Read Stanley Kubrick's A clockwork orange: based on the novel by Anthony Burgess Online
Authors: Stanley Kubrick; Anthony Burgess
Tags: #Pop Culture, #Film & Video, #Performing Arts, #Criminals, #Screenplays, #Pop Arts, #Film - General, #Cinema, #Teenage boys, #Drama Texts, #General, #Plays & Screenplays, #cinema, #Film & Video - General, #Motion picture plays, #Films, #Film: Book, #Film & television screenplays
disgrace, all creased and untidy and covered in cal and mud
and filth and stuff. So we got hold of him and cracked him
with a few good horrorshow tolchocks, but he still went on
singing. The song went:
And I will go back to my darling, my darling,
When you, my darling, are gone.
But when Dim fisted him a few times on his filthy drunkard's
rot he shut up singing and started to creech: "Go on, do me in,
you bastard cowards, I don't want to live anyway, not in a
stinking world like this one." I told Dim to lay off a bit then,
because it used to interest me sometimes to slooshy what
some of these starry decreps had to say about life and the
world. I said: "Oh. And what's stinking about it?"
He cried out: "It's a stinking world because it lets the young
get on to the old like you done, and there's no law nor order
no more." He was creeching out loud and waving his rookers
and making real horrorshow with the slovos, only the odd
blurp blurp coming from his keeshkas, like something was
orbiting within, or like some very rude interrupting sort of a
moodge making a shoom, so that this old veck kept sort of
threatening it with his fists, shouting: "It's no world for any
old man any longer, and that means that I'm not one bit
scared of you, my boyos, because I'm too drunk to feel the
pain if you hit me, and if you kill me I'll be glad to be dead."
We smecked and then grinned but said nothing, and then he
said: "What sort of a world is it at all? Men on the moon and
men spinning round the earth like it might be midges round a
lamp, and there's not more attention paid to earthly law nor
order no more. So your worst you may do, you filthy cow-
ardly hooligans." Then he gave us some lip-music -
"Prrrrzzzzrrrr" - like we'd done to those young millicents, and
then he started singing again:
Oh dear dear land, I fought for thee
And brought thee peace and victory -
So we cracked into him lovely, grinning all over our litsos,
but he still went on singing. Then we tripped him so he laid
down flat and heavy and a bucketload of beer-vomit came
whooshing out. That was disgusting so we gave him the boot,
one go each, and then it was blood, not song nor vomit, that
came out of his filthy old rot. Then we went on our way.
It was round by the Municipal Power Plant that we came
across Billyboy and his five droogs. Now in those days, my
brothers, the teaming up was mostly by fours or fives, these
being like auto-teams, four being a comfy number for an
auto, and six being the outside limit for gang-size. Sometimes
gangs would gang up so as to make like malenky armies for
big night-war, but mostly it was best to roam in these like
small numbers. Billyboy was something that made me want to
sick just to viddy his fat grinning litso, and he always had this
von of very stale oil that's been used for frying over and over,
even when he was dressed in his best platties, like now. They
viddied us just as we viddied them, and there was like a very
quit kind of watching each other now. This would be real,
this would be proper, this would be the nozh, the oozy, the
britva, not just fisties and boots. Billyboy and his droogs
stopped what they were doing, which was just getting ready
to perform something on a weepy young devotchka they had
there, not more than ten, she creeching away but with her
platties still on. Billyboy holding her by one rooker and his
number-one, Leo, holding the other. They'd probably just
been doing the dirty slovo part of the act before getting down
to a malenky bit of ultra-violence. When they viddied us a-
coming they let go of this boo-hooing little ptitsa, there
being plenty more where she came from, and she ran with her
thin white legs flashing through the dark, still going "Oh oh
oh". I said, smiling very wide and droogie: "Well, if it isn't fat
stinking billygoat Billyboy in poison. How art thou, thou
globby bottle of cheap stinking chip-oil? Come and get one in
the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly, thou."
And then we started.
There were four of us to six of them, like I have already
indicated, but poor old Dim, for all his dimness, was worth
three of the others in sheer madness and dirty fighting. Dim
had a real horrorshow length of oozy or chain round his
waist, twice wound round, and he unwound this and began to
swing it beautiful in the eyes or glazzies. Pete and Georgie had
good sharp nozhes, but I for my own part had a fine starry
horrorshow cut-throat britva which, at that time, I could flash
and shine artistic. So there we were dratsing away in the dark,
the old Luna with men on it just coming up, the stars stabbing
away as it might be knives anxious to join in the dratsing.
