Read Stepbrother Bad Boy's Baby Boxed Set Online
Authors: Lauren Landish
don't know
.... my sister," the woman said, even as her hands roamed over my chest and tugged at the waistband of my tuxedo pants. My jacket was already off, laying over the other end of the pool table we were near, along with her high heels.
hat she doesn't know wo
n't hurt her," I whispered in her ear as I went back to nibbling at her neck. My right hand found the zipper of her dress, and I started working it down.
me start by saying she wasn't Sandra's actual sister. I'm not that much of an asshole. In fact, she was her sister-in-law, being the younger sister to Danyal Aksoy. Gina Aksoy was a bit older than me at thirty-six years old, but she was very attractive. You would've never thought she was a day over thirty. While she wasn't the one I'd been aiming for that night, I'd gone a long time without actually getting any pussy. And Krystal just wasn't coming along as quickly as I thought she would. Even during our dance, she kept herself at a respectable distance, never letting her body get close enough for me to actually do anything. It was maddening, quite frankly. No woman had seriously resisted my charms since I was out of high school, and for one as young and as hot as Krystal to do it left me with a serious case of blue balls. Worst of all, I could tell in the way she held my hand and the way she looked at me as we danced, she was attracted to me. But for some reason or another, she wouldn't give in. That didn't happen often.
, Gina was the next woman to dance with me, and I could tell as soon as the music started she would be easy pickings. As I danced with her, I changed my plan, making it a lot grander as well as devious. Instead of just fucking her daughter, I decided I was going to go balls deep in as many women in Sandra Castelbon's life as I could. Her sister, her brother's wife, hell, I'd bang old Grandma Hepburn if I got a chance. Wait, never mind on the last one. When it finally came that Sandra and my father found out, oh there'd be some serious fireworks then, I was sure. Which is just what I wanted.
he thought
of the results turned me on even more. "Mmmm, you feel so sexy," I mumbled into her neck while I undid her zipper. We were pretty close to the reception, just inside Johnathan's library in fact, and I could hear the singers belting their way through
Rock & Roll Dreams Come True.
I was just glad they'd already done
It's All Coming Back To Me Now
, that one drives me apeshit. It's a complete boner killer, especially after Johnathan spent so much time listening to it while his second wife took off on his ass. What a goddamn beta song.
ina's body
and hands betrayed her need, even as her muttered words of refusal continued. I brought my hand up to cup her breast, she even stopped that, mewling her arousal into my ear. "Oh Julian.... so naughty."
how you like it, baby," I chuckled, pinching her nipple through the Vera Wang dress. I was tempted to wreck the thing, but it would have messed with my plan. If Gina had shown up at the party later with a torn dress that screamed
just been fucked
, there would have been questions to answer, and I didn't want questions just yet. Sometimes, going for the throat didn't mean going too quickly.
my face from her neck, I looked into Gina's eyes, which were a lot like her niece's, a jet black that glittered in the lights from the windows. I cupped her face and smiled, giving her just enough of the dangerous bad guy that turned her on, while still looking like I was trustworthy enough to get into her panties. "You're a very beautiful woman, Gina. I'd like to kiss you again, if you'd let me."
here was
no question really as her lips parted even before I was close to hers. She opened her mouth to my questing tongue, slipping it against me and sucking as I probed her mouth. If I'd had more time, I'd have seen what else she could suck well, she was that good. As we kissed, I pulled the zipper down on her dress, easing it off her shoulders to pool on the floor. She looked delicious, and the lingerie showed a distinct naughty side that I wondered if the rest of her family knew about. Not many quiet, reserved types had mesh bras with matching g-strings for a wedding in my experience.
ulling her back in
, our bodies ground together, and she was moaning as my cock brushed over the barely covered mound of her pussy. I turned and lifted her up, setting her ass on the edge of Johnathan's pool table. Pushing her back, I reached down to pull her panties off, and slipped them into the pocket of my tuxedo pants. With any luck, I'd have a souvenir of the wedding. Gina leaned back as I stroked my fingers around her inner thighs, slowly edging closer to her moist lips. Bringing it up to my mouth, I licked my fingers clean. "Delicious."
