Stare Me Down (Stare Down) (22 page)

Read Stare Me Down (Stare Down) Online

Authors: Riley Murphy

Tags: #Romance, #Figging, #submission, #bdsm, #Dominance

BOOK: Stare Me Down (Stare Down)
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She was stuck back on “I’m your guy” so the rest of what he said was just a blur as she nodded like a bobble-head and assumed the position.

“Thank you,” he whispered as if to himself before his hands pressed against each of her calves. “Your skin is so soft.”

Jaxx squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip. A thrilling zing coursed through her from toes to shoulders and back again as his warm palms stole upward. Over the backs of her knees and thighs, landing with an intimate rub on her bottom.

“Beautiful. Just relax. That’s right.” His voice was soft. Encouraging. “Arms out stretched and hands flat to the rug. Good. “Perfect now…”

Her eyes flew open and she gasped, “Aries.”

“I want them open,” he told her while he slowly spread her legs wider and wider still. “There. This is the way I want you to stay while I’m driving. There will be—” he slipped his powerful hand up the inside of her left thigh stopping right at the top, sliding his index finger into the sensitive crease between her leg and center. “—no moving. I want you thinking though. Think about these words. Are you listening?”

“Yes,” she breathed.

“All right.” He leisurely stroked her. Back and forth. Slow and steady. “Naked,” He pressed against her to emphasize. “Exposed.” He pushed into that crease with unspoken promise of better things to come. “Taken.” Her teeth practically chattered. “Chained, given and used.” Her heart fluttered. “I want you to silently repeat them. Explore what they mean to you and what you think they mean to me.” He gave her one last stroke. “Close your eyes. I’m going to shut the hatch and come around to the passenger door. When I open it the interior light is going to come on so you’ll need to wait for a few seconds for it to go off.”

She heard the door open and then felt something touch her forearm. Light or no light curiosity got the best of her. She needed to see what he’d put beside her. Blinking rapidly she’d almost focused when the light went out and now her eyes had to readjust again.

“I want to leave this here so I can reach it when I get to where I’m taking you.”

Finally she was able to make it out. It was a small black canvas bag. It looked like a tool bag with yellow piping around the formed handles at the top. She didn’t ask him, but she did go through a huge mental list of what could be inside when suddenly all those dreamed up items scattered. It couldn’t be helped as he reached down and brushed a hand through her hair, whispering soft and husky in her ear. “I have something in there you’re going to love. It’s smooth and made out of metal. Can you guess what it is?”


“No? Are you sure?” He tugged on her hair and her insides turned to jelly, but then he took up whispering again and that jelly flowed to liquid. “I’d like to climb in here with you. Right now and lick every inch of your body from ankle to shoulder blade. Damn,” he released a warm breath in her ear. “With your legs spread wide for me like this I’d be able to plunge my tongue so deep into you you’d scream and pant.”


“Are you pressing your hips into the carpet? Are you aching for my touch?”


“God, you tempt me.” When he kissed her forehead, cheek and then ear, she moaned, but before she could beg him to give into the temptation and join her he’d closed the door and was in the driver’s seat. Now she was left staring at the black bag again. It had yellow piping. It was canvas.

And it was filled with his things.

She was shivering inside out by the time he exited the parking lot and it had nothing to do with the cold.
Naked, exposed, taken, chained
… he’d said that last one before when they were doing their test, yet now it affected her in a different way. A deep way. Right to her core where she burned and ached for him. Yeah, she wanted him so badly that she physically ached.

But then he opened the sunroof and the cooler night air rushed in and over her. Caressing and teasing. Touching her more profoundly than his words. She felt free and alive. Exhilarated and sexy as she pressed her hips into the rug for better contact. Here again, she realized that Aries had touched a place inside her no one else had. He’d found a spot she never knew existed.

“Are you doing okay?” he called.

“Yes,” her voice was so low he probably didn’t hear it. “Yes.” She said louder wanting to say so much more. But then how could she, when she little understood all the feelings coming to life within her. Some were physical, while others were much, much deeper than that. Flesh and bone was one thing soul-tapping another.

The air, the quiet, the vibration of the vehicle put her in a floating space. Time and reason deserted her as she let everything else go.

