Stevens-Journey [Brac Pack 20] (4 page)

BOOK: Stevens-Journey [Brac Pack 20]
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They shrugged but didn’t move. Roman closed the door in their faces as he turned to his mate. “I can explain.”

“Either you have extremely large pets or you’re a shifter,” Steven stated matter-of-factly as he sat on the bed.

Roman was stunned. “You’re not supposed to know about shifters.”

“Why not? One of the guys I went to school with shifted in front of me in high school. Thankfully we were in the locker room alone.

He said he was new at it and sometimes it just happened. Of course I
Steven’s Journey


questioned the logic behind him attending school with a bunch of humans, but he said it was rare it happened and he had to go there because his parents…”

Roman stared at Steven as he rattled on. He could tell his mate was prattling on from nervousness. “Steven, it’s all right.” Roman reached out and grabbed his hands. “No one here would hurt you.” Roman grunted when someone knocked on Steven’s door.

“They’re people here to see Steven. One of the Timber wolves and some human.”

“Timber wolves?” Steven grew pale as he looked up at Roman.

This was turning out to be a fucking fantastic morning, Roman thought aggravatingly to himself.

“Yes. This town is full of shifters and humans.” Roman stood, walking his mate to the door as they passed his brothers and headed downstairs. He father was standing in the kitchen with a shotgun cradled in his arms. Roman tilted his head as he stared at him.

“I wasn’t sure who they were since I haven’t met them before. It doesn’t hurt to be cautious.”

“Let me talk to them.” Steven laid his hands on Roman’s chest.

He nodded, unsure of what to do. Roman and his brothers gathered around the living room window and the screen door as Steven went outside to talk to his visitors.

Roman’s chest puffed with pride when Steven said he wanted to stay here instead of the shelter. At least he hadn’t scared his mate into running.

“He’s loyal,” Chauncey commented with a speck of pride in his voice. “He may just fit in around here after all.”

“He wants to work with me,” Roman said off-handedly. He knew his mate wanted to make his own money. He wasn’t going to fight him on it, but Steven didn’t have to worry about earning his keep around here.

They stepped back when Steven opened the screen door. “Did you mean it?” Roman asked.


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“Mean what?” Steven asked. There was a faint glint of humor in his eyes. The twins began to laugh.

“He’s got a sense of humor. Welcome to our family, Steven.” Pa chuckled, patting Steven on his shoulder. The twins whooped and picked Steven up, bouncing him in the air. Roman grunted as he grabbed his mate from his brothers’ manhandling.

“Do you want to finish our talk?”

Steven shook his head, his face flushed as he grinned at everyone.

“We can talk on our way into work.”

“Right.” Roman ran upstairs and finished getting dressed before meeting his mate at the front door.

“Don’t work him too hard,” each of the triplets warned. “We’d really appreciate it if he wasn’t too worn out to cook dinner.” Steven’s face lit up. “You really like my cooking?”

“Does a bear shit in the woods?” Chauncey’s laughter floated up from his throat, the resounding boom filled the living room. “Get it?” He laughed.

Steven’s gentle laugh rippled through the air. “I got it, but you can have it back.”

Roman roared with laughter as the rest of his family chuckled.

“Come on, tiger. Time to go to work.”

* * * *

“Would you like to get a tour before we start?” Roman asked as they exited the truck. Steven nodded as he met Roman on the sidewalk.

“Sure.” He followed behind Roman, watching that nicely shaped butt as they walked into the bike shop. His fingers itched to reach out and grab something on Roman. Anything would do right now. Hell, he’d settle for an elbow at this point. The scent of the bear was making him wish for things he prayed he could have.

Steven’s Journey


“Wow, this is amazing.” Steven walked into a large open area, taking in the exposed walls of the bike shop. The floor had a white film of dust over it, leaving his footprints behind wherever he stepped.

“It’ll be amazing once it’s complete,” Roman said as he led Steven to a back room. “This will be the Santiago brothers’ offices.” He pointed to three empty rooms. “Once we get the wiring finished and the interior walls put up.”