he bit her lip shyly
, and she was practically begging me not to stop with her eyes. I slipped my fingers in deep inside, pumping them a few times until she was breathing deeply, biting her lip more.
kay baby
, off the table, we don't want to leave a stain," I whispered, helping her off. I led her over to the window, where Johnathan kept a large leather lounge seat that would work perfectly. The leather was a blood red, dark and old, and a few droplets of sweat and sex juices wouldn't disturb it too much. The light from the reception was brighter here, and I could see more clearly the lust filled look in her eyes. She may very well be a freak, but it'd been a while for Gina, that's for sure. Either way, I was going to give her a memory regardless. "Now, turn around and watch the party."
he did as I ordered
, her knees resting on the edge of the cushion, and I ran my hands over her back. She had flawless skin, soft and caramel colored, and I'm sure she still turned quite a few heads. Running my hands around, I fondled her tits through her bra, pinching and tweaking her nipples until she was groaning and pushing back, her ass rubbing against the hard bulge of my cock in my pants. "Tell me what you want, Gina."
uck me
, please Julian. Fuck me."
you want it slow and easy or do you want me to fuck you like a slut?"
y words turned
her on even more, and her answering groan was almost a sob as she nodded. "Please. Make me your little slut."
stepped back
and pushed my pants to the floor, before pulling my tuxedo shirt off. I always wear a tank top undershirt, which I pulled up to give my cock room to spring free. It's one of my prides, my cock. It's big, to put it simply. Gina looked back over her shoulder when she heard my pants drop, her breath catching as she saw my cock in the half light. "Holy shit."
on't worry baby
, you'll never feel anything better in your life," I assured her. That was my other pride, my ability to use my gift. Sure, I've had women whimper in pain, but when I want to, I'm a fucking Michaelangelo with my cock. Gina wanted me to paint a masterpiece with it, so I took my time, easing inside her at just the right pace so that the inner slut inside her was satisfied that she was being used, while not actually hurting her. She was already on the edge of her first orgasm by the time I was all the way inside, and I took a moment to let her fully adjust. "Now, hold on."
Gina hard and fast at first, wanting to bring her to that first orgasm quickly. It took only about thirty seconds of my cock pistoning in and out of her before she was burying her mouth into the leather on back of the chair and crying out her first orgasm. Still, I had to give it to her, she kept pushing back until her body couldn't take any more. I slowed down, and let her recover. "More?"
mmmm hmmmm
," she said through the leather, and I started stroking again, slow and sensual. I was just starting to get into it when I looked out at the reception, and could see Krystal take the stage. I couldn't hear the exact words of what she said in her speech, but the crowd loved it, and in the reddish orange lights of the stage, she looked sexier than I'd ever seen her. Her skin glowed in the light, and when the music hit, it shook me to the core. Why that song? Of all the Jim Steinman songs Johnathan had ever bombarded me with growing up,
Tonight Is What It Means To Be Young
was the one that touched me. The amps kicked up too, and I could hear Gina start to sing the lyrics that had fed more than a few fantasies of mine as I went through my teenage years. It was by that song that I'd figured out just how wonderfully different women are from men, and it was by that song I'd even lost my virginity.
ooh Julian
, that's it, give it to me baby," I heard Gina say as I pumped away, but in my mind I didn't see a nearly forty year old Gina Aksoy, but instead it was her twenty four year old niece. In my mind's eye it was Krystal who was bent over for me, her youthful body and what promised to be ultra tight pussy milking my cock. My hips sped up on their own, and soon I was slamming in and out, my mind a thousand miles away.
could hear
the lyrics continue while my mind saw Krystal dressed all in whites and pale blues, an almost black haired, black eyed angel who opened her arms to me and clasped me to her chest, not in fake lust or wanton need of fucking but to comfort me. In her arms I felt something I'd never felt from anyone ever before, a total acceptance of who I am.
e're dancing
for the restless and the broken hearted...."
