Stevens-Journey [Brac Pack 20] (7 page)

BOOK: Stevens-Journey [Brac Pack 20]
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“Yes, Pa.”

Steven ignored them as he felt his body kick into gear with his first jolt of caffeine. Now that he had even more time to mull things over, he was starting to like the idea of being Roman’s mate.

He pulled his legs up in the chair as he sipped at the best coffee he had ever tasted. It wasn’t the first time he drank coffee at the Lakelands’, but it tasted fresh every time he had a cup. It wasn’t the instant, generic stuff he had grown used to. This had a full body taste, and the aroma was simply spellbinding.

“I have to go meet Maverick today. Do you want to tag along?” Roman asked as he poured some more coffee into Steven’s cup.

“But it’s Saturday. Doesn’t anyone around here take a day off?” Steven protested as he took another sip.

“I’ll rest when I’m six feet under,” Roman said.

“Well, there’s a morbid thought,” Steven grumbled before taking another drink.

“I like him.” Olsen chuckled. “He’s funny.”

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“I’ll go with you,” Steven said as he finished his coffee. “But I can’t be gone all day. I have a nice dinner I want to cook today.

Which reminds me, we need to go to the grocery store if I’m going to be cooking for you big fellas,” he said as he lowered his legs and took his coffee mug to the sink. He rinsed it out and set it in the dishwasher. When he turned back around, the entire table was staring at him. “What?”

“That’s the most I’ve heard you talk in one sentence.” Chauncey spoke up.

Steven blushed as he looked at the men around him. “Do you want me to stop?”

Pa shook his head, waving his hand at the table. “Don’t pay any attention to them. Chatter away, I like it.” Steven looked from Pa to Roman. He was starting to feel more comfortable around here and the real him was opening up. They would just have to get used to it if he was going to be a permanent fixture around here.

* * * *

“Come on, tiger.” Roman stood and took his cup to the sink, rinsing it out. He grabbed Steven’s hand, pulling him through the house. If his brothers kept opening their big mouths, Roman was going to hide all the sweets in the pantry.

He pulled Steven out onto the porch, spun him around, and then cupped his mate’s face as he brushed a gentle kiss across Steven’s lips. He waited, hovering over Steven’s mouth. If his mate pulled back…Steven raised on his tiptoes, reclaiming Roman’s lips as he threw his arms around Roman’s neck.

Hell yeah.
Roman hauled Steven against him, forcing Steven’s lips open with his thrusting tongue. Steven whimpered as his lips parted, allowing Roman to taste Steven for the first time.

Steven’s Journey


“Now that’s what I’m talking about. Tear that face up.” Chauncey whooped from the screen door. He was wearing a big ass grin on his intruding face.

Raising his mouth from his mate’s, Steven gazed at him. The excited light was vivid in Steven’s mossy-green eyes. And when his mate smiled at him, Roman melted at his feet into a helpless puddle.

“I just kissed a bear.”

“I just kissed a human,” Roman teased his mate back.

“I didn’t catch that. Do it again,” Olsen whined at the door as he shoved Chauncey out of the way.

“Free show’s over, boys.” Roman ran his thumb over Steven’s bottom lip, unable to break the eye contact they had together.

“Get the hell away from that door!” Pa yelled from somewhere inside.

Olsen grumbled, “Damn, just when it was getting good.”

“Now,” Pa shouted again.

Steven began to giggle as the men moved away from the door. “I think we should kiss in private next time.” His body moved closer to Roman’s, rubbing up against him like a cat.

Roman’s cock was so hard it was painful. “Not on your life. I like letting everyone know you’re mine.”

“Am I?” Steven batted his eyes at Roman.

Roman grunted as he backed Steven toward the swing. “Mine and only mine. I don’t share, Steven.”

“That still doesn’t answer my question,” Steven stated with a little more backbone. Roman had a feeling the true Steven was coming out, and he liked it.

He nipped his mate’s bottom lip as he licked the sting away. “Yes, you are mine.”

“Ask me.”

His mate had fire in him. A little attitude was thrown in with Steven’s words. Roman was getting rock hard, his erection pressing against his zipper at Steven’s boldness.


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“Will you be mine?”

Steven tilted his head, tapping his finger against his chin. “Let me think about it.”

“Why you little…”

Steven squealed and ran across the porch, taking off toward the truck as laughter floated behind him. Roman laughed, ready to chase his mate when he saw Chauncey and Olsen in the window, giving him wide-ass grins and thumbs-up.

