Steamed 2 (Steamed #2) (4 page)

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Authors: Nella Tyler

BOOK: Steamed 2 (Steamed #2)
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“You have a real nice pussy Gemma, I like fucking you.
You're perfect.”

I moaned, loving the way he was making me feel, but even
more so by the way he talked to me. Dirty talk won a lot of points with me. I
just loved the way it sounded.

He carried me back to the counter and laid me down again. He
pulled out of my pussy and bent down for a kiss. He slid his fingers inside me
and finger-fucked me for a bit. He was making me wet all over again, although
at that point I was pretty soaked from all the fucking. “I want to take you
from behind again baby, would you like that?”

“Yes,” was all I managed to get out.
I smiled and he pulled me up from the
counter once again. He just wouldn't stop fucking me. Could he go all night? I
was starting to think he could. Talk about a marathon lover.

I slid off the counter and I positioned myself so I had my
back to him again and he slid his cock inside me.

“There we go darling; we are going to go easy. That feels
good doesn't it?” I moaned in agreement.

“Okay, here we go, just stay relaxed. You feel incredible
Gemma. Nice and deep.”

God, I had wanted Link so badly, I still did. I was so
satisfied but so horny; I would have let him do just about anything to me. I
was aching inside with want of him. I had never thought of having sex in public
places but it seemed like that was all Link liked to do: first the club and now
his restaurant kitchen.
duty would be in order for sure after this romp. Link just wanted to bring as
much pleasure to my body as I could stand. He loved bringing me pleasure and I
certainly loved taking it.

He pumped his body against my ass and his cock was giving me
such delicious sensations that spread all over my body.

“Oh yes baby,
Gemma you feel so good.”

He certainly
felt huge when he was going in doggy-style. I felt full with him inside of me,
but I loved every moment of it. He then began to move his hips and meet my
thrusts onto his cock. I thrust back against him and he went even deeper.
I moaned as he picked up the pace, his
smooth cock gliding inside and out.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes,” I whispered. “I couldn't be any better. You fuck so
good Link.”

“I love hearing that sweetheart.”

“Keep fucking me Link, don't stop.”

He rocked into me slowly continuing to meet my thrusts. I
started rocking into him faster, letting the waves of pleasure crash into me
repeatedly, not much break in between. I loved it; I couldn't get enough of
that man. I wanted to have him every waking moment that I could. How could I
ever be apart from him? The sex was just too good to ever pass up.

“Oh god,” I moaned.

He reached around and felt for me. He rubbed against my moist
clit giving me some added pleasure while he moved his cock inside me.

“Okay baby, I'm going to fuck you really good.”

I thought I would lose my mind with the words coming out of
his mouth. He was sexy and experienced and he was showing me such pleasure.

The whole length of his cock slowly pushed inside me causing
me to let out a slow and powerful moan. There were so many different feelings
and sensations going through my body at that moment. I was lost in a sea of
pleasure and I wanted to let go of another orgasm.

“I want more.”

I heard him chuckle and he started pumping me as I thrust
onto him. I was delirious with the pleasure he was giving me. I needed it,
needed him.

What I didn't expect was for my pussy to become so wet. I
was dripping wet and I felt a build-up once again. I couldn't believe I was
about to cum again. God, the thought was just too delicious.

“Link, it feels good, it really does feel so good. I need it

“I know baby. It's amazing isn't it?”

“Yes,” I gasped. “I'm coming again.”

My whole body shuddered as I came. He continued pumping
inside of me, breaking all reason inside my mind. He was glorious; all of it
was so incredible. The best sex of my life was happening in this man's kitchen.
Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing I didn't care. As I felt myself
build up for another orgasm, the shudders ripped through my body causing me to
ache to scream his name.

“Oh Gemma, I'm ready too baby. I'm going to fill up your
pussy with my cum. Here it comes Gemma!”

I moaned loving how sexy he was with his dirty talk. He
spilled inside of me and collapsed against my back, exhausted. He was finally

He slid slowly out of me, his cock wet from our lovemaking
and I knew for certain that I was going to be very sore the next day. The sex
was well worth any pain I would feel the next day. It would have all been worth
it. He dug around the kitchen and handed me a roll of paper towel.

I laughed.

“Sorry, it's all I have. I don't exactly plan for these
things to happen in my kitchen,” he said smiling.

“Uh-huh, sure you don't.”

I cleaned myself off as best that I could and slipped into
my thong. I pulled on my jeans as I watched him rummaging around for his
clothes that had fallen to the floor. Everything was covered in flour and we
as we
got dressed. We both had smiles plastered on our faces though, so the flour was
the least of our worries. Finding his clothes, he quickly slipped into
underwear and jeans, pulling his shirt over his head.

“So, that was dessert, right?”

“You bet. Hell I would have dessert like that anytime you

“Oh me too, that was delicious.” I giggled and he came to me
and kissed me firmly on the lips.

I looked up at him as I slid into my bra and put my shirt
back on. Everything was a little more rumpled than I would have liked but
hopefully no one would
as it
was dark outside. They would probably see the flour before they saw any
wrinkles in my clothes. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face though, so maybe
the whole world would know what I had been up to. My hands shook from the toll
the orgasms took on my body. Link was watching me dress and when I looked up at
him he smiled. He was so handsome and the look of him made me want to start all
over again. Would I ever be able to get enough of that man or was it always
going to be this way. God, I hoped it was.