she said to me, kissing my face, which were suddenly wet with tears. In my vision, her dress disappeared, and I was almost stunned by the beauty before me, not just because of its flawless shape but because of its simple nobility. Slipping inside, my cock almost twitched immediately in warning of orgasm, but I was helpless to stop myself. I plunged into this angel in front of me over and over, my lips crying out in wordless need as I neared an orgasm that, somewhere deep inside me, I knew would somehow change me forever. It frightened me, knowing I would be forced to change. If I came inside this angel, I'd have to let go of all the mental armor, all the fronts and the
I'd felt for so long. Still, I couldn't stop, and it was with a deep moan, down in my soul in a place that I'd not been for a very long time, I felt my orgasm tear out of me, ripping through my body as my cock burst inside the angel, the energy sending white tendrils through me and obliterating all my thoughts and nestling somewhere in my heart before fading away.
t was
long moments after my vision stopped that I realized that the music had faded away too, with Meat Loaf back on the microphone. I looked down at Gina, who was still gasping, and I realized I'd just blown a full load inside her, and that she'd also came again. Staggering, I pulled back and out, my cock slipping out of her with an almost obscene
"My God," I gasped, feeling the sweat glistening on my brow. "That....."
hat was
the best I've had in years," Gina said back to me, turning and giving me a naughty smile. "God damn Julian, you are one talented fuck. But I think it's time for us to get back to the reception before they wonder where we slipped off to."
.... yeah," I said, still with my mind whirling. What the hell had just happened? "That was amazing."
, sweetie," Gina said, coming over and kissing me. She reached down and grabbed my cock "that's one nice piece of equipment you have there," then she sashayed over to her dress and pulled it back on, before coming over and actually lifting my pants up for me. Carefully working the zipper back up before sliding the fastener, she reached into my pocket and pulled out her panties.
ow now
, if you want a souvenir you have to ask for it," she giggled as she stepped into the bathroom to clean up. I could tell she wanted me to say something in reply to her slutty banter, but my mind was still too staggered to really formulate anything. "Well, if you ever want to get together again, call me," she said. When she was done, she came over and slipped a piece of paper with her number on it into my pocket in place of her panties. "Seriously, if you're ever in Detroit, give me a call."
ith a quick peck
on my lips, she turned and got her high heels, leaving me still standing there. I staggered over to the same lounge chair I'd just finished fucking her in and sat down, still perplexed. What the hell had just happened?
our secret ingredient is
...... ribs!"
looked over at Shannon
, whose face narrowed as she slipped into her mental space that I knew she went to whenever she was mentally game-planning. We were in a borrowed kitchen to simulate the fact that we'd be cooking in an unfamiliar space, and we were in the three minute planning period that the producers had told Shannon would be given to her before her time actually started. Of course, due to the magic of television editing, that three minutes would look like about ten seconds, but it heightened the drama that way. The guy acting as official timekeeper, the owner of the private cooking school we were using for this practice, tapped his desk as one minute of the time passed. Two minutes left.
n the chopping
block in front of the room was a selection of ribs, with pork, beef and lamb all there. Another secret of the
Iron Chef
competition is that the producers tell the contestants beforehand that they will be competing with one of five different possibilities for their secret ingredient. So it wasn't like we were walking in totally blind. We even knew who we'd be competing against, one of my culinary heroes, who specialized in Mediterranean food and had a spice palette similar to my own. It made my palms sweat, but I felt good about it.
ll right guys
, huddle up," Shannon said. She used a lot of football analogies, her father played quarterback for Nebraska back in the seventies I think. "Okay, here's the plan. Pork ribs broken down into pulled pork for sliders, baby back beef ribs, a lamb crown roast, and pork bits pan roasted for a caramel on a pork fat ice cream. Smith, I want you making up our sauce. Hobards, you're on the creme anglaise and getting the fat off of some pork ribs. Aksoy, you're on the crown roast. Remember, we only have an hour, so you'll need to move your ass."
oving my ass was an understatement
. A crown rack of lamb usually took at least an hour alone to make, half of the time being prep and another half being cooking, before worrying about plating, presentation or side dishes. I'd have to shave time somewhere, that was for sure.
he timekeeper tapped his table
, and Horst, who was playing our host and referee, nodded. "Ready? And go!"
ang the gong
, we are on!" the timekeeper, a funny man who loved using cheesy lines from the original dub of the Japanese version, yelled. Ignoring him, I sprinted over to my station on the line and immediately started my
mise en place
, or preparations. In a professional kitchen, having everything in just the right place saved precious seconds later.
through the Frenching of my lamb rack, where I shaved off the lower end of the rib to make it look like bare bone in a rapid pace, while Horst overlooked my work. "Keep going," he said, slipping out of his referee role to do some coaching. "Don't miss that silver skin just to save some seconds!"
some time by using garlic paste rather than chopping fresh garlic, and had my rack in the oven by the thirty five minute mark. I immediately turned to Shannon, who was chopping away like a madwoman on her own dishes. "Chef! Station clear!"
