Stare Me Down (Stare Down) (17 page)

Read Stare Me Down (Stare Down) Online

Authors: Riley Murphy

Tags: #Romance, #Figging, #submission, #bdsm, #Dominance

BOOK: Stare Me Down (Stare Down)
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She lifted her head and looked at him. “I’m waiting for you.”

He stood over her and gestured toward her torso. “Like this? You think this is sexy?”

Her head fell back to the pillow and she readjusted. “I’m naked, aren’t I?”

That snarky comment made him smile. It also got him itching to tan her ass, but he was going to ignore the impulse. She was still learning about herself, so he was giving her some leeway when it came to her attitude. She needed the space, and he’d give it to her.

“All right. Since you can’t figure this one out on your own, let me help you. I want you lying across the bed with your legs open. Not just spread, I want them bent and open.”


Deep breath.
He’d had enough with that word. She used it far too often. Bending, he grabbed hold of her hair. With his finger speared through the golden silk, he whispered, “Because I told you to. Move.”

She looked like she was going to argue, so he gave a tug and raised his brows. Hopefully she’d get the message. He waited. After a few charged seconds she did, so he let go, which allowed her to scoot down in the bed. He was happy she did as he asked. Well, almost as he’d asked. “Bend your legs.” After she complied, he said, “Good. Now put your arms up over your head.”

“Like this?”

“Yeah. Keep them there until I tell you to bring them down.”

This time he was determined the ice wasn’t going to melt, because there’d be no more talking. Only focusing. Him on her and her on him when he went right for the gold. Bending, he licked so hard up the length of her slit that her folds parted, giving him his first taste of her clit. Beautiful.

“Jesus! Your tongue is cold.”

He pulled her closer to him. Closer to the edge of the bed as he came down on his knees, pausing to nip her inner thigh.


“No more talking. Bite your tongue if you have to. Got it?” He nipped her again.






Jaxx nearly came off the mattress just then, because he latched onto her sensitive flesh and sucked hard. Firm, but good. Oh-so good. The tingles started in that area and spread out. Warm waves of heaven penetrated all her muscles. She was sinking. Slipping until—

She couldn’t help it. She mouthed the phrase, “Jesus Christ” and jerked when it touched her.


I wanted to make you come over it.

She remembered those words he’d spoken in the maze. But was it possible? The chill had pulled her out of that languid space, and now all she felt was the frosty burn.

But then he sank his teeth into her clit. Soft at first and then successively harder, and she focused in on that instead of the ice skating over her belly and thighs. Those tingles were back. The waves. The heaven…

She flexed into his mouth as her fists crushed the sheets. He was killing her. The cold. The hot. So open. So ready. Her adrenaline surged. Pulse pounding. Insides melting.


The sides of her knees hit the mattress. Blood racing. Muscles trembling as the breath was lifted out of her. The light. So close. The tingles rode over her thighs, hips, belly and crashed with a mighty grip on her center. Almost there…‌almost…‌there.

She cried out when he took his mouth off her.

“I want you to come on this.”

Her first instinct was to complain, but then she felt the slide. The chunk of chilling ice that penetrated her. And then his hand—

“Oh, God.” She drew up her knees as two of his fingers chased the ice but detoured to play with her g-spot. It had to be her g-spot, because she couldn’t lie still. The acute sensations demanded she move. Flex, pump, and beg for more.

And he gave it. “I can’t get enough of you.”

The second his teeth grazed her clit and he took up where he’d left off, nipping and biting, she was pushed right to the edge. Because now she had the ice melting inside her. His fingers strumming against her to perfection, and she couldn’t hold on.

With her grip strangling the sheets. Her breath coming out in heavy pants. Her hips pivoting. Pushing. Wanting more of all he had to give, she let go. Heat. Ice. Pain. Pleasure.

This time when the waves came, she rode them. As hard and as fast as she rode his hand and mouth. Heart hammering. Blood rushing. She was lifted. And lifted more. Higher and higher, until the air got thin. She moaned. Groaned. Closed her eyes ready to scream. When suddenly her inner muscles squeezed, convulsing against him and the ice and…‌and…

“Ah, God!”

The small muscles let go with an exhilarating burst, and she did what he wanted. She came for him with stunning tremors that rocked her to her soul.

It took her a few moments to come back to earth but when she did, she pushed the hair out of her eyes, licked her lips and frowned. He was using one of the terry serving towels to wipe his hand.

“That’s what you wanted the cloth for?”

“Sure.” He turned and pressed it intimately against her.

“I‌—‌the towel‌—‌don’t do that.”

He brushed her hand away and continued to use the cloth on her. “Only in movies and your romance novels are things clean. Sex is never clean. Especially with me, so keep the stack in the nightstand drawer, okay?”

She was sure she was blushing all over the place. “All right.”

“There. I’m going to go finish getting dinner put together. Why don’t you get dressed and see if there’s a movie we can watch.”

She grabbed for the duvet the second he stepped back, but she wasn’t quick enough.

“Don’t cover up.”

“But it’s…”


She nodded.

“I told you about awkward.” He walked to the door and just before he exited through it, he said, “So let’s make you being naked around me so old that it’s normal.”

Could she do it? She looked down.
You already did.

A minute later, she was bending to pick up her top when she heard him.

“Where’s the cucumber?”

She snapped up straight so fast, the action sent her hair flying in a cartwheel. It hadn’t finished falling around her when she stammered, “W-what d-do you want that for?”

His eyes danced and he grinned. “The salad.”

“Salad? But I thought—”

“Go on,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the doorframe. “I’m listening.”

She didn’t reply at first, and he tilted his head, so she decided to own another moment and answer him. Half naked and being teased, she snapped her top out twice. It wasn’t that she needed to air it or anything. The action was more for dramatic effect. “I thought you were going to put a condom over it, slather it with KY and then screw me with it.”

