I haven’t accomplished everything I want to accomplish, and I haven’t seen everything I want to see. I believe I’ll stay put, if it’s all the same to you, sir.”

“Ever loyal, Samuel. Good man. You’ve earned my respect.” Angus bowed slightly before he gave his full attention to Mathias and Jolena.

“Well, since my grandson is as strong willed as any McGregor I’ve ever known, and believe me, I’ve known my fair share of them, I guess all that’s left is to let him stay around and wait for you.” He smiled at Jolena and winked. “Your parents send their love, lass.”

Jo finally let go of her breath and smiled, first at Mathias’s grandfather, who surely must be his guardian angel, or hers, or both, and then at Mathias, who returned it in kind. She could both see and feel his joy. He took her hand and held it tightly. And then suddenly, it seemed as if the clouds parted to allow the light of the sun to shine down upon the clearing, except one could see nothing but blue skies all around. This light didn’t come from the sun.

Nevertheless, Jolena recognized its brilliance the moment it appeared. She beheld its magnificent glory once before and she would again, but not right now and thankfully, neither would Mathias.

Jedediah stepped toward her first. “Jolena, I meant what I said earlier. I’ll keep you in my heart, until such time as we meet again.” He leaned forward and kissed her gently on the cheek. He then turned to Sam, who stood next to Jo.

“Be sure to give your folks my best regards—mine too, if you see them,” Sam said.

“You can be sure I will.” Jedediah smiled as he offered his hand.

Sam ignored the hand and yanked him into a hearty embrace. “We’ll be there soon enough, lad.”

“And I’ll be watching for you,” Jedediah said as he turned to face Mathias.

Mathias let go of Jolena’s hand in order to embrace his young friend as well. “Scout out a nice piece of land for us, Jedediah,” he said. “We’ll all want to remain together, once we’re all together again.”

Jedediah smiled broadly, as he saluted his friend. “Yes, sir, and Mathias, thanks for everything. I want you to know, I found it a pleasure and an honor serving beside you. I’m proud to call you my friend.”

“Likewise,” Mathias replied.

“I’ll miss you, all of you,” Jedediah said as he stepped back and gave Dakota one last pat on the head. He turned around then, mounted his horse, and urged him toward the light, but just before he entered it, he turned back. He had the most joyous expression on his face as if what lay ahead of him held an unimaginable glory and he said, “I’ll be seeing you.”

As he disappeared into the light, Alexander and William shared a private goodbye with Mathias and Sam. She had no wish to intrude. Part of her celebrated the fact that Mathias and Sam would remain at her side. Yet part of her sorrowed for the loss of three very dear friends. She couldn’t stop the tears from welling up in her eyes as William and Alex approached her.

“We don’t want you grieving for us, either,” William ordered as he wiped away the tears. “We want the rest of your life filled with one happy adventure after another. And we want you to remember all of the good times and all of the laughter we’ve shared. I want you to recall, every day of your life, just how ridiculous Alex looked as he portrayed Mrs. Peacock, and what a sight Jedediah made in that frilly pink apron he conjured.”

Jolena managed a laugh as she called the hilarious scene to mind.

Alexander gave her a kiss and said, “I’m glad I hung around for a couple of centuries, Jolena. I surely wouldn’t have wanted to miss the chance of forging an eternal friendship with you.”

“Nor would I,” William added.

“I love you both, very much. Remember that during this time of separation.” Jolena sniffed. “And, take very good care of yourselves.”

Sam retrieved their mounts and handed over the reins. Both William and Alex chose to walk into the light with their horses following close behind. And just like Jedediah, they both turned back before they entered and smiled.

“Until we meet again.” William saluted Mathias and Sam, and then blew her a kiss.

“We’ll be waiting,” Alex added. “You can count on that.”

With a final nod, they too, were gone. Moments later, the brilliant light receded until it disappeared from sight altogether.

Only then did Angus McGregor approach her. “You’ve a gate to close, Jolena Michaelsson, before the owner discovers your mischief, and I need a private moment with the boys.”

His words filled Jo with alarm. She exchanged a quick glance with Mathias. Why would Angus ask her to leave? She didn’t want to go unless Mathias accompanied her.

“Don’t worry. He’ll be along by and by. You’ve got my word on that,” Angus reassured her as he extended his hand toward Lacy, and then as if she understood the unspoken command, Lacy sidled over and stood next to her.

She swung up on her back and Angus handed her the reins. Despite her reluctance, he had dismissed her and surely, one could not butt heads with an angel. So, as time once again resumed, she turned Lacy toward home with only Dakota to accompany her. When she finally arrived at the pasture, all of the horses quietly grazed as if they’d never left. She wandered over to the gate, nudged the topmost bar with her foot, and shut it tight. Then, she leaned over and latched it.

Once she arrived home, she put Lacy out in the small pasture, traversed the property toward the house and the door she left wide open. She shut it behind her, ambled into the family room, sat down, and waited for Mathias with all the patience her restless heart could muster.

In fact, she waited all day, pacing between the family room, sitting room, and library. She wandered out to the barn several times, hoping to see Beadurinc in his stall, but it remained empty. Each hour that ticked by, the waiting became more difficult to endure. Did something happen to prevent Mathias and Sam from returning? What did Angus McGregor mean when he said, “by and by?” To an angel, time meant nothing.

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