. Help Smith with his vegetables."
, Ma'am!" I immediately went over to help one of Alinea's best saucers with the vegetable prep for the other dishes. He told me what to do, and for the next ten minutes the only thing we focused on was working our way through potatoes, bell peppers, some radishes, turnips, and a pile of parsnips that I figured would be quick roasted and turned into a puree. With ten minutes to go, we were doing pretty well, I thought.
he last five
minutes was total chaos, with all three assistants bringing things over to Shannon at full speed, either plating them as she ordered us, or turning the pots and pans over to her to plate. I got a dollop of hot parsnip puree splashed on my right hand, burning me, but I didn't stop until the timekeeper counted down the last seconds. As soon as the time was up, I ran over to the sink and stuck my hand under the cold water, soothing the already red section on the back of my hand. Shannon came over to check on me. "You okay?"
es Chef
," I replied, gritting my teeth. Burns were one of those things you learned to deal with in a professional kitchen, as much as you tried to minimize them. "Just got some parsnip on me."
hannon nodded
. "Sorry about that. I was getting a bit wild with my spoon there." It was nice of her to admit she had been the one who burned me. In all the hubbub, I didn't even know who it was. "Keep it there for five minutes, then we'll all sit down, taste and critique."
t was
my favorite part of each practice, the tasting and critiquing. Whereas in the real show we'd have food critics and different TV personalities giving us points, in the practices we only had the four of us, Horst, and the timekeeper. Horst also rotated out, making sure we got different points of view on the food.
he first course
was the sliders, which Shannon had done herself. Everyone agreed the pork was juicy, but there was some debate as to whether the sauce needed more spice or more vinegar. "It's going to come down to the judges, really," the timekeeper said. "Like, if you have Judy Joo or Curtis Stone up there, then you can really lay down the spice. On the other hand, if Amanda Freitag is up there, lay off the spice in favor of the vinegar. Total judgment call."
y course was up next
, and I was happy that everyone praised my prep work. "The French cuts on this and the spice rub are perfect," Hobards, one of Alinea's pastry chefs said. "Great work."
, but check that your internal temperature stays in the range I want," Shannon critiqued. "Did you use a thermometer or a timer and the oven dial?"
ust the time
and oven dial, Chef," I said. "Sorry."
ot a problem now
. I know we all get used to things in our own kitchen. Just remember, in Kitchen Stadium everything will be a bit different from what it's like in Alinea. The right time for our oven may not be the exact time there. This kitchen seems to be a bit hot in theirs compared to ours."
es Chef
he rest
of the critique went well, which I expected. It was our fifth practice session together, and we were two weeks out from flying to New York for taping of the show. As we broke up, the clock on the wall beeped that it was now noon. Shannon looked up. "Okay team, you all have at least three hours off before I expect those of you working shift down at Alinea at your stations for service prep. Horst, I'll take the pass tonight, so you can be off until five. Let Banner oversee prep, he's been aching for a shot at sous for a while. I'll keep him in check tonight."
. Now go get some rest, everyone."
e broke
up to let the guy who ran the cooking school turn the cleanup over to his apprentices, and headed out into the Chicago sunshine. After five weeks of practice since returning from my Mom's wedding to John Castelbon, my life was going a thousand miles an hour. At least twice a week Shannon had us in for a team practice such as what we'd just done, as well as daily little quizzes and other mental preparations for the show itself. I'd spent dozens of hours with Shannon overlooking my work and filling my head with knowledge, and I knew for sure that in those weeks I'd learned more than I had in my entire four years of culinary college at Kendall.
grateful that I actually had the rest of the day off. I'd worked the previous five days, and Shannon was making sure going into the show that her battle crew was staying close to the supposedly normal forty hour work week. Although to tell you the truth, at that point in my life I had never met anyone, from line cook to executive chef, who worked in a high end kitchen and only did forty hours a week. Most did fifty, with ambitious climbers doing sixty to eighty hours regularly. Twelve hour days were not that uncommon, five and sometimes six days a week.