“I’m going to make a turn, I’ll go slowly though. I like to go slow.”

That last gruff comment swept through her so fast she groaned.

“Did you say something?”

When the car shifted she automatically pushed her palms into the carpet even as she heard the crunch of the tires chewing up gravel.
Taken. Chained.
The words echoed in her mind causing her to nearly hyperventilate. “N-no.”

Uttering that denial was the last coherent thing she did before she gave in and sank into the tempting avenue of escape Aries was offering. With the wind sailing over her and her excitement trumping her fear she relaxed and enjoyed the ride. Evergreen and the rich scent of evening dampened grasses surrounded her. The fragrance intoxicated her to such a point that she barely knew it when the car stopped.


Aries had intended to go to Monroe Park as it within a short distance from the restaurant, but the minute he turned on Bell Street he kept heading north until he realized where he really wanted to go. It was to a place he hadn’t been in years and somehow it seemed fitting to revisit that clearing with Jaxx tonight.

After he parked and cut the engine he said, “Close your eyes, sweetheart.” Getting out of the car, he added before he shut the door, “Remember, the interior light has a delay so when it shuts off I’ll let you know.”

By the time it had he had the hatch fully opened and was standing in the dappled moonlight enjoying the view of her. “Damn, I’d love to kiss every bit of the moonlight I see dancing on your skin. Every last inch of it.”

“Aries.” She not only opened her eyes, but sat up and turned around. The sight of her naked in the moonbeam shadows, pushing her hair off her forehead as she stared at him was an image he’d carry with him forever. Poignant and beautiful. Devastating in its intensity.

He couldn’t decide how he was feeling. Maybe needed? Or maybe he was wanted in a way he hadn’t been wanted in a very long time. If ever. “This is what I love. You focused in on just me. Just us. This—” he leaned in and slid his hands under her ass cheeks, dragging her to him, “—does it for me. Do you know how much?”

He lifted her and when she wrapped her naked legs around his hips, her silken arms around his shoulders and pushed her face into the side of neck to steal a taste his skin, he knew life didn’t get better than this. He was sure of it.

“Hey, look at me.”

Spying her languid expression in the moonshine his pulse picked up speed and even though he didn’t think he needed to ask he did anyway. “Are you ready to get in the back of the car with me? Will you let me touch you? Taste you? Drive you wild and make you scream?”

“Yes,” she breathed. The husky sound rocked him to the core until she half moaned which sounded more like a groan and said, “I’d do anything for you. Anything.”

Then it was his turn to groan as he pulled her in tight and spoke in her ear, “I’m going to take you up on that. Surely I will.” He bent and put her down. So her ass was on the carpet but her legs dangled with thighs over the bumper. “Give me a taste of you.”

He fitted his hand in her hair as his mouth slanted over hers. Forcing her lips to part until he captured her need. Her desire. Her pure and honest reaction to him and it was humbling. It fed him and gave him a sense of power that was wicked and extreme as there were no barriers. Nothing between him and her and what he desired. Exactly what he was hoping for. He slipped a hand between her legs and parted her.


“Oh, baby, you’re so wet. So hot.” His index and middle finger slid through her warmth. First going down and then up before he repeated the process. “Does that feel good? Flex forward. Come on. Yeah, good. More. Mmm…” Sharply he bit her earlobe and then licked the sting away before he stopped touching her and said, “Scoot back. I want you to lie down for me. The way you were before.” He leaned away and she tried to follow him but he held her off. “Jaxx, please do as I said.”

She opened her eyes and frowned. “Why? I thought we could…”

He brushed her hair to one side off her forehead and whispered, “Babe, I’m the one with the plan remember? I think you’ll like it if you give it half a chance. Lie back down on your tummy. Arms out with palms flat to the floor.”

This time there was no hesitation as she turned to do as he’d instructed.

He had one knee on the carpet when she asked, “Will you shut the door?”

He paused and drank in the sight of her. “Why, are you cold?”

“No, just nervous.”

She wiggled. No it was her little shake. The one he loved and he grinned. “Of what?”

“Things in the forest. Where are we?”

