Stare Me Down (Stare Down) (29 page)

Read Stare Me Down (Stare Down) Online

Authors: Riley Murphy

Tags: #Romance, #Figging, #submission, #bdsm, #Dominance

BOOK: Stare Me Down (Stare Down)
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He flexed up. He couldn’t help it when her tongue connected with the spot. Licking against him in the most intimate way. As though she wanted to commit this part of him to her memory. Savor it. Just the thought got his adrenaline spiking and his heart hammering in his chest. If she kept going in this direction, he was going to come.

“Not yet,” she said as she laid his cock down and patted it like she would a good pet. “I want you focused.”

He was going to have to start keeping his thoughts to himself when he played with her. She was too smart and obviously paid close attention‌—‌shit, she was naked. The second she reached over him and the tips of her breasts skimmed his biceps, he knew it. And knowing it got him hotter than fuck and ready to throw the tennis balls aside and rip off the blindfold. But then her hard, beaded nipples brushed against his skin, a sure sign that she was as turned-on as him. Any moment he expected her to climb on for a ride and he couldn’t wait. This wasn’t so bad. He could let her lead.

“Stop thinking,” she whispered in his ear just before she fitted earphones on him with music already playing loud enough to deafen all other sounds around him. Kings Of Leon. Oh, hell yeah, “Sex On fire”.

And when she rubbed herself up against him, used her body as a brush and stroked him good, he closed his eyes behind the mask and gave up the reins. For this ride he’d gladly be the passenger.

Her nails digging into him felt great and reminded him of that afternoon on the desk when she‌—‌damn, her teeth grazed first one nipple and then the other and when they hardened, she leaned in for a bite. Nipping each of them to the point of almost pain. But then her hair skated over him as she slid down south and he forgot about the pain. He forgot about everything but the feel of her all over him. Her softness against his hardness made his hands grip the balls tighter and tighter still. With the way she dragged her tongue over his abdomen, going lower and lower. Slow, but firm. Nails raking him as her tits pressed into his thighs, she’d be lucky if he didn’t crush the balls to dust. And when she finally took hold of his cock and drew it in deep, he was toast. She licked, sucked and fucked him with her mouth from every possible angle. It was heaven and hell, while his hands were no good to him, his eyes closed in darkness and his ears filled with music. Life didn’t get any better than this.

At least he didn’t think it did until a few minutes later when he came so hard he thought his heart was going bust right out of his chest. “Fuck that was good.”

Jaxx took the earphones out of his ears and lifted the blindfold up to rest on his forehead. He didn’t want to open his eyes just yet. He was enjoying the peace until she said, “You can let go of the balls now.”

The light made him blink, but otherwise he remained immobile. “I don’t think I can.”

She grinned. “Why, did I exhaust you?”

He grinned back. “No I think I squeezed the fucking things so hard they’re embedded in my palms.”

“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?”

He let go of the balls and grabbed her, hauling her up until he could nuzzle her neck. She laughed and squirmed, and he loved it. “That reminds me, babe. Who gave you permission to use my stuff?”

That got her attention. She stopped trying to escape and asked, “What stuff?”

“My stuff. You’re quite the little parrot when Topping.”

“Did you like it?”

He looked her right in the eyes and said, “Yes. I liked it very, very much.”

She smiled so wide her dimples made an appearance. Damn, he loved those. Rolling over, he took her with him and whispered, “My turn to copy you.” He slipped off the blindfold and handed it to her.

“What about your dinner? Don’t you have to stir it or add something to it or something?”

“It can wait. Put the blindfold on.”

“But I—”

“Hm.” He brushed a thumb over her nipple and frowned. “I can see you don’t want to do this right now, so how about I give you back the three-stroke lead you were going to give me on the course. Deal?”

“All right.” She put the blindfold on and added, “But I predict you’re going to be sorry you gave them up. I know how you hate to lose.”