ust outside the
restaurant was a bus stop, and I hopped on the number 8 bus, which took me close to my apartment. Left Bank at K station is one of the best high rise apartments in the entire city, and I rented one of the three bedroom units through my trust fund. I figured that someday I would purchase my own place, but I didn't want to waste my money unnecessarily. In the meantime, I rented the large unit because I wanted Mom and John to have a place to stay, and it allowed me to have guests over from time to time without too many difficulties.
was walking
the few blocks from the bus stop to my apartment when my phone buzzed, and I pulled it out of the small messenger bag that I used as my everyday carrier. I was surprised when I saw that it was Julian calling me. In the weeks since our parents had gotten married, my new stepbrother had pretty much disappeared, going back to Los Angeles I thought. It was only due to habit that I even had his phone number programmed into my phone at all. "Hello, Julian?"
ey Krystal
. How's my new stepsister doing?"
the phone away from my ear, double checking I had the right person on the line. The display on my phone still said
Julian Castelbon
. "I'm okay Julian, how about you?"
, not so good actually," Julian said. "I'm kind of stuck out at O'Hare, as my license has been suspended and I can't seem to find a hotel that has a room open for me. Listen, I know this is weird, and I apologize, but do you mind if I crash at your place?"
he hadn't told me anything about why he was in Chicago, or even why his driver's license was suspended. Typical Julian. I sighed. Still, he was family, if only for the past month and a half. "Fine Julian, but just for a few days. Grab a taxi over to Left Bank at K Station. It's on Canal Street, but most taxi drivers know where it is. When you get to the lobby, give me a call."
ounds great
. Thanks, Krys. I appreciate it." The phone went dead in my ear, and I thought to myself as I saw my building come up,
What have I gotten myself into?
hung up my phone
, still somewhat confused. What the hell was I doing in Chicago, anyway? And why in the hell had I just called Krystal acting like I was tapped out and needed a place to stay? Just what the hell was happening to me?
bout six weeks prior
, things had been super clear. After getting the call from Johnathan that he was getting married, and that his new wife had a daughter close to my age, I knew exactly what I was going to do. I was going to fuck the hell out of my new stepsister, and leave her three holed and sopping wet, humiliated. The videotape of that would make a great Christmas gift, in my opinion.
hen I met her though
, something in me kept me from sealing the deal. There was something in the way Krystal acted, like while she was attracted to me, she also didn't really care for my personality or even who I was. Typically, when someone looked down on me like that, I'd just tell them to fuck off and get on with my life. But there was something in Krystal's behavior, something that said
I'd be interested if you just got real
that screwed with my head.
hen at the reception
, my ploy didn't work, I ended up fucking Krystal's aunt, Gina Aksoy. While not too bad, when I was in the middle of the act, hearing Krystal's voice sent me into a fantasy that shook me to the core. I ended the night, instead of being a super-alpha stud like I'm accustomed to, to being left sitting in remembrance and almost romantic longing.
he six weeks
since hadn't exactly been normal either. Going back to Los Angeles, it just felt like a lot of the things that I'd done for fun before just didn't quite have the same sort of thrill anymore. Hitting up the clubs and slut hunting didn't have any appeal for me. At first I thought it was that it was just too easy, but that never stopped me before. The same with starting fights, trying to find the newest starlet to try and ruin..... all of it. About the only thing that gave me any pleasure was going to the gym, where I became a pretty constant fixture. Even Randy, the shift manager who I could say was a buddy, had noticed. "Yo JC," he said to me one day after I finished a workout and was getting ready to go. "Let me bend your ear for a moment."
, I followed him back into the back office, while the front desk was turned over to some pimply faced high school kid who normally just folded towels and cleaned up the locker room. Randy sat down and reached into the small refrigerator he kept next to his desk. Grabbing two cans of protein shake out of the chilled interior, he passed one over to me. "New stuff, just came in," he said, popping the top. "Forty grams of micro ionized whey, berry flavor, and carbonated. To me, it kind of tastes a lot like Hawaiian Punch mixed with Sprite."