He smiled at them and then shot after his mate, Steven jumping into the truck as Roman climbed into the driver’s side. He snagged Steven’s hand once he started the motor, driving them to Maverick’s home.

“Holy mother of mangos. Maverick lives here?” Steven stared at the house in awe as Roman rounded the corner and the tires crunched on the gravel driveway.

“Don’t let the fancy house fool you. The men here are very nice.” Roman pulled into an open spot and parked his truck. He led Steven to the front door and rang the bell. Roman noticed a security camera turn in their direction.

The door swung open, George stood there smiling at them with a large cowboy hat on his head. “Come on in, Roman.” Roman led his mate in, hearing loud noises coming from one of the rooms. “Hi, I’m George.” The man introduced himself to Roman's mate.

“Steven.” He shook George’s hand.

“Let me go get Maverick for you. You’re welcome to wait in the den if you’d like.” George pointed to the noisy room.

Roman decided to wait in the foyer. There was too much noise coming from that room, and he wasn’t sure if taking his mate in there was wise.

A human walked out, smiling at both of them. “Hi, I’m Curtis.”

“Steven,” his mate offered. “We’re waiting on Maverick.”
Steven’s Journey


“Roman.” Roman clipped the word, noticing how Curtis was stealing glances at his mate. Steven tugged at his hand, but Roman ignored him. Steven was his, and he didn’t appreciate the human appraising his mate.

“Glad you could make it,” Maverick said as he walked down the hallway. He looked from Roman to Curtis, his face studying them both. “Why don’t you go find your dads, Curtis?” Roman was thankful the human obeyed. He didn’t want to make enemies here, but he would if his mate kept getting ogled. He was very aware how gorgeous Steven was. He just didn’t want anyone else noticing it.

“He doesn’t mean anything by it,” Maverick said. “He just learned about…us. I think he was more curious than encroaching.” Roman nodded, wrapping an arm around Steven’s shoulders as he led them to an office. “I had the blueprints drawn up. I wanted you to have a look at them.”

Roman released Steven once they were inside the office. “That was pretty fast.”

Maverick shrugged. “I’m not a patient person. Not when it comes to doing things for my family.”

Roman moved to Steven’s side when a large man with long blond hair sauntered into the office.

“Roman, this is Kota. He’s my Beta.”

“Beta?” Steven looked at all three men.

Shit. Roman hadn’t explained to Steven about this entire household being Timber wolves. Granted, Steven knew the paranormal existed, but he could have given his mate the heads-up.

He was too busy thinking about that hot ass kiss on the front porch.

Roman turned to Steven. “Remember I told you that I was a bear and that the town had shifters?”

Steven nodded.

“Well, these men are Timber wolves.” Roman caught Steven as his eyes rolled back and he fainted.


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“Well, that was interesting,” Maverick said from behind his desk.

Steven’s Journey


Chapter Five

Steven sat on the front porch, feeling like a real wuss. Why the hell did he have to faint every time he learned about the weird things going on around him? He didn’t feel very manly at the moment.

“Stop beating yourself up,” Roman said as he pushed open the screen door with his shoulder, bringing out two glasses of iced tea. He handed one to Steven as he took a seat on the swing. “It happens.”

“I don’t see you fainting,” Steven said as he accepted the glass.

Steven ran a hand through his long black hair, taking a deep breath. It was hot out, his hair sticking to his sweaty skin. The Lakelands didn’t have any air-conditioning, so Steven sat out on the porch in a half attempt at catching a stray breeze.

“No, I’ve never fainted, but there’s nothing wrong with it.” Steven could hear the humor that Roman was trying hard to hide.

“Of course you never fainted, look at you.” Steven waved a hand at Roman.

Roman leaned forward and set his glass on the porch next to the swing. He sat back, twining his fingers together and resting them on those amazing abs. “What about me?”

Steven was such a goner. Roman’s grey eyes seemed to see into his soul. He was very masculine. Roman had broad shoulders, the kind that looked like they could shoulder the world. He was tanned, with nice biceps and a chest that looked like it was made for Steven to cuddle against. His upper body tapered down into a narrow waist that screamed for Steven to wrap his legs around. Roman had powerful thighs, the kind that could hold him up as Steven ground his balls into

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them. His brow slowly rose as his heart rate picked up. “You’re very handsome.” He blushed at his own words.