He nipped her breast and said, “Stop talking. They’ll be no more talking for you.” Then once he found an album on her iPod he thought would work, he leaned down and spoke in ear, “And I bet you’re soaking wet between your legs. I know how sucking my cock really does it for you.”

He put the earphones on her and spread her legs to check. So much heat, and it was all his…

Chapter Eighteen

Jaxx refused to think about tonight. She’d made a pact with herself that she wouldn’t start worrying until after she got through her appointments today. But Now as she ushered her last patient through the door, she was regretting that pact because all her pent-up nerves hit at once.

She went to her desk, opened the top drawer and checked her cell.

Good afternoon, sunshine, guess what you get to open?
The box? I’m just packing up and I’m going to head upstairs.
You’re still in the office?
Text me when you open it.

Ten minutes later, with shaking hands, Jaxx opened the box. She stared and stared again. Snatching up her phone, she punched out her text to him.

I can’t wear this.
You don’t like it?
I didn’t say that, but there’s nothing for me to wear in the box.
I know.

Jaxx looked down at the collage of balled-up colored tissue paper and frowned. Was it glued in place? It was, and the design took up the whole box. She squinted and held the box at a distance. Focusing like you would on a hidden three D image. Why, it looked like…

Is it supposed to be a frog holding a big red heart?
It’s a Gecko. Only Aaron and I didn’t have enough green tissue paper, so we made him yellow and used the red for the heart. Do you like it?
Aaron helped you with this?
Yeah, I helped him with his art project and he helped me with mine. We were going to use the green duct tape but decided against it. Hey, he got a gold star for his. What do I get?

She stared at that last question for a full thirty seconds. With hands trembling and butterflies fluttering in her stomach she typed,


And she was sure he had no idea what that really meant. But she did as she placed a hand over her heart and drew in a deep breath.

I’m honored.

She read that response and thought maybe he did know.

I’ll pick you up at five. Wear whatever you like, because tonight after we have dinner you’ll be wearing nothing at all.


Aries could tell that Jaxx was totally overwhelmed being in his house, but now that they’d entered his playroom and he’d instructed her to take off her clothes? He gauged she was trying to keep it altogether. He waited and when she took the last item off, folded it and placed it on the bench, just as he’d instructed, he smiled. She was nervous.

He saw her hands shaking and frowned. “Come here.”

She stood right in front of him and whispered, “My palms are sweating.”

“I’ll have the rest of you sweating soon enough.” He brought her to the square table he usually reserved for wax play and lifted her to sit on it. “I’m going to position you for our session this time, but next time I will want you to do this yourself. Prepare yourself for me and our special time together. So pay attention.” He pulled out an elastic band from his pocket and reached out to gather her hair. Once he had it tied back, he looked down at her. “Are you warm enough?”


“Good, now lie back.” When she did, he helped to position her with her arms up, fingers laced together behind her head and legs bent and spread wide open. “This is how you’ll present to me in this room.”

He trailed two fingers down the center of her chest to her navel. “I prefer this position because I can see the heart of you when I come through that door. Now I want you to stay like this until I’m ready, do you understand? No moving. I don’t care how uncomfortable you get. And remember, if there’s pain you can’t endure at any time, I want you to tell me. Traffic lights, okay?”

“All right.”

Aries set about getting all that he needed. He’d purposely waited until now to gather the items so she’d have time to get used to her position. The sight of her spread on that table had his cock hard and thick. Throbbing to get into her.

Opening the top drawer of his cabinet, he pulled out the collar. It was huge for her slender neck and it was leather. Not to his personal tastes. He preferred metal. Lacy tri-colored metal, but that would come later. Tonight he wanted her to feel the weight of the training collar when he locked it around her neck. He wanted her to be aware of it as keenly as she’d be aware of him.

He tilted his head and checked the corner of the room where she waited. He’d bet her heart was pounding and her breathing shallow. He knew how well she responded to the wait. Some women dreaded this time, imagining all kinds of difficult things that would be put to them. Not Jaxx. He’d learned the second night into his late evening visits that she relished the wait. She was always wet and ready.