Steven had never seen something built from scratch. He didn’t care what Roman said. It was amazing to him now. He jumped when Roman’s hand touched his back. “Sorry.” His nerves had him jumpy.

It wasn’t the fact that Roman was a bear-shifter. It was the fact that he had never been attracted to someone this strongly before. Not even asswipe David.

“Don’t apologize.” Roman smiled at him and then pointed a few things out, talking about what needed to be done to complete the project, but all Steven could think about was that touch. He wanted Roman’s hands to touch him again.

They walked from room to room, Roman acting as a tour guide, explaining what had been done versus what still needed to be done.

Steven soaked it all up. It wasn’t what Roman was saying that had him mesmerized. It was the deep timbre of his voice that held a hypnotic tone to it. Steven could listen to Roman talk all day and never tire of it.

Steven caught the casual hand on his arm or the subtle looks Roman was giving him. His heart felt like it was beating a thousand beats a minute with those touches and looks. He wasn’t a pro at flirting, but it sure felt like Roman was.

What would it be like to be in this strong man’s arms while being loved by him? David had been a large man as well. Steven had a thing for large men. Big strong men that made him feel protected. But David had abused the trust Steven had given him. Would Roman?


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“There are other projects in the works that Maverick wants to get done here. New buildings he wants up and cottages he wants built.

There’s plenty of work to be done.”

This thrilled Steven. He liked the idea of working side by side with Roman. He still didn’t think he would get much done staring at the hunk all day. “You must really love what you do.” Roman nodded as he walked Steven back to the main room up front. “I do. There’s nothing like standing back and looking at something you had a hand in creating. It’s a wonderful feeling, a sense of accomplishment.”

Steven never had that feeling before. Not on a large scale as building something. He always felt accomplished when he paid a bill on time. Did that count?

“Hey, cuz.” A short, cocky man walked through the front door.

Steven immediately recognized the man. Oh
hell no
. There was no way the world was this small. He could feel his throat closing up as his hands began to shake.

“Morning. I need you to start on the back offices this morning.

The wiring needs to be completed so the rest of the crew can get the drywall up.” Roman continued talking, but Steven kept his eyes trained on his shoes.

Maybe the cousin hadn’t recognized him. It was a one in a million chance that he hadn’t, but Steven’s luck was never in his favor. Inch by slow inch, Steven took small steps until he eventually ended up behind Roman.

His palms became sweaty as he listened to them talk. Steven desperately wanted to grab Roman’s shirt, needing something to help him feel safe.

Roman reached behind him and grabbed Steven’s hand, giving it a light squeeze as he continued to talk. Steven grabbed onto that large hand with both of his, thankful for the anchor. Were the two men really cousins? He hoped not.

Steven’s Journey


“I’ll be away at lunch time. I have some things to take care of,” Roman said. This made Steven glance up at Roman’s back. Where did he have to go? How long would he be gone? Steven didn’t like this bit of news.

He really did feel safe in Roman’s presence. It was as if he was enveloped in a security blanket with Roman’s presence.

“I can handle the crew while you’re out.” The cocky man snorted as he set his tool belt down.

“I’ll be up at Maverick’s for a good portion of the morning discussing his ideas for the cottages he wants built.” Roman ran his thumb over the backs of Steven’s clinging hands. Why couldn’t the guy go start his work so Steven could get the hell out of there?

“Make sure you tell one of the Santiago brothers that we need to discuss with them about the repair shop they want in the back.” Roman nodded. “I planned on taking care of that while I was out there.” Roman began to walk toward the front door, pulling Steven along with him. As they walked, Roman kept Steven at an angle so the cousin couldn’t get a good look at him.

Steven was thankful Roman caught the hint. He was trying to start over. He didn’t need this bullshit.

They walked until they reached the other side of the resource center. Roman pulled him to the side of the building, looking back at the street before his gunmetal-grey eyes finally settled on Steven.

“Okay, what’s going on?”

Steven’s stomach was clenched tight. He felt like he was going to vomit. His nerves were frazzled. He leaned back, exhaling with agitation. “I know him.” He waved his hand toward the bike shop.