Roman crooked his finger at Steven, a seductive smile pulling at his lips. Steven was nervous as a virgin, which was ridiculous. He wasn’t a virgin, not by far, but Roman was so manly, so imposing, that Steven hesitated for a moment before setting his glass down and scooting closer.

Roman shook his head, crooking his finger again. Steven gulped and scooted an inch closer.

“Closer, tiger.” Roman turned sideways, spreading his legs apart.

Steven’s eyes zeroed in on Roman’s bulge in his pants. It was enormous, gigantic, colossal...he was in big trouble. Roman held his hand out and Steven nervously placed his fingers on Roman’s palm.

His fingers curled around Steven’s, giving a slight tug.

Steven got to his knees, crawling up Roman’s body until he was sitting in between Roman’s thighs. His cock grew as Roman licked his lips. “I want another one of those sweet kisses.” Steven nodded, closing his eyes as he leaned forward. His eyes shot open as Roman cupped his face and took his mouth in what could only be described as the best kiss of his life. His eyes closed again, moaning as Roman showed him what a true kiss was all about.

Steven’s head spun as he opened his mouth and Roman’s tongue thrust in. He squirmed in Roman’s lap, his fingers curling into a fist around the fabric of Roman’s shirt.

Roman broke the kiss, licking the length of Steven’s bottom lip.

“You taste so damn sweet.”

“T–thank you.” Okay, so that was the only thing that came to mind. He could handle this. Steven prayed it didn’t become too intense and he passed out. That would be the mother of all embarrassing moments.

Roman chuckled against Steven’s mouth. “You’re welcome.” Roman’s hands skimmed down Steven’s back to cup his bottom. His large hands kneaded Steven’s butt, making his hole pulse with
Steven’s Journey


anticipation. Steven’s breathing became ragged as Roman kissed him down his neck and behind his ear. “I want you, tiger.”

“M–me, too.” Steven’s head fell back, his chest rising and falling quickly as Roman’s warm lips descended to his collarbone. Steven’s skin drew tight from Roman’s scent overpowering his senses.

His hands clung to the man’s shirt, his fingers clenching and unclenching as Roman masterfully seduced him. When Roman pulled Steven closer, making their cocks touch, Steven forgot they were on someone’s porch. “Touch me, Roman, please.” He panted as Roman reached between them with one hand and, with a flick of his wrist, Steven’s jeans were unsnapped. Steven licked his lips, his throat going dry as Roman slowly lowered his zipper as if he were waiting for Steven to change his mind.

“I’m…I’m not going to stop you.”

Roman took Steven’s lips in a crushing kiss as he pulled Steven’s cock free, his thumb gliding over the head of Steven’s weeping shaft.

Roman pressed a fingernail into the slit, making Steven cry out with pleasure.

Roman groaned. “Damn, tiger.”

Steven bit his bottom lip and whimpered, clenching his ass as he pushed his cock further into Roman’s hand. “Make me come, Roman.”

Roman whispered into the shell of his ear. “With pleasure. I’ll take care of all your needs, tiger.” Steven gasped when Roman squeezed his cock and began a fast-paced stroke. He was burning up with desire. Every time he rocked forward, his cock pulsed in Roman’s hand. Steven leaned in, rubbing his forehead into Roman’s shoulder as the foreman stroked him faster.

“I’m…I’m close,” Steven warned. He nipped Roman’s shirt, feeling the pressure in his balls build.

“Close is good. Now come for me, love.” Roman rubbed the bundle of nerves under the head of Steven’s cock just so, making Steven cry out once again as his body exploded. He bit Roman’s

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shoulder as his body pulsed out his orgasm. He shuddered in Roman’s arms, feeling Roman rubbing his back with his free hand while cooing in Steven’s ear. His body slowly began to relax, his muscles uncoiling.

Roman nipped his ear, kissing away the sting as his mouth finally found Steven’s. “Did that feel good?”

“Mhmm.” Steven nodded as he broke the kiss and buried his face into Roman’s neck. Once his head cleared, Steven was fully aware of where they were and what he had just done. He stiffened in Roman’s arms, feeling like a wanton slut. Is that how Roman would look at him now?

“Relax, tiger.” Roman continued to kiss him down his neck.


BOOK: Stevens-Journey [Brac Pack 20]
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