He turned back and opened another drawer. Choosing his newest addition he bought just for her and examined it. It was a high-quality riding crop with a nice flex and delivered a good sting. He had two perfect stripes on his upper thigh from where he’d tested it.

Jaxx liked pain, he knew, but how much was the key. He liked the marks. The proof of what had been endured for him, and he found the crop left the prettiest marks. He was dying to put some stripes on her ass. She had a nice, rounded ass. He spotted the paddle and decided maybe he should use that on her too.

The nipple clamps were a no-brainer. He was going hardcore here. He wanted to push her to the edge. Find her near-breaking point and bring her back from there. He selected the ropes he’d tie her with, and then spied the marker. Thick, black ink. Perfect for‌—‌no he’d already decided it was too soon for that. He didn’t want to push her. Or scare her. Maybe…? Screw it. He’d been fantasizing day and night over this. Ever since his dream he’d been burning to get his name on her any way he could. This way he could ease her into the idea. Get her thinking about it.

It’s too soon.

He ignored that silent warning and purposely made noise as he deposited the items on the table between her legs. The marker rolled and brushed up against her calf. “I want to talk to you about one of your hard limits. You crossed off tattoos from the list. I was disappointed, because I want my woman—“ What could he say? “—I’ll…‌I respect your boundaries. So I’m going to ask. May I write on you with marker? If it’s in a place that won’t be seen by anyone but me?”

“I-I guess. Yes,” she breathed.

“Good. This is it.” He held it up so she could see it. “I’m hopeful you’ll to get used to the words I write on you. I want you to get used to wearing them on your skin…‌for me.”

He walked to the side of the table and took hold of her arm. Straightening it, he rubbed from shoulder to wrist and back again. Then he placed it at her side. He did the same with the other and looked down. “There. Now I want you to stay very still.” He picked up the clamps. “I’m going to put these on you, and then you’re going to come up in a kneeling position.”

He didn’t have to work her nipples; they were already spiked. He was paying close attention to her breathing too. They hadn’t even started, and she was excited.

“Oh.” She sucked in a breath.

“I know they’re cold.”

“They pinch.”

“You’ll get used to it. Open up.” She automatically went to turn her head away, so he grasped her chin and pulled her back until she was looking at him. “You’re going to hold this chain that’s connected to the clamps in your mouth. Every time you jerk or move, those clamps will tighten. You’ll be punishing yourself if you fuss.” He dropped his tone and ordered, “Open up. Please.”

She did, and he laid the chain over her tongue.

“The only time I won’t punish you for dropping that chain is if you need to use your safe word. Otherwise, you suck on it.”

He moved his items aside and told her to kneel. “Very good. Knees spread wide, hands behind your back and breasts out. Yes, like that.”

He stood, facing her, and picked up the collar. Holding it up in front of her, he said, “This is the training collar we’re going to use for our session. I’m going to lock it around your neck, and you see this O-ring? I’m going to thread some rope through it when I bind you so you won’t be able to move. I happen to like collars. I’m hoping you do too, because that would please me.”

He buckled the leather around her throat, mindful of the dangling chain of the clamps, and locked the collar into place. Wishing to Christ that this was his metal she was accepting. Metal or not, she was calming. Easing. Just as she’d done with his belt around her, she committed herself more to the moment.

“You like to be Mastered, Jaxx. You like to feel the power someone else has over you. You give into it so beautifully. Look at you. Are you wet?”

She closed her eyes, and he didn’t hesitate. He slipped a hand between her legs and cupped her. Kneading her hot wet flesh almost roughly. “Oh yeah, you’re a dirty little thing, aren’t you. So ready to be fucked. But you don’t get that yet. First we need to warm you up so I can introduce you to a different kind of caress. One that I think—” he pinched her clit and tugged on it as he spoke, “—you’re going to love.”

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