Stare Me Down (Stare Down) (28 page)

Read Stare Me Down (Stare Down) Online

Authors: Riley Murphy

Tags: #Romance, #Figging, #submission, #bdsm, #Dominance

BOOK: Stare Me Down (Stare Down)
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He stopped and spun around. “My date?”

“Doctor Gavin. For your brother’s thing.”

“How do you know her name?”

Shar stuffed a bar-cloth in her back pocket with one hand and pushed him away with the other. “Q. You could have told me. I’ve been worried about you going, but with her by your side it’ll be all good.”

He blinked and then sighed. “Look, I’m going to be honest with you. I haven’t even decided whether to invite her. This is my shit, not hers.”

“Shit? This isn’t
it’s the future of the club you’re talking about. Are you afraid she won’t go? Should we find someone else?”

“No. No, if I ask her I know she’ll go.”

“Well then?”

He didn’t like the way Shar had her hands on her hips. Clearly now that she knew there as an opportunity for her to have her own stake in the club she didn’t want to take any chances, but she needed to know that until that time came he was the one who made the decisions.

“I’ll handle this. Are you going to deal with the spanking horse damage?”

“Yes, but—”

“Make sure Draco doesn’t wear those vampire finger-cuffs around here in the future unless he’s willing to leave a deposit.”

He didn’t let Shar respond. He was tired of her prodding. Although he appreciated that she had his back, he wasn’t ready to be pushed.

When the door was shut between them he relaxed. With the prospect of realizing one dream within reach he knew soon he’d to have to face the reality of all he wanted with another dream of his. The more important one. And when he did, it would be a private and intimate discussion between him and Jaxx. No one else, as the topic was uniquely theirs. At least he hoped it would be. That was the funny thing about special. You never knew when special was going to happen, but when it did, you wanted to protect it. Keep it close and not let others know you were experiencing it, for the fear it would disappear.

When you tell her what you want for their future together she may disappear.

He wasn’t going to think about that as he snatched up his cell and texted her.
Get a pen and paper. I’ll wait…

Good morning to you too. Why yes, I had a great night, thank you for asking.

He was like a teenager with his first crush. Every time he texted her like this, his heart raced and he felt…‌good. Damn good. “It’s the weekend with nothing to do” kind of good. That’s what she was to him.

13 West Henshaw Street. Stripper Land. This is where I want you to go to pick up the shoes I bought you.
Stripper Land?

He could just imagine her body language. She was so easy to read, he didn’t even have to be in the same room with her.

And after that I want you to go two suites over. To 15 Henshaw and pick up our order.
Take out?

Hm. If she weren’t being so sassy he might let it slide, but after their conversation in the early morning hours?

No, I’d say most of the intimate items to be picked up there require you to take them in. Do you have any more questions for me?


He waited, and sure enough.


He smiled.

Do I get to see the shoes at least?
Of course.

Several hours later he was in the middle of a meeting with his architect and contractor when his phone vibrated. Normally he wouldn’t check his text. It was rude to do so mid-meeting, but in this case he excused himself and went out to the hall.

Golf shoes? You bought me golf shoes for our Scene?

Great, she was off balance and had no idea what to expect.

The shoes weren’t for that. They’re for our golf game. You said you can beat me, and I want to see it happen.
And I wanted pretty shoes for our Scene. I CAN beat you. Who’s worried about that?

This didn’t sit well with him. Not at all. What if she could beat him? Nah, that wasn’t possible. Images of Erica Sorensen started to surface, and he scowled. That chick could definitely beat him, but Jaxx wasn’t a pro. She couldn’t be that good at golf, could she? He needed to stop stressing about golf and get his head back in a different game.

Fucking golf gods. They messed with your shit, even when you weren’t on the course.

Trust me. You’ll have the perfect shoes to go with the outfit I bought. I mean it.

He should get back to his meeting but he couldn’t help himself. He wanted to spend as much time with her as possible, even if it was only via text.

OKAY, let’s talk about the bag of stuff I picked up from “Virginia’s Vag Emporium”. I don’t even want to discuss the name of the store. Forget that. My question is, are you organizing a sex party I’m unaware of?

Hm. He looked at that text and decided. This wasn’t about quantity, it was about quality time spent with her, and if he got dragged into answering that? There’d be no quality, because he’d have to call her on her snark. Best to ignore it. He stuffed his phone in his pocket and reentered the boardroom. “Sorry about that.”

His architect turned and the look on his face was scary. “There’s a modification here that impacts the whole project. In a big way. You didn’t tell me you wanted an outdoor lift on either end and in the middle of the complex.”

See? He could handle this no problem. But one stubborn woman who kept insisting she could cream him in golf? That had him worried.


Jaxx was glad it was Thursday. She’d accomplished everything she needed to do today. She’d finished with her appointments, handed in her monthly “Grin with Granny” article to the local newspaper and gotten her hair done. All in preparation for their coming Scene. Last night he’d invited her to his place on Friday and she wanted to look her best. She’d just gotten into the car when her phone beeped.

How’s the hair look?
I’m doing dinner.
Your place.
I’m there now. Waiting for you.

That gave her a thrill. Her hands shook as she typed, I’ll be home soon.

Jaxx sent that off and leaned back in the seat. She had a lot to think about and yet she hadn’t done what she usually did by overanalyzing it. In fact she hadn’t analyzed it at all which was really odd. As she pulled out of the parking lot she had to admit it was as though everything was skewed in her life at the moment. The one man who shouldn’t be making any sense made all the sense in the world, and the woman she’d been trusting for years was suddenly unreliable.

Go with your own instincts.

