Stone Arabia

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Authors: Dana Spiotta

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Literary, #Family Life

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Also by Dana Spiotta

Lightning Field
Eat the Document




A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2011 by Dana Spiotta

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Scribner Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

First Scribner hardcover edition July 2011

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2011017816

ISBN 978-1-4516-1796-2
ISBN 978-1-4516-1798-6 (ebook)

For clem coleman


The beauty for which I aim needs little to appear—unbelievably little. Anyplace—the most destitute—is good enough for it.

Jean Dubuffet,
Landscaped Tables,
Landscapes of the Mind, Stones of Philosophy


I just wanna stay in the garage all night.

“Garageland,” the Clash,
written by Mick Jones and Joe Strummer




Chapter 1: The Chronicles

Chapter 2: The Counterchronicles

Chapter 3: December 31, 2003– January 1, 2004

Chapter 4: January 2, 2004

Chapter 5: January 3, 2004

Chapter 6: February 9

Chapter 7: February 10

Chapter 8: February 14–15

Chapter 9: February 17 and 18

Chapter 10: February 20

Chapter 11: February 21

Chapter 12: Sometime in March

Chapter 13: My Fragile Border Moments Breaking Events

Chapter 14: Fragile Border Moment #1 Breaking Event #1

Chapter 15: Breaking Event #2

Chapter 16: Breaking Event #3

Chapter 17: Breaking Event #4

Chapter 18: April 2–14, 2004

Chapter 19: April 20

Chapter 20: April 24

Chapter 21: April 25

Chapter 22: April 27

Chapter 23: April 28

Chapter 24: Breaking Event #5

Chapter 25: May 10 Into Early May 11

Chapter 26: May 11

Chapter 27: May 23

Chapter 28: May 25, 26, 27

Chapter 29: May 28

Chapter 30: 2006

Chapter 31: 1972

Author’s Note


About the Author

he always said it started, or became apparent to her, when their father brought him a guitar for his tenth birthday. At least that was the family legend, repeated and burnished into a shared over-memory. But she did really think it was true: he changed in one identifiable moment. Up until that point, Nik’s main occupations had been reading
magazine and making elaborate ink drawings of dogs and cats behaving like far-out hipsters. He had characters—Mickey the shaggy mutt who smoked weed and rode motorcycles; Linda the sluttish afghan who wore her hair hanging over one eye; and Nik Kat, his little alter ego, a cool cat who played pranks and escaped many close calls. Nik Kat addressed the reader directly and gave little winky comments about not wanting you to turn the page. Denise appeared as Little Kit Kat, the wonder tot. She had a cape and followed all the orders Nik Kat gave her. Nik made a full book out of each episode. He would make three or four copies with carbon paper and then later make more at some expense at the print shop, but each of the covers was created by hand and unique: he drew the images in Magic Marker and then collaged in pieces of colored paper cut from magazines. Denise still had Nik’s zines in a box somewhere. He gave one
copy to her and Mom (they had to share), one to his girlfriend of the moment (Nik always had a girlfriend), one was put in a plastic sleeve and filed in his fledgling archives, and one went to their father, who lived in San Francisco.

Nik would take his father’s issue, sign it, and write a limited-edition number on it before taping it into an elaborate package cut from brown paper grocery bags. He would address it to Mr. Richard Kranis. (Always with the word
written next to it in microscopic letters. This alluded to an earlier time when each person in Nik’s life was assigned the name and identity of a god. Naturally his dad was Kronos, and even though Nik had long ago moved on from his childish myths-and-gods phase, their father forever retained his Kronos moniker in subtle subscript.) Nik would draw all over the package, making the wrapping paper an extension of the story inside. After he mailed it off to his father, he recorded the edition numbers and who possessed them in his master book. Even then he seemed to be annotating his own life for future reference. “Self-curate or disappear,” he would say when they were older and Denise began to mock him for his obsessive archiving.

Denise didn’t think their father ever responded to these packages, but maybe he did. She never asked Nik about it. Her father would send a couple of toys in the mail for their birthdays, but not always, and not every birthday. She remembered him visiting a week after Christmas one year and bringing a carload of presents. He gave Denise a little bike with removable training wheels and sparkly purple handlebar tassels. But the most significant surprise was when he turned up for Nik’s tenth birthday.

Nik and Denise lived on Vista Del Mar about two blocks from the Hollywood Freeway. Their mother rented a small white stucco bungalow. (In his comics Nik dubbed the house Casa El Camino Real, which later became Casa Real—pronounced “ray-al” or “reel,” depending on how sarcastic you were feeling—and they found it forever amusing to always refer to it that way; eventually even their mother called it Casa Real. By the time Nik was in high school, he had become one of those people who gives names to everything: his car, his school, his bands, his friends. One who knew him well—say, Denise—could tell his mood by what nickname he used. The only things that didn’t get nicknames were his guitars. They were referred to by brand names—the Gibson—or by categories—the bass—and never as, say, his
and he never gave them gender-specific pronouns, like “she’s out of tune.” Giving nicknames to his gear seemed unserious to him.)

When they first moved in to Casa Real, Nik had his own room while Denise shared a room with her mother. Later on Denise got Nik’s room and Nik made the back dining room—with its own door leading outside—into his spacious master bedroom/smoking den/private enclave. Later still he would commandeer the entire garage. Nik stapled carpet remnants on the walls and made a soundproof recording and rehearsal studio.

For his tenth birthday, Nik wanted to go to the movies with a couple of friends and then have a cookout in the backyard with cake and presents. That was the plan. Nik wanted to see
Dr. Strangelove,
but Denise was too little, so they went to the Campus on Vermont Avenue to see the Beatles movie
A Hard
Day’s Night.
Nik was a bit of a Beatle skeptic; he had the 45s, but he wasn’t sure it wasn’t too much of a girl thing. The movie erased all his doubt. Denise remembered how everything about it thrilled them—the music, of course, but also the fast cuts, the deadpan wit, the mod style, the amused asides right into the camera. The songs actually made them feel high, and in each instance felt permanently embedded in their brains by the second repetition of the chorus. They stayed in their seats right through the credits. If it wasn’t for the party, there was no question they would have watched it again straight through.

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