I giggled as I pulled him in for another deep kiss.

“Ready to go?”

I nodded though I was sad to have the sex end and to see
Link gone at all. I wanted him around me always. He spanked my ass softly and
said, “Thank you for letting me spend so much time with that bottom of yours.”

“Link, you’re very welcome.”




I was still
feeling pretty delirious from the whole experience. Sex with Link was very
very good. There was
really no one to compare him t
he had
just been that good. He made me ache for him just at the sight of him. My body
responded to him naturally because I knew what he could give me if he really
wanted to. But I was sure that the sex that we had just had it just made us
even closer. We continued to kiss as we cleaned up and he kept tapping my ass
every chance that he got. I smiled back at him loving the fact that he touched
my body whenever he wanted to.

I helped him clean up all the flour that seemed to have gone
everywhere. The pastries were garbage and he tossed the chocolate sauce as
well. I think we had made love on most of them, so I wasn't thrilled about
eating them after. It had been well worth it though, and it also saved me the

“So much for dessert,” I said laughing.

“Yeah...what a bummer, but I think I got something far

“Oh me to,” I said, smiling.

“Though at this rate the health inspector is going to come
in here and shut me down. I think it's against health and safety regulations to
have sex in your kitchen.”

“Yeah probably,” I laughed.

“You won't tell on me will you?”

“God no, I would be implicating myself. We can't have that.”

We laughed together and I had never felt so good and relaxed
in all my life. Being with Link just felt so natural and comfortable.

“You're a funny guy Link, and a lot of fun to be around,” I
said with a wink.

“You're not so bad yourself there gorgeous.”

He came to me and kissed me full on the mouth, sending
shivers up my spine. I couldn't get enough of his kisses. He had just the right
firmness, and every time his lips met mine I felt the heat all over my body. I
could easily kiss Link all day long. Maybe that was
why we make such a great match;
lips fit perfectly together. I needed everything to work out between us,
because I couldn’t imagine never having Link’s lips on mine again.

I smiled at him and continued to help him clean the kitchen.
He made a cup of coffee and we sat there sitting on the counter talking and
drinking for the rest of the night.

“I should probably get you home, it's getting pretty late.”

“Yeah I guess
you're right, but I was having such a good time, I'm sad to see it end.”

“There's always another time my lady.”

I got my things together and Link walked me out of the
restaurant. He got into his car, and he drove me back to my place.


When we got home, Link drove up to the front of my building
and parked his car. I looked over at him and smiled. I leaned in and kissed him
on the mouth. I just couldn't get enough of those kisses. I thought about
inviting him up to my place to sleep over but I thought it was still too soon
for that.

“Gemma, I really want to see you again very soon. I had a
wonderful time this evening, and I certainly can't wait very long to see you

I beamed. I felt exactly the same way. “I would love that
Link. Hopefully we can get together soon.”

“Great. Tomorrow I have to meet with a financial adviser in
the afternoon but if you're up for it we could get dinner later.”

“A financial adviser? Oh do tell. Who are you meeting with?”

“My financial adviser? Oh, his name is Ben Graham.”

I laughed. “You have to be kidding me? You cannot put your
finances in that man's hands. Please tell me you're joking?”

“What are you talking about?” he said with a laugh.

“Link, that guy is an idiot. I don't even think he has the
credentials to be advising anybody on their finances. You cannot let him deal
with your money Link, please. It would be a bad idea, trust me. You should just
let me help you. It is my job after all.”

“Ahh yes, you are a financial adviser aren't you?”

“Financial consultant actually, and I happened to be damn
good at my job.”

“Well as appealing as that sounds, I never mix work with
pleasure. It's a tried and true recipe for disaster.”

“Why do you say that?”

“I would think that would be obvious. Imagine if we never
saw each other again, and I'm not saying we won't or that it would ever happen,
but what if it did? Then you would be my financial consultant and I would have
to see you on a regular basis whether we wanted that or not. Does it really
make for a very trusting situation between us? It would be different if we were
married, but that's way into the future.”

“That's ridiculous Link, if things didn't work out between
us I would just transfer your file over to somebody else. It's really not that
big of a deal, it happens all the time. You can't trust your finances to Ben
Graham; it's not a good idea at all. So I suggest you cancel your appointment
and I'll be over the following afternoon. I insist so there's no point in even
arguing with me.”

He laughed, “I guess there isn't.”

I kissed him again on the lips before I got the car and
waved goodbye.




I walked into Link's restaurant that afternoon with an air
of confidence, my head held high. I knew helping him was the best thing that I
could do for him. The last thing that I had wanted was Link to get mixed up
with a guy like Ben Graham. He was truly a crook in my opinion; no one was
really that stupid. I wasn't sure who referred Link to a guy like that but he
should be nowhere near the financial industry.

I was happy to have swooped in just in time to stop him from
working with Link. The very thought just made me uncomfortable. I knew that
working together as a couple wasn't always the best idea but if I could help
Link than I wanted to. We would work out the complications later if it ever
came to that. I had no intention of having things fall apart between the two of
us, so I didn't see any point in worrying about it. I thought we would make a
great team.

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