It was hard doing that when she had Maggie in the background just waiting for Aries to prove that she was right about him. Maggie probably hoped this would happen before her friend arrived. As to that, Jaxx knew she still hadn’t given up on that idea. She’d taken the time to slip a note under Jaxx’s door yesterday to say that Gunther would be arriving first of the week. She just couldn’t let go and Jaxx knew why.


Jaxx was so engrossed in her thoughts she nearly missed her street. Making the turn she decided from now on she was going to be patient with Maggie instead of getting angry. Living with that kind of guilt was a terrible burden and she supposed it could make a person act out and do crazy things like trying to sabotage a relationship by saying hurtful things. Not that Jaxx was going to put up with this forever. She planned on talking to Maggie about all this and when she did she’d tell her that she wasn’t responsible for Jaxx’s upbringing. It was Jaxx’s adopted parents who were solely to blame as they both knew going into the process they didn’t want children. It wouldn’t have mattered who that child… As she pulled in, the car all but rolled onto the drive. The shock of that logical deduction echoed in her mind as understanding dawned. Searching for Maggie’s truth she’d inadvertently discovered her own and for the first time in her life, it was right in front of her. Clear as day. Jaxx had spent her whole life blaming herself for not being the daughter her parents wanted when the truth was they never wanted a child at all. It wasn’t a matter of her not measuring up. She measured up all right, it was them who didn’t.

Her heart pounded as a small rush of what? Happiness? Soared through her. It was as if a dark part of her heart had been let into the light. Why hadn’t she’d seen this before?

Spotting Aries car she had her answer. He’d given her the confidence and courage to face down her shame. Yes that’s what it was. Shame that she wasn’t good enough to be wanted by the two people in her life that were supposed to love her best. For years she’d believed that to be true. But now that Aries had entered her life? She knew for a certainty she was good enough. Her pulse raced as she got out of the car and headed up the steps.

She’d have the necessary conversation with Maggie eventually, but right now all she could think of was Aries.

Once through the reception doors she took a deep breath and decided she felt lighter right now than she had in years.

Standing at her front door, she determined she wanted to give back. She wanted to do something solely for him. Something different and imaginative. Something he wouldn’t forget. It took her a minute to come up with a plan, but when she did she went in, balls-to-the-walls.

“Hi, your hair looks great.”

The scent of rosemary on a crisping chicken greeted her, and she breathed deeply. “Smells great in here.” And the scenery was just as tantalizing. His dark hair was mussed and he had a speck of flour on his nicely tailored shirt. Totally dreamy, and she was more committed now to giving something back than she was before. “Thanks. Is there anything you’re cooking that could be ruined if I stole you away for…‌say, fifteen minutes?”

He eyed her, but she didn’t give up any territory. She was doing this. “I’m intrigued and I do have forty minutes on the clock.”

“Great.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bedroom then stopped. “I know you’re used to running the show or the Scene or whatever, but I want to do this. Just this once. Before tomorrow.”

He lifted her chin, and she melted a little. “Are you worried about tomorrow? Is that what this is about?”

“No. I’m ready. Even if I don’t know what to expect, I’m good. This is…” She looked up at him. “It’s special, Aries. Only for you. I want to do it.”

He gave her a measuring look and then agreed. “All right.”

“I want you on the bed and stretched out, waiting for me.”


She grabbed one of her sleep masks out of the drawer, plucked out two tennis balls from her bucket-full of unused workout equipment, and then scooped up her iPod. “Here’s how this is going to work.” She handed him one of the tennis balls. “You are going to grip these magical balls—” she handed him the other, “—in your palms so you won’t be tempted to sink those hands in my hair. This is my way of putting you in bondage without any restraints.”

“Have you been drinking?”

“Not at all. This is going to be a game-changer.”

“For who?”

“Both of us. Let me put the blindfold on you.”

He frowned.

“I want to do this, but I can see you don’t. How about I give you three strokes when we play our round of golf?”

“You’re that good?” He looked more worried over that prospect than he did over being blindfolded.

“Is it a deal?”

When he nodded, she didn’t hesitate. She got the sleep mask on him before he had any second thoughts. “Now I’ll help you to the bed.”


Aries let her put the mask on him until he couldn’t see. He was all right with it because she was making a point. Any minute she’d come out with it. He was sure.

When he sat on the bed, he heard her say close to his ear, “Just lie back and relax. That’s right.”

What he wasn’t sure about was what to make of all this. What the hell had happened at that salon today?

“I’m going to unbutton your shirt. Keep your arms at your sides and grip the balls nice and tight.”

He did as she told him. Odd, but nice, because he was doing it for her.

“Now I’m going to undo your pants.” Her hands were soft as she slid them into his jeans and pushed his pants down. Slowly, she moved the fabric down in a sexual shimmy that had him visualizing her staring at his cock when they came all the way off.

“I love looking at you.”

She moved his shirt, and his muscles tightened.

“Your stomach is like a washboard. All ribbed and rippled.” She kissed his abdomen, and he sucked in a breath. “You have a magnificent chest too.”

He felt vulnerable and exposed and he wasn’t sure he liked it. To counter his discomfort, he asked, “Do you want me to sit up so you can take off my shirt?”

“Shh, no talking for you. The shirt can stay. I can see all the good parts.”

He grinned at that as she was using words he’d used with her before. But then she stroked his dick, and his grin disappeared as a bolt of lust snaked through him. She continued to stroke him like he stroked himself if he wanted quick relief. Was this her plan? Get him to come fast?

He was staring into the blackness of the mask and wondering about that when her hand stopped pumping. She still had a firm grip on him but‌—‌Jesus! Silky hair cascaded over his thighs, balls and groin. Tickling and teasing until her velvet lips pressed against the head of his cock. Right over the tiny opening—

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