“Some place safe.” Even though it was the truth, because it would make her feel better he got in and used his fob to close the hatch and lock the doors. After all, they still had the huge opening in the roof to enjoy the evening through.

He stretched out beside her and pushed her hair off her shoulder. “Your skin is like velvet.” He bent and kissed her arm, shoulder and base of her neck. Smiling when she trembled. “Did you think about those words?”


“And?” He softly nipped at her collarbone.

“I want you to take me.” When she whispered this, her lower half ground into the carpet. Fuck what a turn-on. “Use me.” She flexed again and his cock thickened and filled even more than it was a few seconds ago. The skin so tight it burned. Swallowing the urge to do exactly what she’d just said, he kissed a path across her the top of the back and reached for his bag. Slowly he retrieved it not wanting to break the spell.

“Did you think of an item that’s in this bag?”


He rested his jaw on her shoulder blade and blew a lengthy breath down her spine. “Tell me.”

She shivered and quaked as she groaned, “A dildo.”

He blew another breath then said, “You can do better than that, can’t you?” When he put a hand on her ass, she jerked so he stroked her until she settled. “Relax. It’s just me and you. No one else. Talk to me. Tell me what other items you think I have in the bag.”


He smiled and made a circle with his mouth as he blew. When he was done he asked, “What kind of clamps?”

“N-Nipple clamps.”

“What else?”

“I don’t‌—‌tape.”

Finally she was catching on. His smile widened as he blew several more times down the vertical line that split her back. “I do have all those things in there, but there’s one more and that’s the very item I want to use on you. Tell me what it is.”


“Yes,” he kissed her back. “Only this one isn’t a hook. It’s small and slender and made of metal.” He kept his jaw resting on her while he undid the bag and searched for the oil and plug. When he had both in hand he kept his tone even and low. “I’m going to put plenty of lube on this. I’ll go real slow. Would you like that?”

“Yes‌—‌no. I don’t know.”

“I think you do.” He placed the plug in the dip at the bottom of her back and snapped the bottle lid up with his thumb. “Is it a yes or a no?” He tipped the container and drizzled the oil over the metal until it skated down the curved sides and landed to create various puddles on her skin. “Tell me.”

While he waited for her to get over her embarrassment he pushed his index finger through one of the oil spots in a circular motion before he headed south. Creating a gleaming line from one of the two dimples at the base of her spine to the middle of a rounded cheek. “I love your ass.” He gave it a tap and added, “I can’t wait to heat it up some.”


“But not now. Tonight we have other things to do. Can you take a deep breath for me? Can you relax while I…”


“Stay still. Breathe.” He placed the tip of the plug against her opening and curled down wanting her to feel protected. Fenced in. Controlled when he encouraged, “Push back. It’s okay. I’m here. Relax.”

She drew in air and did as he told her. He almost came watching the metal slid up into her and when she let that indrawn breath out in a guttural moan his cock was dry heaving for the need to get into her. “Very good. It will take a little while to get used to the weight and fullness, but once you do, it will be good. So very good.” He skated his palm through the excess lube on her back and rubbed it all over her ass. “I promise. Now…”

She moaned again when he rolled with her until she was lying on top of him‌—‌her back on his front‌—‌and he had to steel himself. He was so close to ditching his plan it was a wonder. He prided himself in self-control and tonight, but especially with Jaxx, would be no exception.

“What are you doing?” She tried to shift to the side to look up at him but he held her still.

“I’m going to show you the stars.” Capturing her chin he adjusted her. “Look.”

Both of them were quiet as they lay there and viewed the Big Dipper through the open expanse of roof.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Yeah, but not as beautiful as the other stars I’m going to show you. Drop your legs for me. Leave yourself open. Wide open. That’s right.”


The second Aries’ arms wrapped around her and his hands descended to play she was lost. He did nothing more than draw circles over her clit again and again and again until, this time, her teeth did chatter and the urge to be penetrated overrode her desire to do as he commanded when he told her to stay still.

“I can’t…‌please.”

“We’re going to have to work on building your patience. You’re too eager.”

He moved his hand and she cried out, afraid that he was taking away his attention, but then she was left gasping and flexing some more as he pushed that metal object deeper with one hand and slipped two fingers into her pussy with the other.

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