With my britva I managed to slit right down the front of one
of Billyboy's droog's platties, very very neat and not even
touching the plott under the cloth. Then in the dratsing this
droog of Billyboy's suddenly found himself all opened up like
a peapod, with his belly bare and his poor old yarbles show-
ing, and then he got very razdraz, waving and screaming
and losing his guard and letting in old Dim with his chain
snaking whisssssshhhhhhhhh, so that old Dim chained him
right in the glazzies, and this droog of Billyboy's went totter-
ing off and howling his heart out. We were doing very hor-
rorshow, and soon we had Billyboy's number-one down
underfoot, blinded with old Dim's chain and crawling and
howling about like an animal, but with one fair boot on the
gulliver he was out and out and out.
Of the four of us Dim, as usual, came out the worst in point
of looks, that is to say his litso was all bloodied and his
platties a dirty mess, but the others of us were still cool and
whole. It was stinking fatty Billyboy I wanted now, and there I
was dancing about with my britva like I might be a barber on
board a ship on a very rough sea, trying to get in at him with a
few fair slashes on his unclean oily litso. Billyboy had a nozh,
a long flick-type, but he was a malenky bit too slow and heavy
in his movements to vred anyone really bad. And, my
brothers, it was real satisfaction to me to waltz - left two
three, right two three - and carve left cheeky and right cheeky,
so that like two curtains of blood seemed to pour out at the
same time, one on either side of his fat filthy oily snout in the
winter starlight. Down this blood poured in like red curtains,
but you could viddy Billyboy felt not a thing, and he went
lumbering on like a filthy fatty bear, poking at me with his
Then we slooshied the sirens and knew the millicents were
coming with pooshkas pushing out of the police-auto-
windows at the ready. That weepy little devotchka had told
them, no doubt, there being a box for calling the rozzes not
too far behind the Muni Power Plant. "Get you soon, fear
not," I called, "stinking billygoat. I'll have your yarbles off
lovely." Then off they ran, slow and panting, except for
Number One Leo out snoring on the ground, away north
towards the river, and we went the other way. Just round the
next turning was an alley, dark and empty and open at both
ends, and we rested there, panting fast then slower, then
breathing like normal. It was like resting between the feet of
two terrific and very enormous mountains, these being the
flatblocks, and in the windows of all the flats you could
viddy like blue dancing light. This would be the telly. Tonight
was what thy called a worldcast, meaning that the same pro-
gramme was being viddied by everybody in the world that
wanted to, that being mostly the middle-aged middle-class
lewdies. There would be some big famous stupid comic
chelloveck or black singer, and it was all being bounced off
the special telly satellites in outer space, my brothers. We
waited panting, and we could slooshy the sirening millicents
going east, so we knew we were all right now. But poor old
Dim kept looking up at the stars and planets and the Luna
with his rot wide open like a kid who'd never viddied any such
things before, and he said:
"What's on them, I wonder. What would be up there on
things like that?"
I nudged him hard, saying: "Come, gloopy bastard as thou
art. Think thou not on them. There'll be life like down here
most likely, with some getting knifed and others doing the
knifing. And now, with the nochy still molodoy, let us be on
our way, O my brothers." The others smecked at this, but
poor old Dim looked at me serious, then up again at the stars
and the Luna. So we went on our way down the alley, with the
worldcast blueing on on either side. What we needed now was
an auto, so we turned left coming out of the alley, knowing
right away we were in Priestly Place as soon as we viddied the
big bronze statue of some starry poet with an apey upper lip
and a pipe stuck in a droopy old rot. Going north we came to
the filthy old Filmdrome, peeling and dropping to bits
through nobody going there much except malchicks like me
and my droogs, and then only for a yell or a razrez or a bit of
in-out-in-out in the dark. We could viddy from the poster on
the Filmdrome's face, a couple of fly-dirtied spots trained on
it, that there was the usual cowboy riot, with the archangels
on the side of the US marshal six-shooting at the rustlers out
of hell's fighting legions, the kind of hound-and-horny veshch
put out by Statefilm in those days. The autos parked by the
sinny weren't all that horrorshow, crappy starry veshches
most of them, but there was a newish Durango 95 that I
thought might do. Georgie had one of these polyclefs, as they
called them, on his keyring, so we were soon aboard - Dim
and Pete at the back, puffing away lordly at their cancers - and
I turned on the ignition and started her up and she grumbled
away real horrorshow, a nice warm vibraty feeling grumbling
all through your guttiwuts. Then I made with the noga,
and we backed out lovely, and nobody viddied us take off.
We fillied round what was called the backtown for a bit,
scaring old vecks and cheenas that were crossing the roads
and zigzagging after cats and that. Then we took the road
west. There wasn't much traffic about, so I kept pushing the
old noga through the floorboards near, and the Durango 95
ate up the road like spaghetti. Soon it was winter trees and
dark, my brothers, with a country dark, and at one place I ran
over something big with a snarling toothy rot in the head-
lamps, then it screamed and squelched under and old Dim at
the back near laughed his gulliver off - "Ho ho ho" - at that.
Then we saw one young malchick with his sharp, lubbilubbing