That’ll teach him.

She’d pulled her shirt down over her head and went completely still when she heard him say.

“That was my original plan until I saw your fridge had an ice maker in the door.”

Her arms were like two snakes in a sack, trying to find an exit. Where the hell were the sleeves? Success, finally. She spun around, but the retort died on her lips when she spotted him. He had his arms stretched up over his head while he hung onto the doorframe. He was so big and handsome. No, sexy.
Too sexy for a woman like you.
What was he doing here?

“So.” He tapped a rapid drum-beat against the trim then stopped. “Do we have a GPS on the cucumber? I didn’t see it in the vegetable crisper.”

She lifted her chin up a notch. “Maybe I lied and didn’t buy one.”

His arms came down and he smiled like the cat that ate the canary. “You bought one.”

Great. Another staring contest. Damn, he was good. She blinked and looked away. “Oh, all right. It’s on the second shelf.”

“I’m sure I looked there.”

She scooted past him and headed to the fridge to get it herself. “You probably missed it. I put it into a large freezer bag after I scrubbed—” She nearly fell into the fridge when she realized what she’d almost admitted.

“Well, I hope you left some skin on it. That’s where all the nutrients are.” He reached around her and opened the door.

Before she could stop it a groan escaped.

“What?” He wrapped his arms around her and gave her squeeze. Leaning down, he whispered against her cheek, “Did you have your heart set on the cucumber?”

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “No.”

“Well, then.” He let her go and playfully smacked her bottom. “Get out of my kitchen so I can finish making my girl dinner.”

She was lightheaded and practically floated to the sectional. When she turned on the television, she barely saw the movie list. She was too caught up in the euphoria of hearing the phrase “my girl” from him.

“Score. You have zucchini. I can do great things with zucchini.”

There he was, holding up a large one. She was going to say something, but then he winked at her. That put her mind at ease. He was only teasing her.

“After all, it’d be a shame to waste the KY.”

She turned her head so fast she almost fell off the couch. But he wasn’t paying her any mind as he sliced the cucumber. The zucchini, however, had a place of honor on the counter. Right where she’d be forced to look at it all night.

“Quit staring at it and find us a movie.”

Did he have eyes on the side of his head? She’d find them a movie, all right. “Oh, here’s a good one. It’s older, but I think you’ll like it. It’s called
The Piano

He chuckled really low and downright dirty as he said, “I know who’s in it. If you want to watch it, go ahead.”

“Really?” She prayed he said no, because she didn’t want to watch that cry fest.

“Yeah, I won’t be doing much watching anyway. I have a zucchini to prep.”

It wasn’t the implication that pressed all of her lust buttons, because let’s face it, where was the sexy in a giant vegetable? It was his look that totally melted her.

She’d never make it through dinner.

Chapter Eleven

Jaxx stretched and then scowled. What time was it? She rolled over and checked the clock. Seven-thirty. It was the second Sunday of the month, so she wasn’t on call. This was a day of rest. She flopped over onto her back and wondered why she was awake. Maybe she…‌could…‌just close her eyes and fall back…


Her eyes snapped opened. Who? Oh, yeah.


She grabbed her phone and squinted.

Good morning, Sunshine. Feel like hanging with me and a few of my friends today? Would have asked you last night, but after the zucchini, I lost you. You need to get more rest.

She sat up. “Ha, this coming from a guy who just woke me up?”

A buddy of mine is having a birthday party. It’s for his son. I like the kid, so you want to go? Burgers and corn on the cob. Oh, don’t worry, I have the gift thing all worked out. I got him something that will make us look like rock stars. And in his world, that means I’m the Beiber and you’re Swift.

That made her smile. How could she refuse?

I guess. Time?
What? No good morning? I’m crushed after the good night we had last night.

She fell back on the pillow and stared at the text. She dropped her arms, stared at the ceiling and then brought her hands up again. Okay, what could she say?

Had an okay time last night…

No. She backed that out.

Last night was terrific…

Overkill, even though it was awesome.

You have mad skills…

God, no, his head was big enough.

Good morning. Sorry about falling asleep. I was tired.

She held her breath.

I loved watching you sleep.

Her heart skipped a beat and she had that floating sensation again. What was she supposed to say to that?

I’m coming by at four. Wear jeans, a tight little T-shirt and sneakers. You may have to help me out with the sport of the day.

This she could handle.

Tight little T-shirt, huh?
Sue me.

She was still smiling when she got out of bed. It wasn’t until she went into the kitchen to put on coffee and saw Maggie out back that she wanted to punch someone. Sometimes living in a duplex with a shared patio was inconvenient. Like right now when Maggie spotted her. Damn. She had to wave back and she knew that would be seen as an invitation. Sure enough.

“You’re up early for a weekend off. Are you making a habit of leaving your hair down? When Gunther comes, you have to remember to wear it up.”

Jaxx finished putting the water in the coffee maker and turned it on. She was determined to ignore Maggie’s sniping. “Are you ready to tell me what happened with you and Q the other night?”

“Why do you think anything happened? Did Mr. Taylor say something?”

“About Q?”

“His name is Quentin. And did he?”

Jaxx had been straightening up items that Aries had rearranged when she took note of Maggie’s tone. She’s been making small talk, and Maggie was sweating big time. What. The. Hell? “Maggie?”

Her friend wouldn’t look at her.

“Out with it. You wouldn’t tell me before, so tell me now. What’s bothering you?”

“Bothering me?” She fiddled with her turtleneck and looked away. “Nothing.” She looked back. “Well, nothing to do with Quentin. It’s just that…”


“I was sure
that man
would be out of your system by now. That’s why I arranged for you to have a date with him in the first place. He can’t be that interesting.”

“But he is.”

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