“How do you know my cousin?” Roman’s extraordinary grey eyes burned and glowed. So they
related, just great. Steven wasn’t sure what he should do. None of this was making much sense to him.

If they were cousins, did this mean he couldn’t trust Roman?

Steven lifted his chin, meeting Roman’s gaze straight on. He spoke with a bravado he didn’t feel inside. “He hangs around David.”

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Roman tilted his head, studying Steven for a moment before he asked. “And who is David?”

“He’s the man I’m running from.”

Steven’s Journey


Chapter Three

Roman thought about Steven’s words as he walked around Maverick’s backyard. When he felt his mate cringing behind him, Roman’s protective instincts reared and he knew he had to get Steven alone to find out what was wrong.

His cousin Dommy had always stayed in trouble. It was well known that Dommy
half that trouble. He believed Steven when he told Roman that Dommy hung around his ex. Roman had first thought that maybe his cousin and Steven had been lovers and that was why Steven was hiding behind him.

It pissed him off to think his cousin had slept with his mate, even if it was before Roman knew Steven existed. He didn’t share with anyone. Not past lovers and definitely not his mate.

It turned out that they weren’t, which was a big relief to Roman.

He was going to have a long talk with his cousin when he got back to the bike shop. He had seen recognition in Dommy’s eyes when he spotted Steven. If he said anything to this David guy, Roman was going to beat his ass this side of Sunday. Family or not.

He made sure Dommy had plenty of work to do before he left. He didn’t want him anywhere near Steven. His mate promised not to go anywhere near the bike shop and said he would stay with Taylor.

Roman didn’t like it, wanted to bring Steven with him, but his mate insisted that Taylor needed help getting the center ready for its opening.

“I was thinking about having six cottages built,” Maverick said as they walked along the property.


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“There’s plenty of room for what you’re asking. I don’t see a problem with building them,” Roman said. His mind wasn’t fully on the conversation. He wanted to get back to town and check on Steven.

“My family has grown, and some of them want a home of their own. I feel better knowing that they are close-by,” Maverick explained.

“I can understand that. Shifters do tend to stick together.” Maverick nodded. “I’d kill anyone who ever tried to harm any of them. It’s not only my job to take care of my pack, but I truly care about each and every one of them as well. I want the cottages to have a homey feel. Something my pack can enjoy living in for many years to come.”

“You just have the blueprints drawn up and I’ll make sure they get that added touch,” Roman said as they walked back toward the house.

“I’m glad I hired you. I like what I’ve seen so far.” Roman chuckled. “Thanks.”

Maverick stopped before they reached the back door. “How is your family doing?”

Roman shrugged. “They’re fine. They enjoy being farmers.

Although half the time I want to strangle the crap out of them. ” Maverick laughed. “I know how you feel. Living with so many different personalities has its moments.”

“Now that I can relate to. My cousin Dommy is working on these projects with me. He’s has a rep for being a troublemaker, but I’ll make sure I keep him out of trouble.” Maverick grinned evilly. “If not, you can always hand him over to your brothers. They look like they could whip him into shape.”

“I wish. We’ve been trying to make him grow up for years. It’s kinda hard to keep an eye on him when he lives so far away. He rented an apartment while he’s here working, but he won’t come to the house, no matter how much we try to convince him otherwise. It’s too bad his parents died. His pa wouldn’t have let him behave that way.”

Steven’s Journey


Maverick walked away from the back door and took a seat at one of the picnic tables. “I know you’ve only been here a few years, but I’m glad you’re here. I haven’t told anyone except my Beta and Commander. I wanted you guys to feel at home. Your dad asked me to keep your shifter status quiet.”

“We’re doing a good job of blending in, but I think Dommy might be trouble. I normally wouldn’t say anything about my family, but you’ve been very kind to us.” It had been kept quiet for so many centuries about the different types of shifters in the world. Now when he ran across a different breed, it always amazed Roman. He still felt strange sitting next to a Timber wolf. They had moved from a bear-dominant community when his mother passed away, his father wanting to escape the memories.

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